From: Raczkowski, David [e-mail address redacted] Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 2:44 PM To: myriad-mayo_2014 Subject: feedback on rules Hello, In the attached paper [ Files/articles/2014/Routine%20Means%20Necessary%20For%20 Section%20101%203.ashx.], I point out problems in the new guidelines. This paper was written before the Supreme Court’s decision in CLS Bank, which did not change the proper interpretation of “routine” meaning necessary. CLS bank simply concluded that a computer was effectively necessary, and thus the claims were co-extensive with the abstract idea. Regards Dave David Raczkowski Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Eighth Floor | Two Embarcadero Center | San Francisco, CA 94111 office 415 273 7555 | fax 415 723 7192