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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)
Older TAF (TAF is the predecessor of PTMT) publications (Patent Profiles, Technology Assessment and Forecast Reports, and others) and products (Industrial Patent Activity Report) are described below. They may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). The table that follows the descriptions, below, presents information for ordering these publications. Interested persons should contact NTIS regarding the prices of specific publications since prices are likely to have changed.
- Industrial Patent Activity in the United States, Parts 1 and 2
This two-part publication gives information about the activity, ownership and national origin of patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. It identifies those U.S. and foreign organizations (i.e., corporations, government agencies, and universities) which have been most active in the U.S. Patent System during recent years. Each part is described below and may be purchased separately. Please note that this report is a more comprehensive version of Parts A and B of the PTMT "All Technologies Report", described elsewhere in this brochure.
- Industrial Patent Activity in the United States, Part 1 - Time Series Profile by Company and Country of Origin, 1974-present
This publication shows the relative levels of patenting by all nations active in the U.S. Patent System and gives yearly counts of patents (for each of the last 14 years) attributed to corporate, government and unaffiliated, e.g., "independent" inventors. It identifies companies having 15 or more patents during the time period, and ranks them in terms of total patent grants during the period. Patent grant activity for each year is profiled by both year of patent grant and year of patent application.
- Industrial Patent Activity in the United States, Part 2 - Alphabetical Listing by Company, 1974-present
This publication is an alphabetical list of more than 26,000 U.S. and foreign organizations receiving at least 5 patents during the time period. Included for each organization is the total count for the period.
- Patent Profiles - Robots (May 1985)
This publication presents data about U.S. patent activity in seven areas of robotics - arm motion controllers, spatial arm movement, drive systems, arm parts, end effectors, sensors,and miscellaneous methods and apparatus. The report identifies 875 U.S. patents issued from 1963 through 1984. Graphs show foreign origin and U.S. origin patent activity per year, tables display the countries of origin of patents, and both rank ordered and alphabetical lists of patent owners are included.
- Patent Profiles - Telecommunications (August 1984)
This publication identifies more than 48,000 Telecommunications patents issued since 1963, divided into seven areas. It analyzes patenting levels and trends, geographic origins and ownership, and reproduces sample front pages. The publication further defines 21 subdivisions of telecommunications technology and presents more detailed U.S. patent activity in profiles of each subdivision.
- Patent Profiles -Biotechnology: 1982 Update (September 1983)
This publication profiles the patenting activity in six areas of biotechnology involving enzymes and microorganisms, their use in the synthesis of certain products, and their preparation or modification. It includes an analysis of legal decisions which have affected the patenting of biotechnology processes and products. It lists recent foreign patent documents which disclose genetic engineering, and includes front pages of recent patents and selected patents of interest. This publication includes a section which updates through 1982 the six biotechnology areas profiled in PATENT PROFILES - Biotechnology.
- Patent Profiles - Microelectronics - II (January 1983)
This publication is the second in the series of profiles on microelectronics, and covers two additional areas of the technology -- Digital Logic Circuits and Semiconductor Memories. A third section -- Speech Analysis and Synthesis -- examines an area dealing with a practical application of microelectronics technology. It includes front pages of 30 patents and briefly describes their particular significance in the art. Also, it provides an analysis of organizational patenting patterns.
- Patent Profiles - Microelectronics - I (February 1981)
This publication profiles the patenting activity in two representative segments of microelectronics technology relating to integrated circuit structure and information processing devices, e.g., "CPU's." For patents issuing from January to October 1980, it includes front pages which show bibliographic information, an abstract of the disclosure, and a representative drawing. It also includes information about references cited during the examination period.
- Patent Profiles - Solar Energy (January 1980)
This publication profiles the patenting activity in five areas of technology which use energy provided by the sun, and in three areas which use energy derived from other natural sources, such as wind, tide, wave, and geothermal. A cumulative profile of the five solar areas illustrates the dramatic growth in this field
- Patent Profiles - Synthetic Fuels (December 1979)
This publication profiles the patenting activity in ten areas of synthetic fuel technology dealing with the conversion of solid carbonaceous material to liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons. Starting materials include coal, oil shale, bituminous sands, wood and organic wastes.
- Tenth Report (November 1981)
This report updates the "Top 50" most active technologies introduced in the Ninth Report. It reviews the U.S. patent activity of some of the largest European and Japanese foreign multinational corporations -- over time, across technology and relative to one another. It provides an extensive review of the changing standards for computer software patentability, including the 1981 Supreme Court decision, and examines the impacts of such changes on a representative technology -- seismic data processing. It demonstrates, using aerospace technology patenting as an example, how the patent file can be used as a source for bibliographic data.
- Ninth Report (March 1979)
This report presents "Top 50" technologies in three categories -- Most Active, Fastest Growing, and Most Foreign-Active -- for each of three broad groupings of technology -- Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical. It examines trends in domestic patenting and independent inventor patenting. It includes an extensive review of patenting in "Ferrous Metal" technologies. It concludes with a discussion of two experiments in the transfer of "appropriate technology" to small businesses and developing countries.
- Eighth Report (December 1977)
This report reviews U.S. patenting in the context of domestic vs. international patenting and analyzes the balance of patenting between the United States and other countries. It presents an analysis of the extent of disclosure of patented technology in the non-patent literature, showing that much of patented technology is only disclosed in the patent documents. This report concludes with an in depth analysis of patent activity in geophysical exploration for hydrocarbons.
- Seventh Report (March 1977)
This report reviews historical patenting and trademark registration trends, and includes the most extensive collection of historical U.S. patent data ever presented in a single publication. It uses data relating to patents granted by foreign nations for a study of invention sources. It uses pending patent application data for forecasting. It presents brief reviews of 16 technologies experiencing high overall or foreign patent activity. It concludes with a comprehensive assessment of activity in computer memories.
- Sixth Report (June 1976)
This report reviews 15 technologies with unusually high foreign activity and 22 technologies with high overall activity. It updates the 1973 reports on patent activity in solar energy, and adds reports on the use of waste material or wind for energy generation. It presents comparisons of patenting to research and development (R and D) expenditures and R and D manpower allocations in six selected industries. The report concludes with a review of the most often cited patents in 1975, five U.S. and one foreign patent.
- Fifth Report (August 1975)
This report reviews patent activity with unusually high activity overall or unusually high activity by foreign resident inventors. Statistical reports on specific areas of technology include: vehicles, horology, information handling, electronics textile technologies, photography, organic compositions and processes, and inorganic compositions and processes. In addition, patent examiner reports are provided on prostaglandins, color electrophotography, and gas lasers.
- Fourth Report: A Review of Patent Ownership (January 1975)
This report identifies the 73 corporations and government agencies which received 500 or more patents during the five year period 1969-1973, and reviews and compares their patent activity across the spectrum of technology. It also reviews in terms of patent ownership, the patent activity during the same period in nuclear energy technology and oil shale and coal gasification technology.
- Third Report (June 1974)
This report presents an overview of the technological activity, across all technologies, of a group of selected foreign countries and a group of selected U.S. states. It extends energy area treatments to include oil shale and coal gasification technologies. It also reviews additional technological areas having a high level of overall activity.
- Early Warning Report (December 1973)
This report spotlights those technological areas experiencing a high level of overall activity or foreign activity. It reviews patent activity in a number of energy areas, including nuclear, solar, geothermal, and tide, wind and wave energy.
- Initial Publication (May 1973)
This report describes PTMT programs and gives sample reports on 24 wide-ranging areas of technology in varying levels of detail.
- Design Patents (1983)
This report compiles all available statistics on design patents in the United States. It also profiles major divisions within the design patent file, and identifies the origins and ownership of U.S. design patents. It includes selected patent front pages from each class in the Design Classification System.
- Industrial Robots: A Survey of Foreign and Domestic U.S. Patents (August 1982)
This report analyzes 212 U.S. patents disclosing industrial robot technology, including control and positioning, programming and motion systems, sensors, and grippers. It includes patent front pages and the first pages of the specification, arranged by technology. It discusses countries most active in U.S. patenting robotics. It includes microfiche containing the full text of 212 robot patents.
- Telecommunications - PATENT PROFILES, Microfiche Supplement (August 1984)
This supplement contains the patent numbers of all patents included in PATENT PROFILES-Telecommunications, separated according to technology area. It gives the titles for all patents granted since 1969. Patents assigned to organizations are grouped by organization (assignee) name. Other patents are grouped by name of inventor. For unassigned patents, the full address of each inventor is included.
Other products available from NTIS contain patent data as obtained from the TAF database such as the "Statistical Abstract of the United States" (prepared by the Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Census). Contact NTIS for a current catalog of their complete products and services.
Copies of the TAF publications (TAF is the predecessor of PTMT) listed below are available from:
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
(703) 605-6000
The following table displays TAF publications (TAF is the predecessor of PTMT) available from NTIS. Title Media Date NTIS Order
Number *Domestic
ALPHABETICAL LISTING BY COMPANY 1974-1998 (approx. 391 pages)Paper 1998 PB 99-160905 $94.50 $189.00 INITIAL PUBLICATION Paper 1973 COM 73-10767 contact NTIS contact NTIS EARLY WARNING REPORT Paper 1973 COM 74-10150 contact NTIS contact NTIS THIRD REPORT Paper 1974 COM 74-11383 contact NTIS contact NTIS FOURTH REPORT Paper 1975 COM 75-10050 contact NTIS contact NTIS FIFTH REPORT Paper 1975 COM 75-11142 contact NTIS contact NTIS SIXTH REPORT Paper 1976 PB 254188 contact NTIS contact NTIS SEVENTH REPORT Paper 1977 PB 265792 contact NTIS contact NTIS EIGHTH REPORT Paper 1977 PB 276375 contact NTIS contact NTIS NINTH REPORT Paper 1979 PB 293380 contact NTIS contact NTIS TENTH REPORT Paper 1981 PB 82-215658 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- SYNTHETIC FUELS Paper 1979 PB 80-128572 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- SOLAR ENERGY Paper 1980 PB 80-190010 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- MICROELECTRONICS-I Paper 1981 PB 81-179582 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- MICROELECTRONICS-II Paper 1983 PB 83-132613 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- BIOTECHNOLOGY:1982 Paper 1983 PB 83-240937 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- BIOTECHNOLOGY UPDATE Paper 1985 PB 85-186153 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- ROBOTS Paper 1984 PB 84-211044 contact NTIS contact NTIS PATENT PROFILES-- TELECOMMUNICATIONS*** Paper 1984 PB 84-211051 contact NTIS contact NTIS DESIGN PATENTS Paper 1983 PB 83-224063 contact NTIS contact NTIS INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS: A SURVEY OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC
U.S. PATENTSPaper 1982 PB 82-169269 contact NTIS contact NTIS NTIS MICROFICHE OF SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Microfiche varies varies contact NTIS contact NTIS
* When ordering from NTIS, please give the publication title and
its "COM" or "PB" number.
** Domestic prices are for orders from the U.S. Canada and
Mexico. Foreign prices generally will be higher. Contact NTIS
for updated prices.
NOTE: Prices and availability are subject to change.
Questions regarding this report should be directed to:
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT
MDW 4C18; P.O Box 1450
Alexandria VA 22313-1450tel: (571) 272-5600
fax: (571) 273-0110
email: oeip@uspto.govaddress of PTMT pages at the USPTO Web Site: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/reports.htm
selected PTMT materials available for download at : http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/data/
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