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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)

Patent Counts By Class By Year


Parts of the Report

Description of the Report
Report Printing and Use of Spreadsheet Software

PART I, Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL Classification Only -
Part I counts patents only according to the "original" (i.e., primary) classification assigned to each patent. If the patent record is incomplete and the "original" classification is unknown, then the (non-design) patent is counted in class 001. Design patents with an unknown "original" classification are counted in design class D00. See the Description of the Report section, below, for further details.

PART II, Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL and CROSS-REFERENCE Classifications with Duplicate Patents Eliminated Within Classes -
Part II counts patents according to the "original" and "cross-reference" classifications assigned to each patent. Counts of duplicate patents are eliminated within each class, but not among classes. For example, the same patent would be counted once in Class 2 and once in Class 4 if it has classifications assigned in both classes. If the patent record is incomplete and the classification is unknown, then the (non-design) patent is counted in class 001. Design patents with unknown classification are counted in design class D00. See the Description of the Report section, below, for further details.


Patent Counts By Class By Year
Patents Granted: 1977 - 2015
A Patent Technology Monitoring Team Report

Description of the Report

Classes are major divisions of technology in the U.S. Patent Classification System (USPC). Each class is further divided into smaller divisions of technology called subclasses. The USPC currently contains approximately 475 total classes and 165,000 total subclasses. Copies of each patent are placed (classified) in those subclasses that have been identified as pertinent to the information disclosed in the patent. One, and only one, of these subclasses is designated as the "original classification" (OR), and the remainder (if any) are designated as "cross-reference classifications" (XR).

The "original" classification of a patent may be considered to be its "primary" classification. This classification need not correspond to any classification that was assigned to the patent at the time of issue since the classification system is continuously undergoing revision and since classifications that are assigned to patents are continuously updated to reflect these revisions. Counting patents by "original" classifications will ensure that each patent is counted only once. However, if a patent teaches more than one concept, e.g., table and chair, only one concept, e.g., table, will be counted. To ensure that all concepts are counted, patents should be counted in all of their classifications. Patent classifications used to produce this report are those assigned to patents as of December 31, 2015 . Please refer to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Manual of Patent Classification for further information regarding the patent classification system.

Please note that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has transitioned from the U.S. Patent Classification System (USPC) to the Cooperative Patent Classification System (CPC) and that USPC classifications generally are no longer available for U.S. utility patents that issued after early June, 2015. Therefore, in this report, USPC classifications for utility patents issuing after early June 2015 have been determined as a best estimate based on USPC classifications that were assigned to the associated patent applications during early processing stages and based on other information, as available. As a result of the transition to CPC, utility patents granted after early June 2015 have fewer USPC "cross-reference classifications" and often may have no "cross-reference classifications" associated with them. An effect of this change can be seen in the substantially reduced total count of annual "original" and "cross-reference classifications" for 2015 as compared to 2014 (table in Part II). About 90% of all patent documents granted by USPTO (i.e., including utility, design, plant, and reissue patents, statutory invention registrations, and defensive publications) are utility patent grants.

This report counts all patent documents including utility, design, plant, and reissue patents as well as statutory invention registrations and defensive publications.

Report Printing and the Use of Spreadsheet Software

This report can be printed from an Internet browser - for such printing, optimal results are usually obtained by printing in landscape orientation with minimal margins and a small text font.

Additionally, a user may import this report file into spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel to facilitate printing. Such spreadsheet software also may facilitate sorting and further manipulation of the data.

Patent Counts By Class By Year
Patents Granted: 1977 - 2015
A Patent Technology Monitoring Team Report

Part I, Patent Counts By Class By Year
Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL Classification Only

Number of Patents Granted as Distributed by Year of Patent Grant
Breakout by U.S. Patent Classification System Class

PART I, Patent Counts By Class By Year, Breakout by U.S. Patent Classification System Class.
Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL Patent Classification Only are presented.
Patents Granted: 01/01/1977 - 12/31/2015
Class Class Title PRE_1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
002 Apparel 3875 270 384 426 508 601 568 550 497 338 408 341 381 238 220 174 401 427 429 420 427 478 12361
004 Baths, Closets, Sinks, and Spittoons 3394 230 198 218 311 409 327 351 398 329 309 231 219 183 138 111 190 259 359 265 279 329 9037
005 Beds 3627 268 335 298 312 314 353 343 333 373 403 389 390 278 350 331 403 354 398 457 529 504 11342
007 Compound Tools 360 14 28 25 31 40 41 46 39 33 38 39 39 29 10 13 15 17 13 24 24 38 956
008 Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers 3656 188 211 159 228 310 239 187 194 243 212 136 194 205 180 181 237 249 204 202 200 149 7964
012 Boot and Shoe Making 354 7 11 10 14 20 6 11 6 9 9 4 9 6 11 9 17 16 17 15 16 24 601
014 Bridges 448 44 41 30 39 41 32 28 53 38 49 34 46 39 32 40 38 60 54 59 64 34 1343
015 Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning 5422 432 446 394 544 599 620 506 447 500 425 351 346 437 392 381 576 561 590 811 762 719 16261
016 Miscellaneous Hardware (e.g., Bushing, Carpet Fastener, Caster, Door Closer, Panel Hanger, Attachable or Adjunct Handle, Hinge, Window Sash Balance, Etc.) 2167 148 179 164 216 202 227 199 270 258 215 190 232 166 145 215 258 274 258 297 296 284 6860
019 Textiles: Fiber Preparation 1145 66 54 54 47 45 58 65 52 42 22 20 28 15 27 32 46 27 15 15 15 17 1907
023 Chemistry: Physical Processes 239 12 5 5 13 7 14 10 11 8 5 10 6 4 7 9 11 19 15 19 12 13 454
024 Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, Etc. 3502 236 227 293 288 299 276 306 357 322 205 144 223 200 200 182 204 216 260 317 308 340 8905
026 Textiles: Cloth Finishing 302 26 20 17 23 25 14 12 7 9 7 8 6 9 4 4 9 4 13 5 3 1 528
027 Undertaking 164 14 16 28 24 20 23 23 12 25 15 12 13 42 33 23 22 31 26 26 25 36 653
028 Textiles: Manufacturing 818 60 38 47 39 45 54 44 51 45 46 23 45 42 39 33 24 20 20 21 25 24 1603
029 Metal Working 14286 878 924 976 1203 1120 1252 1379 1260 1472 1398 1244 1495 1250 1034 1117 1491 1518 1820 1711 1919 1665 42412
030 Cutlery 3971 213 234 228 276 304 291 282 306 299 275 221 230 199 164 170 205 254 245 248 306 242 9163
033 Geometrical Instruments 5134 320 246 195 255 213 318 341 407 386 374 398 379 413 382 376 396 373 286 285 299 283 12059
034 Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact with Solids 3015 167 250 229 241 284 349 234 256 184 202 193 187 97 157 75 82 161 192 211 246 227 7239
036 Boots, Shoes, and Leggings 2387 160 146 177 258 259 227 202 194 185 217 196 214 175 208 185 272 235 270 269 295 295 7026
037 Excavating 1396 86 103 79 102 112 122 108 139 110 115 103 95 67 43 116 170 102 88 77 108 128 3569
038 Textiles: Ironing or Smoothing 426 29 32 37 34 33 38 30 36 23 36 20 39 28 26 22 30 21 43 56 29 18 1086
040 Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting 3045 191 176 188 214 240 265 262 249 313 246 202 173 205 221 184 235 242 249 212 293 232 7837
042 Firearms 1724 139 108 144 149 136 87 164 189 195 155 119 130 129 135 135 212 240 276 315 386 383 5650
043 Fishing, Trapping, and Vermin Destroying 3952 212 274 176 184 346 292 206 243 296 221 195 169 139 130 133 195 155 155 182 217 222 8294
044 Fuel and Related Compositions 2054 96 105 79 100 105 119 98 77 112 89 46 28 58 66 82 93 105 113 153 176 183 4137
047 Plant Husbandry 2045 173 178 130 143 192 236 200 222 206 129 104 107 83 49 105 168 159 181 193 169 196 5368
048 Gas: Heating and Illuminating 955 34 23 42 44 29 19 26 7 21 37 28 51 60 69 81 86 103 139 153 144 134 2285
049 Movable or Removable Closures 2654 174 176 139 176 182 236 194 191 168 187 140 139 80 88 110 149 132 205 265 304 300 6389
051 Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, or Composition 812 51 69 73 42 52 45 70 77 82 71 41 31 45 29 40 21 68 60 80 112 118 2089
052 Static Structures (e.g., Buildings) 10980 616 750 830 1000 983 1012 1136 974 851 774 678 565 441 400 601 1112 940 1215 1500 1643 1469 30470
053 Package Making 5124 418 391 436 538 394 456 387 359 418 425 378 352 248 360 308 321 301 291 292 231 325 12753
054 Harness for Working Animal 250 16 15 12 27 12 31 24 33 35 31 13 27 34 25 25 9 12 22 14 9 8 684
055 Gas Separation 1649 77 96 103 184 152 170 172 190 169 177 150 147 181 253 276 307 358 301 319 281 254 5966
056 Harvesters 3236 198 158 116 214 238 229 182 205 201 178 199 165 118 142 157 216 184 177 130 133 182 6958
057 Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining 2864 111 109 111 162 116 107 132 98 61 66 50 75 48 57 41 52 56 59 58 55 29 4517
059 Chain, Staple, and Horseshoe Making 331 20 12 20 27 27 23 41 28 29 24 27 30 28 34 34 26 26 23 30 36 29 905
060 Power Plants 9534 620 503 537 710 672 740 1025 974 944 951 947 1095 758 707 906 1147 1217 1467 1802 1929 2048 31233
062 Refrigeration 8750 636 632 685 791 902 884 1045 1099 1022 813 660 797 836 564 481 698 674 614 749 814 919 25065
063 Jewelry 430 36 42 55 40 33 41 36 56 52 43 26 40 38 37 25 29 26 30 32 36 44 1227
065 Glass Manufacturing 3973 101 118 200 234 251 175 194 200 202 223 124 139 97 103 84 146 195 203 207 258 234 7661
066 Textiles: Knitting 1442 69 94 73 73 89 141 128 71 70 82 81 80 61 49 72 73 70 32 49 26 29 2954
068 Textiles: Fluid Treating Apparatus 1037 62 70 80 112 111 69 49 79 72 29 33 35 72 93 113 106 114 112 121 136 134 2839
069 Leather Manufactures 110 0 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 7 0 1 1 4 5 4 3 2 6 0 160
070 Locks 3197 210 201 242 338 322 249 211 287 308 222 212 203 178 205 153 160 188 217 210 228 195 7936
071 Chemistry: Fertilizers 795 61 44 59 58 42 39 62 64 24 27 14 12 11 14 18 48 42 51 48 65 93 1691
072 Metal Deforming 6564 277 325 389 470 500 435 450 343 350 322 259 458 385 308 258 272 294 386 414 330 354 14143
073 Measuring and Testing 19440 1356 1465 1347 1654 1529 1517 1575 1685 2056 1724 1781 1917 1797 1918 1726 1934 1894 1998 2125 2187 2266 56891
074 Machine Element or Mechanism 7460 373 490 425 618 626 613 604 561 491 410 354 390 390 340 378 471 477 609 688 725 1027 18520
075 Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures 4023 245 175 150 200 247 231 274 289 235 190 131 102 136 123 174 205 210 203 191 224 206 8164
076 Metal Tools and Implements, Making 522 44 28 24 23 19 31 21 19 22 15 10 9 16 8 11 14 13 21 18 9 10 907
079 Button Making 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 10
081 Tools 2883 142 193 130 184 285 352 407 293 228 256 310 417 337 205 115 195 212 205 301 278 280 8208
082 Turning 1257 33 41 64 73 82 68 75 55 109 50 45 49 30 38 52 63 68 70 58 54 50 2484
083 Cutting 4713 183 157 177 301 337 314 286 204 264 320 210 272 174 144 157 215 243 255 247 286 279 9738
084 Music 4251 343 324 273 342 417 381 347 306 277 274 234 316 374 425 483 560 451 392 386 495 472 12123
086 Ammunition and Explosive-Charge Making 298 16 10 14 21 10 11 16 15 15 7 14 15 12 14 14 18 13 12 16 22 22 605
087 Textiles: Braiding, Netting, and Lace Making 148 11 6 6 13 15 7 8 11 9 5 2 8 11 7 3 9 9 14 20 30 10 362
089 Ordnance 2243 131 79 109 120 107 80 123 115 124 115 87 84 96 104 133 185 229 256 282 267 266 5335
091 Motors: Expansible Chamber Type 2387 67 87 77 111 77 80 92 104 81 92 69 79 80 48 49 34 52 40 39 50 54 3849
092 Expansible Chamber Devices 1572 101 93 111 141 136 99 153 160 144 113 106 99 127 103 75 86 77 70 85 88 130 3869
095 Gas Separation: Processes 2372 135 136 132 205 216 205 227 272 276 218 166 211 165 213 189 296 341 381 475 408 310 7549
096 Gas Separation: Apparatus 2070 97 111 124 138 133 126 130 168 159 142 116 108 128 151 190 207 185 246 268 279 222 5498
099 Foods and Beverages: Apparatus 3211 309 279 320 306 352 332 332 277 278 247 173 176 112 169 161 239 198 255 279 397 309 8711
100 Presses 1864 99 103 103 135 105 82 82 56 129 105 82 108 73 97 55 51 61 72 89 107 99 3757
101 Printing 4516 339 357 366 525 447 431 385 438 546 581 333 353 205 201 168 192 193 188 202 288 310 11564
102 Ammunition and Explosives 3221 180 155 143 155 132 121 215 192 213 151 137 141 110 141 133 172 202 224 225 196 212 6771
104 Railways 1499 82 86 102 73 52 65 91 105 84 57 47 33 41 51 66 87 67 92 107 72 70 3029
105 Railway Rolling Stock 1263 78 77 71 91 55 64 99 91 81 49 67 49 43 47 55 74 77 82 106 105 85 2809
106 Compositions: Coating or Plastic 5368 406 394 415 554 518 427 428 472 489 489 311 372 411 365 327 509 424 478 437 435 432 14461
108 Horizontally Supported Planar Surfaces 1444 138 167 158 159 176 190 152 155 149 159 110 118 64 71 88 130 132 179 166 155 175 4435
109 Safes, Bank Protection, or a Related Device 346 11 12 22 21 16 11 7 12 14 8 12 5 6 7 4 7 3 12 19 6 20 581
110 Furnaces 2058 80 104 121 143 82 93 119 92 50 68 79 62 33 32 23 51 29 54 56 71 55 3555
111 Planting 649 41 55 47 38 59 59 68 48 66 58 47 59 57 59 61 70 54 50 63 79 74 1861
112 Sewing 3480 134 178 156 181 188 157 146 87 65 112 92 89 71 78 69 65 90 112 71 100 84 5805
114 Ships 4144 268 271 256 257 277 336 318 274 287 258 321 331 292 259 206 213 232 252 231 310 363 9956
116 Signals and Indicators 1149 58 57 52 40 51 59 66 75 65 73 60 48 48 57 63 82 58 53 53 72 96 2435
117 Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor 1541 177 138 127 203 236 226 190 187 178 191 175 184 206 221 152 163 125 183 177 171 128 5279
118 Coating Apparatus 3768 323 369 375 408 431 554 544 478 444 367 299 258 225 256 257 355 396 476 476 521 352 11932
119 Animal Husbandry 3627 248 279 283 456 391 357 356 438 434 298 304 325 297 234 231 305 363 404 398 458 383 10869
122 Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers 1586 47 59 35 86 82 82 82 82 86 65 64 46 43 52 56 51 48 56 61 70 54 2893
123 Internal-Combustion Engines 17793 864 1076 1108 1294 1241 1397 1752 1776 1741 1664 1622 1836 1636 1513 1137 1283 1140 1263 1356 1514 1513 47519
124 Mechanical Guns and Projectors 1114 108 104 138 106 109 101 82 79 114 138 81 71 95 76 80 146 145 130 164 173 185 3539
125 Stone Working 481 20 24 31 41 47 68 64 61 39 38 47 63 30 30 13 29 32 28 38 42 37 1303
126 Stoves and Furnaces 5508 169 139 143 162 230 224 184 122 164 166 154 78 61 62 71 169 157 178 213 262 277 8893
127 Sugar, Starch, and Carbohydrates 510 23 22 18 32 47 21 26 25 12 15 6 11 12 5 6 15 18 25 35 29 43 956
128 Surgery 3883 389 494 522 653 558 588 481 523 573 521 411 505 374 302 335 507 567 692 856 799 693 15226
131 Tobacco 2375 90 91 92 129 80 89 61 67 73 92 45 30 48 34 43 95 91 73 142 139 188 4167
132 Toilet 1602 96 136 140 244 322 239 188 169 157 102 66 94 113 72 81 88 128 182 180 193 224 4816
134 Cleaning and Liquid Contact with Solids 3241 321 303 322 433 549 438 462 514 554 390 302 272 284 267 287 390 446 465 509 531 585 11865
135 Tent, Canopy, Umbrella, or Cane 996 90 95 105 131 112 122 186 134 93 123 81 78 102 90 116 123 141 109 145 143 150 3465
136 Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric 1399 91 85 65 72 118 173 203 180 147 113 55 58 78 60 82 195 291 349 351 543 813 5521
137 Fluid Handling 11076 581 555 539 746 903 947 1020 722 673 686 693 678 540 443 407 531 477 719 925 960 1289 26110
138 Pipes and Tubular Conduits 1910 127 114 110 172 240 275 216 177 158 135 152 150 88 90 137 134 141 134 150 197 274 5281
139 Textiles: Weaving 2119 119 100 98 109 89 137 156 98 41 67 95 102 45 56 80 69 37 36 27 34 34 3748
140 Wireworking 601 26 33 33 36 33 31 26 21 28 19 8 33 22 19 7 7 14 10 14 14 27 1062
141 Fluent Material Handling, with Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means 2835 209 228 215 237 298 251 347 312 289 333 268 276 232 133 143 209 184 270 288 291 292 8140
142 Wood Turning 42 1 3 2 1 5 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 63
144 Woodworking 1919 101 80 91 107 139 133 110 111 121 72 53 109 74 83 65 109 127 63 33 16 34 3750
147 Coopering 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 12
148 Metal Treatment 5017 378 339 293 393 406 403 469 479 470 345 227 202 191 202 229 339 308 392 376 360 332 12150
149 Explosive and Thermic Compositions or Charges 929 52 82 46 55 41 73 57 43 61 45 63 25 2 8 14 40 79 78 71 41 32 1937
150 Purses, Wallets, and Protective Covers 234 15 15 10 20 17 28 23 18 21 15 9 13 18 10 24 25 14 20 16 33 31 629
152 Resilient Tires and Wheels 2153 135 104 125 146 130 178 170 233 225 169 149 172 147 125 120 134 170 223 213 317 349 5887
156 Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture 11548 806 751 887 1058 1128 1069 1075 1078 1188 1049 751 732 614 555 485 805 1102 1146 1238 1247 1068 31380
157 Wheelwright Machines 259 8 7 5 5 7 15 23 8 14 7 12 16 20 18 17 15 12 17 23 27 29 564
159 Concentrating Evaporators 369 12 11 5 14 9 8 5 8 3 7 14 7 5 4 7 9 9 8 9 14 12 549
160 Flexible or Portable Closure, Partition, or Panel 1791 125 159 165 173 171 244 212 172 188 193 169 162 138 98 112 179 142 168 183 220 245 5409
162 Paper Making and Fiber Liberation 2962 224 269 295 330 286 326 423 427 309 271 192 209 204 200 193 269 311 341 300 328 231 8900
163 Needle and Pin Making 12 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
164 Metal Founding 3975 175 196 200 225 244 162 205 261 290 201 218 235 183 104 105 153 207 242 166 176 165 8088
165 Heat Exchange 5598 253 301 266 346 380 371 420 373 346 417 424 544 359 253 251 306 290 303 298 242 473 12814
166 Wells 6720 407 308 248 386 422 518 632 525 595 648 515 840 755 745 693 1069 862 1074 1197 1423 1564 22146
168 Farriery 125 2 7 9 8 6 12 10 16 10 10 6 3 5 6 9 3 0 2 4 5 4 262
169 Fire Extinguishers 702 32 59 56 67 88 97 49 52 45 49 49 58 40 50 35 80 38 62 94 124 117 2043
171 Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects 174 8 5 5 6 2 7 4 5 6 5 4 6 1 1 2 7 6 3 2 7 2 268
172 Earth Working 2117 109 110 94 134 111 132 127 100 87 97 91 90 46 37 70 100 82 78 105 117 95 4129
173 Tool Driving or Impacting 1274 53 57 54 76 86 99 91 66 90 115 104 124 83 109 96 125 132 158 157 154 167 3470
174 Electricity: Conductors and Insulators 4178 404 355 317 488 416 516 914 954 792 751 682 655 640 628 620 679 736 917 980 1054 1279 18955
175 Boring or Penetrating the Earth 3022 170 181 154 214 233 270 306 276 261 229 203 275 265 280 256 385 383 356 379 396 500 8994
177 Weighing Scales 1643 41 36 60 111 92 57 69 84 87 94 65 85 83 69 71 63 51 65 51 75 67 3119
178 Telegraphy 613 42 55 40 36 32 10 14 11 11 14 5 10 7 2 1 5 7 21 32 16 16 1000
180 Motor Vehicles 5804 215 303 198 356 416 457 491 537 570 506 571 577 588 610 681 863 766 787 910 939 804 17949
181 Acoustics 2081 112 111 101 154 173 171 126 152 179 144 126 72 110 142 151 202 229 220 244 269 236 5505
182 Fire Escape, Ladder, or Scaffold 2126 104 97 104 151 191 162 130 166 128 153 137 144 95 47 34 78 115 153 184 192 179 4870
184 Lubrication 749 53 59 42 53 44 60 69 66 62 41 39 41 34 31 18 50 69 66 88 95 82 1911
185 Motors: Spring, Weight, or Animal Powered 76 5 0 4 3 5 4 3 6 2 4 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 136
186 Merchandising 134 9 13 9 12 9 10 6 7 17 10 3 3 8 3 4 4 7 2 5 4 4 283
187 Elevator, Industrial Lift Truck, or Stationary Lift for Vehicle 1445 101 120 111 154 182 116 132 171 102 70 67 112 128 130 132 147 130 134 138 152 156 4130
188 Brakes 3861 275 295 203 253 307 295 481 448 315 251 290 302 261 240 212 230 268 341 391 450 477 10446
190 Trunks and Hand-Carried Luggage 367 37 37 31 37 38 39 47 40 47 23 26 31 22 21 20 19 32 21 37 28 29 1029
191 Electricity: Transmission To Vehicles 268 10 13 21 18 15 14 35 23 15 13 14 12 5 2 11 10 18 14 26 34 36 627
192 Clutches and Power-Stop Control 4206 177 245 280 265 393 359 275 298 326 296 223 259 193 174 162 214 210 285 283 332 396 9851
193 Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways 347 14 9 11 4 26 26 35 28 17 16 11 19 16 15 20 15 15 9 20 33 35 741
194 Check-Actuated Control Mechanisms 820 89 83 51 56 84 81 66 34 56 45 52 36 31 18 36 68 40 73 70 98 60 2047
196 Mineral Oils: Apparatus 96 2 2 4 5 2 4 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 2 7 4 9 13 2 162
198 Conveyors: Power-Driven 5860 327 304 282 321 422 421 523 474 486 411 313 342 340 334 315 425 410 369 462 568 619 14328
199 Type Casting 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
200 Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers 5223 240 251 249 389 363 345 275 325 384 419 359 414 341 326 350 319 369 423 381 403 439 12587
201 Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic 373 13 5 14 12 3 5 3 1 3 3 4 9 0 5 9 16 19 19 19 23 43 601
202 Distillation: Apparatus 905 36 29 31 31 35 24 25 21 26 21 18 23 15 21 22 25 29 29 52 38 34 1490
203 Distillation: Processes, Separatory 1240 81 62 68 84 74 48 40 71 43 33 36 35 32 33 40 28 36 55 60 51 69 2319
204 Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy 7591 488 422 425 477 544 688 725 681 606 521 404 342 349 317 312 481 535 648 666 670 689 18581
205 Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions 6210 329 295 285 276 352 334 470 393 348 353 242 204 201 178 177 255 279 362 348 320 397 12608
206 Special Receptacle or Package 8527 632 631 614 853 872 804 685 618 561 486 530 493 384 529 445 632 570 590 616 697 752 21521
208 Mineral Oils: Processes and Products 5338 183 126 134 152 254 207 193 169 152 144 106 117 140 163 165 249 221 195 242 295 265 9210
209 Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids 3551 182 166 159 165 222 220 227 175 160 184 146 142 126 145 113 151 197 174 195 257 244 7301
210 Liquid Purification or Separation 14946 1043 1120 1117 1163 1162 1182 1230 1051 1007 996 894 883 971 931 847 1012 1045 1193 1130 1139 1081 37143
211 Supports: Racks 2886 185 234 258 332 303 321 308 300 293 251 227 227 195 112 107 202 271 245 258 290 328 8133
212 Traversing Hoists 662 26 24 44 47 37 51 38 30 53 21 14 34 38 45 42 40 29 31 25 62 59 1452
213 Railway Draft Appliances 254 14 27 14 15 14 14 22 14 5 14 5 10 9 10 15 19 12 14 26 24 18 569
215 Bottles and Jars 2492 156 121 133 186 197 165 135 117 102 93 91 117 80 70 83 122 127 164 181 220 145 5297
216 Etching a Substrate: Processes 1800 208 156 192 238 229 215 224 246 257 229 197 241 228 233 198 210 297 352 454 466 388 7258
217 Wooden Receptacles 57 2 2 0 5 5 3 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 3 2 2 2 0 2 93
218 High-Voltage Switches with Arc Preventing or Extinguishing Devices 1107 26 52 34 79 55 47 65 60 48 57 33 30 22 14 23 36 34 77 53 91 93 2136
219 Electric Heating 11117 639 601 557 838 955 1162 1131 1121 1046 1085 950 1023 801 579 487 666 584 905 1111 1083 968 29409
220 Receptacles 5691 377 383 347 453 515 482 488 402 283 285 230 288 216 187 291 389 467 544 736 829 807 14690
221 Article Dispensing 1646 119 127 85 135 145 153 174 141 184 151 98 142 100 81 73 111 106 75 100 117 139 4202
222 Dispensing 7310 520 466 437 558 790 628 649 641 448 470 420 415 344 238 264 488 428 490 677 651 577 17909
223 Apparel Apparatus 672 49 53 73 61 82 94 85 51 36 55 44 39 54 43 21 43 37 45 38 41 51 1767
224 Package and Article Carriers 2487 256 260 267 319 302 246 295 252 223 224 140 110 97 85 60 132 145 199 236 302 397 7034
225 Severing by Tearing or Breaking 614 32 31 23 36 35 21 26 29 37 37 30 31 17 12 14 19 14 25 20 36 31 1170
226 Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length 1070 42 33 35 80 58 47 51 53 43 26 18 16 21 18 5 10 12 5 5 6 39 1693
227 Elongated-Member-Driving Apparatus 1384 93 106 123 126 110 124 94 83 120 148 133 175 132 145 159 224 266 262 317 266 229 4819
228 Metal Fusion Bonding 3183 241 204 203 181 259 371 384 328 300 304 257 191 136 199 176 315 288 264 237 226 181 8428
229 Envelopes, Wrappers, and Paperboard Boxes 2885 186 162 141 200 199 191 188 153 118 58 97 76 83 77 90 137 111 82 123 164 162 5683
231 Whips and Whip Apparatus 12 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 24
232 Deposit and Collection Receptacles 389 38 22 23 25 28 19 23 18 21 25 27 37 52 42 22 22 18 21 14 19 15 920
234 Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching) 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 8 1 3 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 54
235 Registers 3248 365 350 318 446 568 602 514 597 798 813 620 1041 1025 1085 1016 1191 1273 1249 1372 1245 1289 21025
236 Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation 1459 59 57 45 67 87 80 82 86 75 68 59 64 69 41 47 105 92 75 82 85 77 2961
237 Heating Systems 626 19 23 24 49 45 46 38 39 39 31 23 26 7 11 5 11 13 16 29 27 23 1170
238 Railways: Surface Track 473 20 27 20 31 14 21 32 36 24 23 14 19 10 14 10 34 33 32 32 46 35 1000
239 Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing 6088 340 306 354 531 574 639 479 498 537 633 513 557 361 297 294 451 396 343 426 521 628 15766
241 Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration 3533 225 249 218 245 281 212 174 198 215 156 148 201 238 190 238 302 331 270 275 305 249 8453
242 Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding 7316 367 445 421 574 536 528 442 506 462 367 338 339 316 291 223 236 222 177 199 232 295 14832
244 Aeronautics and Astronautics 4452 238 223 213 404 386 435 446 449 442 428 352 371 345 281 358 484 660 835 853 875 967 14497
245 Wire Fabrics and Structure 18 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 32
246 Railway Switches and Signals 379 33 38 37 45 16 31 33 37 37 24 16 29 27 19 20 27 24 29 33 46 74 1054
248 Supports 7448 492 491 494 753 723 804 685 798 738 496 406 466 500 420 597 808 693 800 745 763 1012 21132
249 Static Molds 1090 31 35 45 50 39 35 54 45 46 60 39 57 46 23 27 38 42 43 37 34 32 1948
250 Radiant Energy 14901 1110 1002 884 1121 1026 1036 1284 1478 1679 1781 1474 2281 2008 2213 2182 2278 1847 2083 2615 2831 2628 51742
251 Valves and Valve Actuation 3825 166 178 167 244 286 341 244 254 284 326 367 382 209 179 174 223 207 295 315 364 440 9470
252 Compositions 6797 502 532 502 666 655 602 511 431 554 529 326 441 421 435 433 642 715 830 918 977 1052 19471
254 Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force 1972 72 85 99 100 144 150 135 138 162 116 124 148 123 138 112 122 111 151 189 165 143 4699
256 Fences 657 38 45 54 51 49 62 70 46 73 57 64 54 35 48 53 44 44 41 46 57 58 1746
257 Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes) 10336 1368 1545 1622 2418 2623 2716 2979 3583 4300 4699 4303 4498 4313 4122 4675 6901 7028 6884 8528 9991 12014 111446
258 Railway Mail Delivery 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4
260 Chemistry of Carbon Compounds 48 3 1 3 4 0 3 10 2 2 2 2 0 1 5 3 2 2 0 1 0 3 97
261 Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus 2100 75 101 92 86 111 119 136 130 124 121 78 117 108 98 103 104 128 160 137 159 138 4525
264 Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes 12299 805 772 890 1112 995 975 997 885 998 988 656 646 540 505 525 1116 1007 966 1003 1116 931 30727
266 Metallurgical Apparatus 2351 120 87 79 75 86 92 92 88 94 69 43 36 45 57 84 88 103 106 96 78 90 4059
267 Spring Devices 1880 107 117 110 119 149 158 184 220 177 109 82 113 99 102 65 77 97 129 140 166 189 4589
269 Work Holders 1594 57 82 64 104 127 137 123 122 122 95 86 89 64 52 35 69 125 191 236 226 169 3969
270 Sheet-Material Associating 864 63 60 63 68 34 33 60 45 52 66 32 54 48 75 119 139 208 163 134 91 61 2532
271 Sheet Feeding or Delivering 3821 261 229 242 202 324 319 358 289 379 251 219 215 215 338 436 561 567 537 625 549 428 11365
273 Amusement Devices: Games 4244 339 313 326 362 311 294 312 322 302 219 189 218 232 224 228 260 205 192 278 235 119 9724
276 Typesetting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
277 Seal for a Joint or Juncture 3232 134 240 212 183 226 258 326 296 263 249 206 187 107 112 68 157 174 194 202 211 268 7505
278 Land Vehicles: Animal Draft Appliances 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
279 Chucks or Sockets 705 52 38 27 57 72 49 73 57 77 37 57 23 34 29 25 34 43 57 47 53 72 1718
280 Land Vehicles 10898 926 1012 817 1118 1184 1394 1502 1379 1152 1148 1112 1139 1165 1219 1170 1571 1353 1230 1613 1626 1553 37281
281 Books, Strips, and Leaves 525 45 37 46 51 71 54 48 34 19 24 17 15 8 13 10 28 11 13 10 18 11 1108
283 Printed Matter 872 100 75 79 120 138 126 117 77 54 66 33 33 24 30 18 47 47 46 69 53 36 2260
285 Pipe Joints or Couplings 4306 265 253 189 299 315 287 293 346 294 229 251 251 165 276 269 320 265 262 227 253 278 9893
289 Knots and Knot Tying 116 1 5 9 3 7 5 10 7 10 7 4 3 5 4 7 3 8 7 11 6 12 250
290 Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants 1032 34 17 26 65 54 83 108 106 98 168 183 199 193 240 250 262 347 403 480 544 428 5320
291 Track Sanders 18 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 5 0 1 47
292 Closure Fasteners 2792 134 211 196 184 189 234 126 242 239 162 160 182 194 172 151 170 163 198 285 286 210 6880
293 Vehicle Fenders 460 19 15 22 30 28 32 61 56 55 69 74 54 60 56 53 48 62 72 52 70 85 1533
294 Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements 2701 164 183 178 233 206 233 193 209 150 81 89 140 149 119 128 161 172 233 279 272 249 6522
295 Railway Wheels and Axles 45 0 4 4 0 9 2 3 4 5 4 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 2 4 95
296 Land Vehicles: Bodies and Tops 4240 239 318 287 436 539 626 796 730 781 788 731 822 745 702 662 864 710 823 890 935 970 18634
297 Chairs and Seats 4387 344 460 447 540 591 652 490 555 639 629 480 626 505 549 547 677 612 629 652 779 1002 16792
298 Land Vehicles: Dumping 233 20 20 7 17 11 21 25 16 27 24 17 13 11 12 6 16 22 19 16 19 20 592
299 Mining or In Situ Disintegration of Hard Material 1748 43 40 45 39 39 45 57 53 45 36 36 36 29 67 43 43 63 60 89 117 115 2888
300 Brush, Broom, and Mop Making 115 13 12 15 12 12 5 12 12 13 12 8 3 6 8 8 10 9 13 16 16 6 336
301 Land Vehicles: Wheels and Axles 806 48 75 56 79 86 122 128 132 119 97 79 90 58 75 64 64 85 44 65 94 116 2582
303 Fluid-Pressure and Analogous Brake Systems 2594 220 217 191 216 231 274 302 247 187 132 142 139 118 142 95 131 130 153 136 155 157 6309
305 Wheel Substitutes for Land Vehicles 407 22 14 18 34 31 41 44 51 45 28 31 27 28 26 20 38 38 23 27 49 40 1082
307 Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems 2414 164 222 275 320 386 327 277 289 316 301 143 286 289 318 432 555 660 637 616 791 985 11003
310 Electrical Generator or Motor Structure 7018 432 426 491 863 873 911 997 988 878 1365 1105 1052 917 968 1206 1403 1408 1203 1292 1244 1234 28274
312 Supports: Cabinet Structure 2565 213 193 191 235 263 272 207 250 219 207 174 130 121 113 113 210 187 298 300 337 448 7246
313 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices 4824 299 397 376 607 610 556 601 729 1031 915 692 769 764 723 825 1141 1168 1123 927 759 534 20370
314 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 11
315 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems 5614 401 357 305 453 472 539 617 730 750 643 517 575 535 499 419 520 733 1069 1196 1460 1749 20153
318 Electricity: Motive Power Systems 6522 422 467 419 664 618 634 585 580 526 564 562 779 622 583 614 644 752 828 835 894 935 20049
320 Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging 1105 102 149 267 245 323 361 397 355 295 251 208 183 186 246 503 623 558 802 731 769 1220 9879
322 Electricity: Single Generator Systems 647 18 55 53 62 37 49 50 38 37 62 36 66 75 62 75 48 63 65 59 70 47 1774
323 Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems 2082 168 197 260 267 312 305 334 327 292 277 294 400 384 375 491 576 602 601 665 763 792 10764
324 Electricity: Measuring and Testing 11147 1020 1242 986 984 936 1179 1475 1896 1835 1821 1686 1953 1801 1701 1738 1984 1740 1775 2003 2163 2146 45211
326 Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry 2827 356 374 313 335 360 545 596 596 523 562 517 550 667 658 578 748 603 339 496 326 399 13268
327 Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems 6479 642 717 597 989 1094 1219 1412 1457 1261 1207 1071 1292 1174 1038 1236 1517 1331 1229 1647 1788 1388 31785
329 Demodulators 564 42 28 31 36 30 36 32 17 24 27 17 17 9 16 21 19 23 26 5 11 10 1041
330 Amplifiers 3582 252 208 210 266 354 426 451 477 551 589 478 651 652 639 612 666 558 506 510 545 565 13748
331 Oscillators 2453 173 169 176 228 220 268 299 223 346 356 293 380 397 376 407 449 409 350 289 372 330 8963
332 Modulators 428 48 39 24 41 35 27 32 25 37 21 21 25 29 18 32 64 55 42 27 40 25 1135
333 Wave Transmission Lines and Networks 3816 236 218 215 339 346 358 309 472 590 538 514 482 398 427 491 478 473 461 407 468 664 12700
334 Tuners 102 1 0 0 4 4 1 2 4 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 5 0 1 1 2 4 147
335 Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets 2814 156 179 151 123 220 193 222 202 204 243 245 240 154 136 188 231 192 289 300 260 234 7176
336 Inductor Devices 1019 66 76 48 110 102 127 136 179 203 184 243 222 205 185 152 257 292 263 238 271 273 4851
337 Electricity: Electrothermally or Thermally Actuated Switches 1366 31 39 69 99 105 64 48 76 106 81 38 46 41 49 58 61 44 43 29 33 44 2570
338 Electrical Resistors 1756 49 67 63 86 118 103 100 105 80 53 50 97 69 47 49 97 99 112 101 48 44 3393
340 Communications: Electrical 9717 828 953 1065 1381 1381 1541 1431 1305 1092 1486 1490 2208 1718 1903 1871 2209 2282 2747 2881 2967 2778 47234
341 Coded Data Generation or Conversion 3397 313 320 474 569 443 461 645 769 724 722 653 817 806 886 750 806 762 648 767 751 738 17221
342 Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation) 4191 341 418 300 404 463 500 530 594 565 586 421 516 496 541 685 711 805 750 584 606 670 15677
343 Communications: Radio Wave Antennas 2970 217 262 250 306 555 608 759 779 594 610 779 893 730 810 785 835 757 763 880 984 908 17034
345 Computer Graphics Processing and Selective Visual Display Systems 5133 761 906 1051 1667 1571 1635 1876 1868 1887 2173 2010 2940 2490 2354 2599 3322 3523 4854 5858 6682 7638 64798
346 Recorders 1159 33 20 9 17 22 22 12 12 5 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 4 3 1342
347 Incremental Printing of Symbolic Information 5211 500 597 596 1049 1028 1414 1757 1881 1712 1578 1337 1485 1554 1831 1678 2266 2260 2277 2467 2766 2649 39893
348 Television 10605 940 1044 860 1157 1097 1036 1016 1053 1069 1280 1098 1603 1373 1634 1949 2340 2780 4330 4281 5191 6062 53798
349 Liquid Crystal Cells, Elements and Systems 2327 257 385 375 601 509 653 621 628 859 1007 993 951 842 997 1409 1692 1845 1872 1663 1582 1637 23705
351 Optics: Eye Examining, Vision Testing and Correcting 2077 202 203 196 279 324 313 296 261 315 311 245 296 364 417 379 438 454 392 439 569 573 9343
352 Optics: Motion Pictures 610 13 21 23 18 26 22 20 18 26 36 21 23 17 12 11 13 12 17 11 9 8 987
353 Optics: Image Projectors 887 87 85 95 113 97 101 133 212 257 305 269 403 382 342 252 318 518 449 447 456 429 6637
355 Photocopying 3331 150 95 191 224 252 226 321 269 300 365 345 469 393 399 283 321 355 383 393 470 502 10037
356 Optics: Measuring and Testing 8435 768 709 729 1050 986 1033 708 884 1262 1222 1100 1387 1540 1665 1576 1708 1564 1404 1580 1627 1521 34458
358 Facsimile and Static Presentation Processing 4700 587 724 636 916 779 745 678 717 791 825 918 1353 1291 1361 1469 1703 1935 2536 3152 3104 2859 33779
359 Optical: Systems and Elements 10630 753 1063 1120 1604 1563 1651 1773 1844 1911 2088 2011 2372 2024 2067 2034 2380 2265 2020 2244 2360 2100 49877
360 Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage or Retrieval 9028 781 702 754 1123 1143 1212 1121 1200 1251 1472 1131 1472 1137 1086 1136 1055 1060 1073 864 1333 1099 32233
361 Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices 9538 855 972 852 1387 1291 1391 1608 1934 1891 1856 1453 1712 1891 2005 2126 2498 2603 2642 2894 2940 3101 49440
362 Illumination 5910 539 531 537 648 670 879 968 979 1089 920 958 1261 1377 1200 1346 1819 1632 1784 2264 2399 2499 32209
363 Electric Power Conversion Systems 3305 222 259 375 403 511 459 489 488 359 308 292 351 309 330 398 475 479 531 673 687 924 12627
365 Static Information Storage and Retrieval 6514 922 1009 1140 1515 1761 1929 1981 1970 1956 2010 2018 2181 2298 2342 2392 2741 2765 2667 2732 2930 2889 50662
366 Agitating 2937 175 225 160 213 214 204 243 191 205 180 164 147 157 182 125 163 185 258 197 249 213 6987
367 Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices 3458 189 228 173 222 166 193 150 134 134 143 147 143 180 241 217 276 240 277 343 376 463 8093
368 Horology: Time Measuring Systems or Devices 2725 100 114 117 145 140 132 183 158 168 167 125 176 152 198 151 192 159 173 220 247 259 6201
369 Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval 4988 641 720 722 926 790 793 833 868 933 941 739 1200 1170 1151 1062 1309 1411 1089 861 468 353 23968
370 Multiplex Communications 5459 872 1041 911 1233 1520 1832 1942 2241 2578 2924 2745 3826 3189 4538 5311 7415 7718 8401 9288 11409 11027 97420
372 Coherent Light Generators 4849 412 351 353 505 466 473 454 442 702 864 612 591 413 491 577 731 548 482 479 566 616 15977
373 Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces 970 51 55 27 36 72 56 36 42 30 29 14 24 13 11 3 10 7 6 16 24 16 1548
374 Thermal Measuring and Testing 1973 59 62 127 193 98 176 138 138 150 145 160 176 100 164 217 221 186 299 246 248 229 5505
375 Pulse or Digital Communications 5006 718 857 869 1243 1248 1346 1357 1462 1572 1679 1570 2398 2132 2290 2282 3024 3073 4369 4501 4647 4652 52295
376 Induced Nuclear Reactions: Processes, Systems, and Elements 4135 185 171 137 185 156 82 115 110 110 94 83 36 28 40 61 70 90 107 148 222 167 6532
377 Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems 1526 80 53 45 53 52 66 45 65 31 40 54 31 27 38 41 50 55 64 60 59 60 2595
378 X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices 3753 279 313 276 316 269 379 534 600 451 429 467 634 565 610 698 745 611 531 533 607 821 14421
379 Telephonic Communications 5552 648 739 621 1048 1108 921 969 997 1058 1302 936 1258 905 709 790 941 1120 1408 1540 1527 1077 27174
380 Cryptography 1317 137 141 171 235 158 236 206 168 98 168 225 369 413 374 493 582 616 772 869 873 681 9302
381 Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices 2931 257 287 331 510 326 363 278 321 400 493 369 627 518 465 494 675 1061 2075 1516 1576 2000 17873
382 Image Analysis 3722 407 550 657 1325 1355 1245 1416 1243 1631 1794 1365 2308 2163 2436 2634 3371 3742 5145 5149 4980 4675 53313
383 Flexible Bags 1115 65 68 61 89 117 134 133 100 81 67 82 68 61 46 55 64 68 76 94 95 101 2840
384 Bearings 3688 227 258 196 258 266 268 311 305 299 266 240 256 214 210 225 262 268 336 404 510 487 9754
385 Optical Waveguides 6342 563 573 675 863 838 867 1322 1616 1900 2007 1917 1979 1816 1621 1315 1266 833 944 1187 1375 1413 33232
386 Motion Video Signal Processing for Recording or Reproducing 2355 179 277 225 334 338 310 334 375 349 361 266 397 479 487 492 585 602 774 835 848 640 11842
388 Electricity: Motor Control Systems 576 22 21 19 18 25 21 11 15 9 14 5 13 10 14 11 18 12 6 2 1 2 845
392 Electric Resistance Heating Devices 1048 71 55 66 91 117 131 129 108 80 87 119 125 99 58 63 94 111 114 109 128 88 3091
396 Photography 7741 483 694 752 967 728 673 522 571 475 440 218 228 188 364 612 748 590 454 465 438 226 18577
398 Optical Communications 1467 214 261 200 298 338 292 341 407 441 393 306 616 650 598 635 712 764 899 939 1125 1318 13214
399 Electrophotography 6891 634 900 727 1064 1080 956 931 942 924 972 895 1175 1247 1301 1301 1752 1879 1986 2017 2374 2675 34623
400 Typewriting Machines 3997 238 256 222 321 329 307 243 263 268 288 263 262 212 153 124 143 141 156 153 234 132 8705
401 Coating Implements with Material Supply 1579 87 75 67 122 263 225 296 239 199 202 182 195 173 162 128 163 154 231 217 227 198 5384
402 Binder Device Releasably Engaging Aperture or Notch of Sheet 400 29 25 38 51 47 52 47 36 33 31 22 16 16 16 20 39 16 13 25 12 12 996
403 Joints and Connections 3390 170 223 253 271 199 242 296 295 271 243 162 142 101 132 111 132 120 160 156 196 323 7588
404 Road Structure, Process, or Apparatus 1662 137 138 103 108 147 141 117 152 149 155 125 175 149 140 143 160 166 161 203 187 194 4812
405 Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 5506 269 364 267 387 350 285 287 341 331 301 250 330 208 243 228 287 284 270 348 434 411 11981
406 Conveyors: Fluid Current 1122 22 51 35 43 31 49 65 68 48 30 21 33 28 27 30 30 28 32 41 50 54 1938
407 Cutters, for Shaping 784 26 40 49 77 83 84 72 39 77 81 63 73 58 65 77 58 83 66 119 133 115 2322
408 Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool 1820 105 83 101 150 170 95 130 86 104 60 81 121 105 82 89 81 86 93 120 159 142 4063
409 Gear Cutting, Milling, or Planing 1420 71 66 91 108 117 115 91 106 97 87 86 97 121 82 63 51 69 51 77 101 111 3278
410 Freight Accommodation On Freight Carrier 733 52 47 38 61 71 97 89 80 95 103 80 98 78 83 72 93 97 107 131 108 84 2497
411 Expanded, Threaded, Driven, Headed, Tool-Deformed, or Locked-Threaded Fastener 2567 157 171 185 229 197 202 194 176 155 179 142 158 121 96 79 169 173 188 269 282 286 6375
412 Bookbinding: Process and Apparatus 255 22 16 26 20 25 37 26 26 22 19 13 8 9 13 15 34 22 28 19 15 28 698
413 Sheet Metal Container Making 207 1 6 10 11 16 7 3 7 10 12 8 7 4 6 1 2 4 5 4 4 7 342
414 Material or Article Handling 7879 465 478 412 456 485 575 406 464 435 391 291 301 239 225 245 305 318 311 311 383 641 16016
415 Rotary Kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps 2893 186 234 167 189 189 275 301 380 384 329 363 396 337 285 299 406 470 898 664 846 838 11329
416 Fluid Reaction Surfaces (i.e., Impellers) 2381 158 168 139 131 160 236 238 287 223 212 189 256 269 237 255 307 491 675 531 617 634 8794
417 Pumps 5984 310 423 354 368 443 676 687 646 627 432 269 356 230 235 246 312 404 717 643 620 579 15561
418 Rotary Expansible Chamber Devices 2279 145 155 110 130 96 283 231 171 168 142 95 123 121 133 147 145 143 164 170 184 241 5576
419 Powder Metallurgy Processes 1074 106 90 73 70 102 75 75 69 88 63 40 42 40 44 49 73 49 43 43 58 74 2440
420 Alloys or Metallic Compositions 1983 80 69 57 65 80 58 68 67 59 73 39 18 17 32 38 61 50 65 64 83 125 3251
422 Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing 6528 640 554 496 612 678 589 629 626 700 608 508 486 625 620 693 1149 1154 1304 1299 1411 1215 23124
423 Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds 10060 426 409 386 428 494 477 496 484 492 439 378 498 369 410 537 801 673 698 849 818 765 21387
424 Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions 12657 1368 1610 2507 2954 3199 2788 3198 3255 3088 2203 1763 2236 1957 1869 1828 2843 2895 3847 4668 5549 6043 74325
425 Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus 6950 361 377 397 474 386 384 460 410 389 430 276 503 501 416 351 465 495 480 496 566 491 16058
426 Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products 9429 584 635 532 620 883 915 866 734 684 582 325 402 322 242 285 441 462 590 658 600 767 21558
427 Coating Processes 10490 781 782 874 967 1057 1090 961 1006 996 942 698 483 580 559 729 1117 1051 1309 1194 1250 1209 30125
428 Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles 24512 1981 2202 2357 2782 2990 2772 2955 3110 3221 3223 2278 1960 1873 1609 1709 2497 2755 2684 2788 2701 2967 77926
429 Chemistry: Electrical Current Producing Apparatus, Product, and Process 5010 444 534 486 496 499 670 791 892 926 941 764 789 766 750 996 1717 1606 1952 2059 2516 2871 28475
430 Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof 16099 1464 1429 1358 1653 1759 1818 1752 1633 1618 1525 1094 1337 1154 1111 1131 1386 1309 1354 1358 1477 1142 45961
431 Combustion 2840 182 166 130 191 256 234 196 171 187 181 169 103 77 57 101 103 109 98 119 136 162 5968
432 Heating 2198 48 53 71 112 136 100 107 88 101 59 48 38 32 41 30 44 42 33 42 38 71 3532
433 Dentistry 3815 211 262 262 443 400 366 455 336 266 240 243 317 257 170 105 212 234 295 333 319 351 9892
434 Education and Demonstration 2553 181 203 172 286 275 288 227 249 270 258 226 184 145 111 105 130 176 281 424 450 324 7518
435 Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology 12478 1498 2079 2838 4011 3986 3451 3932 3526 3078 2672 2392 3118 2923 2681 2709 3711 3740 3707 3908 4335 4066 80839
436 Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing 3792 317 323 319 455 464 365 408 441 445 410 339 316 394 418 428 642 695 639 670 633 548 13461
438 Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process 9542 1484 1407 1774 2300 3415 4486 5672 5480 5119 5126 4473 4814 4502 4531 4911 6141 5909 5176 5572 6221 4970 103025
439 Electrical Connectors 11653 935 994 1201 1313 1665 2243 2232 1972 1712 1991 1807 2291 1937 2178 2074 2400 2248 1822 1761 1722 2115 50266
440 Marine Propulsion 1692 133 139 119 152 161 211 223 212 205 205 203 191 184 168 140 107 121 135 118 156 138 5113
441 Buoys, Rafts, and Aquatic Devices 1015 81 75 82 94 85 93 92 82 90 82 78 101 85 65 51 69 54 67 73 96 111 2721
442 Fabric (Woven, Knitted, or Nonwoven Textile or Cloth, Etc.) 2214 176 167 178 217 222 222 170 116 171 198 105 101 109 127 145 249 199 141 123 110 122 5582
445 Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing 822 44 74 95 115 132 165 106 106 163 186 177 185 124 95 119 144 165 147 113 102 95 3474
446 Amusement Devices: Toys 3188 174 183 136 257 260 330 285 309 367 281 174 154 137 128 122 182 195 169 189 227 217 7664
449 Bee Culture 121 2 3 7 3 3 3 1 6 7 3 3 4 1 3 4 3 6 2 7 6 4 202
450 Foundation Garments 207 16 9 20 28 42 58 52 54 24 39 39 42 43 43 35 49 48 76 57 64 39 1084
451 Abrading 4295 284 351 426 400 530 671 852 791 737 729 738 808 522 321 292 297 319 418 470 401 459 15111
452 Butchering 1607 86 95 65 92 89 114 102 53 67 50 49 95 84 87 89 92 81 74 90 121 83 3365
453 Coin Handling 317 27 29 13 16 24 30 24 16 35 27 10 20 17 14 16 16 4 9 15 10 27 716
454 Ventilation 1763 114 116 134 177 149 171 197 176 176 161 129 114 79 72 99 87 76 86 126 137 181 4520
455 Telecommunications 4279 586 779 642 1200 1545 1877 1820 1773 1780 2173 2282 4073 3510 3132 3374 4312 5578 7616 8260 8296 7902 76789
460 Crop Threshing or Separating 419 32 37 18 33 34 30 33 41 31 44 42 38 33 26 34 38 34 40 19 32 46 1134
462 Books, Strips, and Leaves for Manifolding 177 12 3 2 2 3 3 5 5 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 223
463 Amusement Devices: Games 860 89 91 129 228 201 238 354 351 455 422 372 316 318 413 381 802 949 1677 1774 1822 1516 13758
464 Rotary Shafts, Gudgeons, Housings, and Flexible Couplings for Rotary Shafts 1553 74 95 114 148 105 117 233 135 103 124 94 123 87 103 81 127 134 164 173 130 106 4123
470 Threaded, Headed Fastener, or Washer Making: Process and Apparatus 195 6 7 16 18 15 12 12 10 13 13 8 14 6 16 6 6 9 5 7 4 6 404
472 Amusement Devices 498 44 51 44 69 55 56 45 57 52 56 56 37 30 36 25 80 85 72 77 111 75 1711
473 Games Using Tangible Projectile 5211 617 582 578 795 638 562 597 627 666 610 583 718 640 534 546 734 753 792 813 924 860 19380
474 Endless Belt Power Transmission Systems or Components 2359 156 103 129 149 138 186 137 194 171 130 127 168 128 92 82 177 222 176 169 157 232 5582
475 Planetary Gear Transmission Systems or Components 2061 141 160 173 168 260 213 144 214 311 303 237 311 342 280 297 350 404 483 596 576 506 8530
476 Friction Gear Transmission Systems or Components 188 12 22 16 13 25 38 35 36 36 25 30 32 29 21 15 15 17 18 13 24 17 677
477 Interrelated Power Delivery Controls, Including Engine Control 1889 138 144 181 204 212 202 147 181 216 162 169 158 184 170 183 216 225 320 285 290 275 6151
482 Exercise Devices 3570 326 370 396 451 411 415 371 351 372 364 283 460 349 360 460 650 680 393 364 499 580 12475
483 Tool Changing 500 30 12 28 30 39 36 22 36 22 21 15 27 29 28 20 12 9 15 22 20 21 994
492 Roll or Roller 421 31 22 31 52 38 28 43 46 38 34 27 15 17 12 18 25 29 29 21 31 20 1028
493 Manufacturing Container or Tube From Paper; or Other Manufacturing From a Sheet or Web 2011 95 114 89 154 149 171 137 88 151 147 120 103 86 136 93 104 84 94 110 89 117 4442
494 Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators 755 30 52 37 49 53 50 47 48 57 49 41 54 33 37 29 33 47 53 46 41 59 1700
501 Compositions: Ceramic 3453 235 226 216 211 241 207 228 229 227 195 158 180 149 136 190 211 191 205 190 189 165 7632
502 Catalyst, Solid Sorbent, or Support Therefor: Product or Process of Making 7082 317 313 283 369 389 478 414 437 401 386 366 346 337 283 371 520 396 438 455 535 444 15360
503 Record Receiver Having Plural Interactive Leaves or a Colorless Color Former, Method of Use, or Developer Therefor 1658 145 121 115 112 125 83 79 56 55 67 49 57 44 40 32 40 54 81 74 58 26 3171
504 Plant Protecting and Regulating Compositions 4750 203 230 265 227 233 229 216 210 169 128 113 86 56 46 56 93 90 196 242 263 317 8418
505 Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process 1227 155 130 93 87 107 75 62 54 52 42 28 23 20 14 34 52 45 86 92 111 109 2698
506 Combinatorial Chemistry Technology: Method, Library, Apparatus 16 10 34 42 94 94 123 125 151 204 110 78 8 11 26 30 63 63 40 75 190 448 2035
507 Earth Boring, Well Treating, and Oil Field Chemistry 1083 35 36 74 64 60 59 65 44 69 83 50 69 75 66 118 181 200 142 140 154 148 3015
508 Solid Anti-Friction Devices, Materials Therefor, Lubricant or Separant Compositions for Moving Solid Surfaces, and Miscellaneous Mineral Oil Compositions 2953 188 196 179 203 183 188 210 156 176 130 70 60 68 76 100 184 196 195 219 224 223 6377
510 Cleaning Compositions for Solid Surfaces, Auxiliary Compositions Therefor, or Processes of Preparing the Compositions 3698 350 370 348 556 618 522 592 618 544 436 310 367 273 274 296 329 373 339 313 370 297 12193
512 Perfume Compositions 589 18 28 19 23 14 30 27 23 27 21 16 30 34 18 22 39 15 20 36 33 18 1100
514 Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions 33435 2521 2933 3615 3833 3967 3949 4101 4289 3863 2972 2714 3310 3118 2919 3487 4712 4601 5367 6333 6565 6669 119273
516 Colloid Systems and Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Processes Of 894 47 58 71 67 62 72 72 71 75 35 18 36 37 31 55 93 66 53 40 36 26 2015
518 Chemistry: Fischer-Tropsch Processes; or Purification or Recovery of Products Thereof 470 17 14 8 23 25 38 46 40 52 58 43 61 36 34 20 47 48 57 78 69 110 1394
520 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
521 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 4257 213 211 228 268 217 248 241 237 237 190 115 85 85 56 67 130 169 196 216 244 255 8165
522 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 1043 102 95 82 122 119 128 123 132 115 102 91 117 97 73 87 131 99 90 134 165 138 3385
523 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 4272 235 262 230 297 375 378 341 305 261 223 158 204 170 183 197 288 303 302 380 415 311 10090
524 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 12600 768 806 725 823 996 874 938 938 914 855 549 581 566 481 553 823 820 867 967 1165 1261 29870
525 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 11712 756 766 661 706 652 714 770 765 696 600 469 510 467 366 365 646 660 592 734 743 602 24952
526 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 5154 367 343 380 412 321 414 652 624 657 560 402 429 331 305 303 459 447 396 461 441 447 14305
527 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 182 6 4 8 13 8 5 4 3 3 2 4 4 0 3 2 11 7 7 11 11 7 305
528 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 9240 552 525 596 646 603 591 637 595 515 506 348 528 369 304 354 532 522 466 641 574 401 20045
530 Chemistry: Natural Resins or Derivatives; Peptides or Proteins; Lignins or Reaction Products Thereof 3567 297 347 548 728 724 557 608 573 540 482 454 751 880 903 748 823 841 699 800 807 585 17262
532 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 4
534 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 1717 82 115 84 110 77 61 53 53 40 39 31 55 28 30 22 28 26 20 21 11 26 2729
536 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 2776 342 383 498 656 583 466 555 562 536 452 403 556 480 525 552 718 740 710 687 667 433 14280
540 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3374 158 198 187 168 157 126 131 136 91 70 70 117 71 91 94 106 103 134 96 114 110 5902
544 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3962 197 203 208 241 229 210 220 247 187 159 153 256 193 158 198 265 275 358 377 379 411 9086
546 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3869 233 218 269 214 257 236 231 265 256 192 207 271 233 292 381 369 455 571 606 576 448 10649
548 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 4812 289 308 267 271 321 282 272 293 231 161 167 232 218 242 294 355 379 361 408 398 359 10920
549 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 4801 237 234 274 244 280 284 244 328 230 222 170 196 155 168 206 221 214 271 349 331 352 10011
552 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 1075 46 49 40 40 47 34 39 53 29 27 22 22 17 11 9 14 28 36 21 11 22 1692
554 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 1207 89 63 49 75 98 71 110 113 70 64 56 60 35 30 91 65 67 84 99 129 116 2841
556 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 2549 158 190 179 150 212 194 218 201 141 126 103 152 139 119 108 144 138 129 162 173 162 5847
558 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 2894 136 129 128 148 135 134 130 137 111 93 62 81 62 68 87 84 71 85 76 81 96 5028
560 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 4591 181 171 194 223 190 191 203 261 201 165 142 173 150 174 134 143 138 155 199 218 204 8401
562 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3732 166 149 156 215 206 196 189 231 202 169 133 179 165 220 172 169 165 204 196 240 239 7693
564 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3274 181 144 195 215 203 214 202 243 169 159 148 187 206 230 190 197 208 227 251 303 177 7523
568 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 6364 307 209 233 378 308 276 390 392 293 251 223 287 241 234 201 293 232 272 368 399 477 12628
570 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 1046 87 68 71 113 80 79 99 69 40 44 41 63 52 41 32 54 83 73 91 118 104 2548
585 Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds 4005 231 204 172 245 269 231 224 250 170 158 149 163 224 243 231 249 299 305 384 402 384 9192
588 Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment 791 91 109 81 86 71 60 50 60 45 15 20 27 22 20 28 42 41 45 40 44 58 1846
600 Surgery 9711 1091 1011 1050 1641 1549 1777 1768 1939 2123 1581 1205 1328 1219 1105 1309 2144 2293 2941 3534 3764 3605 49688
601 Surgery: Kinesitherapy 1377 103 91 84 141 92 101 153 118 122 105 87 122 125 111 92 118 154 167 193 191 215 4062
602 Surgery: Splint, Brace, or Bandage 1719 187 134 139 235 212 225 185 153 185 149 159 176 132 115 149 226 259 250 210 253 160 5612
604 Surgery 10391 1191 1090 1095 1484 1353 1191 1252 1263 1718 1154 873 855 738 750 908 1722 1839 2209 2552 2483 2486 40597
606 Surgery 5890 881 923 1228 1466 1583 1602 1434 1245 1625 1128 904 1071 986 768 1012 1875 2215 2896 3322 3414 3738 41206
607 Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application 2778 354 330 321 524 458 517 569 579 609 532 512 699 703 475 609 974 1152 1335 1676 1804 1331 18841
623 Prosthesis (i.e., Artificial Body Members), Parts Thereof, or Aids and Accessories Therefor 2921 233 348 347 452 512 609 724 708 773 721 523 635 541 453 614 927 1159 1297 1514 1696 1693 19400
700 Data Processing: Generic Control Systems or Specific Applications 4217 376 464 353 664 540 470 668 849 1025 1134 1008 1318 976 905 862 1271 1369 1601 1907 2018 2047 26042
701 Data Processing: Vehicles, Navigation, and Relative Location 3331 413 427 330 508 681 826 1251 1269 1192 1213 1167 1085 1130 1151 1216 1795 2137 3221 4177 4735 5311 38566
702 Data Processing: Measuring, Calibrating, or Testing 2848 218 368 349 522 513 522 575 958 1293 1518 1493 1711 1521 1418 1310 1546 1656 1797 1782 1698 1514 27130
703 Data Processing: Structural Design, Modeling, Simulation, and Emulation 507 113 156 229 304 304 292 277 184 171 268 379 650 483 516 567 680 720 832 810 918 766 10126
704 Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics, Language Translation, and Audio Compression/Decompression 1751 159 211 366 614 631 534 612 575 427 536 427 858 776 810 782 970 1084 1340 1574 1500 1407 17944
705 Data Processing: Financial, Business Practice, Management, or Cost/Price Determination 1245 119 155 249 489 720 735 485 458 446 326 778 1285 1189 1704 2024 4061 4064 4863 5902 4851 2136 38284
706 Data Processing: Artificial Intelligence 666 182 163 203 308 129 131 155 169 252 161 209 249 210 355 485 642 760 815 961 1037 919 9161
707 Data Processing: Database and File Management or Data Structures 730 237 341 395 892 966 842 927 1234 1296 1326 1077 1663 1558 1726 2456 4390 4245 4969 5083 5728 5512 47593
708 Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating 3440 236 277 263 387 405 297 292 256 257 288 231 364 239 309 284 314 315 322 498 386 333 9993
709 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Multicomputer Data Transferring 683 163 334 309 956 1020 1163 1158 1250 1182 1605 1617 2462 2393 2717 3366 4657 4873 5313 5382 7040 6358 56001
710 Electrical Computers and Digital Data Processing Systems: Input/Output 2481 359 583 641 1010 1062 1012 909 866 982 1264 959 1149 815 920 1096 1425 1295 1310 1207 1390 1256 23991
711 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Memory 2372 409 570 580 865 851 898 1011 1185 1270 1337 1305 1753 1487 1754 1634 1763 2048 2525 2399 2838 3171 34025
712 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Processing Architectures and Instruction Processing (e.g., Processors) 1573 258 358 402 669 668 491 503 374 311 374 339 377 353 427 408 534 523 357 380 346 436 10461
713 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Support 938 241 286 340 588 582 532 607 568 679 831 986 1649 1652 1860 1879 2248 2182 2617 3030 3355 3045 30695
714 Error Detection/Correction and Fault Detection/Recovery 4226 664 759 708 1076 1050 990 987 967 1279 1275 1183 1787 1896 1960 2106 2387 2387 2484 2883 2696 2782 38532
715 Data Processing: Presentation Processing of Document, Operator Interface Processing, and Screen Saver Display Processing 1027 266 374 430 698 712 678 687 646 648 627 739 1039 1022 1031 1373 1725 1535 1959 2240 2961 2996 25413
716 Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Circuits and Semiconductor Masks 327 111 165 160 241 230 207 365 489 725 567 514 844 733 826 791 948 1054 1186 1313 1292 721 13809
717 Data Processing: Software Development, Installation, and Management 289 122 130 133 318 415 381 514 343 350 425 484 772 727 732 864 1319 1105 1517 2119 2193 2084 17336
718 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Virtual Machine Task or Process Management or Task Management/Control 345 88 57 80 106 98 102 123 114 119 180 181 257 191 224 270 413 399 799 1007 1123 1339 7615
719 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Interprogram Communication or Interprocess Communication (Ipc) 86 52 58 56 108 90 93 162 150 123 249 237 292 183 342 371 395 395 475 531 519 489 5456
720 Dynamic Optical Information Storage or Retrieval 546 41 86 77 133 152 100 164 185 171 200 221 270 233 257 198 167 197 181 156 86 56 3877
725 Interactive Video Distribution Systems 491 73 165 154 256 241 174 204 166 208 227 171 357 263 237 505 726 850 1011 1407 2214 1976 12076
726 Information Security 114 20 43 56 113 190 219 207 140 137 224 229 508 615 712 991 1373 1544 2246 3094 4004 4365 21144
800 Multicellular Living Organisms and Unmodified Parts Thereof and Related Processes 298 86 235 266 453 579 547 571 464 447 535 459 687 802 685 841 988 1037 1317 1455 1549 1513 15814
850 Scanning-Probe Techniques or Apparatus; Applications of Scanning-Probe Techniques, e.g., Scanning Probe Microscopy [Spm] 271 34 27 25 32 27 26 31 35 73 85 81 4 1 1 12 36 47 69 85 83 55 1140
D01 Edible Products 407 35 54 43 47 47 61 60 39 38 121 85 122 53 62 146 87 104 59 87 142 79 1978
D02 Apparel and Haberdashery 3487 316 343 499 706 587 494 489 486 528 583 489 889 969 1122 914 926 926 948 907 878 1033 18519
D03 Travel Goods and Personal Belongings 3414 353 366 380 451 505 488 540 513 493 473 434 640 660 633 608 694 600 685 694 676 724 15024
D04 Brushware 852 138 120 99 127 113 161 175 247 184 122 146 179 137 213 157 135 135 168 177 145 117 4047
D05 Textile or Paper Yard Goods; Sheet Material 283 30 22 33 45 45 80 72 46 39 68 86 88 75 68 61 94 152 153 128 115 70 1853
D06 Furnishings 11170 1282 1312 1092 1454 1460 1697 1813 1573 1549 1523 1164 1615 2079 1889 1720 1497 1301 1633 1525 1402 1503 43253
D07 Equipment for Preparing or Serving Food or Drink Not Elsewhere Specified 6507 563 732 578 749 768 969 1012 794 991 896 726 1145 1418 1452 1182 1380 1164 1297 1392 1289 1364 28368
D08 Tools and Hardware 7292 761 756 750 1014 990 1240 993 947 1123 1049 796 1400 1574 1677 1277 1129 1184 1101 1055 1291 1366 30765
D09 Packages and Containers for Goods 5376 507 470 529 649 687 860 858 709 891 665 710 1108 1388 1350 1421 1392 1311 1272 1344 1303 1346 26146
D10 Measuring, Testing, or Signalling Instruments 5181 689 467 517 693 652 641 701 605 492 524 492 674 747 926 727 666 552 667 593 715 861 18782
D11 Jewelry, Symbolic Insignia, and Ornaments 3167 380 333 376 411 338 348 431 381 372 372 333 461 467 535 479 498 515 503 481 542 581 12304
D12 Transportation 6697 594 681 798 1024 940 1189 1067 1062 1080 1275 953 1440 1483 1619 1737 1670 1392 1388 1521 1586 1854 33050
D13 Equipment for Production, Distribution, or Transformation of Energy 2678 303 285 281 443 594 625 552 634 674 535 574 998 1075 1337 1329 1198 1141 1122 1196 1219 1275 20068
D14 Recording, Communication, or Information Retrieval Equipment 8333 1006 1009 986 1247 1316 1566 1368 1423 1712 1714 1272 2384 2797 3335 3092 2704 2459 2627 3364 3516 4266 53496
D15 Machines Not Elsewhere Specified 2980 306 241 221 318 314 405 388 411 400 417 324 610 660 591 564 621 608 675 778 826 852 13510
D16 Photography and Optical Equipment 1913 203 263 241 392 344 434 350 278 407 302 293 393 692 577 452 419 449 466 512 575 623 10578
D17 Musical Instruments 692 39 33 39 55 61 33 43 42 50 36 46 64 60 104 61 56 46 48 63 56 61 1788
D18 Printing and Office Machinery 2531 208 214 203 199 199 272 276 205 227 187 154 445 408 288 264 244 244 180 246 152 168 7514
D19 Office Supplies; Artists' and Teachers' Materials 2554 290 178 229 310 341 372 381 330 349 393 325 336 447 582 402 355 373 366 358 322 252 9845
D20 Sales and Advertising Equipment 999 104 74 138 160 125 171 135 91 163 121 110 116 127 121 145 157 168 159 192 122 92 3790
D21 Games, Toys, and Sports Goods 8749 880 733 747 1019 921 1027 881 748 782 695 600 996 978 1073 884 784 897 781 896 954 932 26957
D22 Arms, Pyrotechnics, Hunting and Fishing Equipment 1716 165 188 131 165 180 174 154 160 180 148 145 191 179 177 221 259 281 271 343 382 381 6191
D23 Environmental Heating and Cooling; Fluid Handling and Sanitary Equipment 5625 563 530 548 784 819 989 906 966 919 832 790 1557 1342 1446 1267 1320 1085 1030 1168 1197 1160 26843
D24 Medical and Laboratory Equipment 4954 513 484 454 523 575 673 759 598 699 570 352 553 963 1041 1040 1332 1186 1212 1441 1421 1681 23024
D25 Building Units and Construction Elements 2380 259 255 294 306 340 377 381 406 352 344 310 305 432 460 435 493 327 428 448 398 512 10242
D26 Lighting 2991 375 467 430 531 543 805 920 706 772 672 490 859 1163 1322 1179 1221 1283 1148 1158 1098 1206 21339
D27 Tobacco and Smokers' Supplies 476 31 38 38 79 87 60 76 86 62 72 59 106 117 74 65 80 53 47 77 32 145 1960
D28 Cosmetic Products and Toilet Articles 2010 147 152 160 198 211 390 335 255 274 256 188 294 320 330 287 326 351 352 300 325 308 7769
D29 Equipment for Safety, Protection, and Rescue 608 93 91 77 68 86 85 82 105 71 97 62 124 149 156 149 109 143 190 163 136 219 3063
D30 Animal Husbandry 1125 123 129 126 105 108 185 120 113 123 108 131 167 193 214 174 274 243 276 250 255 220 4762
D32 Washing, Cleaning, or Drying Machine 1661 191 176 194 211 193 287 261 257 286 252 172 404 501 479 379 394 356 390 395 359 505 8303
D34 Material or Article Handling Equipment 1677 196 171 129 215 190 184 201 194 209 170 94 254 378 278 270 222 277 256 167 175 203 6110
D99 Miscellaneous 474 70 44 55 69 61 74 98 48 88 104 50 55 38 49 35 78 69 74 58 67 63 1821
PLT Plants 5013 387 362 394 561 421 548 584 1133 994 1016 716 1149 1047 1240 1009 981 823 860 847 1072 1074 22231
ALL ALL CLASSES 1496531 113955 121805 124147 163204 169145 176083 184046 184424 187048 181319 157741 196437 182928 185244 191933 244358 247728 276796 302962 326038 325979 5739851

Patent Counts By Class By Year
Patents Granted: 1977 - 2015
A Patent Technology Monitoring Team Report

Part II, Patent Counts By Class By Year
Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL and CROSS-REFERENCE Classifications
with Duplicate Patents Eliminated Within Classes

Number of Patents Granted as Distributed by Year of Patent Grant
Breakout by U.S. Patent Classification System Class

PART II, Patent Counts By Class By Year, Breakout by U.S. Patent Classification System Class.
Patent Counts Based on ORIGINAL and CROSS-REFERENCE Patent Classifications are presented.
Duplicate patent counts are eliminated within each class.
Patents Granted: 01/01/1977 - 12/31/2015
Class Class Title PRE_1995 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
002 Apparel 5698 474 570 602 723 806 749 703 655 494 565 493 531 376 317 299 559 610 605 606 595 577 17607
004 Baths, Closets, Sinks, and Spittoons 5094 338 312 331 418 538 454 479 514 433 406 322 310 268 216 180 305 356 475 408 428 389 12974
005 Beds 5632 412 488 446 504 483 522 502 470 492 522 502 484 346 416 396 531 478 520 592 679 569 15986
007 Compound Tools 804 53 62 62 72 84 96 101 72 76 89 73 85 71 50 33 45 47 46 71 69 53 2214
008 Bleaching and Dyeing; Fluid Treatment and Chemical Modification of Textiles and Fibers 6325 337 377 275 394 457 381 334 311 387 321 219 298 303 263 236 327 353 319 306 308 226 13057
012 Boot and Shoe Making 575 17 15 24 29 33 20 22 19 23 19 23 23 14 21 12 33 33 37 33 28 66 1119
014 Bridges 762 64 59 58 59 61 65 45 73 62 73 55 65 53 46 55 56 75 68 84 93 41 2072
015 Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning 9713 688 687 644 878 986 983 892 779 829 693 546 540 596 565 570 816 797 839 1066 1026 919 26052
016 Miscellaneous Hardware (e.g., Bushing, Carpet Fastener, Caster, Door Closer, Panel Hanger, Attachable or Adjunct Handle, Hinge, Window Sash Balance, Etc.) 4883 327 398 339 450 427 436 411 516 494 427 389 413 351 338 384 466 469 490 562 519 458 13947
019 Textiles: Fiber Preparation 1628 99 84 77 72 72 87 109 69 53 36 27 39 27 40 41 50 35 21 23 23 26 2738
023 Chemistry: Physical Processes 901 38 34 28 38 31 38 33 32 30 17 25 18 17 15 29 34 35 42 39 32 16 1522
024 Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, Etc. 7980 483 519 580 599 589 564 601 652 610 459 352 452 410 422 378 491 475 530 595 581 518 18840
026 Textiles: Cloth Finishing 670 42 36 29 35 39 30 24 22 24 16 13 9 14 7 7 12 8 16 8 8 3 1072
027 Undertaking 211 23 19 37 33 30 30 32 18 32 19 14 15 42 35 24 26 34 32 35 28 39 808
028 Textiles: Manufacturing 1935 120 81 94 106 99 131 95 86 83 94 54 65 68 52 44 56 47 40 44 49 63 3506
029 Metal Working 29033 1700 1757 1823 2171 2152 2362 2524 2544 2647 2523 2199 2514 2107 1754 1838 2368 2567 3045 3051 3200 6559 82438
030 Cutlery 5976 358 374 362 438 475 471 431 409 432 392 332 338 298 228 248 305 348 356 373 444 307 13695
033 Geometrical Instruments 8174 481 433 363 449 408 493 514 595 577 546 534 531 520 517 500 513 475 409 409 431 354 18226
034 Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact with Solids 5465 292 357 326 361 424 467 356 361 285 299 264 286 173 208 128 187 249 286 307 335 292 11708
036 Boots, Shoes, and Leggings 3042 225 197 236 345 352 307 283 266 247 272 235 257 203 242 224 328 292 326 340 358 330 8907
037 Excavating 2379 135 152 129 166 186 212 182 208 169 167 161 153 101 79 160 242 160 133 140 178 166 5758
038 Textiles: Ironing or Smoothing 679 43 48 54 48 55 55 41 46 38 47 30 46 41 32 32 39 32 48 70 43 24 1591
040 Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting 6185 456 421 434 506 556 612 561 573 570 502 389 352 381 351 330 411 411 405 384 453 308 15551
042 Firearms 2284 178 159 186 203 183 124 213 241 252 207 159 161 175 188 189 296 311 369 384 467 429 7358
043 Fishing, Trapping, and Vermin Destroying 4687 251 317 219 236 411 356 289 309 351 274 233 216 184 174 172 253 197 197 229 258 246 10059
044 Fuel and Related Compositions 2968 129 147 107 132 152 169 146 115 143 108 76 53 83 89 109 138 165 228 286 311 265 6119
047 Plant Husbandry 3475 272 345 296 469 325 351 305 306 283 186 160 157 124 98 141 227 207 273 277 245 315 8837
048 Gas: Heating and Illuminating 2149 69 46 61 67 71 57 57 40 46 72 64 88 112 111 146 164 167 202 247 222 176 4434
049 Movable or Removable Closures 5447 344 395 337 378 439 495 430 425 392 377 362 380 257 230 264 357 282 422 466 466 429 13374
051 Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, or Composition 1373 100 124 153 96 126 104 145 159 145 139 106 91 102 90 80 100 175 135 178 184 219 4124
052 Static Structures (e.g., Buildings) 17618 1007 1203 1201 1467 1416 1471 1598 1488 1297 1202 1025 902 734 671 921 1546 1369 1651 1975 2134 1696 45592
053 Package Making 7877 564 548 598 763 608 640 574 543 619 593 508 469 368 509 419 448 439 454 454 381 541 18917
054 Harness for Working Animal 343 24 18 17 36 23 42 32 46 50 40 24 38 38 31 30 15 15 26 18 13 11 930
055 Gas Separation 6031 318 331 354 451 441 421 464 449 467 478 376 385 381 453 497 596 665 619 627 567 428 15799
056 Harvesters 4485 263 218 167 280 308 299 247 273 257 246 246 221 171 210 210 283 249 245 200 213 209 9500
057 Textiles: Spinning, Twisting, and Twining 3889 188 178 177 214 158 153 175 134 104 118 79 95 68 79 60 73 72 71 78 72 47 6282
059 Chain, Staple, and Horseshoe Making 593 32 17 33 38 37 36 53 44 39 34 47 53 37 46 42 33 42 37 35 50 39 1417
060 Power Plants 14886 888 781 757 1019 997 1032 1331 1298 1226 1256 1269 1432 1058 1021 1234 1567 1711 2014 2403 2496 2343 44019
062 Refrigeration 12032 855 864 870 1030 1141 1154 1292 1347 1293 1073 891 1025 1017 783 666 984 1012 949 1157 1165 1141 33741
063 Jewelry 724 58 62 75 69 53 67 63 82 79 62 40 69 54 53 36 47 49 62 63 65 58 1990
065 Glass Manufacturing 5748 174 203 298 343 357 277 324 313 346 342 226 257 184 172 171 258 307 323 304 377 371 11675
066 Textiles: Knitting 1877 111 123 88 101 106 167 152 82 88 89 99 95 76 64 83 87 78 49 61 44 48 3768
068 Textiles: Fluid Treating Apparatus 2077 132 136 127 193 200 152 114 143 147 82 74 78 109 140 159 170 213 221 215 223 219 5324
069 Leather Manufactures 170 5 5 4 6 4 2 2 2 2 5 7 0 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 6 1 248
070 Locks 4744 311 319 343 462 460 392 323 429 420 333 328 328 277 285 250 259 307 335 349 373 268 11895
071 Chemistry: Fertilizers 1452 93 75 100 89 87 64 97 112 70 60 46 37 32 33 40 77 80 92 91 102 126 3055
072 Metal Deforming 9666 406 497 541 665 685 626 649 538 534 506 412 615 503 417 376 404 437 572 586 511 542 20688
073 Measuring and Testing 31289 2050 2219 2018 2459 2356 2305 2492 2636 3065 2764 2765 2934 2750 2761 2558 3043 3018 3205 3386 3357 2928 88358
074 Machine Element or Mechanism 17093 816 1000 910 1198 1191 1172 1153 1126 989 894 773 831 755 675 732 918 890 1018 1187 1240 1395 37956
075 Specialized Metallurgical Processes, Compositions for Use Therein, Consolidated Metal Powder Compositions, and Loose Metal Particulate Mixtures 6247 367 261 247 319 375 322 381 393 319 263 192 162 181 181 265 343 282 300 292 310 317 12319
076 Metal Tools and Implements, Making 1200 68 56 66 61 76 71 58 52 64 42 28 41 37 31 37 39 39 55 48 42 58 2269
079 Button Making 9 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 23
081 Tools 4607 250 310 263 325 410 494 545 423 351 369 420 524 417 281 196 272 307 303 427 392 352 12238
082 Turning 2132 68 89 101 127 124 112 124 91 167 95 72 85 82 66 75 93 91 98 81 93 62 4128
083 Cutting 8849 424 373 376 523 576 562 498 394 481 526 376 472 349 265 270 373 389 402 395 425 399 17697
084 Music 4934 398 393 344 428 506 444 410 360 328 322 291 379 434 473 530 620 510 474 457 566 499 14100
086 Ammunition and Explosive-Charge Making 489 30 17 25 34 21 20 24 32 29 17 25 23 20 22 29 40 29 29 36 49 42 1082
087 Textiles: Braiding, Netting, and Lace Making 283 17 15 15 23 26 13 13 16 12 9 3 15 15 7 5 12 10 16 26 35 21 607
089 Ordnance 3293 195 140 192 198 183 129 211 203 203 205 180 168 183 217 252 328 386 426 452 414 342 8500
091 Motors: Expansible Chamber Type 5681 214 230 194 253 239 210 219 224 198 206 151 159 173 124 105 105 115 118 128 136 103 9285
092 Expansible Chamber Devices 4981 234 224 220 287 291 246 310 314 280 234 207 214 216 173 135 161 163 193 199 198 198 9678
095 Gas Separation: Processes 4172 270 288 302 362 383 368 394 403 448 347 288 307 299 374 373 537 588 688 815 733 451 13190
096 Gas Separation: Apparatus 5322 240 298 329 394 432 416 424 467 464 431 343 346 374 438 443 575 577 642 706 683 513 14857
099 Foods and Beverages: Apparatus 6179 493 465 489 530 608 567 561 452 441 404 317 366 274 294 247 372 354 445 461 619 533 15471
100 Presses 4627 253 224 228 286 224 210 203 188 226 207 164 210 151 190 134 123 120 127 148 155 127 8525
101 Printing 7747 477 478 497 724 609 587 544 610 718 804 489 491 300 286 248 304 304 338 328 445 364 17692
102 Ammunition and Explosives 4475 268 221 227 241 208 187 312 280 301 216 201 202 171 197 193 253 275 325 330 280 261 9624
104 Railways 2694 152 143 160 128 107 120 144 172 153 115 82 84 78 96 108 142 124 156 182 146 95 5381
105 Railway Rolling Stock 2504 124 122 123 134 95 110 152 137 117 79 93 83 72 77 72 114 112 131 158 153 104 4866
106 Compositions: Coating or Plastic 12304 796 782 779 1024 1005 889 911 977 1011 944 634 694 716 644 613 967 940 969 950 907 885 30341
108 Horizontally Supported Planar Surfaces 3665 281 296 299 342 330 375 306 306 289 276 211 214 166 155 173 231 234 305 278 297 246 9275
109 Safes, Bank Protection, or a Related Device 732 39 27 41 53 44 30 25 37 31 27 26 27 26 28 27 39 36 44 44 52 30 1465
110 Furnaces 4159 185 209 199 243 181 179 190 147 98 120 111 79 56 65 81 118 103 132 138 174 111 7078
111 Planting 1068 61 74 64 60 87 82 99 67 82 74 66 69 65 71 72 87 74 67 108 124 85 2706
112 Sewing 4036 184 226 201 236 214 185 179 109 89 132 112 112 89 94 80 85 115 135 94 138 117 6962
114 Ships 6403 368 374 357 388 412 487 456 407 439 394 431 449 389 352 295 316 362 387 374 469 436 14745
116 Signals and Indicators 3466 182 192 195 206 224 206 213 211 196 192 153 180 137 152 168 178 185 142 154 200 146 7278
117 Single-Crystal, Oriented-Crystal, and Epitaxy Growth Processes; Non-Coating Apparatus Therefor 2474 278 222 212 280 317 324 274 270 283 269 240 246 293 296 235 280 230 267 273 274 232 8069
118 Coating Apparatus 9409 665 709 722 868 962 1200 1211 1127 1063 935 755 659 525 570 589 846 874 956 992 1044 996 27677
119 Animal Husbandry 4567 313 348 362 554 501 469 447 540 532 396 407 442 381 285 308 404 456 498 500 550 435 13695
122 Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers 3246 123 128 107 164 154 143 143 123 118 102 97 82 63 82 80 99 90 116 114 123 97 5594
123 Internal-Combustion Engines 22790 1124 1352 1381 1629 1622 1810 2246 2247 2240 2242 2114 2316 2043 1889 1505 1876 1790 1952 2134 2221 1845 62368
124 Mechanical Guns and Projectors 1696 148 136 160 137 135 124 108 118 161 179 110 109 122 115 113 190 176 172 187 211 202 4809
125 Stone Working 851 42 45 54 66 64 101 98 97 83 73 79 88 52 48 34 48 53 49 61 61 52 2199
126 Stoves and Furnaces 9090 331 331 305 391 513 466 386 323 329 319 298 214 157 135 161 295 320 383 433 497 398 16075
127 Sugar, Starch, and Carbohydrates 913 54 50 40 56 74 39 44 59 34 34 26 25 18 11 16 27 40 47 66 64 210 1947
128 Surgery 8688 873 938 954 1213 1059 1139 1035 1091 1247 1062 879 1020 838 673 647 959 1047 1203 1365 1321 902 30153
131 Tobacco 2966 111 116 116 163 107 123 79 85 88 109 56 45 65 41 55 114 106 98 164 169 211 5187
132 Toilet 2421 152 206 219 313 405 306 258 218 211 147 109 160 186 135 122 161 210 258 264 276 268 7005
134 Cleaning and Liquid Contact with Solids 6813 613 615 610 781 922 816 850 895 920 712 563 533 495 476 500 652 724 719 777 829 755 21570
135 Tent, Canopy, Umbrella, or Cane 1724 149 171 179 198 181 196 251 204 168 189 149 143 161 140 162 180 192 158 213 210 180 5498
136 Batteries: Thermoelectric and Photoelectric 3380 176 170 134 139 177 235 275 254 223 177 116 107 126 116 161 337 517 686 751 986 1004 10247
137 Fluid Handling 21498 1067 1034 1006 1305 1465 1489 1607 1243 1200 1159 1173 1169 867 753 745 1014 929 1320 1609 1623 1815 47090
138 Pipes and Tubular Conduits 6120 335 286 278 361 458 467 423 378 362 326 296 283 201 194 253 279 276 291 335 404 384 12990
139 Textiles: Weaving 2862 177 146 137 155 136 179 188 127 64 109 112 129 68 71 92 93 77 61 57 71 53 5164
140 Wireworking 1207 53 60 62 65 69 53 50 36 49 37 35 54 41 36 18 21 27 28 44 44 39 2128
141 Fluent Material Handling, with Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means 5156 344 370 319 407 487 442 478 452 424 485 391 377 318 225 232 349 286 418 453 454 395 13262
142 Wood Turning 88 4 5 6 4 10 8 4 0 5 2 0 3 2 0 2 1 2 0 0 4 4 154
144 Woodworking 3117 157 132 154 177 230 199 188 174 187 152 121 170 125 111 103 155 169 89 83 61 58 6112
147 Coopering 7 2 0 2 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 1 0 27
148 Metal Treatment 11403 924 791 737 777 777 704 770 752 757 601 387 348 302 334 379 531 475 577 570 556 484 23936
149 Explosive and Thermic Compositions or Charges 1547 101 123 78 87 61 101 99 68 97 59 78 35 7 17 20 53 94 90 80 47 42 2984
150 Purses, Wallets, and Protective Covers 731 63 66 71 96 100 97 99 81 72 59 49 54 46 43 43 60 44 65 45 63 45 2092
152 Resilient Tires and Wheels 2941 189 155 167 196 196 253 262 320 310 236 217 251 216 180 174 200 244 298 296 409 387 8097
156 Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture 22914 1490 1435 1596 1912 1991 1912 1901 1807 2048 1868 1465 1319 1173 1043 965 1515 1870 1973 2079 2154 2551 58981
157 Wheelwright Machines 334 8 9 11 9 11 19 28 11 18 11 21 24 25 20 20 17 13 25 30 35 31 730
159 Concentrating Evaporators 1203 49 62 66 54 54 30 38 47 39 38 40 32 22 28 33 45 55 51 58 54 34 2132
160 Flexible or Portable Closure, Partition, or Panel 3417 233 304 257 304 309 386 358 307 318 296 258 259 210 167 172 254 224 268 303 329 298 9231
162 Paper Making and Fiber Liberation 5097 355 413 442 502 454 494 580 560 417 396 307 299 281 269 267 372 415 449 393 426 286 13474
163 Needle and Pin Making 45 9 5 8 7 6 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 97
164 Metal Founding 5602 239 256 274 312 317 233 287 341 372 267 259 281 221 133 150 202 266 278 230 244 260 11024
165 Heat Exchange 11979 567 613 524 739 862 864 955 903 889 930 866 1068 893 837 753 999 949 888 913 915 931 29837
166 Wells 9852 527 452 377 536 600 694 838 709 790 848 690 1055 951 932 926 1379 1225 1388 1586 1777 1736 29868
168 Farriery 151 2 10 12 10 8 13 11 18 17 13 11 4 8 7 14 8 0 6 7 9 5 344
169 Fire Extinguishers 1109 60 81 74 94 117 125 80 85 78 80 76 88 76 69 54 106 74 90 128 162 134 3040
171 Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects 325 15 14 9 11 13 11 5 5 10 8 7 9 4 3 4 10 11 6 11 11 5 507
172 Earth Working 3692 193 186 168 215 199 244 212 183 170 144 151 174 98 72 126 194 150 143 185 208 130 7237
173 Tool Driving or Impacting 2404 94 114 94 123 138 163 148 125 162 179 153 199 148 175 145 194 190 218 238 216 220 5840
174 Electricity: Conductors and Insulators 11549 874 816 675 1082 1096 1271 1727 1763 1546 1514 1243 1286 1177 1173 1179 1399 1429 1594 1638 1791 1802 39624
175 Boring or Penetrating the Earth 5299 289 290 232 331 355 411 466 462 463 398 365 474 426 442 400 599 601 569 595 684 624 14775
177 Weighing Scales 2504 77 74 96 152 132 101 107 131 119 123 108 133 107 109 110 103 79 90 89 120 93 4757
178 Telegraphy 1224 64 93 69 100 88 64 81 85 99 98 98 130 129 97 91 142 169 321 517 530 261 4550
180 Motor Vehicles 11070 625 788 637 877 965 1026 1186 1296 1314 1162 1168 1162 1104 1188 1184 1537 1470 1712 2001 2037 1611 37120
181 Acoustics 4333 234 213 215 312 313 316 268 296 361 308 239 210 209 258 261 346 406 436 441 478 337 10790
182 Fire Escape, Ladder, or Scaffold 3217 149 152 152 214 253 237 187 218 193 218 186 202 143 91 79 128 159 203 244 257 215 7097
184 Lubrication 2016 132 150 116 138 150 159 167 152 142 129 114 133 100 100 81 121 152 159 162 199 137 4909
185 Motors: Spring, Weight, or Animal Powered 269 7 10 8 7 15 13 16 11 9 14 8 7 8 4 3 7 7 8 7 6 8 452
186 Merchandising 233 21 20 12 21 27 22 13 19 23 16 16 17 14 14 10 20 19 6 15 16 10 584
187 Elevator, Industrial Lift Truck, or Stationary Lift for Vehicle 2028 140 146 140 187 212 149 172 212 157 91 87 137 159 158 169 200 180 192 195 210 182 5503
188 Brakes 8406 536 524 425 525 603 591 771 709 519 453 482 451 379 382 323 396 456 541 628 683 606 19389
190 Trunks and Hand-Carried Luggage 849 77 92 70 87 98 91 104 98 96 56 59 54 51 47 55 47 55 58 68 64 44 2320
191 Electricity: Transmission To Vehicles 503 19 28 34 33 41 42 60 48 31 28 25 25 14 13 20 17 35 29 47 50 44 1186
192 Clutches and Power-Stop Control 8001 311 433 453 489 593 580 502 467 504 474 357 408 311 283 275 338 348 446 487 537 504 17101
193 Conveyors, Chutes, Skids, Guides, and Ways 979 49 36 39 32 59 63 68 57 51 40 39 41 46 36 40 39 33 35 59 61 47 1949
194 Check-Actuated Control Mechanisms 1150 105 104 74 80 117 112 95 54 79 69 72 62 47 42 55 94 69 108 119 132 77 2916
196 Mineral Oils: Apparatus 365 11 11 12 26 22 10 18 13 9 7 5 6 7 8 11 10 21 18 21 38 28 677
198 Conveyors: Power-Driven 11158 586 534 541 577 693 686 816 714 699 616 466 492 500 457 463 589 601 509 643 774 737 23851
199 Type Casting 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 7
200 Electricity: Circuit Makers and Breakers 9886 453 490 464 672 637 606 528 584 615 656 566 622 525 524 530 533 578 685 629 607 548 21938
201 Distillation: Processes, Thermolytic 1147 26 10 21 25 20 19 21 7 9 14 8 18 6 12 12 28 32 43 56 47 55 1636
202 Distillation: Apparatus 2122 74 77 82 91 77 76 59 58 51 43 40 48 37 48 69 66 76 98 128 112 125 3657
203 Distillation: Processes, Separatory 2681 142 118 126 144 141 104 81 127 82 68 73 80 65 61 82 72 90 111 134 108 107 4797
204 Chemistry: Electrical and Wave Energy 15806 994 903 886 1091 1188 1315 1426 1294 1216 1122 883 790 739 679 662 949 1038 1205 1242 1260 1260 37948
205 Electrolysis: Processes, Compositions Used Therein, and Methods of Preparing the Compositions 8690 473 466 433 472 536 537 742 628 576 558 396 387 396 339 348 479 532 679 719 636 717 19739
206 Special Receptacle or Package 16347 1208 1213 1210 1600 1597 1515 1360 1225 1168 987 916 928 774 846 811 1148 1101 1133 1263 1395 1132 40877
208 Mineral Oils: Processes and Products 8090 291 211 215 257 384 328 316 263 248 242 164 189 225 239 267 408 393 377 403 450 362 14322
209 Classifying, Separating, and Assorting Solids 6441 344 316 290 308 375 387 370 314 315 319 242 234 236 239 210 270 320 300 338 387 317 12872
210 Liquid Purification or Separation 23326 1517 1623 1613 1746 1765 1719 1819 1620 1570 1449 1251 1263 1344 1263 1224 1552 1601 1794 1731 1724 1449 55963
211 Supports: Racks 6216 369 437 436 553 571 581 551 564 517 444 413 387 338 257 276 386 481 464 496 538 490 15765
212 Traversing Hoists 1501 69 64 67 80 65 104 82 68 100 46 46 64 75 75 73 89 68 67 71 107 77 3058
213 Railway Draft Appliances 363 20 32 20 20 22 18 26 17 11 20 8 14 14 14 19 27 15 23 27 30 23 783
215 Bottles and Jars 4773 295 284 291 391 413 362 303 280 260 223 208 220 184 155 195 275 270 348 407 448 224 10809
216 Etching a Substrate: Processes 4140 428 385 483 545 594 621 637 650 634 607 498 550 506 537 489 558 601 734 841 843 869 16750
217 Wooden Receptacles 405 7 8 7 14 10 11 15 9 7 4 4 6 4 6 1 9 5 7 10 11 8 568
218 High-Voltage Switches with Arc Preventing or Extinguishing Devices 1449 43 75 43 94 80 69 95 93 76 75 49 49 38 24 43 70 58 105 74 113 102 2917
219 Electric Heating 18489 1019 1007 923 1307 1430 1642 1583 1552 1529 1559 1321 1424 1111 859 766 1043 958 1308 1584 1524 1329 45267
220 Receptacles 13761 913 962 889 1132 1183 1186 1120 987 919 808 712 860 732 621 755 980 996 1148 1441 1527 1208 34840
221 Article Dispensing 3417 216 231 157 251 273 268 294 256 294 254 171 230 166 167 157 238 222 217 227 237 191 8134
222 Dispensing 13834 917 844 833 1031 1246 1112 1110 1069 867 871 700 762 615 500 537 869 789 922 1125 1090 802 32445
223 Apparel Apparatus 1127 71 79 106 86 102 123 102 71 46 69 53 52 61 54 33 59 62 71 56 61 60 2604
224 Package and Article Carriers 4595 407 444 463 533 533 469 501 443 424 400 278 274 260 193 197 299 283 381 401 493 495 12766
225 Severing by Tearing or Breaking 1155 51 54 45 73 63 51 52 67 66 78 61 60 34 35 36 43 45 49 53 64 48 2283
226 Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length 3189 142 129 100 174 152 116 121 125 107 76 63 65 55 52 26 40 43 41 41 43 58 4958
227 Elongated-Member-Driving Apparatus 2121 156 164 182 180 149 176 133 120 176 185 174 234 168 183 203 272 326 333 379 329 255 6598
228 Metal Fusion Bonding 6294 411 400 358 389 468 601 631 583 538 526 409 346 265 305 278 496 418 405 396 382 427 15326
229 Envelopes, Wrappers, and Paperboard Boxes 5658 328 311 280 362 351 347 335 293 244 168 193 158 156 155 143 252 228 197 265 295 236 10955
231 Whips and Whip Apparatus 31 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 53
232 Deposit and Collection Receptacles 631 47 35 43 41 43 37 33 27 29 42 37 48 62 51 33 36 23 32 26 28 19 1403
234 Selective Cutting (e.g., Punching) 64 0 0 2 2 3 0 2 3 4 6 2 8 4 4 2 8 2 6 4 5 3 134
235 Registers 5751 596 597 558 797 927 959 759 822 1038 1081 875 1406 1374 1467 1407 1729 1835 1871 2023 1809 1589 31270
236 Automatic Temperature and Humidity Regulation 3273 131 130 113 147 180 170 146 170 172 155 148 141 141 113 106 205 182 181 187 191 139 6521
237 Heating Systems 1897 40 53 47 78 112 106 74 78 76 90 65 66 47 28 30 44 44 57 65 69 46 3212
238 Railways: Surface Track 693 31 40 32 48 30 36 47 48 37 36 23 28 20 17 16 47 44 45 46 59 42 1465
239 Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing 11567 615 581 658 902 1010 1055 886 852 907 961 774 824 593 560 558 825 762 734 871 961 899 28355
241 Solid Material Comminution or Disintegration 5227 334 343 307 370 410 319 244 296 328 224 207 253 304 254 302 365 425 369 380 413 335 12009
242 Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding 11273 575 707 612 825 756 768 628 718 665 549 486 485 433 419 324 372 367 334 347 357 415 22415
244 Aeronautics and Astronautics 7169 372 359 334 577 538 636 678 669 655 613 500 551 498 429 533 710 951 1169 1252 1309 1179 21681
245 Wire Fabrics and Structure 136 5 5 6 3 5 4 8 7 3 7 5 11 7 1 4 1 7 2 5 1 0 233
246 Railway Switches and Signals 742 58 55 59 76 42 68 84 78 60 53 42 58 55 42 41 72 60 80 94 91 96 2106
248 Supports 17618 1144 1226 1184 1576 1543 1633 1541 1669 1591 1252 1031 1163 1172 1058 1271 1605 1500 1625 1645 1692 1597 47336
249 Static Molds 2967 140 132 150 199 162 150 173 149 162 154 115 138 106 54 67 127 140 125 145 131 91 5777
250 Radiant Energy 26631 1865 1752 1628 2002 1871 1886 2120 2344 2707 2765 2342 3192 2790 2952 2939 3118 2692 2972 3535 3766 3283 81152
251 Valves and Valve Actuation 11428 561 567 501 709 815 867 801 728 706 763 771 761 539 465 470 578 555 710 844 890 773 25802
252 Compositions 20353 1199 1258 1143 1359 1335 1263 1226 1272 1379 1279 913 1092 981 935 962 1409 1439 1731 1888 1919 2270 48605
254 Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force 3935 198 174 201 199 257 276 257 229 261 213 198 232 209 206 164 217 201 255 299 268 211 8660
256 Fences 1125 82 96 98 100 108 112 107 99 138 110 106 90 64 72 82 83 84 76 94 102 75 3103
257 Active Solid-State Devices (e.g., Transistors, Solid-State Diodes) 34006 4228 4278 4696 6498 7847 9142 10998 11618 12001 12262 10811 11596 11307 10846 9415 13102 13023 12430 14258 15581 15083 255026
258 Railway Mail Delivery 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 16
260 Chemistry of Carbon Compounds 1218 17 19 31 34 33 24 26 13 16 10 8 3 7 7 3 4 2 2 4 2 7 1490
261 Gas and Liquid Contact Apparatus 5734 216 219 209 242 246 254 265 249 217 225 191 183 186 164 186 186 219 290 242 257 222 10402
264 Plastic and Nonmetallic Article Shaping or Treating: Processes 29617 1762 1799 1950 2405 2218 2044 1992 1847 2061 1938 1383 1406 1156 1008 1062 1990 1875 1944 2018 2136 2539 68150
266 Metallurgical Apparatus 4296 218 161 159 185 213 181 214 171 182 136 91 61 79 90 117 126 148 160 151 139 156 7434
267 Spring Devices 4496 222 248 215 244 291 293 323 379 300 238 205 229 215 196 152 179 209 272 330 344 310 9890
269 Work Holders 4191 193 234 218 300 307 312 299 290 301 251 204 230 167 130 150 194 250 363 402 380 287 9653
270 Sheet-Material Associating 1229 89 83 83 119 87 84 121 104 96 130 87 106 93 118 154 205 267 218 187 135 78 3873
271 Sheet Feeding or Delivering 7050 478 444 407 437 530 492 542 457 569 466 360 367 336 494 568 732 727 737 843 788 560 18384
273 Amusement Devices: Games 6521 498 463 479 597 515 502 544 539 545 446 337 351 365 383 364 524 450 492 538 456 183 16092
276 Typesetting 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 8
277 Seal for a Joint or Juncture 6417 286 383 326 278 381 419 491 471 410 387 337 339 233 256 222 321 335 369 411 465 460 13997
278 Land Vehicles: Animal Draft Appliances 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 15
279 Chucks or Sockets 1993 116 104 86 148 201 142 170 124 140 85 110 88 106 92 85 109 103 120 112 123 104 4461
280 Land Vehicles 16996 1397 1517 1238 1678 1725 1977 2145 2069 1747 1671 1554 1607 1581 1640 1597 2084 1822 1723 2161 2157 1821 53907
281 Books, Strips, and Leaves 1247 104 79 99 122 149 139 125 112 76 76 55 46 27 34 24 51 29 36 35 36 16 2717
283 Printed Matter 2346 210 191 203 301 325 296 271 231 210 224 155 168 135 135 114 190 212 189 200 149 76 6531
285 Pipe Joints or Couplings 8705 453 420 371 511 582 522 510 565 515 397 401 395 293 418 406 490 413 450 441 456 417 18131
289 Knots and Knot Tying 195 15 15 17 13 10 11 17 11 14 12 8 7 6 6 9 7 13 13 16 10 15 440
290 Prime-Mover Dynamo Plants 1729 62 59 66 124 112 138 158 163 155 231 256 287 270 297 321 376 492 602 651 751 543 7843
291 Track Sanders 38 0 3 0 0 3 2 1 2 3 2 6 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 5 0 2 83
292 Closure Fasteners 5044 267 361 319 371 371 425 288 428 442 336 299 327 320 285 259 320 291 350 445 439 325 12312
293 Vehicle Fenders 876 39 38 35 51 55 59 95 81 87 108 113 81 79 91 81 83 91 115 107 119 110 2594
294 Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements 6033 337 331 329 406 388 396 332 363 298 199 188 254 235 193 218 259 264 332 398 382 349 12484
295 Railway Wheels and Axles 104 4 7 6 3 9 7 6 7 8 7 2 1 2 3 3 4 0 1 1 3 5 193
296 Land Vehicles: Bodies and Tops 6930 418 541 483 695 775 933 1104 1009 1036 1063 985 1090 948 920 887 1174 1025 1161 1277 1315 1154 26923
297 Chairs and Seats 7582 562 728 684 817 847 901 803 807 885 835 685 831 665 748 739 888 852 873 905 1081 1178 24896
298 Land Vehicles: Dumping 607 38 33 17 32 29 37 34 27 40 38 27 18 17 18 18 24 29 27 24 28 23 1185
299 Mining or In Situ Disintegration of Hard Material 2657 72 60 66 76 68 83 84 80 68 58 59 73 52 92 76 86 101 88 124 156 125 4404
300 Brush, Broom, and Mop Making 235 16 15 22 18 19 14 21 18 19 16 14 3 9 9 9 13 15 15 26 21 18 565
301 Land Vehicles: Wheels and Axles 1431 96 128 94 118 136 169 179 187 161 139 126 129 93 107 103 118 145 88 128 156 157 4188
303 Fluid-Pressure and Analogous Brake Systems 3545 276 269 246 295 318 364 456 352 292 206 215 205 164 206 135 202 230 290 302 306 215 9089
305 Wheel Substitutes for Land Vehicles 698 38 25 24 47 49 62 61 72 58 35 43 42 36 34 35 50 56 36 41 64 53 1659
307 Electrical Transmission or Interconnection Systems 5787 403 545 546 745 768 686 604 585 615 577 383 622 580 556 690 853 986 1022 1025 1191 1290 21059
310 Electrical Generator or Motor Structure 12096 700 705 795 1234 1248 1274 1371 1392 1305 1863 1547 1524 1300 1303 1621 1879 1879 1776 1879 1864 1673 42228
312 Supports: Cabinet Structure 5188 373 378 369 496 532 600 534 637 595 500 412 394 376 352 348 570 512 677 668 694 665 15870
313 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices 8383 480 565 621 909 931 857 955 1199 1612 1438 1093 1221 1195 1126 1307 1769 1824 1783 1698 1443 867 33276
314 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Consumable Electrodes 20 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 3 1 1 0 4 4 3 2 2 4 4 2 55
315 Electric Lamp and Discharge Devices: Systems 8259 557 526 463 671 708 745 849 1002 1067 956 819 947 932 872 839 1005 1186 1538 1715 1890 2006 29552
318 Electricity: Motive Power Systems 10751 628 658 625 950 879 903 879 899 804 865 836 1103 874 842 882 969 1031 1146 1226 1235 1140 30125
320 Electricity: Battery or Capacitor Charging or Discharging 1612 163 222 376 357 413 430 501 454 399 355 321 326 276 378 641 807 764 1104 1089 1181 1454 13623
322 Electricity: Single Generator Systems 1090 34 76 83 98 73 86 83 76 81 125 111 129 129 109 129 104 128 125 116 122 75 3182
323 Electricity: Power Supply or Regulation Systems 4466 296 361 418 472 546 494 550 547 504 486 485 645 596 618 736 921 956 976 1088 1172 1064 18397
324 Electricity: Measuring and Testing 17483 1517 1762 1503 1589 1531 1780 2123 2541 2498 2486 2287 2630 2393 2291 2387 2812 2466 2582 2741 2849 2668 64919
326 Electronic Digital Logic Circuitry 4414 502 532 447 559 580 765 861 839 739 805 731 782 909 898 873 1092 870 585 750 615 502 19650
327 Miscellaneous Active Electrical Nonlinear Devices, Circuits, and Systems 14325 1234 1297 1045 1533 1685 1814 1993 2114 1997 1940 1686 2064 1872 1745 2002 2389 2163 1984 2436 2498 1951 53767
329 Demodulators 1254 105 99 112 115 108 113 89 71 62 69 50 67 58 53 65 64 79 84 64 52 19 2852
330 Amplifiers 5528 384 345 342 445 526 604 598 657 731 800 631 892 825 839 849 912 815 797 810 819 742 19891
331 Oscillators 4482 293 317 288 385 371 392 423 357 472 497 409 557 541 485 541 600 557 505 435 499 406 13812
332 Modulators 897 92 100 73 107 96 76 79 84 81 58 55 94 88 71 89 127 122 103 85 101 43 2721
333 Wave Transmission Lines and Networks 7017 442 449 410 598 611 617 520 697 792 737 709 690 612 587 648 685 662 719 648 728 813 20391
334 Tuners 373 9 5 2 10 13 13 8 11 8 6 6 12 11 4 7 12 6 6 8 10 5 545
335 Electricity: Magnetically Operated Switches, Magnets, and Electromagnets 4869 259 293 242 271 378 315 332 343 325 369 387 346 259 226 301 358 302 399 429 393 333 11729
336 Inductor Devices 2685 166 171 130 214 207 239 242 277 306 277 328 313 274 255 210 348 383 373 342 372 370 8482
337 Electricity: Electrothermally or Thermally Actuated Switches 2211 58 64 99 127 136 100 80 108 138 119 59 76 52 69 75 85 68 62 43 61 51 3941
338 Electrical Resistors 4871 145 177 176 222 264 239 230 201 183 142 113 154 162 108 106 150 132 164 155 94 90 8278
340 Communications: Electrical 20054 1655 1904 1943 2487 2385 2583 2512 2477 2253 2699 2662 3556 3002 3188 3235 3904 4037 4775 4997 5029 3694 85031
341 Coded Data Generation or Conversion 5744 465 503 656 817 682 685 856 970 972 964 910 1134 1077 1160 1011 1107 1053 1047 1173 1137 946 25069
342 Communications: Directive Radio Wave Systems and Devices (e.g., Radar, Radio Navigation) 5808 483 594 514 662 730 832 978 1026 1012 1063 882 988 928 971 1142 1128 1193 1235 1130 1117 881 25297
343 Communications: Radio Wave Antennas 4016 292 354 330 422 696 754 903 917 737 763 924 1077 907 1010 984 1079 982 1046 1223 1306 1107 21829
345 Computer Graphics Processing and Selective Visual Display Systems 8290 1153 1377 1519 2342 2219 2347 2710 2639 2768 3177 2964 4078 3600 3523 3931 4923 5190 7009 8177 8977 8711 91624
346 Recorders 3875 143 96 40 69 82 63 45 41 32 33 18 25 29 16 9 18 16 20 23 13 6 4712
347 Incremental Printing of Symbolic Information 8381 903 1100 1076 1632 1348 1759 2140 2251 2099 1978 1713 1989 2051 2282 2112 2752 2770 2756 2948 3225 2854 52119
348 Television 20328 2005 2426 2435 3263 3169 2991 3009 3141 3221 3671 3226 4720 4080 4602 3696 4488 4615 6648 6512 7328 6967 106541
349 Liquid Crystal Cells, Elements and Systems 3735 448 580 590 883 777 926 919 963 1259 1429 1404 1506 1351 1495 1896 2337 2442 2511 2425 2346 2021 34243
351 Optics: Eye Examining, Vision Testing and Correcting 2933 258 259 275 365 414 414 390 346 412 386 304 377 423 482 432 520 527 473 573 702 630 11895
352 Optics: Motion Pictures 1381 43 63 46 56 50 51 41 44 58 78 40 56 41 38 37 40 51 60 39 36 18 2367
353 Optics: Image Projectors 1547 124 123 137 172 163 192 214 287 364 423 387 555 535 489 355 447 643 594 599 608 506 9464
355 Photocopying 5588 269 213 311 394 379 354 445 385 452 536 501 642 557 547 416 471 480 494 502 575 571 15082
356 Optics: Measuring and Testing 15231 1231 1195 1171 1648 1529 1538 1233 1432 1919 1837 1676 2024 2100 2204 2107 2342 2170 2140 2245 2276 1917 53165
358 Facsimile and Static Presentation Processing 8010 905 1094 1010 1593 1379 1255 1157 1157 1323 1385 1389 1938 1808 1901 2009 2357 2560 3302 3792 3616 3024 47964
359 Optical: Systems and Elements 18121 1275 1604 1638 2253 2194 2345 2425 2621 2779 3007 2864 3336 2949 2991 3019 3496 3404 3248 3394 3545 3114 75622
360 Dynamic Magnetic Information Storage or Retrieval 14087 1197 1193 1173 1598 1582 1590 1565 1571 1693 1861 1491 1872 1492 1432 1463 1367 1379 1436 1190 1601 1198 45031
361 Electricity: Electrical Systems and Devices 17889 1532 1765 1626 2337 2272 2489 2872 3234 3231 3168 2547 2934 2874 3122 3149 3707 3941 4120 4341 4357 4037 81544
362 Illumination 8282 784 776 808 1018 997 1228 1349 1345 1499 1381 1336 1748 1853 1664 1832 2487 2325 2558 3183 3321 3102 44876
363 Electric Power Conversion Systems 5123 327 367 510 572 682 614 625 617 553 476 448 603 533 523 634 765 798 866 1039 1069 1185 18929
365 Static Information Storage and Retrieval 9354 1187 1312 1406 1912 2182 2304 2369 2416 2462 2519 2533 2726 2796 2813 2918 3469 3457 3317 3393 3540 3183 63568
366 Agitating 5550 339 373 290 382 392 379 398 311 323 294 267 264 241 286 218 286 334 417 334 413 315 12406
367 Communications, Electrical: Acoustic Wave Systems and Devices 5433 282 313 275 328 258 326 279 247 263 275 262 264 296 346 329 454 384 450 515 532 575 12686
368 Horology: Time Measuring Systems or Devices 3573 131 154 160 204 188 196 237 216 219 230 174 222 201 244 197 229 212 231 286 299 278 8081
369 Dynamic Information Storage or Retrieval 7495 840 958 981 1220 1084 1102 1113 1107 1225 1298 1023 1581 1471 1461 1366 1631 1689 1388 1078 673 428 32212
370 Multiplex Communications 7892 1299 1588 1459 2220 2495 2767 2794 3188 3739 4369 4147 5905 4949 6274 7304 10197 10705 12340 13586 15559 12596 137372
372 Coherent Light Generators 6624 613 496 493 717 679 657 645 694 965 1111 783 815 605 676 764 970 755 696 711 784 735 21988
373 Industrial Electric Heating Furnaces 1665 74 82 47 66 103 96 59 71 46 60 24 39 26 24 19 37 27 21 38 45 21 2690
374 Thermal Measuring and Testing 4968 218 205 286 370 287 390 350 332 369 337 361 394 325 379 315 320 289 400 368 373 321 11957
375 Pulse or Digital Communications 9463 1392 1764 1753 2611 2528 2534 2620 2708 2940 3163 2959 4387 3721 4064 3404 4455 4483 5996 6233 6235 5234 84647
376 Induced Nuclear Reactions: Processes, Systems, and Elements 6501 251 227 197 242 197 116 145 146 154 126 110 59 59 72 93 111 115 144 197 262 183 9707
377 Electrical Pulse Counters, Pulse Dividers, or Shift Registers: Circuits and Systems 3684 162 136 110 128 107 132 87 111 78 106 118 95 71 92 99 144 141 136 165 141 114 6157
378 X-Ray or Gamma Ray Systems or Devices 5253 372 431 375 434 380 485 656 752 601 603 635 880 790 913 962 1084 892 860 878 912 967 20115
379 Telephonic Communications 8526 949 1112 978 1578 1736 1567 1523 1600 1641 2024 1640 2177 1642 1513 1541 1847 2070 2627 2781 2676 1466 45214
380 Cryptography 2219 293 292 341 488 395 528 453 387 339 451 580 959 919 923 1114 1352 1426 1766 1973 1927 1033 20158
381 Electrical Audio Signal Processing Systems and Devices 4476 378 395 461 686 459 511 400 486 565 697 528 878 749 702 770 1015 1439 2519 1972 2014 2189 24289
382 Image Analysis 5399 664 862 1021 1821 1885 1791 1945 1829 2313 2577 2269 3454 3201 3584 3964 5014 5447 7549 7641 7299 5801 77330
383 Flexible Bags 3162 219 221 180 260 290 294 290 230 203 157 161 177 165 112 154 167 176 198 193 212 173 7394
384 Bearings 6420 383 424 366 485 446 480 539 519 500 468 397 402 359 328 352 417 410 531 608 707 642 16183
385 Optical Waveguides 8954 785 784 894 1167 1107 1166 1629 1994 2329 2519 2331 2455 2172 1969 1601 1632 1139 1264 1550 1707 1635 42783
386 Motion Video Signal Processing for Recording or Reproducing 4567 453 586 491 648 643 591 598 650 627 691 544 820 810 861 671 752 757 1016 1082 1119 737 19714
388 Electricity: Motor Control Systems 1099 66 63 68 105 69 76 96 102 76 78 69 74 82 71 65 75 59 35 48 44 15 2535
392 Electric Resistance Heating Devices 2628 153 133 135 187 228 258 272 239 197 204 220 245 158 136 136 183 185 223 209 245 143 6717
396 Photography 10270 624 864 899 1188 922 861 701 732 625 665 381 439 347 589 858 1045 891 815 815 746 375 25652
398 Optical Communications 2380 316 401 326 460 529 552 676 774 675 774 635 961 930 860 856 981 965 1147 1159 1378 1432 19167
399 Electrophotography 9500 794 1079 924 1354 1321 1234 1185 1195 1214 1261 1132 1561 1562 1675 1674 2215 2295 2573 2690 2994 2953 44385
400 Typewriting Machines 6621 362 382 344 481 469 430 375 410 432 458 439 420 335 287 233 268 255 296 275 351 177 14100
401 Coating Implements with Material Supply 2889 150 173 136 232 352 304 359 297 259 249 231 241 203 199 167 203 195 284 284 288 234 7929
402 Binder Device Releasably Engaging Aperture or Notch of Sheet 668 53 44 63 79 83 89 82 62 49 49 36 34 26 22 21 50 29 21 29 19 17 1625
403 Joints and Connections 11935 643 687 718 765 650 715 730 726 730 602 515 462 372 349 372 483 388 485 531 544 626 24028
404 Road Structure, Process, or Apparatus 2814 218 220 192 211 242 235 194 227 230 252 194 260 202 183 213 238 234 221 279 268 232 7559
405 Hydraulic and Earth Engineering 8206 466 554 416 570 522 447 479 533 501 472 401 488 347 367 357 442 459 434 547 635 511 18154
406 Conveyors: Fluid Current 2055 57 90 63 73 66 85 95 103 86 59 44 54 56 54 49 45 58 63 67 80 76 3478
407 Cutters, for Shaping 1543 65 73 97 131 151 137 123 74 129 126 99 122 102 113 115 117 128 126 156 190 146 4063
408 Cutting by Use of Rotating Axially Moving Tool 3841 189 177 217 290 310 216 264 194 226 159 176 232 226 178 162 144 168 168 218 263 188 8206
409 Gear Cutting, Milling, or Planing 2823 151 121 181 201 229 202 208 209 202 170 167 189 210 184 129 111 137 114 130 178 157 6403
410 Freight Accommodation On Freight Carrier 1406 106 93 72 107 113 134 126 119 143 132 109 130 111 114 97 124 135 139 185 147 108 3950
411 Expanded, Threaded, Driven, Headed, Tool-Deformed, or Locked-Threaded Fastener 5386 322 382 369 442 406 400 402 359 327 351 274 267 249 204 181 320 309 342 447 474 409 12622
412 Bookbinding: Process and Apparatus 463 40 26 38 28 42 55 39 42 46 48 35 32 19 31 27 55 47 53 36 27 33 1262
413 Sheet Metal Container Making 477 6 14 15 26 27 24 9 20 16 18 14 17 9 9 15 13 16 22 20 18 23 828
414 Material or Article Handling 14383 817 786 759 850 902 1034 891 918 900 798 641 622 508 470 531 695 688 710 732 819 875 30329
415 Rotary Kinetic Fluid Motors or Pumps 5309 312 365 292 328 313 454 497 596 577 523 526 589 486 444 505 656 756 1272 978 1141 1051 17970
416 Fluid Reaction Surfaces (i.e., Impellers) 4591 249 278 208 253 285 409 453 498 440 403 417 478 444 427 447 530 773 1028 852 993 817 15273
417 Pumps 10318 512 652 532 619 693 907 947 906 862 688 497 615 459 458 474 612 687 1028 938 922 773 25099
418 Rotary Expansible Chamber Devices 3282 199 207 160 201 144 337 306 250 230 225 166 186 172 175 187 208 196 241 240 252 288 7852
419 Powder Metallurgy Processes 2555 187 159 138 162 213 166 171 169 189 134 90 91 83 93 97 136 109 107 106 142 150 5447
420 Alloys or Metallic Compositions 4496 268 240 200 263 296 241 304 297 235 257 179 114 113 128 146 237 204 235 262 301 274 9290
422 Chemical Apparatus and Process Disinfecting, Deodorizing, Preserving, or Sterilizing 16458 1335 1266 1225 1583 1632 1514 1605 1618 1648 1514 1253 1294 1392 1439 1612 2400 2418 2552 2745 2799 2545 53847
423 Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds 18551 950 867 857 987 1038 963 967 947 983 894 720 837 681 745 953 1464 1300 1377 1631 1555 1339 40606
424 Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions 18807 1899 2309 3426 4165 4526 3964 4465 4639 4360 3229 2701 3408 2960 2875 2932 4365 4361 5350 6337 7212 6777 105067
425 Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus 14580 851 842 892 1076 949 908 966 879 815 842 565 804 733 641 580 891 838 842 820 930 993 32237
426 Food or Edible Material: Processes, Compositions, and Products 14195 884 902 816 981 1261 1268 1226 1064 1015 874 518 636 525 420 462 722 733 932 1054 1094 1249 32831
427 Coating Processes 30086 1735 1817 1935 2308 2483 2499 2442 2446 2511 2301 1694 1444 1446 1250 1509 2194 2236 2678 2528 2722 3331 75595
428 Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles 48273 3287 3529 3690 4309 4514 4325 4638 4733 4934 4854 3604 3369 3144 2768 2916 4370 4518 4548 4640 4455 4482 133900
429 Chemistry: Electrical Current Producing Apparatus, Product, and Process 6525 551 677 665 694 700 894 982 1129 1151 1164 961 1017 969 989 1268 2028 1962 2351 2438 2881 3109 35105
430 Radiation Imagery Chemistry: Process, Composition, or Product Thereof 20998 1789 1798 1708 2084 2213 2286 2264 2129 2187 2100 1624 1940 1596 1613 1626 1992 1859 1928 1816 1890 1436 60876
431 Combustion 4826 286 266 219 318 381 381 321 278 302 282 257 153 138 105 166 200 169 184 231 252 232 9947
432 Heating 4630 159 153 149 217 228 213 193 192 173 131 89 82 63 79 74 95 107 104 110 105 128 7474
433 Dentistry 4942 286 355 348 531 508 451 553 458 390 335 315 415 341 239 193 354 380 439 509 527 419 13288
434 Education and Demonstration 4488 320 344 332 476 483 498 426 424 445 421 366 368 301 238 250 352 376 497 679 673 423 13180
435 Chemistry: Molecular Biology and Microbiology 19540 2250 3081 4139 6133 6215 5605 6274 5729 5298 4616 4131 5277 5195 4792 4915 6439 6552 6810 7153 7670 8180 135994
436 Chemistry: Analytical and Immunological Testing 10335 949 1037 1144 1457 1336 1156 1298 1261 1259 1119 927 978 1103 1084 1040 1594 1652 1580 1618 1459 1282 36668
438 Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: Process 13378 1881 1811 2142 2978 4219 5439 6913 7006 6815 6959 6191 6526 6103 6071 6690 8938 8876 8349 9662 10746 11695 149388
439 Electrical Connectors 16150 1343 1468 1612 1869 2118 2753 2776 2652 2331 2541 2231 2791 2414 2608 2548 2981 2741 2408 2329 2329 2472 65465
440 Marine Propulsion 2335 180 191 163 210 216 271 265 266 243 247 259 253 225 206 180 162 180 191 179 224 170 6816
441 Buoys, Rafts, and Aquatic Devices 1821 125 119 119 141 129 155 150 129 132 126 114 150 124 97 76 99 91 100 116 143 122 4378
442 Fabric (Woven, Knitted, or Nonwoven Textile or Cloth, Etc.) 4610 385 356 427 478 491 443 397 289 363 427 288 257 252 250 277 427 402 329 281 293 259 11981
445 Electric Lamp or Space Discharge Component or Device Manufacturing 1543 80 125 149 182 217 251 212 203 274 301 276 283 220 155 228 329 389 368 317 256 313 6671
446 Amusement Devices: Toys 5421 338 351 292 445 434 516 451 467 511 440 282 258 234 214 226 300 340 276 320 348 276 12740
449 Bee Culture 133 4 3 8 3 3 4 2 8 8 6 4 5 1 3 5 4 6 2 7 8 5 232
450 Foundation Garments 335 26 28 35 42 70 83 71 67 29 47 48 59 51 54 41 58 59 96 68 82 43 1492
451 Abrading 6544 408 455 547 553 694 841 1065 994 949 919 886 969 697 481 439 450 495 588 642 545 566 20727
452 Butchering 1926 95 105 72 103 106 125 118 67 78 73 62 112 95 104 101 99 96 80 104 135 89 3945
453 Coin Handling 445 35 43 18 21 34 40 32 20 50 31 15 26 22 17 20 24 16 17 23 19 31 999
454 Ventilation 3649 194 227 219 320 301 355 384 377 394 390 303 271 226 215 265 333 296 302 381 350 308 10060
455 Telecommunications 8694 1101 1485 1296 2056 2463 2769 2621 2679 2750 3205 3357 5577 4971 4933 5566 7149 9016 11910 12993 13011 9753 119355
460 Crop Threshing or Separating 544 44 47 26 44 55 42 53 58 42 49 49 44 41 34 43 46 53 54 29 47 53 1497
462 Books, Strips, and Leaves for Manifolding 402 31 10 11 14 19 31 24 23 5 11 5 5 1 4 0 2 1 4 6 9 3 621
463 Amusement Devices: Games 1193 115 110 197 324 311 364 488 502 618 584 508 484 456 549 536 1054 1211 1999 2125 2214 1655 17597
464 Rotary Shafts, Gudgeons, Housings, and Flexible Couplings for Rotary Shafts 3423 165 184 245 276 235 264 349 256 210 217 179 209 168 175 171 218 247 299 255 266 183 8194
470 Threaded, Headed Fastener, or Washer Making: Process and Apparatus 642 18 33 28 35 37 26 29 30 24 18 17 36 17 25 15 15 23 17 22 19 26 1152
472 Amusement Devices 953 81 91 84 115 103 96 84 99 95 95 85 66 61 57 52 121 122 107 113 147 83 2910
473 Games Using Tangible Projectile 6503 717 687 681 921 766 675 722 764 795 750 700 848 746 599 616 825 883 918 938 1034 919 23007
474 Endless Belt Power Transmission Systems or Components 3560 211 145 182 218 211 252 215 281 237 192 184 222 174 124 119 229 276 238 233 224 266 7993
475 Planetary Gear Transmission Systems or Components 3117 203 226 231 244 318 302 206 297 381 377 306 382 401 343 365 441 506 598 735 698 597 11274
476 Friction Gear Transmission Systems or Components 336 19 28 24 24 33 47 42 44 48 33 35 41 35 29 25 22 19 30 25 47 19 1005
477 Interrelated Power Delivery Controls, Including Engine Control 3040 208 241 267 306 347 348 294 326 364 289 289 272 272 260 272 342 385 570 575 544 393 10204
482 Exercise Devices 4574 395 436 468 553 491 485 424 413 446 428 329 513 394 403 507 736 756 472 450 611 611 14895
483 Tool Changing 715 42 20 38 43 58 48 28 52 32 29 23 38 40 43 30 21 21 29 36 33 25 1444
492 Roll or Roller 1260 109 120 110 167 149 127 116 135 118 120 80 69 51 52 51 65 73 77 64 91 40 3244
493 Manufacturing Container or Tube From Paper; or Other Manufacturing From a Sheet or Web 3947 205 232 200 297 291 314 280 201 293 267 211 203 143 188 160 171 165 170 209 175 262 8584
494 Imperforate Bowl: Centrifugal Separators 1264 65 90 75 101 105 87 88 79 85 84 60 82 63 57 42 59 81 82 76 63 73 2861
501 Compositions: Ceramic 6987 433 429 457 439 470 396 471 466 440 380 290 318 263 246 352 397 372 436 367 352 331 15092
502 Catalyst, Solid Sorbent, or Support Therefor: Product or Process of Making 12988 615 601 601 801 820 998 983 984 924 871 690 746 639 605 728 1025 840 863 1022 1020 988 30352
503 Record Receiver Having Plural Interactive Leaves or a Colorless Color Former, Method of Use, or Developer Therefor 2280 185 158 151 153 162 122 116 83 86 85 74 86 66 53 45 54 64 96 82 74 30 4305
504 Plant Protecting and Regulating Compositions 5859 251 291 322 294 306 285 282 280 231 169 150 125 89 70 77 143 142 252 338 357 396 10709
505 Superconductor Technology: Apparatus, Material, Process 2726 242 214 172 173 181 143 146 139 144 106 77 65 65 56 74 89 85 126 119 142 129 5413
506 Combinatorial Chemistry Technology: Method, Library, Apparatus 39 17 52 55 116 117 144 162 199 269 177 140 87 97 107 74 110 123 102 171 292 658 3308
507 Earth Boring, Well Treating, and Oil Field Chemistry 2246 67 82 111 105 108 99 124 99 106 127 88 165 162 123 157 241 260 206 223 228 231 5358
508 Solid Anti-Friction Devices, Materials Therefor, Lubricant or Separant Compositions for Moving Solid Surfaces, and Miscellaneous Mineral Oil Compositions 3747 240 260 230 269 221 235 264 194 210 162 93 94 92 109 137 243 262 254 284 302 294 8196
510 Cleaning Compositions for Solid Surfaces, Auxiliary Compositions Therefor, or Processes of Preparing the Compositions 6141 526 563 530 798 884 764 830 882 804 610 428 495 407 403 434 499 575 549 507 558 479 18666
512 Perfume Compositions 1215 31 43 36 51 33 54 56 51 48 37 38 50 52 41 58 72 30 43 60 61 66 2226
514 Drug, Bio-Affecting and Body Treating Compositions 42465 3326 3888 4938 5389 5728 5344 5693 5966 5347 4032 3547 4347 3935 3653 4126 5708 5572 6609 7862 8317 8922 154714
516 Colloid Systems and Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Processes Of 3113 184 200 173 181 197 191 180 189 197 121 79 85 89 78 116 188 152 135 107 103 82 6140
518 Chemistry: Fischer-Tropsch Processes; or Purification or Recovery of Products Thereof 862 20 18 15 33 38 49 66 54 67 81 61 80 61 45 42 84 71 85 120 97 134 2183
520 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 81 29 135
521 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 6975 328 316 363 436 370 392 380 363 369 302 194 180 173 118 139 268 272 327 376 392 425 13458
522 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 3905 251 245 235 286 297 312 346 279 254 264 198 202 189 165 175 267 250 275 304 279 271 9249
523 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 8667 562 535 526 660 787 737 750 731 658 566 407 456 408 376 394 614 631 602 750 758 608 21183
524 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 24232 1388 1479 1448 1649 1876 1714 1762 1767 1721 1698 1098 1277 1136 975 1083 1584 1618 1732 1914 2120 2317 57588
525 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 24309 1534 1594 1439 1606 1548 1529 1644 1699 1610 1476 1050 1186 958 772 814 1307 1416 1340 1542 1615 1459 53447
526 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 11876 717 696 732 817 793 891 1149 1168 1140 1025 803 864 698 623 575 937 919 894 1025 939 916 30197
527 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 591 25 27 25 38 27 20 26 20 15 18 12 14 10 14 6 23 27 23 42 33 18 1054
528 Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers -- Part of the Class 520 Series 19737 1161 1170 1161 1278 1320 1213 1266 1245 1205 1052 730 1021 741 630 714 1165 1119 1138 1310 1210 939 42525
530 Chemistry: Natural Resins or Derivatives; Peptides or Proteins; Lignins or Reaction Products Thereof 9406 986 1250 1859 2736 2667 2170 2282 2185 2072 1899 1651 2399 2330 2224 2171 2513 2445 2323 2681 2630 3086 55965
532 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5 2 4 1 20
534 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 3334 160 197 183 244 198 168 129 140 99 108 83 149 83 90 79 96 69 83 77 61 93 5923
536 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 7733 1053 1574 2194 3128 3265 2867 3170 2907 2785 2348 2058 2553 2345 2021 2103 2650 2664 2565 2530 2628 2767 59908
540 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 8413 482 581 616 542 532 432 430 495 394 300 322 428 398 333 351 418 433 452 425 468 565 17810
544 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 15371 908 914 1043 1121 1098 1079 1172 1276 1125 975 978 1098 1139 1023 1113 1424 1395 1668 1939 1923 2313 42095
546 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 16437 1078 1129 1323 1259 1298 1297 1273 1431 1358 1113 1016 1232 1143 1090 1289 1460 1566 1826 2058 1938 2229 45843
548 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 17185 1034 1172 1182 1104 1182 1146 1150 1293 1107 884 863 1089 1134 988 1030 1469 1469 1482 1568 1549 1625 42705
549 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 12234 691 686 780 813 809 824 803 889 723 640 518 616 511 497 545 658 648 653 842 846 1024 27250
552 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 2418 136 133 123 134 128 125 98 138 115 87 77 97 82 52 60 93 82 104 96 89 101 4568
554 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 2930 152 129 123 149 189 143 205 203 140 130 84 107 75 61 146 133 137 173 190 225 572 6396
556 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 5418 336 383 360 362 417 391 491 423 335 308 240 306 268 213 232 302 270 278 350 333 449 12465
558 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 8259 366 321 349 364 356 335 338 342 286 225 163 215 177 167 186 205 167 187 215 206 290 13719
560 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 12508 554 498 571 622 577 588 635 678 554 406 336 374 371 324 305 339 363 436 457 511 603 22610
562 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 10057 448 400 483 556 569 526 555 579 550 423 328 433 362 398 350 399 375 461 466 531 600 19849
564 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 9708 535 491 582 641 613 605 633 647 558 458 404 448 456 444 402 496 483 543 622 726 671 21166
568 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 12271 592 471 498 706 612 576 701 725 589 502 412 515 419 388 386 544 444 535 693 690 922 24191
570 Organic Compounds -- Part of the Class 532-570 Series 1897 145 127 117 167 135 141 161 134 98 98 80 100 89 67 63 105 133 119 148 176 179 4479
585 Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Compounds 6831 395 310 294 408 463 432 411 418 360 285 259 326 343 356 368 424 509 511 613 654 652 15622
588 Hazardous or Toxic Waste Destruction or Containment 1225 189 205 179 184 168 141 121 127 99 69 47 74 62 58 60 101 93 107 101 107 76 3593
600 Surgery 13864 1593 1436 1293 2187 2103 2372 2302 2471 2739 2153 1720 1954 1908 1705 2002 3187 3430 4232 4919 5163 4208 68941
601 Surgery: Kinesitherapy 2281 214 185 175 235 190 207 228 198 217 209 142 192 192 181 152 215 245 276 322 299 294 6849
602 Surgery: Splint, Brace, or Bandage 2406 291 229 245 346 304 326 281 249 264 230 218 241 168 158 186 298 355 368 325 396 211 8095
604 Surgery 16038 1720 1616 1703 2251 2043 1901 1883 1860 2424 1687 1320 1312 1127 1052 1271 2334 2479 2976 3338 3321 2977 58633
606 Surgery 8711 1353 1405 1671 2136 2226 2187 2000 1797 2215 1659 1279 1527 1342 1116 1388 2546 3023 3786 4360 4399 4279 56405
607 Surgery: Light, Thermal, and Electrical Application 4107 525 489 479 781 775 884 925 877 979 781 756 945 966 678 788 1231 1469 1776 2124 2256 1611 26202
623 Prosthesis (i.e., Artificial Body Members), Parts Thereof, or Aids and Accessories Therefor 4226 341 500 512 690 742 830 917 967 1027 903 726 859 741 628 829 1357 1611 1813 1993 2250 1927 26389
700 Data Processing: Generic Control Systems or Specific Applications 8125 722 819 729 1281 1114 889 1052 1225 1520 1773 1630 2125 1710 1672 1682 2328 2449 2879 3146 3288 2641 44799
701 Data Processing: Vehicles, Navigation, and Relative Location 5960 657 707 605 1017 1226 1416 1859 1909 1940 1938 1886 1969 1860 1892 2045 2687 3045 4172 5197 5866 5862 55715
702 Data Processing: Measuring, Calibrating, or Testing 6487 511 732 697 982 809 831 1001 1354 1835 2150 2132 2530 2245 2206 2223 2665 2803 3018 3074 3004 2179 45468
703 Data Processing: Structural Design, Modeling, Simulation, and Emulation 886 194 275 310 424 455 413 430 351 391 526 597 994 787 884 993 1151 1252 1417 1430 1442 1007 16609
704 Data Processing: Speech Signal Processing, Linguistics, Language Translation, and Audio Compression/Decompression 2292 257 357 512 851 788 719 839 846 695 823 702 1265 1142 1174 1092 1346 1520 1881 2053 2022 1622 24798
705 Data Processing: Financial, Business Practice, Management, or Cost/Price Determination 1879 195 254 367 711 971 1021 818 835 870 900 1358 2126 1945 2533 2963 5272 5486 6659 7905 7024 3022 55114
706 Data Processing: Artificial Intelligence 1537 343 343 339 483 259 254 294 299 401 306 351 479 343 513 666 914 1060 1140 1345 1388 1134 14191
707 Data Processing: Database and File Management or Data Structures 1434 431 560 704 1513 1733 1674 1931 2231 2498 2674 2520 3796 3464 3792 4322 5376 5384 6350 6599 7334 6390 72710
708 Electrical Computers: Arithmetic Processing and Calculating 6024 444 524 510 684 691 500 484 459 461 482 404 615 410 495 457 528 561 604 734 571 408 17050
709 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Multicomputer Data Transferring 927 263 473 556 1501 1639 1957 2021 2294 2302 2996 3032 4576 4313 4886 5941 8090 8356 9339 9460 11257 8271 94450
710 Electrical Computers and Digital Data Processing Systems: Input/Output 2978 555 920 1048 1538 1491 1460 1401 1397 1553 1948 1628 1909 1489 1639 1799 2257 2122 2194 2088 2194 1586 37194
711 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Memory 3570 738 1000 1078 1565 1546 1517 1697 1871 1947 2239 2104 2725 2297 2652 2606 2934 3182 3692 3480 3875 3707 52022
712 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Processing Architectures and Instruction Processing (e.g., Processors) 2730 441 601 688 1204 1109 953 985 824 813 907 780 883 795 870 736 911 886 708 748 650 587 19809
713 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Support 1871 422 517 627 1051 1015 1005 1069 1046 1186 1579 1788 2819 2789 3113 3374 4296 4266 5289 5841 6292 4127 55382
714 Error Detection/Correction and Fault Detection/Recovery 7555 1279 1570 1465 2192 2052 1927 2041 1979 2400 2534 2448 3562 3417 3487 3211 3652 3443 3725 4045 3824 3197 65005
715 Data Processing: Presentation Processing of Document, Operator Interface Processing, and Screen Saver Display Processing 1781 433 605 725 1239 1262 1168 1253 1236 1232 1320 1372 1929 1764 1741 2564 3241 3073 3830 4351 5076 4049 45244
716 Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of Circuits and Semiconductor Masks 484 156 209 219 315 302 295 480 630 895 777 743 1135 965 1065 1039 1215 1269 1406 1533 1486 908 17526
717 Data Processing: Software Development, Installation, and Management 360 141 153 199 465 555 490 634 497 550 738 849 1257 1132 1173 1510 2045 1752 2293 2882 2957 2384 25016
718 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Virtual Machine Task or Process Management or Task Management/Control 486 135 109 155 270 243 267 314 337 329 455 398 575 448 535 586 863 836 1350 1622 1801 1705 13819
719 Electrical Computers and Digital Processing Systems: Interprogram Communication or Interprocess Communication (Ipc) 200 116 113 126 249 289 265 392 411 357 512 461 616 456 637 701 745 697 849 869 873 649 10583
720 Dynamic Optical Information Storage or Retrieval 903 74 137 118 183 190 153 216 239 214 238 255 313 293 319 243 219 253 221 197 111 64 5153
725 Interactive Video Distribution Systems 905 139 273 275 428 457 372 330 345 386 441 385 712 568 639 964 1411 1589 1867 2305 3122 2287 20200
726 Information Security 150 32 61 88 205 287 356 373 285 307 503 511 969 1150 1421 1887 2632 2784 3810 4903 5860 5125 33699
800 Multicellular Living Organisms and Unmodified Parts Thereof and Related Processes 338 91 254 283 498 670 632 667 556 527 614 521 779 907 763 952 1082 1150 1387 1537 1657 1633 17498
850 Scanning-Probe Techniques or Apparatus; Applications of Scanning-Probe Techniques, e.g., Scanning Probe Microscopy [Spm] 848 132 110 87 112 117 112 158 161 224 228 210 11 3 5 29 68 77 95 112 102 64 3065
901 Robots 2911 154 147 132 185 183 160 165 177 182 148 143 201 165 134 129 169 203 254 336 382 423 7083
902 Electronic Funds Transfer 882 37 31 49 57 64 81 61 40 45 55 62 60 72 59 52 54 69 64 77 45 15 2031
903 Hybrid Electric Vehicles (Hevs) 110 18 29 26 73 100 100 138 220 216 167 96 17 91 107 73 111 92 146 142 221 519 2812
930 Peptide or Protein Sequence 2363 38 59 85 79 79 48 46 33 31 40 29 32 23 18 12 19 13 17 25 15 6 3110
968 Horology 3407 1 0 0 6 3 2 4 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 3440
976 Nuclear Technology 5821 23 23 19 25 5 10 3 4 6 3 3 5 4 1 1 3 0 3 8 10 4 5984
977 Nanotechnology 537 137 171 172 243 433 262 372 496 731 386 343 286 352 439 532 780 792 925 1130 1106 1330 11955
984 Musical Instruments 3168 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 1 0 1 2 3 1 1 0 0 3 1 3 3194
987 Organic Compounds Containing a Bi, Sb, As, or P Atom or Containing a Metal Atom of the 6th To 8th Group of the Periodic System 5166 1 1 5 4 0 9 5 2 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 5205
D01 Edible Products 520 41 61 52 58 56 69 66 51 45 125 88 139 64 63 147 89 110 65 91 150 81 2231
D02 Apparel and Haberdashery 4032 347 383 536 739 614 539 501 507 551 600 507 922 987 1141 931 945 950 969 927 907 1067 19602
D03 Travel Goods and Personal Belongings 4735 455 453 463 565 602 600 628 579 574 537 479 700 718 689 675 759 635 725 753 723 789 17836
D04 Brushware 1119 161 156 142 169 153 191 204 284 204 144 166 198 168 234 176 155 146 175 194 167 127 4833
D05 Textile or Paper Yard Goods; Sheet Material 426 33 30 40 52 53 98 75 52 41 69 94 91 87 79 72 103 170 176 149 133 94 2217
D06 Furnishings 14157 1486 1487 1252 1641 1634 1851 1915 1691 1660 1627 1251 1712 2167 1989 1799 1598 1399 1700 1578 1463 1589 48646
D07 Equipment for Preparing or Serving Food or Drink Not Elsewhere Specified 9003 697 883 675 872 865 1053 1099 847 1053 959 762 1247 1476 1501 1248 1430 1222 1357 1466 1382 1431 32528
D08 Tools and Hardware 10015 919 912 896 1186 1158 1385 1113 1048 1206 1120 883 1511 1665 1784 1355 1214 1277 1181 1121 1372 1464 35785
D09 Packages and Containers for Goods 6864 662 644 669 805 814 958 952 764 955 735 785 1205 1487 1414 1527 1474 1384 1374 1466 1395 1489 29822
D10 Measuring, Testing, or Signalling Instruments 6619 780 537 611 787 713 719 751 650 533 573 532 718 798 965 775 722 577 692 630 762 938 21382
D11 Jewelry, Symbolic Insignia, and Ornaments 4379 477 404 446 498 412 426 497 457 437 416 367 514 515 572 529 530 545 529 515 579 633 14677
D12 Transportation 8944 780 783 874 1099 997 1265 1132 1099 1115 1319 990 1487 1532 1650 1789 1711 1434 1420 1567 1618 1894 36499
D13 Equipment for Production, Distribution, or Transformation of Energy 3744 390 389 338 528 685 684 592 676 720 578 598 1035 1109 1380 1372 1257 1202 1168 1245 1275 1331 22296
D14 Recording, Communication, or Information Retrieval Equipment 9308 1099 1106 1080 1358 1377 1646 1431 1488 1797 1795 1344 2480 2922 3472 3192 2816 2539 2736 3434 3609 4378 56407
D15 Machines Not Elsewhere Specified 4133 381 365 276 383 381 438 411 431 418 438 343 650 694 626 585 646 648 717 822 861 896 15543
D16 Photography and Optical Equipment 2214 232 281 259 406 362 463 365 290 417 321 301 416 717 586 471 440 465 479 522 608 646 11261
D17 Musical Instruments 854 53 59 49 67 72 39 54 46 60 37 48 65 66 110 68 66 55 50 64 58 65 2105
D18 Printing and Office Machinery 3615 294 286 244 234 224 311 296 218 242 201 160 455 418 295 280 251 251 185 250 161 174 9045
D19 Office Supplies; Artists' and Teachers' Materials 3589 372 235 308 410 414 434 454 419 429 459 373 383 484 605 422 376 398 386 386 338 265 11939
D20 Sales and Advertising Equipment 1361 156 129 182 219 182 227 154 104 184 147 136 143 144 137 165 184 179 189 201 134 110 4767
D21 Games, Toys, and Sports Goods 10332 1061 928 889 1220 1129 1207 969 826 864 794 697 1143 1092 1207 994 914 1013 858 966 1039 1004 31146
D22 Arms, Pyrotechnics, Hunting and Fishing Equipment 2426 205 226 159 189 196 198 173 178 194 160 150 205 191 192 234 276 299 278 352 387 401 7269
D23 Environmental Heating and Cooling; Fluid Handling and Sanitary Equipment 6461 615 580 600 834 860 1036 931 988 934 850 814 1585 1374 1478 1293 1359 1106 1067 1189 1215 1193 28362
D24 Medical and Laboratory Equipment 7063 611 589 502 587 639 735 816 629 740 609 384 604 1016 1086 1097 1386 1240 1263 1513 1481 1756 26346
D25 Building Units and Construction Elements 3907 374 312 345 363 381 408 406 438 386 362 326 322 448 476 449 514 357 459 463 417 545 12458
D26 Lighting 3547 421 505 489 581 595 856 959 731 792 714 529 916 1197 1368 1207 1251 1312 1188 1186 1123 1243 22710
D27 Tobacco and Smokers' Supplies 590 37 39 47 90 94 66 85 98 68 79 59 109 124 79 79 86 54 54 81 36 154 2208
D28 Cosmetic Products and Toilet Articles 2579 200 217 216 232 241 423 374 290 306 283 212 336 341 346 313 352 364 371 328 348 328 9000
D29 Equipment for Safety, Protection, and Rescue 914 119 109 93 82 93 103 89 117 75 103 67 129 153 170 161 119 155 201 170 150 227 3599
D30 Animal Husbandry 1790 211 210 158 136 123 210 138 132 149 143 151 180 225 229 201 290 261 292 259 270 233 5991
D32 Washing, Cleaning, or Drying Machine 2167 239 223 239 259 230 337 299 277 314 279 207 435 541 499 397 423 379 415 419 385 529 9492
D34 Material or Article Handling Equipment 3165 299 220 163 250 226 228 218 212 228 184 105 263 389 290 284 243 283 266 176 180 211 8083
D99 Miscellaneous 678 83 57 71 86 74 88 116 57 100 114 62 64 45 58 40 88 69 82 65 69 69 2235
G9B Information Storage Based On Relative Movement Between Record Carrier and Transducer 26292 2566 2801 2930 3990 3697 3698 3792 3977 4137 4370 3496 4784 4065 3912 205 20 13 23 11 8 73 78860
PLT Plants 5013 389 367 398 563 422 551 586 1134 994 1019 716 1149 1047 1241 1011 989 827 862 851 1073 1075 22277
( in this total, a patent is counted once for each class in which it has been classified )
2726435 196530 209928 213242 278038 285263 291405 304039 305107 309508 300469 261499 318478 291972 292063 295779 378547 382902 428453 464664 487163 443923 9465407

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