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Links to Miscellaneous USPTO Web Pages With Patent Statistics

Patent statistics and links to patent statistics may be found in various areas of the USPTO Web Site. Links to some of those areas are provided below:

General Statistics

Calendar Year Patent Statistics (January 1 through December 31)
General calendar year patent statistics may be accessed from the following web page: .

Fiscal Year Workload Patent Statistics (October 1 through September 30)
General fiscal year workload patent statistics are contained in the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Annual Reports / Performance and Accountability Reports. Those statistics may be accessed from the following web page: .

Four Office Statistical Reports (formerly the Trilateral Statistical Reports)
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japanese Patent Office (JPO), and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) work together to produce an annual Four Office Statistical Report that profiles patenting activity in the four regions. These reports may be accessed from the Four Office Web Site (formerly the Trilateral Web Site) which may be accessed from the following web page: .

Statistical Patent Data From Other Intellectual Property Offices
For statistical data profiling patenting activity at intellectual property offices outside the United States, the web sites of those offices should be consulted. Please note that patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provide patent protection only within the United States. Links to other intellectual property offices and other sites of possible interest may be viewed at the following web page: .

Other Statistics

Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Statistics

Several sets of Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences fiscal year workload statistics may be accessed from the following web page: . In particular, see the links in the web page section titled, "Board Statistics".

Some additional selected statistics relating to Fiscal Year 2007 work performed by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences may be viewed on the following web page: .

Business Method-Related Arts (Class 705)

General fiscal year (i.e., October 1 to September 30) workload statistics relating to patenting activity in Class 705 (business method-related arts) may be viewed on the following web page: .

A short article in "USPTO Today" discussed fiscal year 2001 patenting activity in Class 705. The article may be viewed on the following web page: .

Examiner Staffing

General workload statistics relating to patent examiner staffing may be viewed in workload table 28 of the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Annual Reports / Performance and Accountability Reports. Those reports and workload tables may be accessed from the following web page: .

Additional workload statistics relating to patent examiner staffing may be accessed from the following web page: .

Operation Statistics

Some patent operation statistics (by fiscal year) that relate to examiner staffing, patent pendency, quality of product, and the patent application backlog are presented on web pages that may be accessed from the following web page: .


General workload statistics relating to patent pendency (usually considered as the length of time between patent application filing and the issue of the patent or the abandonment of the application) may be viewed in workload tables 1 and 4 of the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Annual Reports / Performance and Accountability Reports. Those reports and workload tables may be accessed from the following web page: .

Additional workload statistics relating to patent pendency may be accessed from the following web page: .

Pending Applications

General workload statistics relating to the quantity of pending patent applications may be viewed in workload tables 3 and 5 of the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Annual Reports / Performance and Accountability Reports. Those reports and workload tables may be accessed from the following web page: .


General workload statistics relating to patent reexamination activity may be viewed in workload tables 13A and 13B of the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks Annual Reports / Performance and Accountability Reports. Those reports and workload tables may be accessed from the following web page: .

Detailed workload statistics relating to patent reexamination activity may be accessed from the following web page: .

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