U.S. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Information Products Division Technology Assessment and Forecast (TAF) Branch |
This report presents the number of patents granted, and the number of patents granted per 100,000 population in each metropolitan area in 1998. Levels of patent activity within each metropolitan area are depicted in map and tabular presentations. The types of patents included in this report are utility, design, and plant, with separate breakouts provided for utility and design patents granted to independent inventors.
Note- If you have difficulty viewing the individual report pages, please try accessing the last report link below, "All report sections in single document with embedded fonts (pc98_all.pdf) (1,234KB)".
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Information Products Division - TAF Branch
PK3- Suite 441
Washington, DC 20231tel: (703) 306-2600
FAX: (703) 306-2737
email oeip@uspto.govaddress of TAF Internet pages : http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/tafp.html
ftp download of TAF reports from : ftp.uspto.gov/pub/taf/
Last modified 28 November 2000