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Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT)


- this report has been prepared with support from the National Science Foundation -

Table 1



(patent ownership is determined by the first-named assignee listed on a patent)

- Explanation of Data -

Number of Utility Patents Granted, 1963 to 2008,
As Distributed By NAICS-Based Product Field and Calendar Year of Grant
(patents counted using whole counting method)
Sequence no. NAICS-based Product Field NAICS-based Product Field Title PRE-1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total
1 NAICS 311. FOOD 279 3 4 4 6 8 6 3 2 0 2 4 4 5 3 2 6 2 1 1 0 1 346
2 NAICS 312. BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS 130 0 1 2 4 5 3 0 1 0 1 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 158
3 NAICS 313-316. TEXTILES, APPAREL AND LEATHER 631 9 6 9 5 10 11 16 13 8 11 9 8 4 9 3 9 1 5 8 5 7 797
4 NAICS 321. WOOD PRODUCTS 66 4 2 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 105
5 NAICS 322, 323. PAPER, PRINTING AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 122 4 1 5 6 4 4 10 13 11 6 8 6 3 6 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 217
6 NAICS 325. CHEMICALS 5913 137 178 194 198 273 269 269 223 242 313 375 337 254 308 262 248 264 224 268 226 222 11197
7 NAICS 3251. .. BASIC CHEMICALS 3197 48 77 62 59 88 77 84 66 54 61 69 81 58 76 58 54 60 56 66 63 64 4578
8 NAICS 3252. .. RESIN, SYNTHETIC RUBBER, FIBERS, AND FILAMENTS 378 10 14 16 23 33 31 29 15 21 18 14 19 14 14 14 10 12 14 9 6 10 724
9 NAICS 3254. .. PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICINES 551 37 44 52 51 78 90 92 90 108 157 195 168 121 140 124 112 127 97 138 118 106 2796
10 NAICS 3253, 3255, 3256, 3259. .. OTHER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS AND PREPARATION 1787 42 43 64 65 74 71 64 52 59 77 97 69 61 78 66 72 65 57 55 39 42 3099
11 NAICS 326. PLASTICS AND RUBBER PRODUCTS 1364 23 32 30 47 64 61 66 52 47 37 43 51 41 36 32 36 32 23 21 23 16 2177
12 NAICS 327. NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS 773 22 36 19 40 42 37 38 37 32 37 29 40 31 22 17 24 24 13 14 13 5 1345
13 NAICS 331. PRIMARY METALS 665 20 17 13 12 11 16 14 16 13 7 9 10 14 7 8 6 7 4 6 3 5 883
14 NAICS 332. FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS 5532 79 112 130 171 147 146 123 106 69 94 100 99 85 104 102 97 72 67 72 60 86 7653
15 NAICS 333. MACHINERY 5427 149 148 138 148 186 149 156 123 111 105 95 128 115 98 108 91 83 67 71 62 58 7816
16 NAICS 334. COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 17900 353 431 506 607 537 549 691 557 522 444 506 460 502 454 444 443 433 364 409 421 355 27888
17 NAICS 3341. .. COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 928 24 25 26 31 23 40 38 53 38 37 55 45 59 42 35 39 50 45 57 51 42 1783
18 NAICS 3342. .. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 1814 37 34 28 41 32 42 38 61 48 49 30 46 59 54 50 46 39 50 60 57 52 2767
19 NAICS 3344. .. SEMICONDUCTOR AND OTHER ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 5612 124 139 186 221 178 182 224 176 145 133 141 114 146 114 116 96 108 81 77 106 85 8504
20 NAICS 3345. .. NAVIGATIONAL, MEASURING, ELECTROMEDICAL, AND CONTROL INSTRUMENTS 8700 162 224 253 295 286 272 375 253 281 222 272 242 230 236 236 254 224 173 209 196 165 13760
21 NAICS 3343, 3346 . .. OTHER COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 846 6 9 13 19 18 13 16 14 10 3 8 13 8 8 7 8 12 15 6 11 11 1074
22 NAICS 335. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCE, AND COMPONENTS 3953 92 102 137 146 157 150 172 115 98 76 78 77 84 94 71 59 69 53 65 70 49 5967
23 NAICS 336. TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 2315 36 68 47 55 67 77 69 65 53 51 54 60 63 65 72 68 50 57 49 36 42 3519
24 NAICS 3361-3363. .. MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND PARTS 524 10 18 10 8 17 10 18 14 20 13 17 24 18 14 14 14 11 12 17 8 17 828
25 NAICS 3364. .. AEROSPACE PRODUCTS AND PARTS 1409 23 44 27 39 41 44 33 24 20 12 27 23 22 35 42 33 18 24 20 16 15 1991
26 NAICS 3365, 3366, 3369. .. OTHER TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 382 3 6 10 8 9 23 18 27 13 26 10 13 23 16 16 21 21 21 12 12 10 700
27 NAICS 337. FURNITURE AND RELATED PRODUCTS 63 1 2 0 1 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 3 1 1 0 87
28 NAICS 339. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING 1455 20 35 35 51 35 41 49 37 41 46 52 34 39 37 38 36 43 26 31 18 27 2226
29 NAICS 3391. .. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 436 5 10 11 21 15 16 16 14 13 14 22 13 16 9 17 11 20 15 12 7 12 725
30 NAICS 339 (EXCEPT 3391). .. OTHER. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 1019 15 25 24 30 20 25 33 23 28 32 30 21 23 28 21 25 23 11 19 11 15 1501
31 ALL INDUSTRIES ALL INDUSTRIES 46588 952 1175 1269 1499 1549 1524 1679 1362 1249 1231 1366 1319 1246 1247 1162 1128 1087 912 1019 941 877 72381


Table 2



(patent ownership is determined by the first-named assignee listed on a patent)

- Explanation of Data -

Number of Utility Patents Granted 1963 to 2008,
As Distributed By NAICS-Based Product Field and Calendar Year of Application
(patents counted using whole counting method)
Sequence no. NAICS-based Product Field NAICS-based Product Field Title PRE-1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total
1 NAICS 311. FOOD 284 5 5 7 7 4 3 2 1 1 9 1 5 4 4 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 346
2 NAICS 312. BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS 131 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 158
3 NAICS 313-316. TEXTILES, APPAREL AND LEATHER 644 8 7 9 12 14 13 10 12 9 7 7 7 3 9 3 6 7 9 1 0 0 797
4 NAICS 321. WOOD PRODUCTS 71 2 0 1 0 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 7 1 3 1 0 0 105
5 NAICS 322, 323. PAPER, PRINTING AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 128 4 7 4 5 10 10 9 11 8 4 4 5 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 217
6 NAICS 325. CHEMICALS 6297 193 243 238 278 323 298 367 436 247 273 240 262 325 362 290 249 149 80 36 10 1 11197
7 NAICS 3251. .. BASIC CHEMICALS 3329 67 70 61 92 94 81 66 80 64 64 59 69 84 78 71 68 43 23 12 3 0 4578
8 NAICS 3252. .. RESIN, SYNTHETIC RUBBER, FIBERS, AND FILAMENTS 405 15 26 26 23 34 18 20 24 18 10 13 16 15 11 17 8 14 6 2 2 1 724
9 NAICS 3254. .. PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICINES 661 56 79 79 93 127 133 186 246 106 127 106 121 150 181 131 100 60 33 17 4 0 2796
10 NAICS 3253, 3255, 3256, 3259. .. OTHER CHEMICAL PRODUCTS AND PREPARATION 1902 55 68 72 70 68 66 95 86 59 72 62 56 76 92 71 73 32 18 5 1 0 3099
11 NAICS 326. PLASTICS AND RUBBER PRODUCTS 1416 39 41 54 55 79 53 44 48 37 60 46 29 36 36 37 31 21 9 4 2 0 2177
12 NAICS 327. NONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS 814 36 24 45 41 37 44 31 36 41 40 32 16 25 24 17 19 15 5 3 0 0 1345
13 NAICS 331. PRIMARY METALS 699 13 10 15 13 15 17 13 12 12 8 10 10 7 6 8 5 9 1 0 0 0 883
14 NAICS 332. FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS 5762 103 115 151 130 145 133 88 90 95 108 106 57 101 91 94 98 73 77 31 4 1 7653
15 NAICS 333. MACHINERY 5694 136 134 184 169 143 167 114 119 106 115 87 90 119 107 101 96 64 50 18 3 0 7816
16 NAICS 334. COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 18865 438 526 568 574 605 625 550 603 459 476 519 452 433 484 492 388 369 281 143 37 1 27888
17 NAICS 3341. .. COMPUTER AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT 996 27 28 27 42 49 32 60 52 39 57 63 55 46 55 63 37 37 14 3 1 0 1783
18 NAICS 3342. .. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 1900 36 33 36 49 34 48 61 48 39 44 61 65 44 39 65 49 53 41 18 4 0 2767
19 NAICS 3344. .. SEMICONDUCTOR AND OTHER ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 5951 143 169 214 171 182 203 149 185 135 111 147 103 100 114 107 99 78 85 46 11 1 8504
20 NAICS 3345. .. NAVIGATIONAL, MEASURING, ELECTROMEDICAL, AND CONTROL INSTRUMENTS 9158 223 275 274 297 322 326 268 313 237 252 237 222 237 262 246 189 194 136 72 20 0 13760
21 NAICS 3343, 3346 . .. OTHER COMPUTER AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 860 9 21 17 15 18 16 12 5 9 12 11 7 6 14 11 14 7 5 4 1 0 1074
22 NAICS 335. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCE, AND COMPONENTS 4151 104 140 161 139 153 153 114 110 62 89 87 75 79 74 54 67 47 66 31 11 0 5967
23 NAICS 336. TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 2399 62 37 67 58 79 76 48 72 71 55 45 51 72 70 67 77 48 48 14 3 0 3519
24 NAICS 3361-3363. .. MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND PARTS 542 15 9 10 12 19 17 12 26 22 19 17 9 19 12 18 24 8 15 3 0 0 828
25 NAICS 3364. .. AEROSPACE PRODUCTS AND PARTS 1463 41 20 48 36 33 40 17 28 22 23 15 24 39 36 26 36 17 22 2 3 0 1991
26 NAICS 3365, 3366, 3369. .. OTHER TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 394 6 8 9 10 27 19 19 18 27 13 13 18 14 22 23 17 23 11 9 0 0 700
27 NAICS 337. FURNITURE AND RELATED PRODUCTS 64 2 0 1 4 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 87
28 NAICS 339. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING 1498 41 40 45 43 50 40 49 50 49 35 34 37 48 46 45 32 22 18 4 0 0 2226
29 NAICS 3391. .. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 448 15 17 14 21 15 14 19 14 18 11 16 13 17 22 23 13 9 4 2 0 0 725
30 NAICS 339 (EXCEPT 3391). .. OTHER. OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 1050 26 23 31 22 35 26 30 36 31 24 18 24 31 24 22 19 13 14 2 0 0 1501
31 ALL INDUSTRIES ALL INDUSTRIES 48917 1188 1331 1555 1532 1664 1637 1442 1602 1198 1288 1220 1099 1257 1318 1216 1081 829 648 286 70 3 72381


Considerations Regarding Patents As Distributed By Year of Application (Table 2)


Since the average time period between the filing for a patent and the issuing of the patent (i.e., a patent's "pendency") is about 32 months, patent counts displayed in the tables that distribute counts by year of patent application are incomplete for the years 2000 - 2008. This is because a significant number of the applications filed from 2000 - December 2008, which will ultimately become patents, were still pending in December 2008. Since they had not yet become patents as of December 2008 (i.e., the patents included in these tables are limited to those patents that were granted from 1969 through December 2008), they are not counted in these tables.

Patented application data are of significant value since the date an application was filed more accurately reflects when the technology was developed. Additionally, fluctuations in data based on application date are much more likely to reflect changes in technological activity since, for the most part, such fluctuations would be immune from changes in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) processing such as occurred in years such as 1986 when the USPTO issued fewer patents than would have normally been expected due to a lack of funds to print patents. Note that a patent's "pendency" can be quite variable from one patent to another, thereby affecting the date of patent grant. Such variation in pendency is determined by many factors, including PTO workload (which varies between technologies), budget and manpower levels, patent printing schedules, etc. Please note that types of patent documents such as design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, statutory invention registrations, and defensive publications may have average pendency periods that differ somewhat from the pendency period for utility patents.

As of 12/31/2008, utility patent application data were approximately 98% complete for patent applications filed in calendar year 2000, 93% complete for calendar year 2001 filings, 90% complete for calendar year 2002 filings, 78% complete for calendar year 2003 filings, 60% complete for applications filed in 2004, 37% complete for applications filed in 2005, and 17% complete for applications filed in 2006. They were essentially complete for applications filed prior to calendar year 2000.


PTMT Contacts

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - Patent Technology Monitoring Team
P.O. Box 1450
Washington, DC 20231-1450

tel: (571) 272-5600
fax: (571) 273-0110

address of PTMT Internet pages :
selected PTMT reports available for download at :


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