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Listing of Viewable PTMB Reports
Electronic Information Products Division
Patent Technology Monitoring Branch (PTMB)
(report dated 13-Mar-2006)
This report presents a preliminary list of the U.S. universities receiving the most patents for invention (i.e., utility patents) during the 2005 calendar year.
Preliminary Rank in 2005 * |
Preliminary number of patents in 2005 * |
U.S. University * | (Final Rank in 2004) |
(Final number of patents in 2004) |
1 | 390 | University of California | (1) | (424) |
2 | 136 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | (3) | (132) |
3 | 101 | California Institute of Technology | (2) | (135) |
4 ** | 90 | Stanford University ** | (6) | (75) |
** | 90 | University of Texas ** | (4) | (101) |
6 | 77 | University of Wisconsin | (8) | (64) |
7 ** | 71 | Johns Hopkins University ** | (5) | (94) |
** | 71 | University of Michigan ** | (7) | (67) |
9 | 64 | University of Florida | (13) | (41) |
10 | 57 | Columbia University | (10) | (52) |
11 ** | 43 | Georgia Institute of Technology ** | (19) | (37) |
** | 43 | University of Pennsylvania ** | (24) | (32) |
13 | 41 | Cornell University | (16) | (40) |
14 | 39 | North Carolina State University | (12) | (42) |
15 | 36 | University of Minnesota | (11) | (43) |
16 | 34 | University of Illinois | (9) | (58) |
17 ** | 32 | Princeton University ** | (37) | (21) |
** | 32 | University of Washington ** | (25) | (31) |
19 | 31 | University of Southern California | (23) | (33) |
20 | 30 | University of North Carolina | (31) | (24) |
* The listed patent counts are preliminary counts which are subject to correction.
** Indicates a tie in the ranking among two or more U.S. universities.
Please Note:
Patent information presented reflects patent ownership at patent grant and does not include ownership changes that occur after the patent grant. Where more than one assignee (owner) exists, patents are attributed to the first-named assignee.Identifying the patent activity of U.S. universities involves substantial effort because patent applications received from universities are not separately identified at the time of filing but must be determined by looking at the listed assignee names on the issuing patents. While every effort is made to accurately identify all U.S. university entities and to report data by a single university name, achievement of a totally clean record is not expected, particularly in view of the many variations that occur in organizational identifications.
This listing of U.S. universities and their patent activity is made possible through work at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Each year, USPTO produces a set of statistical reports for NSF that profiles the patenting activity of U.S. universities. The report, "U.S. Colleges and Universities, Utility Patent Grants, Calendar Years 1969-2004", will profile U.S. university patent activity through calendar year 2004 and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2006. The 2005 report is expected to be completed in December of 2006. Since USPTO has not yet compiled the calendar year patent activity of U.S. universities for the 2005 NSF report, the above list of the top patenting universities for 2005 should be viewed as preliminary.
Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMB
MDW 4C18, P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450tel: (571) 272-5600
FAX: (571) 273-0110
e-mail:oeip@uspto.govaddress of PTMB pages at the USPTO Web Site: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/tafp.html
ftp download of selected PTMB reports and materials from : ftp.uspto.gov/pub/taf/
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