Requests for Reexamination Filed Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(c). The requests for reexamination listed below are open to inspection by the general public in the indicated Examining Groups. Copies of the requests and related papers may be obtained by paying the fee therefor established in the Rules (37 CFR 1.19(a)). In the event correspondence to the patent owner is not received, this notice will be considered to be constructive notice to the patent owner and reexamination will proceed (37 CFR 1.248(a)(5) and 1.525(b)). RE. 35,030, Re. S.N. 90/005,818, Sept. 8, 2000, Cl. 439/532, WIRING BLOCK HAVING DETACHABLE LEG ASSEMBLIES, John A Siemon, et. al., Owner of Record: The Simeon Co., Watertown, CT, Attorney or Agent: Michael J. Rye, Jr.; Steven M. Cole, Cantor Colburn, Bloomfield, CT, Ex. Gp.: 2833, Requester: International Connectors and Cable, Inc., Cerritos, CA c/o Robert A. Schroeder, Pretty and Schroeder, Los Angeles, CA 4,903,691, Re. S.N. 90/005,809, Sept. 5, 2000, Cl. 606/070, SET OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR JOINING BONE FRAGMENTS, Thomas Heinl, Owner of Record: Thomas Heinl, Gerbrunn, Germany, Attorney or Agent: Edwin D. Schindler, Coram, NY, Ex. Gp.: 3731, Requester: M. Robert Kestenbaum, Albuquerque, NM 5,292,127, Re. S.N. 90/005,812, Sept. 6, 2000, Cl. 502/026, ARCADE GAME, Bryan M. Kelly, et. al., Owner of Record: Arcade Planet, Inc, Pleasanton, CA, Attorney or Agent: Hickman Stephens and Coleman, Palo Alto, CA, Ex. Gp.: 1754, Requester: Robert P. Simpson, Simpson Simpson and Snyder, Williamsville, NY 5,318,295, Re. S.N. 90/005,805, Aug. 25, 2000, Cl. 273/118, GAME SCORE EVALUATION AND GAME CONTROL SYSTEM ON THE BASIS OF PLAYER'S PHYSICAL VALUES, Jurgen Hofer, Owner of Record: Jurgen Hofer, Hamburg, Germany, Attorney or Agent: Michael J. Striker, Huntington, NY, Ex. Gp.: 3711, Requester: Owner 5,362,049, Re. S.N. 90/005,806, Aug. 25, 2000, Cl. 273/118.00A, GAME SCORE EVALUATION AND GAME CONTROL SYSTEM ON THE BASIS OF PLAYER'S PHYSICAL VALUE, Jurgen Hofer, Owner of Record: Jurgen Hofer, Hamburg, Germany, Attorney or Agent: Martin Striker, Huntington, NY, Ex. Gp.: 3711, Requester: Owner 5,376,271, Re. S.N. 90/005,807, Aug. 28, 2000, Cl. 210/450, LIQUID FILTRATION UNIT, H. William Morgan, Jr., Owner of Record: H. William Morgan, Jr., Michigan City, IN, Attorney or Agent: James D. Hall, Botkin and Leone, South Bend, IN, Ex. Gp.: 1723, Requester: Orum and Roth, Chicago, IL 5,409,225, Re. S.N. 90/005,813, Sept. 6, 2000, Cl. 273/138R, ARCADE GAME, Bryan M. Kelly, et. al., Owner of Record: Arcade Planet, Inc., Pleasanton, CA, Attorney or Agent: Hickman Stephens and Coleman, Palo Alto, CA, Ex. Gp.: 3711, Requester: Robert P. Simpson, Simpson Simpson and Snyder, Williamsville, NY 5,445,162, Re. S.N. 90/005,810, Sept. 5, 2000, Cl. 600/544, APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR RECORDING AN ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM DURING MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, John R. Ives, Owner of Record: Beth Israel Hospital Assoc., Brookline, MA, Attorney or Agent: Wolf Greenfield and Sacks, Boston, MA, Ex. Gp.: 3736, Requester: Garth Janke, Birdwell Janke and Durando, Portland, OR 5,673,038, Re. S.N. 90/005,808, Sept. 1, 2000, Cl. 340/870.21, PROCESS VARIABLE MEASURING AND DISPLAY DEVICE AND PORTABLE POWER SUPPLY, Richard Colgate McLatchy, et. al., Owner of Record: Houston Digital Instruments, Inc., Houston, TX, Attorney or Agent: Richard T. Redano, Duane Morris and Heckscher, LLP, Houston, TX, Ex. Gp.: 2735, Requester: Loren G. Helmreich, Browning Bushman, Houston, TX 5,700,007, Re. S.N. 90/005,814, Sept. 6, 2000, Cl. 273/118A, TICKET REDEMPTION ARCADE GAME, Bryan M. Kelly, et. al., Owner of Record: Arcade Planet, Inc., Pleasanton, CA, Attorney or Agent: Hickman Stephens and Coleman, Palo Alto, CA, Ex. Gp.: 3711, Requester: Robert P. Simpson, Simpson Simpson and Snyder, Williamsville, NY 5,721,447, Re. S.N. 90/005,816, Sept. 7, 2000, Cl. 257/461, PHOTODETECTOR AND A METHOD FOR THE FABRICATION THEREOF, Matsushita Electronics Corp., Osaka, Japan, Owner of Record: Katuichi Oosawa, et. al., Attorney or Agent: McDermott Will and Emery, Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 2811, Requester: Owner 5,743,523, Re. S.N. 90/005,815, Sept. 6, 2000, Cl. 273/138.1, MULTI-GAME SYSTEM WITH PROGRESSIVE BONUS, Bryan M. Kelly, et. al., Owner of Record: Arcade Planet, Inc., Pleasanton, CA, Attorney or Agent: Hickman Stephens and Coleman, Palo Alto, CA, Ex. Gp.: 3711, Requester: Robert P. Simpson, Simpson Simpson and Snyder, Williamsville, NY 5,956,916, Re. S.N. 90/005,811, Sept. 5, 2000, Cl. 052/272, SHEAR TAB METHOD AND APPARATUS, George Louis Liss, Owner of Record: Steel Floors, LLC, Denver, CO, Attorney or Agent: Rick Martin, Longmont, CO, Ex. Gp.: 3635, Requester: Owner 5,969,172, Re. S.N. 90/005,819, Sept. 11, 2000, Cl. 556/445, SILICONE SOLVENTS FOR ANTIPERSPIRANT SALTS, Susan A. Nye, Owner of Record: General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, Attorney or Agent: Kenneth S. Wheelock, General Electric Co., Pittsfield, MA, Ex. Gp.: 1621, Requester: Alan Zombeck, Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI 5,993,653, Re. S.N. 90/005,817, Sept. 7, 2000, Cl. 210/198.2, COMPOSITION AND COLUMN USED IN HPLC, Faizy Ahmed, et. al., Owner of Record: Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, Attorney or Agent: Knobbe Martens Olson and Bear, LLP, Newport Beach, CA, Ex. Gp.: 1723, Requester: Ansys Diagnostic, Inc., Walter A. Hackler, Newport Beach, CA