Errata "All reference to Patent No. 6,135,954 to Thomas K F Foo, et al of Maryland, for METHOD FOR PERIPHERAL MR ANGIOGRAPHY appearing in the Official Gazette of October 24, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No.6,137,397 to Ning Yin, et al of California, for DIGITAL ENUNCIATOR, PROCESS AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM EMPLOYING SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of October 24, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,141,825 to Timothy E. Kasen, et al of Michigan, UPRIGHT WATER EXTRACTION CLEANING MACHINE appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,273 to Thomas E. Bradford of Michigan, MULTI-SPEED TRANSMISSION WITH NO LAG ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED VALVING appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since. no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,401 to Paul G. Lima, et al of Texas, for GRINDING APPARATUS FOR FOODSTUFFS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,501 to Hirokazu Kato, et al of Japan, for AIR BAG SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,534 to Carlo Burkhardt, et al of Grunsbach, ARTICULATED CONNECTING ELEMENT FOR PIPING ELEMENTS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,603 to Tetsuhiro Nitta of Japan, for INK JET RECORDING APPARARTUS WITH DEDICATED WIPING MEMBERS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,669 to Damian Hajduk, et al of California, for APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CHARACTERIZING LIBRARIES OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS USING X-RAY SCATTERING appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,837 to Tsutomu Tanaka of Japan, for FEMALE METAL TERMINAL THAT STABLY CONNECTS WITH MALE METAL TERMINAL appearing in Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,960 to Yoav Paltieli of Haifa 34602, ILX for METHOD AND APPARATUS MONITORING THE PROGRESS OF LABOR appearing in Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,142,970 to Karla E. Williams, et al of New Jersey for SOFT, FLEXIBLE COMPOSJTION AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME appearing in Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,023 to John McKenzie, et al of California, for IMPLANTABLE CEREBRAL PROTECTION DEVICE AND METHODS OF USE appearing in Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,249 to Hideji Tajima of Japan, for MAGNETIC MATERIAL ATTRACTING/RELEASING CONTROL METHOD MAKING USE OF A PIPETTE DEVICE AND VARIOUS TYPES OF ANALYZER USING THE METHOD appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,294 to Hamish Steele Scott et al, of Millswood, AUX for SYNTHETIC ALPHA-L-IDURONIDASE AND GENETIC SEQUENCES ENCODING SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,781 to Peter Charles Astles, et al of DAGENHAM, GBX for SUBSTITUTED PHENYL COMPOUNDS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,861 to Donald Edward Putzig, et al of NEWARK, DE for TITANIUM-CONTAINING CATALYST COMPOSITION AND PROCESSES THEREFOR AND THEREWITH appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,143,897 to Joseph E. Babiarz, et al of New York, for PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIS OF 4-SUBSTITUTED N-[(ALK-2-EN-1- YL) OXY]-AND N-ARALKYLOXY-2,2,6,6-TETRAALKYLPIPERIDINES appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted." "All reference to Patent No. 6,144,061 to John M. Caywood of California, for METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INJECTING CHARGE ONTO THE FLOATING GATE OF A NONVOLATILE MEMORY CELL appearing in the Official Gazette of November 07, 2000 should be deleted since no patent was granted."