Reissue Applications Filed Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(b). The reissue applications listed below are open to inspection by the general public in the indicated Examining Groups and copies may be obtained by paying the fee therefor (37 CFR 1.12(b)). 5,230,747, Re. S.N. 09/704,529, Nov. 3, 2000, Cl. 148/033, WAFER HAVING CHAMFERED BEND PORTIONS IN THE JOINT REGIONS BETWEEN THE CONTOUR OF THE WAFER AND THE CUT-AWAY PORTIONS OF THE WAFER, Hisashi Maejima, et. al., Owner of Record: Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, Attorney or Agent: Ronald J. Shore, Ex. Gp.: 2813 5,808,294, Re. S.N. 09/663,782, Sep. 15, 2000, Cl. 250/214.OAL, ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER FOR SCHEDULING DEVICE ACTIVATION BY SENSING DAYLIGHT, Rodney H. Neuman, Owner of Record: Outland Sports, Inc., Attorney or Agent: Wayne J. Colton, Ex. Gp.: 2878 5,826,797, Re. S.N. 09/686,197, Oct. 10, 2000, Cl. 239/394, OPERATIONALLY CHANGEABLE MULTIPLE NOZZLES SPRINKLER, Carl L. C. Kah, III, et. al., Owner of Record: Inventors, Attorney or Agent: Ellen S. Tao, Ex. Gp.: 3613 5,909,594, Re. S.N. 09/679,447, Oct. 3, 2000, Cl. 395/840, SYSTEM FOR COMMUNICATIONS WHERE FIRST PRIORITY DATA TRANSFER IS NOT DISTRIBUTED BY SECOND PRIORITY DATA TRANSFER AND WHERE ALLOCATED BANDWIDTH IS REMOVED WHEN PROCESS TERMINATES ABNORMALLY, Patrick Ross, et. al., Owner of Record: Silicon Graphics Inc., Mountain View, CA, Attorney or Agent: Glenn D. Barnes, Ex. Gp.: 2782 5,968,560, Re. S.N. 09/553,413, Apr. 20, 2000, Cl. 425/192, BLOW MOLDING DEVICE FOR PRODUCING THERMOPLASTIC CONTAINERS, Dominique Briere, et. al., Owner of Record: Sidel, Le Havre Cedex, France, Attorney or Agent: Michael S. Connor, Ex. Gp.: 1722 5,970,527, Re. S.N. 09/696,091, Oct. 24, 2000, Cl. 004/361.000, PRESSURIZED WATER CLOSET FLUSHING SYSTEM, Raymond Bruce Martin, Owner of Record: W/C Technology Corp., Attorney or Agent: Alexander P. Brackett, Ex. Gp.: 3751 6,034,091, Re. S.N. 09/672,843, Sep. 28, 2000, Cl. 514/282.000, METHOD FOR TREATING EMOTIONAL OR MENTAL ILLNESS AND EMOTIONAL OR MENTAL ILLNESS CONCOMITANT WITH SEIZURES, Lee G. Dantte, Owner of Record: John S. Nagle, Attorney or Agent: William R. Johnson, Ex. Gp.: 1614