Assignment of Confirmation Number and Time Period for Filing a Copy of an Application by EFS for Eighteen-Month Publication Purposes The United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) recently published a final rule to implement the eighteen-month publication provisions of the American Inventors Protection Act of 1999. See Changes to Implement Eighteen-Month Publication of Patent Applications, 65 Fed. Reg. 57023 (Sept. 20, 2000), 1239 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 63 (Oct. 10, 2000) (Notice of Final Rulemaking). The purpose of this notice is to advise applicants that an electronic filing system (EFS) copy of an application will be used in creating the patent application publication even if it is submitted outside the period set forth in 37 CFR 1.215(c), provided that it is submitted within one month of the mailing date of the first Filing Receipt including a confirmation number for the application. 37 CFR 1.215 provides that the Office will use the EFS copy of an application submitted by applicant to create the patent application publication if applicant supplies the EFS copy within one month of the actual filing date of the application or fourteen months of the earliest filing date for which a benefit is sought, whichever is later. See 37 CFR 1.215(c). 37 CFR 1.215 also provides that if the Office has not started the publication process, the Office may use an untimely filed EFS copy of an application supplied by the applicant to create the patent application publication. See 37 CFR 1.215(d). The Office plans to issue a four-digit confirmation number for each currently pending and newly filed application. This confirmation number, in combination with the application number, will be used to verify the accuracy of the application number and avoid misidentification of an application due to a transposition error in the application number. The Office will assign a confirmation number to each pending application and notify the applicant of the confirmation number by a separate notice for each pending application. This process of assigning confirmation numbers in pending applications will begin in early December and is expected to be completed by December 15, 2000. The Office will also assign a confirmation number to each new application and notify the applicant of the confirmation number on the Filing Receipt. The confirmation number will also be available through the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system ( The Office eventually plans to include the application's confirmation number (in addition to the application number) on all Office actions and notices concerning the application. This confirmation number must be used when submitting an EFS copy of the application for publication to verify that the application number correctly identifies the application for which a copy is being submitted for publication. See Changes to Implement Eighteen-Month Publication of Patent Applications, 65 Fed. Reg. at 57041, 1239 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office at 78-79 (response to comment 20). The Office also recommends that applicants include the application's confirmation number (in addition to the application number) on all correspondence submitted to the Office concerning the application. Since the Office requires the use of the confirmation number when submitting an EFS copy of the application for publication, the Office will use the EFS copy of the application submitted by applicant, rather than application papers as recorded in the Office’s Patent Application Capture and Review (PACR) database, to create the patent application publication, provided that the applicant supplies the EFS copy within one month of the mailing date of the first Filing Receipt including a confirmation number for the application. Inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to the Electronic Business Center Customer Service Center at 703-305-3028 or 703-308-6845. November 30, 2000 Nicholas P. Godici Commissioner for Patents