DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office [Docket No. 010726192-1192-01] RIN 0651-AB39 Notice of Electronic Products Available From the Information Products Division, Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office AGENCY: United States Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The USPTO publishes a list of the electronic patent and trademark information products currently available from the Information Products Division, Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The products are made available in order to disseminate information on patents and trademarks to the public. ADDRESSES: The products listed below can be ordered by contacting the Information Products Division, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Crystal Park 3, Suite 441, Washington, DC 20231. The 2001 USPTO Products and Services Catalog is available on the USPTO Web site at: The site provides more in-depth information about the individual products. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Information Products Division at 703- 306-2600. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A list of the electronic patent and trademark information products currently available is given below. Included with the product title is the medium and price. Cassis Series of Optical Disc Products - Electronic Products Branch Product Media Price Cassis Sampler CD-ROM Free Patents and Trademarks ASSIGN DVD-ROM $300/yr Patents ASSIST DVD-ROM $200/yr Patents BIB DVD-ROM $300/yr Patents CLASS DVD-ROM $300/yr Trademarks ASSIST DVD-ROM $50 Trademarks BIB DVD-ROM $500/yr USAApp DVD-ROM $2400/yr USAMark CD-ROM $200/yr USAMark Back File CD-ROM $1180 USAPat DVD-ROM $2400/yr USAPat Back File DVD-ROM $20,000 Patent and Trademark Data - Data Dissemination Branch Product Media Price Patent Bibliographic Data/SGML Online (FTP) Free (Text Only) Patent Bibliographic/APS 4 MM $1500/yr (Retrospective) Patent Full-Text/APS (Retrospective) DLT Cartridge $28200/yr Patent Grant Data/SGML (Text Only) Online (FTP) $8800/yr Patent Grant Data/SGML (Text Only) DLT Cartridge $13300/yr Patent Grant Data/SGML DLT Cartridge $25150/yr Patent Application Data/XML Online (FTP) $7140/for (Text Only) 2001 Patent Application Data/XML DLT Cartridge $10752/for (Text Only) 2001 Patent Application Data/XML DLT Cartridge $20328/for 2001 Patent Image 3480 Cartridge Tape $16550/yr Patent Image DLT Cartridge $12400/yr Image/TIFF DLT Cartridge $12400/yr Patent Image (Retrospective) 3480 Cartridge Tape $373000 Patent Image/TIFF (Retrospective) DLT Cartridge $215350 Master Classification File Online (FTP) $930/yr (Patent Sequence) Master Classification File DLT Cartridge $1260/yr (Patent Sequence) Master Classification File Online (FTP) $930/yr (Class Sequence) Master Classification File DLT Cartridge $1260/yr (Class Sequence) Index to U.S. Patent Class Online (FTP) $312/yr Index to U.S. Patent Class DLT Cartridge $312/yr Manual of Classification Online (FTP) $312/yr Manual of Classification DLT Cartridge $312/yr Patent Assignment DLT Cartridge $1190/yr Trademark Annual ASSIGN Online (FTP) $310/yr Trademark Annual ASSIGN DLT Cartridge $415/yr Trademark Annual DEAD Online (FTP) $1090/yr Trademark Annual DEAD DLT Cartridge $1350/yr Trademark Annual LIVE Online (FTP) $1190/yr Trademark Annual LIVE DLT Cartridge $1450/yr Trademark Annual TTAB Online (FTP) $210/yr Trademark Annual TTAB DLT Cartridge $260/yr Trademark Monthly Status Online (FTP) $624/yr Trademark Monthly Status DLT Cartridge $1860/yr Trademark Image Cropped Registrations 3480 Cartridge Tape $12950/yr Trademark Image Cropped Registrations DLT Cartridge $6530/yr Trademark Image Cropped Registrations 3480 Cartridge Tape $620/yr (Retro) Trademark Image Cropped Registrations DLT Cartridge $985/yr (Retro) Trademark Image Cropped Applications 3480 Cartridge Tape $6475/yr Trademark Image Cropped Applications DLT Cartridge $4715/yr Trademark Image Cropped Applications 3480 Cartridge Tape $620/yr (Retro) Trademark Image Cropped Applications DLT Cartridge $985/yr (Retro) Trademark Weekly Text Online (FTP) $2950/yr Trademark Weekly Text DLT Cartridge $6370/yr Trademark Application 24 Hour Box Online (FTP) $13000/yr Patent and Trademark Statistical Reports - Technology Assessment and Forecast Branch Product Media Price Patenting Trends in the United States, Paper $50 1999 Patenting Trends in the United States, CD-ROM $25 1999 Patenting Trends in the United States, Paper $50 1999 - State/Country Report Patenting Trends in the United States, CD-ROM $25 1999 - State/ Country Report U.S. Colleges and Universities - Paper $50 Utility Patent Grants, 1999 U.S. Colleges and Universities - Diskette (2) $25 Utility Patent Grants, 1999 Activity Index Report, 1999 Paper $90 Activity Index Report, 1999 CD-ROM $25 Activity Index Report, Paper $90 Corporate Patenting 1999 Activity Index Report, CD-ROM $25 Corporate Patenting 1999 Activity Index Report, Utility Paper $50 Patent Applications 1999 Activity Index Report, Utility CD-ROM $25 Patent Applications 1999 Activity Index Report, Corporate Paper $50 Utility Patent Applications 1999 Activity Index Report, Corporate CD-ROM $25 Utility Patent Applications 1999 Buttons To Biotech, Paper $20 U.S. Patenting by Women, 1977 to 1996 - updated through 1998 Selected Technologies Reports Paper $20/report (variable lengths) General Statistical Reports - Paper $5 Issue Dates and Patent Numbers Since 1836 General Statistical Reports - Paper $5 Utility Patent Applications by Country of Origin Since 1965 General Statistical Reports - Paper $5/report Patent Counts by Class by Year Report General Statistical Reports - Paper $5 Utility Patent Counts by State, County, and Metro Area Concordance Between the Standard Paper $80 Industrial Classification System and the U.S. Patent Classification System (1999) Concordance Between the Standard Diskette $25 Industrial Classification System (5 MB compressed) and the U.S. Patent Classification System (1999) Digital Media Having Information Contained in the TAF Database (Prices vary depending on the information wanted. Contact the TAF Branch office for prices and a description of what is available.) Inventor Mailing Labels Paper $50 plus $.35 per page of paper output Inventor Mailing Labels Self-stick $50 plus labels $.70 per page of label stock output Inventor Mailing Labels Diskette $50 plus (uncompressed $25/diskette electronic file output) Custom Reports (Prices for custom reports vary according to the size and complexity of the requested report. Generally, report prices will be $50 per request plus $10 for every 30 single-sided report pages and $25 per diskette of uncompressed electronic file output. Custom report availability is subject to the availability of TAF resources.) Subclass Listings Paper $3/requested subclass on paper Subclass Listings Diskette $3/requested subclass plus additional $25 This notice is issued under the authority of 35 U.S.C. 41(d), 35 U.S.C. 41(g) and 15 U.S.C. 1113. August 20, 2001 NICHOLAS P. GODICI Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office