Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed 5,649,861, Reexam. S.N. 90/006,103, Requested Date: Sep. 06, 2001, Cl. 463/030, Title: GAME DEVICE FOR DISPLAYING GAME INPUT OPERATIONS ON THE DISPLAY, Inventor: Tetsu Okano, et. al., Owner of Record: Sega Enterprises, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, Attorney or Agent: Dickstein, Shapiro, Morin & Oshinsky, Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3713, Requester: Owners 6,001,017, Reexam. S.N. 90/006,105, Requested Date: Sep. 06, 2001, Cl. 463/043, Title: GAME DEVICE FOR DISPLAYING GAME INPUT OPERATIONS ON THE DISPLAY, Inventor: Tetsu Okano, et. al., Owner of Record: Sega Enterprises, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, Attorney or Agent: Dickstein, Shapiro, Morin & Oshinsky, Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3713, Requester: Owners 6,052,278, Reexam. S.N. 90/006,104, Requested Date: Aug. 30, 2001, Cl. 361/685, Title: DATA STORAGE MODULE AND ENCLOSURE SYSTEM, Inventor: Herbert J. Tanzer, et. al., Owner of Record: Hewlett-Packard Company, Fort Collins, CO, Attorney or Agent: Hewlett-Packard Company, Intellectual Property Admin., Fort Collins, CO, Ex. Gp.: 2835, Requester: Owners