United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 01 January 2002
Payment of Patent Maintenance Fees over the Internet The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) now accepts maintenance fee payments by deposit account over the Internet. For more than a year the USPTO has provided customers the capability to pay maintenance fees by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT) using the USPTO Internet website. Now, as a result of recent enhancements, the USPTO Internet website is also capable of accepting maintenance fee payments by charging to a deposit account. Whether a maintenance fee is to be paid by credit card, EFT or deposit account, the USPTO Internet website is regularly available year-round to process the payment at any time of the day, except during regular scheduled maintenance (see the website for details). The Internet payment vehicle provides benefits to both the customer and the USPTO. Compared to payments made through the mail, the Internet procedure for paying maintenance fees is not subject to any fee handling delays and it offers customers the advantage of fast and reliable payment confirmation (usually under 90 seconds) and allows the USPTO to manage its resources more effectively. The Internet procedure for paying maintenance fees is provided by the USPTO Office of Finance via the "Office of Finance On-Line Shopping Page." Patentees and their representatives are encouraged to use this procedure whenever a maintenance fee payment is required. This Notice explains how to access the Internet payment procedure from the USPTO Internet web site and encourages users to obtain a receipt upon completing the Internet payment procedure. To access the "Office of Finance On-Line Shopping Page" from the USPTO Internet web site (http://www.uspto.gov), click the "Check Status" button on the web site. The "Check Status" web page shall appear. Then, under the "Check status of" column, click the "Patent maintenance fees" hyperlink, and the "On-Line Shopping" web page shall appear. On the "On-Line Shopping Page" a choice must be made between maintaining a deposit account and paying a patent maintenance fee. Click on "Pay Patent Maintenance Fees" to begin the Internet payment procedure. After entering the relevant "Patent Number" and the corresponding "Application Number" on the initial web page of the Internet payment procedure, another web page shall appear showing the relevant fee information as well as a "Make Payment" button and a box labeled "To view a Statement after payment." Before clicking the "Make Payment" button, the box labeled "To view a Statement after payment" should be checked in order to prompt an updated statement of maintenance fees paid upon successful completion of the payment procedure. You will not be able to ask for an updated statement on any of the succeeding web pages of the Internet payment procedure. The succeeding web pages of the Internet payment procedure require the user to specify the form of payment (i.e., credit card, EFT, or deposit account) and to enter the appropriate payment information. The final web page of the Internet payment procedure, titled "Payment Information Summary," is where maintenance fee payment occurs. Review the payment information appearing on this web page, and if all the information is correct, click the "Continue" button to make payment. Provided the "To view a statement after payment" box was checked as recommended in the underlined section above, a payment confirmation screen will automatically appear containing an updated maintenance fee payment statement showing the desired maintenance fee payment has been made. It is suggested that you print a copy of this payment statement as a receipt of maintenance fee payment. The Office will accept the receipt as proof that the payment shown thereon was timely made. Of course, in order for actual payment by credit card or EFT to occur, your banking or credit card institution must transfer the money to the Office. If the "To view a statement after payment" box was not checked as recommended above, payment confirmation is simply in the form of a "Transaction Successful" message. Any difficulty using the Internet payment procedure or obtaining a receipt of maintenance fee payment should be brought to the attention of the Patent Maintenance Fee Division by calling (703) 308-5068/5069. Note: as an alternative to the Internet payment procedure, particularly where a payment deadline is near, a maintenance fee payment can be timely made using the Certificate of Mailing procedure set forth at 37 CFR 1.8. Maintenance Fee payments should now be mailed to: United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 371611, Pittsburgh PA 15250-1611. See 37 CFR 1.1(d); Revision of Patent Fees for Fiscal Year 2002, 1249 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 110, 112 (August 28, 2001). Questions concerning this notice should be directed to Gisele Jones, Director, Receipt Accounting Division, Office of Finance, by telephone at (703) 308-9649, by facsimile at (703) 308-6778, or by e-mail at Gisele.Jones@uspto.gov. December 6, 2001 MICHELLE PICARD Director, Office of Finance