United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 22 October 2002
Notice of Change in Free Publication Format for the General Requirements Bulletin for Registration Examination and the Examination Questions and Answers Notice is hereby given that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will discontinue the free publication and distribution of the paper version of the General Requirements Bulletin for Admission to the Examination for Registration to Practice in Patent Cases Before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Bulletin), as well as the Examination questions and answers. Electronic publication via the Internet will replace the free printed copy. The electronic publication of the documents has commenced. The printed Bulletin will be available from the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) as single copies for $15.00 per copy. Each of the three immediately previous examinations is also available from OED as single copies for $30.00 per copy. Background: The USPTO has published the Bulletin, and the examination questions and answers for many years. They are published in conjunction with each administration of the registration examination. The Bulletin contains general information and instructions for applying for the examination. The Bulletin has been distributed in printed form for free for years. The examination questions and answers in paper form also were distributed in paper form for free to those who did not pass an examination. In addition, the Bulletin, and the examination questions and answers have been distributed electronically for several years. However, the distribution has awaited the availability of the documents in printed form. Explanation for the Change: In view of the widespread access to computers and the Internet and in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the USPTO will discontinue free distribution of a printed copy of the Bulletin, and the examination question and answers. The public and the USPTO will realize efficiencies. The Bulletin, and examination questions and answers may be distributed on the Internet as they become available without awaiting the printing of thousands of paper copies. For example, the public could obtain and submit applications more quickly, while OED could devote more of its limited resources to processing incoming applications, as opposed to dividing those resources between processing applications, and printing and mailing applications and other printed documents that already are available on the Internet. To achieve these efficiencies, mass production and free distribution of the printed documents is eliminated. The documents will be available in paper form for a fee. Effective immediately, electronic publication via the Internet will replace the free distribution by paper. The electronic and printed copy will be published on a concurrent basis. The information provided by the electronic products will be unchanged from the traditional printed copy. Users will continue to be able to type directly into the Application Form (PTO 158) and Undertaking Form (PTO 275) on a computer. After typing the information into the form on the computer, users may print the form(s) locally at their printers, sign the forms and submit them in accordance with the instructions in the Bulletin. The advantages offered by an electronic format will enable greater efficiencies and economies. Some of these advantages include: quicker access to the application or examination upon availability without awaiting the printing of the document and receipt in the mail; increasing resources devoted to processing applications and other incoming communications, and eliminating the necessity to print and store large quantities of publications twice each year. The electronic information can be easily printed or saved for future use. The Bulletin will be published on the Internet and distributed on its issue date. The examination questions and answers, as in the past, will be available on the Internet shortly after the examination results are mailed to the individuals who take the examination. The Bulletin for the April 2003 registration examination was made available on the Internet on September 20, 2002. For further information, contact OED, 703-306-4097. September 20, 2002 HARRY I. MOATZ Director of Enrollment and Discipline