United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 11 May 2004
Date Type of Proceeding Issued Case (1) or App'n No. Party/Parties 4-8 OPP 91122818 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc. v. Globix Corp. Opposer's/ Applicant's/ Petitioner's Respondent's TTAB Mark and Mark and Issue Decision Goods/Services Goods/Services 2(d) Opposition "GLOBEX" "GLOBOX" Dismissed [in Class 41: [in Class 9: conducting computer courses, seminars, stand and and computerized storage cabinet training in specifically trading contracts designed for for securities, holding computers commodities, and and accessories; monetary and in Class 20: financial instru- computer furniture ments on a futures and computer exchange; storage systems in Class 36: comprising storage conducting commod- racks and furni- ities, securities, ture partitions] monetary and finan- cial instrument futures and options exchange services; and common law use of "GLOBEX" for computer "help desk" services] Mark and Citable as Goods Cited by Precedent Examining Atty. of TTAB No (1)EX=EX PARTE APPEAL; OPP=OPPOSITION; CANC=CANCELLATION; CU=CONCURRENT USE; (SJ)=SUMMARY JUDGMENT; (R)=REQ. FOR RECONSIDERATION; (MD)=MOTION TO DISMISS; (MR)=MOTION TO REOPEN