United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 08 March 2005
Patents Available for License or Sale 6,738,751 CREDIT CARD RENTAL-COST PAYMENT METHOD Attorney: Mr. Jim Pristelski Cook, Alex, McFarron, Manzo, Cummings, & Mehler, Ltd. 200 West Adams St. Suite 2850 Chicago, IL 60610 Contact: Joseph Richiusa 6130 West 79th Street Burbank, IL 60459 (Voice) (312) 787-2843 (Voice) (312) 804-2402 (Fax) (312) 787-3480 6,797,104 OPTICAL COMPOSITE AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME Attorney: Gordon Wayne Dyer Contact: Gordon Wayne Dyer 19269 Babler Forest Rd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 (Voice) (636) 273-5738 (Fax) (314) 291-0864 (email) glemitar@aol.com 6,415,519 LINE HOLDER FOR CHALKING TOOL ESPECIALLY FOR MARKING DIAGONALS Attorney: Carl Davis Contact: Joe Bennett 1291 Fraction Bottom Road Buckhead, Georgia 30625 (Voice) 770-597-8680 (E-mail) inventorjoe@yahoo.com 6,806,444 HEAT WARNING SAFETY DEVICE USING FIBER OPTIC CABLES Attorney: Steven Horowitz esq. Contact: William S. Lerner at GHOTE P.O. Box 2477 Lenox Hill Station New York, New York 10021 (Email) GHOTE@aol.com 6,814,656 SURFACE TREATMENT DISKS FOR ROTARY TOOLS Contact: Luis J. Rodriguez 60 Fourth Street South Orange, NJ 07079 (Voice) (973) 761-1300 (fax) (973) 761-6488 (email) luisjrodriguez@aol.com 6,588,527 AUTOMATICALLY ROCKING STROLLER Attorney: Simmonds Consulting Contact: Peter Simmonds 333 Rector Place, Suite 14G New York,New York 10280-1421 (Voice) (212) 786-9001 (Fax) (212) 786-9002 (Email) Simmonds Peterks@aol.com 6,764,363 UPRIGHT HUMAN FLOATATION APPARATUS AND PROPULSION MECHANISM THEREFOR Attorney: Inna Landsman Contact: Yoav Rosen 41 Fernwood Road Newton, MA 02465 USA (Voice) (617) 916-2250 (email) yr@wavewalk.com 5,711,179 APPARATUS FOR DRIVING INDEXING CONVEYOR Attorney: Young & Basile, P.C. Contact: Barbara Kimball (Voice) (810) 395-7231 (Fax) (810) 395-7231 (email) Kimball123@hotmail.com 6,597,281 PAGER BELT BUCKLE DEVICE Attorney: Kaardal and Associates, P.C. Contact: Gerald Leon Thomas Mkhize 7386 Gas Line Road Key Stone Hights Florida,32656-7632] (Voice) (352) 473-8804 (Cell) (904) 208-8703 (Email) akata@juno.com (Email) thomasgerald@bellsouth.net