United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 14 June 2005
Patents Available for License or Sale 6,738,751 CREDIT CARD RENTAL-COST PAYMENT METHOD Attorney: Mr. Jim Pristelski Cook, Alex, McFarron, Manzo, Cummings, & Mehler, Ltd. 200 West Adams St. Suite 2850 Chicago, IL 60610 Contact: Joseph Richiusa 6130 West 79th Street Burbank, IL 60459 (Voice) (312) 787-2843 (Voice) (312) 804-2402 (Fax) (312) 787-3480 6,588,527 AUTOMATICALLY ROCKING STROLLER Attorney: Simmonds Consulting Contact: Peter Simmonds 333 Rector Place, Suite 14G New York, New York 10280-1421 (Voice) (212) 786-9001 (Fax) (212) 786-9002 (Email) Simmonds Peterks@aol.com D486,037 RACE CAR COOLER Attorney: Herb Larson, Esquire Contact: William Corzo 7215 128th Street Seminole, FL 33776 (Voice) (727) 638-5424 (Fax) (727) 397-9470 (email) willcorzo@yahoo.com 6,115,556 DIGITAL CAMERA BACK ACCESSORY AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE Contact: Terrence P. Reddington 17 Hillcrest Rd., Canton, MA 02021 (Voice) (781) 828-7475 (Fax) (781) 828-4364 (email) tpreddington@aol.com 6,806,444 HEAT WARNING SAFETY DEVICE USING FIBER OPTIC CABLES Contact: William S. Lerner P.O. Box 2477 Lenox Hill Station New York, New York 10021 5,941,069 EXHAUST APPARATUS Contact: Edward Heath 841 Route 32 Unit #2 North Franklin, CT 06254 (Voice) 860-642-4449 (Fax) 860-642-4448 (Voice) 860-389-0777 6,763,527 MEDICAL ASSISTANT OUTER GARMENT Attorney: Mark E. Books Contact: Leslie Rivoli 7239 Hickory Hill Lane Cedar Hill, MO 63016 (Voice) (636) 208-5826 (Email) leslie@maxhan.com 6,155,306 BULLETPROOF WOVEN FABRIC, AND METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR WEAVING SAME Attorney: Jonathan R. Bowser Contact: Jonathan R. Bowser Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack, LLP 2033 K Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20006-1021 (Voice) (202) 721-8200 (Fax) (202) 721-8250 (email) jbowser@wenderoth.com 6,065,258 WORK SPACE PARTITIONS HAVING GRAPHIC ARTWORK ON FABRIC Attorney: Michael F. Petock Contact: Michael F. Petock The Commons at Valley Forge P.O. Box 856 1220 Valley Forge Road Valley Forge, PA 19482 (Voice) (610) 935-8600 (Fax) (610) 933-9300 (Email) mp@iplaw-petock.com 6,862,755 POOL TRAY Attorney: Taylor & Aust Contact: Max Garwood 142 S. Main Avilla, TN 46710 (voice) (260) 897-3400 (Email) PamisPax@cs.com 5,921,252 HAIR STYLING COMB Contact: Thomas, Kayden Horstemeyer, & Risley, L.L.P. 100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 1750 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (Voice) (770) 933-9500 (Fax) (770) 951-0933 (email) tony.bonner@tkhr.com