United States Patent and Trademark Office OG Notices: 15 August 2006
Date Type of Proceeding Issued Case (1) or App'n No. Party/Parties 7-10 OPP 91156249 OMS Investments, Inc. v. Central Garden & Pet Company Opposer's/ Applicant's/ Petitioner's Respondent's TTAB Mark and Mark and Issue Decision Goods/Services Goods/Services 2(d) Opposition a "family" "EASYGONE" Sustained of marks [herbicides and (on the incorporating insecticides for basis of the term agricultural and opposer's "B-GON," all domestic use] WEED-B- for products for GON and controlling pests BUG-B- inside the home GON and outdoors; and marks) the following individual, registered marks: "WEED-B-GON" [herbicides]; "BRUSH-B-GON" [herbicides]; "GRASS-B-GON" [pesticides and herbicides for home and garden use]; "BUG-B-GON" [insecticides for home and garden use]; "WEED-B-GON" [herbicides mixed with fertilizers for domestic use]; "ANT-B-GON" [insecticides for agricultural and domestic use] Mark and Citable as Goods Cited by Precedent Examining Atty. of TTAB No (1)EX=EX PARTE APPEAL; OPP=OPPOSITION; CANC=CANCELLATION; CU=CONCURRENT USE; (SJ)=SUMMARY JUDGMENT; (R)=REQ. FOR RECONSIDERATION; (MD)=MOTION TO DISMISS; (MR)=MOTION TO REOPEN