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 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Table of Contents 1349 OG 183 


December 15, 2009 Volume 1349 Number 3


 Patent and Trademark Office NoticesPage 
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information1349 OG 184
Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable1349 OG 187
Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee1349 OG 188
Erratum1349 OG 209
Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 11/16/20091349 OG 210
Reissue Applications Filed1349 OG 211
Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed1349 OG 212
Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination Filed1349 OG 214
Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations Due to Failure to Renew1349 OG 215
Service by Publication1349 OG 225
37 CFR § 1.47 Notice by Publication1349 OG 227
Registration to Practice1349 OG 232
Service by Publication Notice of Complaint for Reciprocal Discipline1349 OG 235
Trademark Public Advisory Committee Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report1349 OG 236
Errata1349 OG 253
Certificates of Correction1349 OG 254
Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board1349 OG 257

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent Depository Libraries
Patent Technology Centers
Subscription/Copy Information

COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent and Trademark Office at $3.00 each; PLANT PATENTS in color, $15.00 each; copies of TRADEMARKS at $3.00 each. Address orders to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA., 22313-1450, or click here for online ordering.

Printing by U.S.P.T.O. in electronic form is authorized by 35 U.S.C. § 10(a)3

Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 184 

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information
		  Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information

   For information concerning PCT member countries, see the notice
appearing in the Official Gazette at 1342 O.G. 51, on May 12, 2009.

   For information on subject matter under Rule 39 that a particular
International Searching Authority will not search, see Annex D of the PCT
Applicants' Guide.

European Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The European Patent Office (EPO) may act as the International Searching
Authority (ISA) for an international application filed with the	United
States Receiving Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving
Office where at least one of the applicants is either a national or
resident of the United States of America. However, the EPO is no longer
a competent ISA, within the meaning of PCT Article 16(3), for
international applications filed by U.S. residents or nationals on or
after March 1, 2002, in the USPTO or IB as a Receiving Office, and where
the application contains one or more claims directed to the field of
business methods. For the definition of what the EPO considers to be
precluded subject matter in the field of business methods, applicants
should see the "Notice from the President of the European Patent
Office", dated November 26, 2001, and which was published as Annex A in
the "Notice Concerning EPO Competence to Act as PCT Authority" in
the Official Gazette at 1255 O.G. 878, on February 19, 2002.

   The European Patent Office may act as the International Preliminary
Examining Authority (IPEA) for an international application filed in the
United States Receiving Office or the International Bureau as Receiving
Office where at least one of the applicants is either a national or
resident of the United States of America, provided that the European
Patent Office acted as the International Searching Authority. However,
the EPO is no longer a competent IPEA, within the meaning of PCT Article
32(3), for international applications filed by U.S. residents or nationals
in the USPTO or IB as a Receiving Office where the corresponding demand is
filed with the EPO on or after March 1, 2002, and where the application
contains one or more claims directed to the field of business methods.

   The search fee of the European Patent Office was increased, effective
October 1, 2009, and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1346 O.G. 5,
on September 1, 2009.

Korean Intellectual Property Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   For use of the Korean Intellectual Property Office as an International
Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority for
international applications filed in the United States Receiving Office,
see the notice appearing in the Official Gazette at 1302 O.G. 1261 on
January 17, 2006.

   The search fee of the Korean Intellectual Property Office was increased,
effective September 15, 2009, and was announced in the Official Gazette at
1345 O.G. 163, on August 25, 2009.

Australian Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Australian Patent Office (IP Australia) may act as the International
Searching Authority (ISA) for an international application filed with the
United States Receiving Office or the International Bureau (IB) as
Receiving Office where at least one of the applicants is either a national
or resident of the United States of America. However, IP Australia is not a
competent ISA, within the meaning of PCT Artical 16(3), for international
applications filed by U.S. residents or nationals in the USPTO or IB as a
Receiving Office, and where the application contains one or more claims
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 185 

directed to the field of business methods or mechanical inventions.

   IP Australia may act as the International Preliminary Examining
Authority (IPEA) for an international application filed in the United
States Receiving Office or the International Bureau as Receiving Office
where at least one of the applicants is either a national or resident of
the United States of America, provided that IP Australia acted as the
International Searching Authority. However, IP Australia is not a competent
IPEA, within the meaning of PCT Article 32(3), for international
applications filed by U.S. residents or nationals in the USPTO or IB as a
Receiving Office where the corresponding demand is filed with IP Australia
and where the application contains one or more claims directed to the
fields of business methods or mechanical engineering or analogous fields of
technology as defined by specified areas of the International Patent
Classification System, as indicated in Annex A to the agreement between the
USPTO and IP Australia. See the notice appearing in the Official Gazette
at 1337 O.G. 261 on December 23, 2008.

   For use of IP Australia as an International Searching Authority and
International Preliminary Examining Authority for international
applications filed in the United States Receiving Office, see the notice
appearing in the Official Gazette at 1337 O.G. 265 on December 23, 2008.

   The search fee of IP Australia was increased, effective September 15,
2009, and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1345 O.G. 163, on
August 25, 2009.


   The transmittal fee and search fees for the USPTO were changed,
effective January 12, 2009, and were announced in the Federal Register on
November 12, 2008. The fee for filing a request for the restoration of the
right of priority was established, effective November 9, 2007, and was
announced in the Federal Register on September 10, 2007.

   International filing fees were increased, effective May 1, 2009, and
were announced in the Official Gazette at 1340 O.G. 212, on March 31,

   The schedule of PCT fees (in U.S. dollars), as of October 1, 2009, is
as follows:

International Application (PCT Chapter I) fees:

   Transmittal fee                                                  $240.00

   Search fee

      U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as
      International Searching Authority (ISA)
         - Search fee 						  $2,080.00
         - Supplemental search fee, per additional
            invention (payable only upon invitation)              $2,080.00

      European Patent Office as ISA                               $2,378.00

      Korean Intellectual Property Office as ISA
	 - for international applications filed in English	    $729.00

      IP Australia as ISA					  $1,278.00

   International fees

      International filing fee                                    $1,184.00
      International filing fee-filed in paper
         with PCT EASY zip file or
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 186 

         electronically without PCT EASY zip file		  $1,095.00
      International filing fee-filed
         electronically with PCT EASY zip files			  $1,006.00
      Supplemental fee for each page over 30                         $13.00

   Restoration of Priority

      Filing a request for the restoration of the
      right of priority under § 1.452				  $1,410.00

   International Application (PCT Chapter II) fees associated
   with filing a Demand for Preliminary Examination:

      Handling fee                                                  $171.00
      Handling fee-90% reduction, if applicants meet criteria
      specified at:	     $17.10
      Preliminary Examination Fee
         USPTO as International Preliminary
         Examining Authority (IPEA)
            - USPTO was ISA in PCT Chapter I                        $600.00
	    - USPTO was not ISA in PCT Chapter I                    $750.00
	    - Additional preliminary examination fee,
              per additional invention
              (payable only upon invitation) 			    $600.00

   U.S. National Stage fees (for international applications entering
the U.S. national phase under 35 U.S.C. 371) can be found on the USPTO's
Web site (

September 17, 2009  	      	                            DAVID J. KAPPOS
		  			    Under Secretary of Commerce for
				  Intellectual Property and Director of the
				  United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 187 

Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable
  		      Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable

   Title 37 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 1.362(d) provides
that maintenance fees may be paid without surcharge for the six-month
period beginning 3, 7, and 11 years after the date of issue of patents
based on applications filed on or after Dec. 12, 1980. An additional
six-month grace period is provided by 35 U.S.C. 41(b) and 37 CFR 1.362(e)
for payment of the maintenance fee with the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR
1.20(h), as amended effective Dec. 16, 1991. If the maintenance fee is
not paid in the patent requiring such payment the patent will expire on
the 4th, 8th, or 12th anniversary of the grant.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on December 5, 2006
for which maintenance fees due at 3 years and six months may now be paid.
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

   	Utility Patents 7,143,446 through 7,146,645
	Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on December 3, 2002
for which maintenance fees due at 7 years and six months may now be paid.
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

      	Utility Patents 6,487,724 through 6,490,728
   	Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on December 1, 1998
for which maintenance fees due at 11 years and six months may now be paid.
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

	Utility Patents 5,842,227 through 5,845,332
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   No maintenance fees are required for design or plant patents.

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents may be submitted electronically
over the Internet at Click on the "Site Index" link at the
top of the homepage (, and then scroll down and click on the
"Maintenance Fees" link for more information.

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents not submitted electronically
over the Internet should be mailed to "United States Patent and Trademark
Office, P.O. Box 979070, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000".

  Correspondence related to maintenance fees other than payments of
maintenance fees in patents is not to be mailed to P.O. Box 979070,
St. Louis, MO 63197-9000, but must be mailed to "Mail Stop M
Correspondence, Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O.
Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450".

   Patent owners must establish small entity status according to 37 CFR
1.27 if they have not done so and if they wish to pay the small entity

   The current amounts of the maintenance fees due at 3 years and six
months, 7 years and six months, and 11 years and six months are set forth
in the most recently amended provisions in 37 CFR 1.20(e)-(g). To obtain
the current maintenance fee amounts, please call the USPTO Contact Center
at (800)-786-9199 or see the current USPTO fee schedule posted on the USPTO
Internet web site. At the top of the USPTO homepage at, click
on the "Site Index" link and then scroll down and click on the "Fees,
USPTO" link to find the current USPTO fee schedule.
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 188 

Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee
			Notice of Expiration of Patents
		     Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee

   35 U.S.C. 41 and 37 CFR 1.362(g) provide that if the required
maintenance fee and any applicable surcharge are not paid in a patent
requiring such payment, the patent will expire at the end of the 4th, 8th
or 12th anniversary of the grant of the patent depending on the first
maintenance fee which was not paid.
   According to the records of the Office, the patents listed below have
expired due to failure to pay the required maintenance fee and any
applicable surcharge.

		   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON October 28, 2009

Patent  	                Application                         Issue
Number          	           Number                            Date

5,680,654                       08/681,559                       10/28/97
5,680,661                       08/509,756                       10/28/97
5,680,668                       08/569,495                       10/28/97
5,680,677                       08/695,681                       10/28/97
5,680,678                       08/622,213                       10/28/97
5,680,679                       08/083,530                       10/28/97
5,680,680                       08/582,833                       10/28/97
5,680,685                       08/474,488                       10/28/97
5,680,689                       08/556,388                       10/28/97
5,680,690                       08/653,458                       10/28/97
5,680,699                       08/688,581                       10/28/97
5,680,701                       08/470,560                       10/28/97
5,680,703                       08/767,533                       10/28/97
5,680,711                       08/609,713                       10/28/97
5,680,712                       08/548,231                       10/28/97
5,680,713                       08/611,058                       10/28/97
5,680,721                       08/457,472                       10/28/97
5,680,729                       08/386,284                       10/28/97
5,680,740                       08/457,956                       10/28/97
5,680,741                       08/463,529                       10/28/97
5,680,745                       08/374,955                       10/28/97
5,680,747                       08/613,255                       10/28/97
5,680,748                       08/675,432                       10/28/97
5,680,757                       08/574,649                       10/28/97
5,680,760                       08/623,073                       10/28/97
5,680,763                       08/550,483                       10/28/97
5,680,767                       08/526,471                       10/28/97
5,680,772                       08/757,298                       10/28/97
5,680,776                       08/426,726                       10/28/97
5,680,783                       08/519,641                       10/28/97
5,680,786                       08/697,306                       10/28/97
5,680,789                       08/700,024                       10/28/97
5,680,800                       08/558,076                       10/28/97
5,680,801                       08/552,320                       10/28/97
5,680,804                       08/409,013                       10/28/97
5,680,808                       08/647,250                       10/28/97
5,680,810                       08/759,327                       10/28/97
5,680,816                       08/723,184                       10/28/97
5,680,823                       08/408,671                       10/28/97
5,680,827                       08/497,889                       10/28/97
5,680,848                       08/684,620                       10/28/97
5,680,849                       08/703,066                       10/28/97
5,680,860                       08/550,778                       10/28/97
5,680,868                       08/665,286                       10/28/97
5,680,869                       08/714,814                       10/28/97
5,680,872                       08/406,902                       10/28/97
5,680,878                       08/569,924                       10/28/97
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 189 

5,680,881                       08/708,508                       10/28/97
5,680,889                       08/710,688                       10/28/97
5,680,890                       08/675,012                       10/28/97
5,680,892                       08/690,518                       10/28/97
5,680,893                       08/592,262                       10/28/97
5,680,894                       08/735,526                       10/28/97
5,680,899                       08/482,371                       10/28/97
5,680,907                       08/390,637                       10/28/97
5,680,913                       08/755,519                       10/28/97
5,680,918                       08/778,513                       10/28/97
5,680,929                       08/678,464                       10/28/97
5,680,940                       08/680,798                       10/28/97
5,680,941                       08/693,980                       10/28/97
5,680,944                       08/610,041                       10/28/97
5,680,948                       08/329,439                       10/28/97
5,680,959                       08/773,318                       10/28/97
5,680,964                       08/521,935                       10/28/97
5,680,967                       08/712,397                       10/28/97
5,680,985                       08/597,235                       10/28/97
5,680,992                       08/436,543                       10/28/97
5,681,000                       08/523,188                       10/28/97
5,681,002                       08/598,545                       10/28/97
5,681,007                       08/625,348                       10/28/97
5,681,010                       08/542,925                       10/28/97
5,681,012                       08/368,830                       10/28/97
5,681,013                       08/577,966                       10/28/97
5,681,022                       08/360,751                       10/28/97
5,681,028                       08/546,640                       10/28/97
5,681,033                       08/595,152                       10/28/97
5,681,035                       08/712,725                       10/28/97
5,681,038                       08/550,961                       10/28/97
5,681,045                       08/682,836                       10/28/97
5,681,051                       08/462,805                       10/28/97
5,681,054                       08/568,156                       10/28/97
5,681,055                       08/726,431                       10/28/97
5,681,065                       08/354,893                       10/28/97
5,681,075                       08/406,343                       10/28/97
5,681,076                       08/543,204                       10/28/97
5,681,079                       08/560,316                       10/28/97
5,681,080                       08/591,399                       10/28/97
5,681,082                       08/545,730                       10/28/97
5,681,088                       08/701,446                       10/28/97
5,681,094                       08/616,571                       10/28/97
5,681,106                       08/674,501                       10/28/97
5,681,116                       08/767,877                       10/28/97
5,681,117                       08/695,831                       10/28/97
5,681,120                       08/518,423                       10/28/97
5,681,124                       08/574,962                       10/28/97
5,681,128                       08/391,215                       10/28/97
5,681,130                       08/603,112                       10/28/97
5,681,138                       08/757,154                       10/28/97
5,681,150                       08/438,386                       10/28/97
5,681,158                       08/405,266                       10/28/97
5,681,160                       08/504,184                       10/28/97
5,681,162                       08/702,196                       10/28/97
5,681,163                       08/546,602                       10/28/97
5,681,166                       08/498,837                       10/28/97
5,681,171                       08/566,949                       10/28/97
5,681,174                       08/576,723                       10/28/97
5,681,176                       08/565,415                       10/28/97
5,681,178                       08/495,780                       10/28/97
5,681,184                       08/593,219                       10/28/97
5,681,185                       08/549,971                       10/28/97
5,681,186                       08/611,227                       10/28/97
5,681,188                       08/696,215                       10/28/97
5,681,196                       08/560,061                       10/28/97
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 190 

5,681,202                       08/664,997                       10/28/97
5,681,211                       08/602,948                       10/28/97
5,681,212                       08/628,325                       10/28/97
5,681,213                       08/648,372                       10/28/97
5,681,217                       08/678,366                       10/28/97
5,681,220                       08/215,033                       10/28/97
5,681,230                       08/767,669                       10/28/97
5,681,234                       08/771,969                       10/28/97
5,681,241                       08/450,588                       10/28/97
5,681,243                       08/440,041                       10/28/97
5,681,252                       08/534,251                       10/28/97
5,681,253                       08/625,942                       10/28/97
5,681,259                       08/583,473                       10/28/97
5,681,271                       08/533,206                       10/28/97
5,681,278                       08/264,458                       10/28/97
5,681,279                       08/743,504                       10/28/97
5,681,307                       08/329,479                       10/28/97
5,681,317                       08/662,398                       10/28/97
5,681,323                       08/680,382                       10/28/97
5,681,333                       08/555,335                       10/28/97
5,681,337                       08/485,098                       10/28/97
5,681,354                       08/603,416                       10/28/97
5,681,380                       08/769,885                       10/28/97
5,681,388                       08/647,745                       10/28/97
5,681,394                       08/110,838                       10/28/97
5,681,403                       08/364,050                       10/28/97
5,681,404                       08/385,807                       10/28/97
5,681,406                       08/249,296                       10/28/97
5,681,420                       08/518,247                       10/28/97
5,681,429                       08/411,829                       10/28/97
5,681,449                       08/584,462                       10/28/97
5,681,453                       08/522,355                       10/28/97
5,681,468                       08/599,810                       10/28/97
5,681,482                       08/700,045                       10/28/97
5,681,491                       08/591,177                       10/28/97
5,681,496                       08/524,046                       10/28/97
5,681,501                       08/541,055                       10/28/97
5,681,507                       08/655,058                       10/28/97
5,681,512                       08/578,993                       10/28/97
5,681,514                       08/481,605                       10/28/97
5,681,517                       08/534,457                       10/28/97
5,681,518                       08/413,984                       10/28/97
5,681,519                       08/372,997                       10/28/97
5,681,520                       08/531,737                       10/28/97
5,681,527                       08/584,692                       10/28/97
5,681,532                       08/449,267                       10/28/97
5,681,535                       08/499,342                       10/28/97
5,681,554                       08/496,138                       10/28/97
5,681,555                       08/120,125                       10/28/97
5,681,556                       08/159,044                       10/28/97
5,681,559                       08/474,208                       10/28/97
5,681,563                       08/664,493                       10/28/97
5,681,580                       08/448,235                       10/28/97
5,681,587                       08/626,394                       10/28/97
5,681,590                       08/454,100                       10/28/97
5,681,593                       08/503,696                       10/28/97
5,681,596                       08/611,348                       10/28/97
5,681,601                       08/637,463                       10/28/97
5,681,603                       08/536,515                       10/28/97
5,681,610                       08/575,921                       10/28/97
5,681,612                       08/602,546                       10/28/97
5,681,614                       08/595,785                       10/28/97
5,681,619                       07/696,565                       10/28/97
5,681,631                       08/388,298                       10/28/97
5,681,632                       08/598,749                       10/28/97
5,681,642                       08/514,378                       10/28/97
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 191 

5,681,644                       08/671,599                       10/28/97
5,681,645                       08/456,842                       10/28/97
5,681,653                       08/438,772                       10/28/97
5,681,654                       08/567,086                       10/28/97
5,681,656                       08/546,530                       10/28/97
5,681,660                       08/613,741                       10/28/97
5,681,661                       08/599,151                       10/28/97
5,681,664                       08/510,535                       10/28/97
5,681,672                       08/587,794                       10/28/97
5,681,675                       08/443,018                       10/28/97
5,681,677                       08/598,597                       10/28/97
5,681,686                       08/622,936                       10/28/97
5,681,691                       08/725,811                       10/28/97
5,681,692                       08/594,611                       10/28/97
5,681,693                       07/928,283                       10/28/97
5,681,705                       08/520,194                       10/28/97
5,681,706                       08/609,657                       10/28/97
5,681,707                       08/465,348                       10/28/97
5,681,714                       08/278,089                       10/28/97
5,681,719                       08/401,013                       10/28/97
5,681,723                       08/437,680                       10/28/97
5,681,725                       08/284,566                       10/28/97
5,681,732                       08/291,609                       10/28/97
5,681,736                       08/538,543                       10/28/97
5,681,743                       08/504,885                       10/28/97
5,681,769                       08/482,338                       10/28/97
5,681,775                       08/559,383                       10/28/97
5,681,785                       08/738,931                       10/28/97
5,681,786                       08/738,933                       10/28/97
5,681,790                       08/565,712                       10/28/97
5,681,791                       08/501,690                       10/28/97
5,681,792                       08/485,334                       10/28/97
5,681,794                       08/316,618                       10/28/97
5,681,801                       08/622,513                       10/28/97
5,681,802                       08/252,298                       10/28/97
5,681,804                       08/562,993                       10/28/97
5,681,812                       08/445,191                       10/28/97
5,681,820                       08/442,268                       10/28/97
5,681,832                       08/390,057                       10/28/97
5,681,834                       08/566,640                       10/28/97
5,681,836                       08/727,896                       10/28/97
5,681,842                       08/744,906                       10/28/97
5,681,853                       08/472,317                       10/28/97
5,681,854                       08/563,315                       10/28/97
5,681,858                       08/525,748                       10/28/97
5,681,868                       08/552,820                       10/28/97
5,681,869                       08/463,591                       10/28/97
5,681,874                       08/644,642                       10/28/97
5,681,889                       08/573,143                       10/28/97
5,681,890                       08/611,189                       10/28/97
5,681,899                       08/503,370                       10/28/97
5,681,900                       08/537,866                       10/28/97
5,681,902                       08/585,047                       10/28/97
5,681,914                       08/653,734                       10/28/97
5,681,915                       08/534,853                       10/28/97
5,681,916                       08/464,670                       10/28/97
5,681,919                       08/453,150                       10/28/97
5,681,923                       08/540,202                       10/28/97
5,681,927                       08/075,305                       10/28/97
5,681,937                       08/622,588                       10/28/97
5,681,944                       08/334,215                       10/28/97
5,681,948                       08/398,749                       10/28/97
5,681,955                       08/680,732                       10/28/97
5,681,956                       08/401,201                       10/28/97
5,681,965                       08/468,561                       10/28/97
5,681,969                       08/642,544                       10/28/97
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 192 

5,681,975                       08/563,631                       10/28/97
5,681,981                       08/530,247                       10/28/97
5,681,990                       08/568,923                       10/28/97
5,681,995                       08/614,184                       10/28/97
5,681,996                       08/690,763                       10/28/97
5,681,998                       08/213,727                       10/28/97
5,682,002                       08/715,412                       10/28/97
5,682,005                       08/455,537                       10/28/97
5,682,013                       08/466,030                       10/28/97
5,682,017                       08/436,613                       10/28/97
5,682,023                       08/533,594                       10/28/97
5,682,027                       08/424,258                       10/28/97
5,682,031                       08/520,382                       10/28/97
5,682,053                       08/588,290                       10/28/97
5,682,056                       08/613,766                       10/28/97
5,682,058                       08/221,332                       10/28/97
5,682,070                       08/572,672                       10/28/97
5,682,072                       08/374,871                       10/28/97
5,682,075                       08/525,294                       10/28/97
5,682,076                       08/374,435                       10/28/97
5,682,077                       08/650,207                       10/28/97
5,682,079                       08/514,101                       10/28/97
5,682,080                       08/740,558                       10/28/97
5,682,088                       08/650,206                       10/28/97
5,682,089                       08/559,784                       10/28/97
5,682,094                       08/692,146                       10/28/97
5,682,104                       08/385,874                       10/28/97
5,682,105                       08/564,450                       10/28/97
5,682,109                       08/600,760                       10/28/97
5,682,118                       08/409,712                       10/28/97
5,682,119                       08/606,311                       10/28/97
5,682,120                       08/618,746                       10/28/97
5,682,122                       08/513,832                       10/28/97
5,682,125                       08/536,008                       10/28/97
5,682,139                       08/484,752                       10/28/97
5,682,146                       08/362,425                       10/28/97
5,682,159                       08/603,626                       10/28/97
5,682,166                       08/632,738                       10/28/97
5,682,167                       08/783,071                       10/28/97
5,682,168                       08/650,682                       10/28/97
5,682,174                       08/389,674                       10/28/97
5,682,175                       08/361,973                       10/28/97
5,682,179                       08/253,866                       10/28/97
5,682,183                       08/332,544                       10/28/97
5,682,189                       08/208,110                       10/28/97
5,682,194                       08/428,075                       10/28/97
5,682,207                       08/671,093                       10/28/97
5,682,209                       08/556,481                       10/28/97
5,682,217                       08/390,161                       10/28/97
5,682,219                       08/591,296                       10/28/97
5,682,224                       08/548,155                       10/28/97
5,682,226                       08/731,917                       10/28/97
5,682,235                       08/521,691                       10/28/97
5,682,243                       08/517,853                       10/28/97
5,682,245                       08/613,883                       10/28/97
5,682,255                       08/505,315                       10/28/97
5,682,257                       08/713,095                       10/28/97
5,682,258                       08/693,373                       10/28/97
5,682,259                       08/619,865                       10/28/97
5,682,261                       08/583,254                       10/28/97
5,682,262                       08/571,523                       10/28/97
5,682,263                       08/195,000                       10/28/97
5,682,269                       08/687,023                       10/28/97
5,682,275                       08/667,882                       10/28/97
5,682,277                       08/458,444                       10/28/97
5,682,278                       08/533,141                       10/28/97
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 193 

5,682,279                       08/626,114                       10/28/97
5,682,280                       08/336,741                       10/28/97
5,682,286                       08/697,795                       10/28/97
5,682,307                       08/460,138                       10/28/97
5,682,308                       08/172,395                       10/28/97
5,682,311                       08/560,537                       10/28/97
5,682,315                       08/455,322                       10/28/97
5,682,339                       08/452,162                       10/28/97
5,682,363                       08/405,235                       10/28/97
5,682,364                       08/547,048                       10/28/97
5,682,366                       08/433,370                       10/28/97
5,682,369                       08/517,756                       10/28/97
5,682,390                       08/518,560                       10/28/97
5,682,391                       08/603,881                       10/28/97
5,682,393                       08/515,264                       10/28/97
5,682,394                       08/012,186                       10/28/97
5,682,409                       08/689,957                       10/28/97
5,682,410                       08/531,139                       10/28/97
5,682,413                       08/667,406                       10/28/97
5,682,421                       08/573,510                       10/28/97
5,682,432                       08/148,147                       10/28/97
5,682,435                       08/551,219                       10/28/97
5,682,446                       08/726,399                       10/28/97
5,682,448                       08/645,327                       10/28/97
5,682,452                       08/614,043                       10/28/97
5,682,455                       08/609,930                       10/28/97
5,682,457                       08/400,510                       10/28/97
5,682,458                       08/664,613                       10/28/97
5,682,461                       08/307,665                       10/28/97
5,682,466                       08/117,765                       10/28/97
5,682,468                       08/378,251                       10/28/97
5,682,471                       08/319,059                       10/28/97
5,682,475                       08/366,693                       10/28/97
5,682,480                       08/514,738                       10/28/97
5,682,481                       08/277,476                       10/28/97
5,682,488                       08/415,886                       10/28/97
5,682,491                       08/366,140                       10/28/97
5,682,498                       08/643,501                       10/28/97
5,682,503                       08/320,715                       10/28/97
5,682,506                       08/667,747                       10/28/97
5,682,508                       08/409,015                       10/28/97
5,682,512                       08/497,621                       10/28/97
5,682,514                       08/565,393                       10/28/97
5,682,530                       08/450,783                       10/28/97
5,682,537                       08/522,207                       10/28/97
5,682,539                       08/315,240                       10/28/97
5,682,542                       08/279,861                       10/28/97
5,682,543                       08/440,823                       10/28/97
5,682,552                       08/248,529                       10/28/97
5,682,565                       08/400,818                       10/28/97
5,682,566                       08/531,082                       10/28/97
5,682,568                       08/766,930                       10/28/97
5,682,569                       08/736,029                       10/28/97
5,682,573                       08/607,577                       10/28/97
5,682,574                       08/380,414                       10/28/97
5,682,591                       08/479,464                       10/28/97
5,682,596                       08/563,716                       10/28/97
5,682,603                       08/504,119                       10/28/97

		   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON October 23, 2009

Patent  	                Application                         Issue
Number          	           Number                            Date

6,305,022                       09/508,231                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 194 

6,305,032                       09/515,066                       10/23/01
6,305,033                       09/613,785                       10/23/01
6,305,034                       09/221,468                       10/23/01
6,305,036                       09/493,175                       10/23/01
6,305,051                       09/423,023                       10/23/01
6,305,053                       09/496,064                       10/23/01
6,305,054                       09/346,976                       10/23/01
6,305,057                       09/621,982                       10/23/01
6,305,058                       09/656,888                       10/23/01
6,305,059                       09/496,099                       10/23/01
6,305,062                       09/553,826                       10/23/01
6,305,063                       08/687,909                       10/23/01
6,305,070                       08/731,302                       10/23/01
6,305,086                       09/360,555                       10/23/01
6,305,091                       09/565,050                       10/23/01
6,305,094                       09/206,853                       10/23/01
6,305,096                       09/402,549                       10/23/01
6,305,101                       09/353,341                       10/23/01
6,305,102                       09/424,938                       10/23/01
6,305,105                       09/433,539                       10/23/01
6,305,106                       09/792,908                       10/23/01
6,305,108                       09/376,328                       10/23/01
6,305,109                       09/457,071                       10/23/01
6,305,110                       09/192,549                       10/23/01
6,305,112                       09/273,734                       10/23/01
6,305,116                       09/351,526                       10/23/01
6,305,117                       09/447,796                       10/23/01
6,305,124                       09/487,415                       10/23/01
6,305,125                       09/221,170                       10/23/01
6,305,132                       09/511,016                       10/23/01
6,305,145                       09/244,991                       10/23/01
6,305,146                       09/264,859                       10/23/01
6,305,150                       09/043,055                       10/23/01
6,305,154                       09/416,110                       10/23/01
6,305,155                       09/592,227                       10/23/01
6,305,156                       09/390,412                       10/23/01
6,305,165                       09/276,513                       10/23/01
6,305,166                       09/445,382                       10/23/01
6,305,171                       09/582,220                       10/23/01
6,305,176                       09/205,372                       10/23/01
6,305,177                       09/574,478                       10/23/01
6,305,179                       09/564,204                       10/23/01
6,305,184                       09/605,413                       10/23/01
6,305,185                       09/575,564                       10/23/01
6,305,189                       09/635,423                       10/23/01
6,305,191                       09/566,274                       10/23/01
6,305,192                       09/659,656                       10/23/01
6,305,193                       09/690,432                       10/23/01
6,305,196                       09/463,332                       10/23/01
6,305,200                       09/395,701                       10/23/01
6,305,210                       08/695,554                       10/23/01
6,305,213                       09/526,771                       10/23/01
6,305,214                       09/383,341                       10/23/01
6,305,231                       08/761,163                       10/23/01
6,305,232                       09/309,108                       10/23/01
6,305,233                       09/043,625                       10/23/01
6,305,237                       09/032,264                       10/23/01
6,305,239                       09/655,159                       10/23/01
6,305,245                       09/641,464                       10/23/01
6,305,254                       09/634,577                       10/23/01
6,305,258                       09/025,601                       10/23/01
6,305,259                       09/375,487                       10/23/01
6,305,261                       09/274,991                       10/23/01
6,305,269                       09/518,118                       10/23/01
6,305,275                       09/782,555                       10/23/01
6,305,280                       09/353,630                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 195 

6,305,283                       09/514,146                       10/23/01
6,305,286                       09/179,019                       10/23/01
6,305,293                       09/370,560                       10/23/01
6,305,299                       09/182,735                       10/23/01
6,305,303                       09/307,500                       10/23/01
6,305,305                       09/632,904                       10/23/01
6,305,307                       09/536,978                       10/23/01
6,305,311                       09/734,447                       10/23/01
6,305,316                       09/619,839                       10/23/01
6,305,317                       09/477,383                       10/23/01
6,305,321                       09/510,989                       10/23/01
6,305,323                       09/495,381                       10/23/01
6,305,327                       09/437,055                       10/23/01
6,305,328                       09/453,125                       10/23/01
6,305,331                       09/402,133                       10/23/01
6,305,332                       09/447,814                       10/23/01
6,305,334                       09/492,794                       10/23/01
6,305,335                       09/634,878                       10/23/01
6,305,336                       09/565,493                       10/23/01
6,305,338                       09/462,808                       10/23/01
6,305,346                       09/607,339                       10/23/01
6,305,349                       09/563,202                       10/23/01
6,305,351                       09/269,791                       10/23/01
6,305,354                       08/656,106                       10/23/01
6,305,361                       09/538,273                       10/23/01
6,305,362                       09/605,059                       10/23/01
6,305,365                       09/152,373                       10/23/01
6,305,368                       09/745,158                       10/23/01
6,305,377                       09/395,819                       10/23/01
6,305,385                       09/478,869                       10/23/01
6,305,392                       09/252,717                       10/23/01
6,305,394                       09/536,884                       10/23/01
6,305,396                       09/543,245                       10/23/01
6,305,405                       09/407,576                       10/23/01
6,305,407                       09/484,708                       10/23/01
6,305,408                       09/491,977                       10/23/01
6,305,409                       09/631,434                       10/23/01
6,305,410                       09/301,043                       10/23/01
6,305,413                       09/638,750                       10/23/01
6,305,414                       09/724,209                       10/23/01
6,305,418                       09/230,144                       10/23/01
6,305,421                       09/445,309                       10/23/01
6,305,423                       09/587,643                       10/23/01
6,305,437                       09/584,465                       10/23/01
6,305,438                       09/622,438                       10/23/01
6,305,440                       09/646,237                       10/23/01
6,305,441                       09/693,087                       10/23/01
6,305,442                       09/444,810                       10/23/01
6,305,446                       09/485,959                       10/23/01
6,305,447                       09/648,970                       10/23/01
6,305,451                       09/338,509                       10/23/01
6,305,455                       09/680,170                       10/23/01
6,305,458                       09/526,324                       10/23/01
6,305,486                       09/495,127                       10/23/01
6,305,490                       09/389,479                       10/23/01
6,305,492                       09/506,220                       10/23/01
6,305,493                       09/500,434                       10/23/01
6,305,501                       09/446,063                       10/23/01
6,305,503                       09/292,679                       10/23/01
6,305,505                       09/491,743                       10/23/01
6,305,506                       09/284,002                       10/23/01
6,305,507                       09/359,440                       10/23/01
6,305,512                       09/626,567                       10/23/01
6,305,519                       09/288,716                       10/23/01
6,305,520                       09/671,594                       10/23/01
6,305,525                       09/428,287                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 196 

6,305,531                       09/318,350                       10/23/01
6,305,532                       09/577,851                       10/23/01
6,305,535                       09/657,898                       10/23/01
6,305,542                       09/497,990                       10/23/01
6,305,546                       09/503,732                       10/23/01
6,305,547                       09/532,525                       10/23/01
6,305,558                       09/502,754                       10/23/01
6,305,566                       09/545,390                       10/23/01
6,305,568                       09/689,655                       10/23/01
6,305,573                       09/172,309                       10/23/01
6,305,577                       07/759,328                       10/23/01
6,305,581                       09/612,942                       10/23/01
6,305,587                       09/466,622                       10/23/01
6,305,590                       09/368,776                       10/23/01
6,305,595                       09/527,835                       10/23/01
6,305,597                       09/620,448                       10/23/01
6,305,605                       09/369,871                       10/23/01
6,305,610                       09/591,460                       10/23/01
6,305,617                       09/495,884                       10/23/01
6,305,620                       09/591,940                       10/23/01
6,305,622                       09/254,781                       10/23/01
6,305,625                       09/457,152                       10/23/01
6,305,629                       09/570,452                       10/23/01
6,305,630                       09/408,611                       10/23/01
6,305,631                       09/406,946                       10/23/01
6,305,637                       09/550,427                       10/23/01
6,305,643                       09/436,785                       10/23/01
6,305,648                       09/437,809                       10/23/01
6,305,653                       08/950,610                       10/23/01
6,305,656                       09/454,984                       10/23/01
6,305,660                       09/597,883                       10/23/01
6,305,663                       09/579,703                       10/23/01
6,305,671                       09/237,364                       10/23/01
6,305,672                       09/383,333                       10/23/01
6,305,674                       09/316,317                       10/23/01
6,305,675                       09/633,352                       10/23/01
6,305,685                       09/566,892                       10/23/01
6,305,691                       08/628,211                       10/23/01
6,305,697                       09/198,240                       10/23/01
6,305,698                       09/616,677                       10/23/01
6,305,700                       09/213,236                       10/23/01
6,305,702                       09/425,797                       10/23/01
6,305,703                       09/475,173                       10/23/01
6,305,706                       09/499,062                       10/23/01
6,305,713                       09/472,287                       10/23/01
6,305,714                       09/346,689                       10/23/01
6,305,719                       09/236,877                       10/23/01
6,305,727                       08/952,800                       10/23/01
6,305,730                       09/543,501                       10/23/01
6,305,731                       09/675,508                       10/23/01
6,305,732                       09/574,167                       10/23/01
6,305,733                       09/597,613                       10/23/01
6,305,737                       09/630,901                       10/23/01
6,305,738                       09/441,762                       10/23/01
6,305,740                       09/645,744                       10/23/01
6,305,743                       09/418,048                       10/23/01
6,305,746                       09/566,575                       10/23/01
6,305,752                       09/254,508                       10/23/01
6,305,764                       09/536,662                       10/23/01
6,305,766                       08/814,270                       10/23/01
6,305,773                       09/124,636                       10/23/01
6,305,779                       09/290,030                       10/23/01
6,305,792                       09/292,327                       10/23/01
6,305,794                       08/904,571                       10/23/01
6,305,797                       07/253,100                       10/23/01
6,305,798                       08/016,148                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 197 

6,305,808                       09/446,433                       10/23/01
6,305,816                       09/267,314                       10/23/01
6,305,821                       09/500,033                       10/23/01
6,305,825                       09/577,044                       10/23/01
6,305,826                       09/398,465                       10/23/01
6,305,839                       09/465,055                       10/23/01
6,305,842                       09/376,858                       10/23/01
6,305,845                       09/499,168                       10/23/01
6,305,855                       09/376,199                       10/23/01
6,305,863                       09/503,850                       10/23/01
6,305,868                       09/466,893                       10/23/01
6,305,872                       09/384,051                       10/23/01
6,305,874                       09/428,769                       10/23/01
6,305,875                       08/765,372                       10/23/01
6,305,877                       09/519,629                       10/23/01
6,305,880                       09/350,948                       10/23/01
6,305,885                       09/603,100                       10/23/01
6,305,890                       09/534,678                       10/23/01
6,305,891                       09/571,005                       10/23/01
6,305,892                       08/909,834                       10/23/01
6,305,896                       09/329,198                       10/23/01
6,305,913                       09/374,649                       10/23/01
6,305,917                       09/312,875                       10/23/01
6,305,919                       09/379,876                       10/23/01
6,305,935                       09/694,924                       10/23/01
6,305,942                       09/189,809                       10/23/01
6,305,943                       09/494,254                       10/23/01
6,305,951                       09/741,929                       10/23/01
6,305,952                       09/751,205                       10/23/01
6,305,953                       09/751,821                       10/23/01
6,305,954                       09/548,833                       10/23/01
6,305,960                       09/752,405                       10/23/01
6,305,963                       08/699,023                       10/23/01
6,305,976                       09/545,640                       10/23/01
6,305,985                       09/453,899                       10/23/01
6,305,987                       09/249,300                       10/23/01
6,305,988                       09/491,745                       10/23/01
6,305,990                       09/566,324                       10/23/01
6,305,991                       09/461,817                       10/23/01
6,306,003                       09/501,040                       10/23/01
6,306,004                       09/525,561                       10/23/01
6,306,006                       09/520,979                       10/23/01
6,306,010                       09/427,478                       10/23/01
6,306,013                       09/461,994                       10/23/01
6,306,016                       09/631,656                       10/23/01
6,306,019                       09/475,518                       10/23/01
6,306,021                       09/237,881                       10/23/01
6,306,024                       09/571,828                       10/23/01
6,306,025                       09/095,495                       10/23/01
6,306,029                       09/605,528                       10/23/01
6,306,031                       09/539,354                       10/23/01
6,306,041                       09/527,922                       10/23/01
6,306,051                       09/651,850                       10/23/01
6,306,055                       09/510,683                       10/23/01
6,306,058                       09/507,637                       10/23/01
6,306,059                       09/492,314                       10/23/01
6,306,067                       09/329,377                       10/23/01
6,306,073                       09/269,425                       10/23/01
6,306,076                       09/313,629                       10/23/01
6,306,077                       09/430,580                       10/23/01
6,306,084                       09/306,323                       10/23/01
6,306,101                       09/549,476                       10/23/01
6,306,102                       09/405,975                       10/23/01
6,306,103                       09/476,886                       10/23/01
6,306,114                       09/098,234                       10/23/01
6,306,116                       09/410,487                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 198 

6,306,121                       09/149,265                       10/23/01
6,306,135                       09/442,315                       10/23/01
6,306,146                       09/543,875                       10/23/01
6,306,148                       09/508,022                       10/23/01
6,306,170                       09/790,751                       10/23/01
6,306,171                       09/543,160                       10/23/01
6,306,185                       09/460,329                       10/23/01
6,306,196                       09/633,342                       10/23/01
6,306,198                       09/424,980                       10/23/01
6,306,202                       09/606,441                       10/23/01
6,306,208                       09/792,921                       10/23/01
6,306,214                       09/365,396                       10/23/01
6,306,225                       09/543,477                       10/23/01
6,306,229                       09/423,431                       10/23/01
6,306,240                       09/230,851                       10/23/01
6,306,245                       09/435,575                       10/23/01
6,306,250                       09/341,205                       10/23/01
6,306,256                       09/477,627                       10/23/01
6,306,266                       09/574,682                       10/23/01
6,306,280                       09/564,059                       10/23/01
6,306,293                       09/608,799                       10/23/01
6,306,294                       09/581,458                       10/23/01
6,306,295                       09/656,343                       10/23/01
6,306,303                       09/341,280                       10/23/01
6,306,305                       09/171,367                       10/23/01
6,306,311                       09/431,237                       10/23/01
6,306,314                       09/015,965                       10/23/01
6,306,319                       09/361,632                       10/23/01
6,306,320                       09/364,218                       10/23/01
6,306,323                       08/891,757                       10/23/01
6,306,329                       09/132,395                       10/23/01
6,306,331                       09/275,169                       10/23/01
6,306,338                       09/525,816                       10/23/01
6,306,342                       09/764,758                       10/23/01
6,306,348                       09/354,931                       10/23/01
6,306,353                       09/804,515                       10/23/01
6,306,355                       09/485,690                       10/23/01
6,306,366                       09/129,953                       10/23/01
6,306,374                       08/501,822                       10/23/01
6,306,376                       09/112,001                       10/23/01
6,306,379                       08/857,341                       10/23/01
6,306,381                       09/519,194                       10/23/01
6,306,387                       08/987,691                       10/23/01
6,306,390                       09/194,289                       10/23/01
6,306,406                       08/481,155                       10/23/01
6,306,410                       09/509,382                       10/23/01
6,306,411                       09/568,476                       10/23/01
6,306,422                       09/128,252                       10/23/01
6,306,433                       09/119,606                       10/23/01
6,306,437                       09/606,919                       10/23/01
6,306,444                       09/603,718                       10/23/01
6,306,446                       08/994,105                       10/23/01
6,306,452                       09/704,783                       10/23/01
6,306,463                       09/621,898                       10/23/01
6,306,464                       09/774,324                       10/23/01
6,306,469                       09/013,546                       10/23/01
6,306,476                       09/175,367                       10/23/01
6,306,478                       09/478,967                       10/23/01
6,306,482                       08/952,730                       10/23/01
6,306,484                       09/455,345                       10/23/01
6,306,485                       09/372,421                       10/23/01
6,306,488                       09/527,185                       10/23/01
6,306,497                       09/260,731                       10/23/01
6,306,505                       09/641,592                       10/23/01
6,306,509                       08/946,850                       10/23/01
6,306,517                       09/632,354                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 199 

6,306,518                       09/315,098                       10/23/01
6,306,520                       09/217,998                       10/23/01
6,306,526                       09/394,798                       10/23/01
6,306,528                       09/311,812                       10/23/01
6,306,534                       09/116,643                       10/23/01
6,306,536                       09/280,147                       10/23/01
6,306,538                       08/945,499                       10/23/01
6,306,540                       09/642,667                       10/23/01
6,306,546                       09/425,588                       10/23/01
6,306,551                       09/475,691                       10/23/01
6,306,567                       09/731,447                       10/23/01
6,306,568                       09/751,116                       10/23/01
6,306,571                       08/999,409                       10/23/01
6,306,572                       09/135,637                       10/23/01
6,306,585                       08/955,629                       10/23/01
6,306,593                       09/157,351                       10/23/01
6,306,594                       09/193,370                       10/23/01
6,306,595                       09/239,491                       10/23/01
6,306,599                       09/356,249                       10/23/01
6,306,611                       09/401,094                       10/23/01
6,306,613                       09/451,905                       10/23/01
6,306,619                       09/605,858                       10/23/01
6,306,625                       08/823,578                       10/23/01
6,306,633                       09/240,816                       10/23/01
6,306,640                       09/249,272                       10/23/01
6,306,641                       09/197,079                       10/23/01
6,306,645                       09/339,870                       10/23/01
6,306,650                       08/874,569                       10/23/01
6,306,651                       08/910,287                       10/23/01
6,306,653                       09/146,580                       10/23/01
6,306,657                       08/719,476                       10/23/01
6,306,668                       09/404,512                       10/23/01
6,306,670                       09/373,354                       10/23/01
6,306,672                       09/121,311                       10/23/01
6,306,683                       09/526,569                       10/23/01
6,306,686                       09/487,747                       10/23/01
6,306,688                       09/351,750                       10/23/01
6,306,714                       09/713,802                       10/23/01
6,306,715                       09/756,008                       10/23/01
6,306,723                       09/524,528                       10/23/01
6,306,739                       09/299,931                       10/23/01
6,306,749                       09/327,874                       10/23/01
6,306,757                       09/323,890                       10/23/01
6,306,760                       09/457,327                       10/23/01
6,306,772                       09/552,024                       10/23/01
6,306,779                       09/463,868                       10/23/01
6,306,791                       09/795,894                       10/23/01
6,306,792                       09/201,812                       10/23/01
6,306,797                       09/534,114                       10/23/01
6,306,804                       09/457,686                       10/23/01
6,306,807                       09/312,933                       10/23/01
6,306,808                       09/763,017                       10/23/01
6,306,816                       09/757,192                       10/23/01
6,306,822                       09/193,214                       10/23/01
6,306,823                       09/362,284                       10/23/01
6,306,824                       09/395,453                       10/23/01
6,306,831                       09/150,999                       10/23/01
6,306,835                       09/154,365                       10/23/01
6,306,839                       09/397,566                       10/23/01
6,306,840                       08/376,372                       10/23/01
6,306,845                       09/240,935                       10/23/01
6,306,846                       08/480,152                       10/23/01
6,306,852                       09/556,651                       10/23/01
6,306,854                       09/806,890                       10/23/01
6,306,857                       09/371,667                       10/23/01
6,306,861                       09/627,766                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 200 

6,306,864                       09/367,960                       10/23/01
6,306,866                       09/036,490                       10/23/01
6,306,867                       09/678,807                       10/23/01
6,306,869                       09/673,649                       10/23/01
6,306,870                       09/592,514                       10/23/01
6,306,884                       09/436,399                       10/23/01
6,306,886                       09/094,944                       10/23/01
6,306,887                       09/338,832                       10/23/01
6,306,891                       09/323,519                       10/23/01
6,306,892                       09/598,208                       10/23/01
6,306,897                       09/354,550                       10/23/01
6,306,898                       09/457,368                       10/23/01
6,306,909                       09/041,371                       10/23/01
6,306,910                       09/743,370                       10/23/01
6,306,913                       09/218,273                       10/23/01
6,306,914                       09/170,326                       10/23/01
6,306,925                       09/216,510                       10/23/01
6,306,930                       09/400,628                       10/23/01
6,306,935                       09/413,374                       10/23/01
6,306,938                       09/294,042                       10/23/01
6,306,939                       09/335,787                       10/23/01
6,306,943                       09/515,948                       10/23/01
6,306,944                       09/447,568                       10/23/01
6,306,947                       09/320,718                       10/23/01
6,306,948                       09/427,234                       10/23/01
6,306,949                       09/177,451                       10/23/01
6,306,953                       09/504,829                       10/23/01
6,306,959                       09/171,258                       10/23/01
6,306,960                       09/433,485                       10/23/01
6,306,963                       09/657,648                       10/23/01
6,306,975                       09/010,951                       10/23/01
6,306,978                       09/245,255                       10/23/01
6,307,008                       09/512,381                       10/23/01
6,307,009                       09/474,561                       10/23/01
6,307,033                       09/646,936                       10/23/01
6,307,034                       09/669,465                       10/23/01
6,307,035                       09/230,196                       10/23/01
6,307,036                       09/257,580                       10/23/01
6,307,038                       09/167,151                       10/23/01
6,307,044                       09/329,674                       10/23/01
6,307,050                       09/779,136                       10/23/01
6,307,051                       09/497,220                       10/23/01
6,307,054                       09/108,622                       10/23/01
6,307,056                       09/464,466                       10/23/01
6,307,061                       09/771,029                       10/23/01
6,307,064                       09/304,792                       10/23/01
6,307,069                       09/363,354                       10/23/01
6,307,071                       09/496,310                       10/23/01
6,307,072                       09/746,158                       10/23/01
6,307,075                       09/452,282                       10/23/01
6,307,076                       09/481,662                       10/23/01
6,307,077                       09/370,496                       10/23/01
6,307,084                       09/477,948                       10/23/01
6,307,089                       09/736,802                       10/23/01
6,307,091                       09/678,694                       10/23/01
6,307,093                       09/448,996                       10/23/01
6,307,102                       09/172,016                       10/23/01
6,307,106                       09/440,280                       10/23/01
6,307,114                       08/885,624                       10/23/01
6,307,118                       08/862,818                       10/23/01
6,307,120                       09/328,605                       10/23/01
6,307,122                       07/965,901                       10/23/01
6,307,128                       08/868,373                       10/23/01
6,307,134                       09/748,769                       10/23/01
6,307,151                       09/324,111                       10/23/01
6,307,155                       09/446,853                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 201 

6,307,160                       09/182,979                       10/23/01
6,307,162                       08/761,515                       10/23/01
6,307,165                       09/444,415                       10/23/01
6,307,167                       09/363,550                       10/23/01
6,307,181                       09/493,679                       10/23/01
6,307,184                       09/351,586                       10/23/01
6,307,186                       09/442,731                       10/23/01
6,307,187                       09/319,354                       10/23/01
6,307,202                       09/332,540                       10/23/01
6,307,225                       09/596,574                       10/23/01
6,307,239                       09/560,013                       10/23/01
6,307,244                       09/368,897                       10/23/01
6,307,250                       08/625,327                       10/23/01
6,307,257                       09/473,310                       10/23/01
6,307,258                       09/218,180                       10/23/01
6,307,279                       09/311,595                       10/23/01
6,307,288                       09/593,138                       10/23/01
6,307,293                       09/313,208                       10/23/01
6,307,295                       09/559,087                       10/23/01
6,307,309                       09/375,397                       10/23/01
6,307,310                       09/254,976                       10/23/01
6,307,311                       09/344,540                       10/23/01
6,307,312                       09/266,090                       10/23/01
6,307,313                       09/280,062                       10/23/01
6,307,314                       09/270,104                       10/23/01
6,307,315                       09/158,196                       10/23/01
6,307,318                       09/383,764                       10/23/01
6,307,321                       09/532,331                       10/23/01
6,307,329                       09/564,664                       10/23/01
6,307,330                       09/558,263                       10/23/01
6,307,333                       09/450,232                       10/23/01
6,307,334                       09/199,087                       10/23/01
6,307,340                       09/535,276                       10/23/01
6,307,344                       09/517,824                       10/23/01
6,307,350                       09/364,336                       10/23/01
6,307,353                       09/731,725                       10/23/01
6,307,373                       09/323,649                       10/23/01
6,307,376                       09/219,029                       10/23/01
6,307,385                       09/221,738                       10/23/01
6,307,386                       09/087,006                       10/23/01
6,307,388                       09/511,789                       10/23/01
6,307,391                       09/511,791                       10/23/01
6,307,403                       09/461,391                       10/23/01
6,307,406                       09/160,410                       10/23/01
6,307,422                       09/516,658                       10/23/01
6,307,427                       09/362,707                       10/23/01
6,307,439                       09/198,224                       10/23/01
6,307,440                       09/533,502                       10/23/01
6,307,445                       09/479,301                       10/23/01
6,307,456                       09/459,173                       10/23/01
6,307,457                       09/210,418                       10/23/01
6,307,461                       09/359,105                       10/23/01
6,307,464                       09/563,081                       10/23/01
6,307,469                       09/602,364                       10/23/01
6,307,478                       09/746,244                       10/23/01
6,307,483                       09/287,775                       10/23/01
6,307,489                       09/526,005                       10/23/01
6,307,492                       09/576,441                       10/23/01
6,307,506                       09/420,058                       10/23/01
6,307,509                       09/313,241                       10/23/01
6,307,513                       09/551,352                       10/23/01
6,307,515                       09/457,329                       10/23/01
6,307,517                       09/592,715                       10/23/01
6,307,524                       09/484,055                       10/23/01
6,307,526                       09/172,599                       10/23/01
6,307,533                       09/129,101                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 202 

6,307,536                       09/263,779                       10/23/01
6,307,551                       09/006,988                       10/23/01
6,307,552                       09/039,915                       10/23/01
6,307,555                       09/164,089                       10/23/01
6,307,562                       09/270,260                       10/23/01
6,307,567                       08/995,568                       10/23/01
6,307,579                       09/519,587                       10/23/01
6,307,588                       09/001,052                       10/23/01
6,307,599                       09/041,361                       10/23/01
6,307,600                       09/265,215                       10/23/01
6,307,625                       09/343,148                       10/23/01
6,307,635                       09/176,617                       10/23/01
6,307,639                       08/377,532                       10/23/01
6,307,641                       08/950,944                       10/23/01
6,307,647                       08/435,592                       10/23/01
6,307,664                       09/403,156                       10/23/01
6,307,665                       09/273,758                       10/23/01
6,307,672                       08/775,684                       10/23/01
6,307,673                       09/699,484                       10/23/01
6,307,677                       09/775,850                       10/23/01
6,307,682                       09/504,719                       10/23/01
6,307,685                       09/144,329                       10/23/01
6,307,689                       09/581,987                       10/23/01
6,307,691                       09/369,919                       10/23/01
6,307,695                       09/268,258                       10/23/01
6,307,698                       09/368,885                       10/23/01
6,307,701                       09/176,079                       10/23/01
6,307,709                       09/289,276                       10/23/01
6,307,710                       09/193,206                       10/23/01
6,307,711                       09/398,056                       10/23/01
6,307,724                       09/497,188                       10/23/01
6,307,727                       09/434,425                       10/23/01
6,307,741                       09/504,644                       10/23/01
6,307,750                       09/444,776                       10/23/01
6,307,751                       09/259,937                       10/23/01
6,307,756                       09/605,561                       10/23/01
6,307,761                       09/424,020                       10/23/01
6,307,762                       09/459,379                       10/23/01
6,307,766                       09/721,016                       10/23/01
6,307,772                       09/546,710                       10/23/01
6,307,776                       09/680,797                       10/23/01
6,307,777                       09/646,789                       10/23/01
6,307,793                       09/604,910                       10/23/01
6,307,804                       09/543,352                       10/23/01
6,307,808                       09/495,349                       10/23/01
6,307,812                       09/536,654                       10/23/01
6,307,829                       09/401,305                       10/23/01
6,307,831                       09/095,411                       10/23/01
6,307,833                       09/249,895                       10/23/01
6,307,834                       09/049,678                       10/23/01
6,307,838                       09/655,282                       10/23/01
6,307,856                       08/918,493                       10/23/01
6,307,857                       09/102,194                       10/23/01
6,307,861                       09/271,701                       10/23/01
6,307,865                       08/992,294                       10/23/01
6,307,870                       08/989,777                       10/23/01
6,307,872                       09/695,024                       10/23/01
6,307,874                       09/648,249                       10/23/01
6,307,883                       08/852,891                       10/23/01
6,307,886                       09/009,559                       10/23/01
6,307,889                       09/075,321                       10/23/01
6,307,897                       09/456,469                       10/23/01
6,307,907                       09/046,823                       10/23/01
6,307,908                       09/400,697                       10/23/01
6,307,916                       09/395,476                       10/23/01
6,307,920                       09/159,432                       10/23/01
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 203 

6,307,927                       09/147,701                       10/23/01
6,307,934                       09/324,833                       10/23/01
6,307,938                       09/114,024                       10/23/01
6,307,944                       09/258,628                       10/23/01
6,307,951                       08/936,985                       10/23/01
6,307,953                       08/912,327                       10/23/01
6,307,954                       09/498,484                       10/23/01
6,307,961                       08/903,620                       10/23/01
6,307,963                       09/088,943                       10/23/01
6,307,967                       09/634,737                       10/23/01
6,307,972                       09/084,467                       10/23/01
6,307,982                       09/352,997                       10/23/01
6,307,983                       09/495,303                       10/23/01
6,307,986                       09/840,043                       10/23/01
6,307,989                       09/431,442                       10/23/01
6,307,994                       09/338,572                       10/23/01
6,307,995                       09/543,380                       10/23/01
6,308,001                       09/218,201                       10/23/01
6,308,012                       09/527,581                       10/23/01
6,308,015                       09/593,897                       10/23/01
6,308,029                       09/547,298                       10/23/01
6,308,031                       09/322,618                       10/23/01
6,308,047                       09/243,467                       10/23/01
6,308,050                       09/256,628                       10/23/01
6,308,051                       09/166,197                       10/23/01
6,308,052                       09/232,382                       10/23/01
6,308,053                       09/226,178                       10/23/01
6,308,058                       09/003,906                       10/23/01
6,308,066                       09/003,959                       10/23/01
6,308,068                       09/067,592                       10/23/01
6,308,072                       08/639,136                       10/23/01
6,308,087                       09/255,532                       10/23/01
6,308,104                       09/338,303                       10/23/01
6,308,112                       09/148,632                       10/23/01
6,308,113                       09/606,103                       10/23/01
6,308,114                       09/719,866                       10/23/01
6,308,115                       09/361,996                       10/23/01
6,308,118                       09/546,807                       10/23/01
6,308,121                       08/935,622                       10/23/01
6,308,131                       09/578,584                       10/23/01
6,308,133                       09/448,731                       10/23/01
6,308,160                       09/437,610                       10/23/01
6,308,164                       08/847,687                       10/23/01
6,308,182                       09/009,461                       10/23/01
6,308,185                       09/247,817                       10/23/01
6,308,188                       09/100,116                       10/23/01
6,308,189                       09/089,716                       10/23/01
6,308,193                       09/241,060                       10/23/01
6,308,195                       09/248,284                       10/23/01
6,308,198                       09/206,263                       10/23/01
6,308,210                       09/210,132                       10/23/01
6,308,226                       09/041,761                       10/23/01
6,308,246                       09/148,820                       10/23/01
6,308,247                       08/861,684                       10/23/01
6,308,249                       09/311,954                       10/23/01
6,308,251                       09/264,500                       10/23/01
6,308,260                       09/156,133                       10/23/01
6,308,272                       09/217,870                       10/23/01
6,308,290                       09/315,461                       10/23/01
6,308,295                       08/946,166                       10/23/01
6,308,298                       09/192,808                       10/23/01
6,308,302                       08/944,857                       10/23/01
6,308,304                       09/321,785                       10/23/01
6,308,316                       09/004,505                       10/23/01
6,308,325                       08/631,650                       10/23/01

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 204 

		   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON October 25, 2009

Patent  	                Application                         Issue
Number          	           Number                            Date

6,957,453                       10/751,870                       10/25/05
6,957,462                       10/991,112                       10/25/05
6,957,463                       10/757,271                       10/25/05
6,957,464                       10/928,054                       10/25/05
6,957,474                       10/257,135                       10/25/05
6,957,484                       10/878,271                       10/25/05
6,957,495                       10/845,291                       10/25/05
6,957,511                       09/712,478                       10/25/05
6,957,512                       10/720,910                       10/25/05
6,957,515                       10/388,877                       10/25/05
6,957,519                       10/665,490                       10/25/05
6,957,521                       10/925,423                       10/25/05
6,957,524                       10/793,575                       10/25/05
6,957,529                       09/793,402                       10/25/05
6,957,538                       10/664,082                       10/25/05
6,957,541                       10/242,767                       10/25/05
6,957,546                       08/811,925                       10/25/05
6,957,548                       10/620,305                       10/25/05
6,957,552                       10/179,797                       10/25/05
6,957,564                       10/373,491                       10/25/05
6,957,571                       10/467,713                       10/25/05
6,957,573                       10/353,414                       10/25/05
6,957,578                       10/269,163                       10/25/05
6,957,579                       10/326,961                       10/25/05
6,957,590                       10/786,064                       10/25/05
6,957,596                       10/280,779                       10/25/05
6,957,603                       10/997,912                       10/25/05
6,957,604                       10/049,690                       10/25/05
6,957,606                       10/111,929                       10/25/05
6,957,621                       10/840,991                       10/25/05
6,957,622                       10/773,605                       10/25/05
6,957,625                       10/380,737                       10/25/05
6,957,626                       10/195,624                       10/25/05
6,957,627                       11/013,947                       10/25/05
6,957,634                       10/263,799                       10/25/05
6,957,639                       10/663,160                       10/25/05
6,957,645                       10/761,764                       10/25/05
6,957,646                       10/774,171                       10/25/05
6,957,654                       10/134,829                       10/25/05
6,957,663                       10/359,822                       10/25/05
6,957,666                       10/481,838                       10/25/05
6,957,667                       10/671,662                       10/25/05
6,957,674                       10/751,640                       10/25/05
6,957,680                       10/273,328                       10/25/05
6,957,691                       10/704,585                       10/25/05
6,957,694                       10/097,422                       10/25/05
6,957,696                       10/426,572                       10/25/05
6,957,713                       10/825,322                       10/25/05
6,957,715                       10/347,227                       10/25/05
6,957,716                       10/613,941                       10/25/05
6,957,718                       10/227,579                       10/25/05
6,957,719                       10/363,199                       10/25/05
6,957,724                       10/257,743                       10/25/05
6,957,727                       10/640,009                       10/25/05
6,957,728                       10/804,831                       10/25/05
6,957,734                       10/603,561                       10/25/05
6,957,735                       10/384,740                       10/25/05
6,957,749                       10/452,798                       10/25/05
6,957,750                       11/036,950                       10/25/05
6,957,754                       10/368,585                       10/25/05
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 205 

6,957,755                       10/090,658                       10/25/05
6,957,770                       10/142,687                       10/25/05
6,957,772                       09/565,160                       10/25/05
6,957,774                       11/029,141                       10/25/05
6,957,790                       10/457,163                       10/25/05
6,957,792                       10/606,096                       10/25/05
6,957,794                       10/190,948                       10/25/05
6,957,795                       11/045,280                       10/25/05
6,957,803                       10/936,208                       10/25/05
6,957,805                       10/846,328                       10/25/05
6,957,808                       10/189,938                       10/25/05
6,957,809                       10/835,764                       10/25/05
6,957,812                       10/435,424                       10/25/05
6,957,815                       10/128,371                       10/25/05
6,957,818                       10/897,046                       10/25/05
6,957,821                       10/346,600                       10/25/05
6,957,830                       10/192,764                       10/25/05
6,957,833                       10/420,209                       10/25/05
6,957,836                       10/919,536                       10/25/05
6,957,837                       10/797,908                       10/25/05
6,957,838                       10/851,874                       10/25/05
6,957,839                       10/950,087                       10/25/05
6,957,840                       10/982,984                       10/25/05
6,957,841                       10/709,170                       10/25/05
6,957,842                       10/836,313                       10/25/05
6,957,844                       10/692,302                       10/25/05
6,957,856                       10/854,204                       10/25/05
6,957,867                       11/114,854                       10/25/05
6,957,869                       10/831,838                       10/25/05
6,957,870                       09/736,440                       10/25/05
6,957,873                       10/415,618                       10/25/05
6,957,875                       10/776,272                       10/25/05
6,957,876                       10/640,803                       10/25/05
6,957,882                       10/438,697                       10/25/05
6,957,890                       10/408,738                       10/25/05
6,957,894                       10/770,087                       10/25/05
6,957,896                       10/804,742                       10/25/05
6,957,897                       09/604,474                       10/25/05
6,957,900                       10/722,412                       10/25/05
6,957,905                       10/263,922                       10/25/05
6,957,908                       09/954,677                       10/25/05
6,957,912                       10/869,354                       10/25/05
6,957,925                       10/832,661                       10/25/05
6,957,930                       10/364,066                       10/25/05
6,957,935                       10/362,923                       10/25/05
6,957,940                       10/799,688                       10/25/05
6,957,946                       10/459,914                       10/25/05
6,957,950                       10/356,624                       10/25/05
6,957,953                       10/368,417                       10/25/05
6,957,960                       10/790,166                       10/25/05
6,957,961                       10/368,355                       10/25/05
6,957,976                       10/951,484                       10/25/05
6,957,996                       10/260,475                       10/25/05
6,958,000                       10/951,717                       10/25/05
6,958,003                       10/250,129                       10/25/05
6,958,010                       10/973,960                       10/25/05
6,958,018                       10/931,721                       10/25/05
6,958,019                       10/165,435                       10/25/05
6,958,021                       10/833,559                       10/25/05
6,958,025                       10/346,743                       10/25/05
6,958,026                       10/226,481                       10/25/05
6,958,039                       10/824,254                       10/25/05
6,958,052                       09/947,943                       10/25/05
6,958,055                       10/349,378                       10/25/05
6,958,088                       10/950,292                       10/25/05
6,958,090                       10/327,274                       10/25/05
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 206 

6,958,097                       10/439,090                       10/25/05
6,958,098                       10/421,501                       10/25/05
6,958,107                       09/806,557                       10/25/05
6,958,111                       09/847,299                       10/25/05
6,958,118                       10/229,680                       10/25/05
6,958,120                       09/819,574                       10/25/05
6,958,136                       10/828,834                       10/25/05
6,958,142                       10/298,378                       10/25/05
6,958,152                       10/258,860                       10/25/05
6,958,165                       10/320,770                       10/25/05
6,958,173                       10/806,777                       10/25/05
6,958,188                       10/910,106                       10/25/05
6,958,207                       10/314,031                       10/25/05
6,958,208                       10/696,819                       10/25/05
6,958,218                       10/090,827                       10/25/05
6,958,222                       10/701,200                       10/25/05
6,958,237                       10/271,311                       10/25/05
6,958,238                       10/464,939                       10/25/05
6,958,248                       10/789,336                       10/25/05
6,958,250                       10/716,624                       10/25/05
6,958,254                       10/477,130                       10/25/05
6,958,262                       10/825,246                       10/25/05
6,958,276                       10/817,569                       10/25/05
6,958,288                       10/853,255                       10/25/05
6,958,309                       10/210,353                       10/25/05
6,958,311                       10/332,993                       10/25/05
6,958,314                       10/379,927                       10/25/05
6,958,317                       10/930,221                       10/25/05
6,958,321                       10/137,077                       10/25/05
6,958,327                       10/111,933                       10/25/05
6,958,340                       10/485,170                       10/25/05
6,958,347                       10/725,181                       10/25/05
6,958,348                       10/232,394                       10/25/05
6,958,351                       09/969,318                       10/25/05
6,958,352                       10/364,292                       10/25/05
6,958,353                       10/258,610                       10/25/05
6,958,359                       09/713,780                       10/25/05
6,958,362                       10/898,230                       10/25/05
6,958,363                       10/388,905                       10/25/05
6,958,366                       10/240,759                       10/25/05
6,958,367                       10/423,362                       10/25/05
6,958,373                       10/333,646                       10/25/05
6,958,376                       10/659,126                       10/25/05
6,958,382                       10/698,457                       10/25/05
6,958,385                       10/122,286                       10/25/05
6,958,390                       09/594,065                       10/25/05
6,958,395                       10/362,961                       10/25/05
6,958,402                       10/812,143                       10/25/05
6,958,404                       10/450,114                       10/25/05
6,958,413                       10/104,054                       10/25/05
6,958,419                       10/734,850                       10/25/05
6,958,424                       11/009,839                       10/25/05
6,958,425                       10/461,138                       10/25/05
6,958,431                       10/603,440                       10/25/05
6,958,433                       10/223,837                       10/25/05
6,958,440                       10/802,833                       10/25/05
6,958,446                       10/124,166                       10/25/05
6,958,457                       10/782,049                       10/25/05
6,958,459                       10/841,960                       10/25/05
6,958,473                       10/810,332                       10/25/05
6,958,483                       10/499,335                       10/25/05
6,958,507                       10/774,586                       10/25/05
6,958,536                       10/416,824                       10/25/05
6,958,551                       10/179,127                       10/25/05
6,958,560                       10/471,507                       10/25/05
6,958,561                       10/787,087                       10/25/05
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 207 

6,958,563                       10/346,525                       10/25/05
6,958,565                       10/818,403                       10/25/05
6,958,574                       09/721,769                       10/25/05
6,958,575                       10/024,770                       10/25/05
6,958,579                       10/214,225                       10/25/05
6,958,593                       10/698,434                       10/25/05
6,958,602                       11/065,456                       10/25/05
6,958,611                       09/411,730                       10/25/05
6,958,617                       10/759,910                       10/25/05
6,958,619                       10/169,749                       10/25/05
6,958,621                       10/725,984                       10/25/05
6,958,637                       10/605,982                       10/25/05
6,958,642                       10/739,225                       10/25/05
6,958,656                       10/878,308                       10/25/05
6,958,684                       10/361,147                       10/25/05
6,958,725                       06/308,184                       10/25/05
6,958,728                       10/752,681                       10/25/05
6,958,731                       10/723,745                       10/25/05
6,958,739                       10/693,998                       10/25/05
6,958,744                       10/385,740                       10/25/05
6,958,746                       09/542,973                       10/25/05
6,958,748                       09/980,814                       10/25/05
6,958,769                       10/037,845                       10/25/05
6,958,797                       10/623,590                       10/25/05
6,958,806                       10/717,971                       10/25/05
6,958,822                       09/954,353                       10/25/05
6,958,831                       09/399,284                       10/25/05
6,958,838                       10/772,450                       10/25/05
6,958,839                       10/142,147                       10/25/05
6,958,843                       10/607,693                       10/25/05
6,958,847                       10/807,143                       10/25/05
6,958,853                       10/089,488                       10/25/05
6,958,866                       10/161,732                       10/25/05
6,958,869                       10/783,420                       10/25/05
6,958,874                       10/088,647                       10/25/05
6,958,875                       10/376,082                       10/25/05
6,958,876                       09/916,854                       10/25/05
6,958,877                       10/329,849                       10/25/05
6,958,879                       10/618,141                       10/25/05
6,958,883                       10/193,824                       10/25/05
6,958,896                       10/256,445                       10/25/05
6,958,915                       10/681,390                       10/25/05
6,958,921                       10/968,081                       10/25/05
6,958,953                       10/437,123                       10/25/05
6,958,961                       09/476,862                       10/25/05
6,958,975                       09/401,934                       10/25/05
6,959,018                       10/319,498                       10/25/05
6,959,026                       10/327,862                       10/25/05
6,959,040                       10/156,015                       10/25/05
6,959,054                       10/005,778                       10/25/05
6,959,064                       09/735,944                       10/25/05
6,959,070                       09/936,729                       10/25/05
6,959,095                       09/927,690                       10/25/05
6,959,099                       10/011,612                       10/25/05
6,959,105                       09/450,757                       10/25/05
6,959,107                       10/039,344                       10/25/05
6,959,118                       10/101,238                       10/25/05
6,959,125                       10/341,437                       10/25/05
6,959,135                       11/019,722                       10/25/05
6,959,146                       11/106,884                       10/25/05
6,959,150                       10/328,219                       10/25/05
6,959,186                       09/822,449                       10/25/05
6,959,188                       10/297,566                       10/25/05
6,959,211                       10/213,730                       10/25/05
6,959,229                       10/383,803                       10/25/05
6,959,231                       10/691,642                       10/25/05
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 208 

6,959,234                       10/254,545                       10/25/05
6,959,240                       10/412,413                       10/25/05
6,959,244                       08/963,720                       10/25/05
6,959,252                       10/604,244                       10/25/05
6,959,263                       10/318,868                       10/25/05
6,959,264                       10/675,473                       10/25/05
6,959,265                       10/680,048                       10/25/05
6,959,271                       09/692,422                       10/25/05
6,959,279                       10/108,766                       10/25/05
6,959,299                       09/127,954                       10/25/05
6,959,307                       10/700,181                       10/25/05
6,959,311                       09/898,364                       10/25/05
6,959,312                       10/159,754                       10/25/05
6,959,314                       10/145,189                       10/25/05
6,959,349                       10/183,319                       10/25/05
6,959,390                       09/262,123                       10/25/05
6,959,400                       10/166,722                       10/25/05
6,959,419                       09/879,354                       10/25/05
6,959,423                       10/007,155                       10/25/05
6,959,434                       09/727,846                       10/25/05
6,959,441                       09/848,201                       10/25/05
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 209 


   In the notice of "PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON October 16, 2009 DUE TO
FAILURE TO PAY MAINTENANCE FEES" appearing in the Official Gazette of
December 8, 2009, all reference to Patent No. 6,302,166 which issued from
Application No. 09/501,911 should be deleted since the relevant maintenance
fee was timely paid in that patent.
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 210 

Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 11/16/2009
		 Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a
		     Late Maintenance Fee from 11/16/2009

Patent          Application     Filing          Issue	        Granted
Number          Number		Date            Date 	  	Date

5,528,507 	08/104,750 	08/11/93 	06/18/96       11/17/09
5,560,835 	08/500,572 	07/11/95 	10/01/96       11/19/09
5,576,717 	08/441,776 	05/16/95 	11/19/96       11/20/09
5,584,388 	08/477,070 	06/07/95 	12/17/96       11/19/09
5,589,211 	08/156,273 	11/22/93 	12/31/96       11/18/09
5,647,412 	08/612,375 	03/08/96 	07/15/97       11/19/09
5,655,540 	08/418,175 	04/06/95 	08/12/97       11/17/09
5,853,793 	08/765,749 	02/28/97 	12/29/98       11/17/09
5,977,073 	07/711,530 	06/06/91 	11/02/99       11/18/09
6,070,859 	08/942,750 	10/02/97 	06/06/00       11/18/09
6,142,673 	09/317,475 	05/24/99 	11/07/00       11/19/09
6,151,356 	09/156,019 	09/17/98 	11/21/00       11/20/09
6,160,999 	08/937,305 	08/18/97 	12/12/00       11/20/09
6,179,375 	09/263,991 	03/05/99 	01/30/01       11/16/09
6,254,309 	09/204,183 	12/03/98 	07/03/01       11/17/09
6,267,322 	09/072,580 	05/04/98 	07/31/01       11/17/09
6,287,455 	09/080,335 	05/15/98 	09/11/01       11/18/09
6,297,470 	09/180,226 	11/03/98 	10/02/01       11/18/09
6,554,289 	09/974,527 	10/11/01 	04/29/03       11/18/09
6,648,348 	09/953,246 	09/13/01 	11/18/03       11/18/09
6,679,840 	09/677,365 	10/02/00 	01/20/04       11/18/09
6,713,308 	09/701,922 	05/12/00 	03/30/04       11/18/09
6,729,964 	10/167,877 	06/12/02 	05/04/04       11/19/09
6,772,525 	10/320,476 	12/17/02 	08/10/04       11/20/09
6,841,093 	10/204,055 	08/16/02 	01/11/05       11/17/09
6,851,566 	10/639,013 	08/13/03 	02/08/05       11/18/09
6,872,289 	09/799,609 	03/07/01 	03/29/05       11/16/09
6,876,981 	09/427,426 	10/26/99 	04/05/05       11/18/09
6,878,249 	09/867,383 	05/31/01 	04/12/05       11/18/09
6,886,703 	10/447,747 	05/30/03 	05/03/05       11/18/09
6,888,474 	10/643,135 	08/18/03 	05/03/05       11/18/09
6,892,669 	09/863,338 	05/24/01 	05/17/05       11/16/09
6,902,037 	10/653,839 	09/02/03 	06/07/05       11/16/09
6,909,375 	10/439,160 	05/15/03 	06/21/05       11/18/09
6,910,664 	10/419,363 	04/18/03 	06/28/05       11/16/09
6,916,776 	10/945,722 	09/21/04 	07/12/05       11/18/09
6,923,452 	10/306,216 	11/29/02 	08/02/05       11/18/09
6,924,605 	10/305,492 	11/27/02 	08/02/05       11/16/09
6,948,196 	10/872,218 	06/18/04 	09/27/05       11/19/09
6,949,156 	10/778,627 	02/13/04 	09/27/05       11/16/09
6,951,640 	10/375,454 	02/27/03 	10/04/05       11/19/09
6,952,058 	10/883,214 	07/01/04 	10/04/05       11/20/09
6,952,676 	09/904,256 	07/11/01 	10/04/05       11/19/09
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 211 

Reissue Applications Filed
			  Reissue Applications Filed

   Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(b). The reissue applications listed below
are open to public inspection by the general public through the Image
File Wrapper (IFW) system (
on the USPTO internet web site (, and copies may be
obtained by paying the fee therefor (37 CFR 1.19).

   D. 532,011, Re. S.N.: 29/327,929, Nov. 14, 2008, CL: D14/375, ELECTRONIC
DEVICE, Bartley K. Andre, et. al., Owner of Record: APPLE INC., Attorney or
Agent: Perry J. Saidman, Ex. GP.: 2913

   5,868,114, Re. S.N. 12/471,597, May 26, 2009, Cl. 123/399, AIR FLOW RATE
CONTROL APPARATUS, Yasuhiro Kamimura, et al., Owner of Record: Hitachi,
Ltd., Chiyoda-ku, JP, Hitachi Car Engineering Co., Ltd., Hitachinaka-shi,
JP, Attorney or Agent: James F. McKeown, Ex. Gp.: 3747

   5,904,365, Re. S.N.: 12/459,451, June 02. 2009, CL: 056/014.600, COMBINE
Jerry K. Mueller, Jr., Ex. GP.: 3671

   6,991,843, Re. S.N.: 12/610,534, Nov. 02, 2009, CL: 514/221.000,
Owner of Record: Velcro Industries B.V., Attorney or Agent: Brett A.
Krueger, Ex. GP.: 1614

   7,255,988, Re. S.N.: 12/540,396, Oct. 13, 2009, CL: 056/014.600, USE OF
Record: Switch Biotech, AG Neurid, Germany, Attorney or Agent: Joyce Von
Natzmer, Ex. GP.: 1646

   7,295,768, Re. S.N. 12/588,121, Oct. 05, 2009, Cl. 386/068, RECORDING
AND REPRODUCING APPARATUS, Shugi Saito, et al., Owner of Record: Sharp
Kabushiki Kaisha, Osaka, JP, Attorney or Agent: Joseph A. Rhoa, Ex. Gp.:

   7,471,622, Re. S.N. 12/576,005, Oct. 08, 2009, Cl. 370/335, METHOD OF
THEREOF, Cheol Woo You, et al., Owner of Record: LG Electronics, Inc.,
Seoul, KR, Attorney or Agent: Lew Edward V. Macapagal, Ex. Gp.: 2617
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 212 

Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed
		   Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed

   RE. 36,571, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,671, Requested Date: 09/11/09, Cl.
CLAMPED-MODE POWER CONVERTERS, Inventor: Allen Frank Rozman, Owners of
Record: Lineage Power Corporation, Mesquite, TX, Attorney or Agent: Hitt
Chwang and Gaines, Richardson, TX, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: James M.
Smith, Esq., Hamilton Brook Smith & Reynolds, PC., Concord, MA

   5,148,366, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,670, Requested Date: 09/10/09,Cl.
et al., Owners of Record: I-THINK, LLC., Ann Arbor, MI, Attorney or Agent:
Martin & Ferraro, LLP., Hartville, OH, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Cerner
Corporation, Kansas City, MO, Daniel P. Devers, Shook Hardy & Bacon, LLP.,
Kansas City, MO

   5,903,309, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,683, Requested Date: 09/15/09, Cl.
Anderson, Owners of Record: FlashPoint Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA,
Attorney or Agent: FlashPoint Technology and Withrow & Terranova, Cary, NC,
Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Kyocera Communications, Inc., San Diego, CA,
Kaare D. Larson, Morrison & Foerster, LLP., Los Angeles, CA

   5,942,986, Reexam. C.N. 90/009,587, Requested Date: 09/25/09, Cl.
NOTIFICATION, Inventor: Myron M. Shabot et al., Owners of Record:
Cedars-Sinaimedical Center, Los Angeles, CA, Attorney or Agent: Davis
Wright Tremaine, LLP/Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Ex. Gp.: 3992,
Requester: Janelle D. Waack, Howrey, LLP., Houston, TX

   6,222,538, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,679, Requested Date: 09/15/09, Cl.
DEVICE USING SCRIPTS, Inventor: Eric C. Anderson, Owners of Record:
FlashPoint Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA, Attorney or Agent: FlashPoint
Technology and Withrow & Terranova, Cary, NC, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester:
Kyocera Communications, Inc., San Diego, CA, Mehran Arjomand, Morrison &
Foerster, LLP., Los Angeles, CA

   6,223,190, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,680, Requested Date: 09/15/09, Cl.
al., Owners of Record: FlashPoint Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA, Attorney
or Agent: FlashPoint Technology and Withrow & Terranova, Cary, NC, Ex. Gp.:
3992, Requester: Kyocera Communications, Inc., San Diego, CA, Michael
Stanley, Morrison & Foerster, LLP., Los Angeles, CA

   6,278,447, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,684, Requested Date: 09/15/09, Cl.
IMAGE CAPTURE UNIT DURING PLAY MODE, Inventor: Eric C. Anderson, Owners of
Record: FlashPoint Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA, Attorney or Agent:
FlashPoint Technology and Withrow & Terranova, Cary, NC, Ex. Gp.: 3992,
Requester: Kyocera Communications, Inc., San Diego, CA, Michael Stanley,
Morrison & Foerster, LLP., Los Angeles, CA

   6,552,109, Reexam. C.N. 90/010,685, Requested Date: 09/16/09, Cl.
John Y. Chen, Owners of Record: Applied Elastomerics, Inc., Pacifica, CA,
Attorney or Agent: Applied Elastomerics, Inc., San Francisco, CA, Ex. Gp.:
3991, Requester: The Ohio Willow Wood Co., Mark R. Engle, Standley Law
Group, LLP., Dublin, OH

   6,803,984, Reexam. C.N. 90/009,588, Requested Date: 09/28/09, Cl.
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 213 

al., Owners of Record: LG Display Co., LTD., Seoul, Korea, Attorney or
Agent: McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP., Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3992,
Requester: Chi Mei Optoelectronics, Taiwan, Babak Redjaian, Irell & Manela,
LLP., Los Angeles, CA

   7,218,374, Reexam. C.N. 90/009,586, Requested Date: 09/23/09, Cl.
THE SAME, Inventor: Moo Yeol Park et al., Owners of Record: LG Display,
Co., LTD., Seoul, Korea, Attorney or Agent: McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP.,
Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Chi Mei Optoelectronics, Taiwan,
Babak Redjaian, Irell & Manella, LLP., Los Angeles, CA
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 214 

Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination Filed
		 Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination Filed

   6,488,508, Reexam. C.N.: 95/001,234, Requested Date: 09/18/09, Cl.:
GAME AND KARAOKE SOFTWARE, Inventor: Takeya Okamoto, Owners of Record: ADC
Technology, Inc., Japan, Attorney or Agent: Davis & Bujold, PLC., Concord,
NH, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Third Party Requester: Sony Computer
Entertainment America Inc., Microsoft Corp., Nintendo of America, Inc.;
(Att'y Is: Eric A. Buresh, Shook Hardy & Bacon, LLP., Kansas City, MO),
Real Party in Interest: Same As Third Party Requester

   6,781,231, Reexam. C.N.: 95/000,509, Requested Date: 10/07/09, Cl.:
AND INTERFERENCE SHIELD, Inventor: Anthony D. Minervini, Owners of Record:
Knowles Electronics, LLC., Itasca, IL, Attorney or Agent: Fitch Even Tabin
& Flannery, Chicago, IL, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Third Party Requester:
Analog Devices, Inc.; (Att'y Is: Robert M. Asher, Sunstein Kann Murphy &
Timbers, LLP., Boston, MA), Real Party in Interest: Same As Third Party

   6,847,822, Reexam. C.N.: 95/001,238, Requested Date: 09/28/09, Cl.:
UNIT TO MAKE CALL MANAGEMENT DECISIONS, Inventor: Everett Dennison et al.,
Owners of Record: EMSAT, Advanced Geo-Location Technology, LLC., Loveland,
OH, Attorney or Agent: Fiala & Weaver, PLLC., Minneapolis, MN, Ex. Gp.:
3992, Requester: Third Party Requester: Cellco Partnership (Verizon
Wireless); (Att'y Is: Mehran Arjomand, Morrison & Foerster, LLP., Los
Angeles, CA), Real Party in Interest: Same As Third Party Requester

   6,891,811, Reexam. C.N.: 95/001,240, Requested Date: 10/02/09, Cl.:
INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS, Inventor: Richard A. Smith et al., Owners of
Record: Telecommunication Systems, Inc., Annapolis, MD, Attorney or Agent:
Manelli Denison & Selter, PLLC., Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester:
Third Party Requester: Sybase, Inc.; (Att'y Is: Robert Greene Sterne, Esq.,
Sterne Kessler Goldstein & Fox, PLLC., Washington, DC), Real Party in
Interest: Same As Third Party Requester

   7,355,990, Reexam. C.N.: 95/001,241, Requested Date: 10/02/09, Cl.:
Inventor: Richard A. Smith et al., Owners of Record: Telecommunication
Systems, Inc., Annapolis, MD, Attorney or Agent: Manelli Denison & Selter,
PLLC., Washington, DC, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Third Party Requester:
Sybase, Inc.; (Att'y Is: Robert Greene Sterne, Esq., Sterne Kessler
Goldstein & Fox, PLLC., Washington, DC), Real Party in Interest: Same As
Third Party Requester

   7,457,802, Reexam. C.N.: 95/001,233, Requested Date: 09/17/09, Cl.:
TOPICAL RELEVANCE SCORES, Inventor: Jason Coleman et al., Owners of Record:
Jason Coleman, Dallas, TX, Steven Thrasher, Dallas, TX, Attorney or Agent:
Steven Thrasher, Richardson, TX, Ex. Gp.: 3992, Requester: Third Party
Requester: NeXplore Corporation; (Att'y Is: Steven H. Washam, Carsterns &
Cahoon, LLP., Dallas, TX), Real Party in Interest: Same As Third Party
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 215 

Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations Due to Failure to Renew
		Notice of Expiration of Trademark Registrations
			    Due To Failure to Renew

   15 U.S.C. 1059 provides that each trademark registration may be renewed
for periods of ten years from the end of the expiring period upon payment
of the prescribed fee and the filing of an acceptable application for
renewal. This may be done at any time within one year before the expiration
of the period for which the registration was issued or renewed, or it may
be done within six months after such expiration on payment of an additional
   According to the records of the Office, the trademark registrations
listed below are expired due to failure to renew in accordance with 15
U.S.C. 1059.

			       November 21, 2009

Reg. Number 		      Serial Number 			Reg. Date

  125,149      		       71/112,428 		       04/15/1919
  255,148      		       71/249,964 		       04/16/1929
  255,121      		       71/272,190 		       04/16/1929
  255,202      		       71/276,622 		       04/16/1929
  508,735      		       71/534,969 		       04/19/1949
  508,745      		       71/536,529 		       04/19/1949
  508,776      		       71/542,817 		       04/19/1949
  508,779      		       71/542,866 		       04/19/1949
  508,780      		       71/542,867 		       04/19/1949
  508,784      		       71/543,165 		       04/19/1949
  508,794      		       71/543,813 		       04/19/1949
  508,835      		       71/555,145 		       04/19/1949
  508,836      		       71/555,146 		       04/19/1949
  677,120      		       72/010,646 		       04/14/1959
  676,911      		       72/045,446 		       04/14/1959
  677,062      		       72/048,890 		       04/14/1959
  676,857      		       72/050,072 		       04/14/1959
  676,984      		       72/054,856 		       04/14/1959
  676,962      		       72/056,130 		       04/14/1959
  868,080      		       72/251,855 		       04/15/1969
  868,288      		       72/253,276 		       04/15/1969
  868,273      		       72/259,249 		       04/15/1969
  868,127      		       72/265,487 		       04/15/1969
  868,182      		       72/272,714 		       04/15/1969
  868,203      		       72/274,514 		       04/15/1969
  868,087      		       72/274,907 		       04/15/1969
  868,081      		       72/276,820 		       04/15/1969
  868,128      		       72/276,973 		       04/15/1969
  868,213      		       72/277,650 		       04/15/1969
  868,274      		       72/278,152 		       04/15/1969
  868,187      		       72/282,399 		       04/15/1969
  868,086      		       72/285,616 		       04/15/1969
  868,183      		       72/286,106 		       04/15/1969
  868,121      		       72/286,158 		       04/15/1969
  868,166      		       72/289,078 		       04/15/1969
  868,279      		       72/291,129 		       04/15/1969
  868,234 		       72/292,007 		       04/15/1969
  868,245 		       72/292,968 		       04/15/1969
  868,158 		       72/293,336 		       04/15/1969
  868,222 		       72/297,842 		       04/15/1969
  868,275 		       72/300,524 		       04/15/1969
  868,255 		       72/302,184 		       04/15/1969
  868,135 		       72/305,603 		       04/15/1969
  868,126 		       72/307,719 		       04/15/1969
  868,211 		       72/308,741 		       04/15/1969
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 216 

  868,176 		       72/309,594 		       04/15/1969
  868,172 		       72/309,782 		       04/15/1969
  868,174 		       72/310,274 		       04/15/1969
  868,200 		       72/310,936 		       04/15/1969
1,116,694 		       73/092,721 		       04/17/1979
1,116,564 		       73/097,585 		       04/17/1979
1,116,582 		       73/117,073 		       04/17/1979
1,116,566 		       73/121,241 		       04/17/1979
1,116,729 		       73/128,612 		       04/17/1979
1,116,553 		       73/136,423 		       04/17/1979
1,116,574 		       73/144,980 		       04/17/1979
1,116,549 		       73/152,030 		       04/17/1979
1,116,606 		       73/152,422 		       04/17/1979
1,116,718 		       73/155,931 		       04/17/1979
1,116,669 		       73/157,384 		       04/17/1979
1,116,544 		       73/159,721 		       04/17/1979
1,116,685 		       73/163,779 		       04/17/1979
1,116,529 		       73/165,866 		       04/17/1979
1,116,578 		       73/166,353 		       04/17/1979
1,116,686 		       73/173,088 		       04/17/1979
1,535,675 		       73/406,417 		       04/18/1989
1,535,524 		       73/438,505 		       04/18/1989
1,535,833 		       73/473,637 		       04/18/1989
1,535,218 		       73/494,619 		       04/18/1989
1,535,835 		       73/509,970 		       04/18/1989
1,535,654 		       73/522,368 		       04/18/1989
1,535,021 		       73/523,596 		       04/18/1989
1,535,161 		       73/544,564 		       04/18/1989
1,535,023 		       73/582,992 		       04/18/1989
1,534,921      		       73/599,933 		       04/18/1989
1,535,307      		       73/617,100 		       04/18/1989
1,534,922      		       73/617,695 		       04/18/1989
1,534,958      		       73/620,154 		       04/18/1989
1,535,371      		       73/624,960 		       04/18/1989
1,534,924      		       73/624,991 		       04/18/1989
1,535,966      		       73/625,550 		       04/18/1989
1,534,975      		       73/628,412 		       04/18/1989
1,535,024      		       73/629,274 		       04/18/1989
1,535,025      		       73/634,925 		       04/18/1989
1,535,372      		       73/636,367 		       04/18/1989
1,535,557      		       73/640,979 		       04/18/1989
1,535,374      		       73/642,798 		       04/18/1989
1,535,147      		       73/644,108 		       04/18/1989
1,535,183      		       73/645,488 		       04/18/1989
1,534,896      		       73/647,894 		       04/18/1989
1,535,292      		       73/650,869 		       04/18/1989
1,535,681      		       73/653,194 		       04/18/1989
1,535,027      		       73/657,355 		       04/18/1989
1,535,028      		       73/659,413 		       04/18/1989
1,535,986      		       73/660,051 		       04/18/1989
1,535,148      		       73/663,260 		       04/18/1989
1,535,796      		       73/663,836 		       04/18/1989
1,535,716      		       73/664,399 		       04/18/1989
1,535,357      		       73/665,600 		       04/18/1989
1,535,753      		       73/666,164 		       04/18/1989
1,535,564      		       73/666,777 		       04/18/1989
1,535,841      		       73/667,172 		       04/18/1989
1,535,012      		       73/667,832 		       04/18/1989
1,535,683      		       73/669,311 		       04/18/1989
1,535,377      		       73/671,753 		       04/18/1989
1,534,959      		       73/673,789 		       04/18/1989
1,535,952      		       73/674,191 		       04/18/1989
1,534,960      		       73/674,416 		       04/18/1989
1,534,926      		       73/674,445 		       04/18/1989
1,535,222      		       73/676,359 		       04/18/1989
1,535,379      		       73/677,110 		       04/18/1989
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 217 

1,535,754      		       73/677,168 		       04/18/1989
1,534,981      		       73/680,610 		       04/18/1989
1,535,033      		       73/681,657 		       04/18/1989
1,535,685      		       73/684,609 		       04/18/1989
1,535,309      		       73/684,667 		       04/18/1989
1,535,035      		       73/685,164 		       04/18/1989
1,535,643      		       73/685,304 		       04/18/1989
1,535,991      		       73/685,960 		       04/18/1989
1,535,981      		       73/685,997 		       04/18/1989
1,535,036      		       73/687,236 		       04/18/1989
1,535,755      		       73/687,876 		       04/18/1989
1,535,849      		       73/689,289 		       04/18/1989
1,535,850      		       73/689,311 		       04/18/1989
1,534,983      		       73/689,739 		       04/18/1989
1,535,037      		       73/690,280 		       04/18/1989
1,535,187      		       73/692,019 		       04/18/1989
1,535,771      		       73/692,555 		       04/18/1989
1,535,385 		       73/692,760 		       04/18/1989
1,535,162 		       73/694,085 		       04/18/1989
1,535,855 		       73/695,232 		       04/18/1989
1,535,358 		       73/696,572 		       04/18/1989
1,535,858 		       73/696,894 		       04/18/1989
1,534,930 		       73/698,224 		       04/18/1989
1,535,281 		       73/698,438 		       04/18/1989
1,535,227 		       73/698,858 		       04/18/1989
1,535,861 		       73/700,393 		       04/18/1989
1,535,689 		       73/701,011 		       04/18/1989
1,535,758 		       73/701,188 		       04/18/1989
1,535,759 		       73/701,205 		       04/18/1989
1,535,392 		       73/701,240 		       04/18/1989
1,534,912 		       73/701,434 		       04/18/1989
1,535,477 		       73/701,862 		       04/18/1989
1,534,949 		       73/702,392 		       04/18/1989
1,535,203 		       73/702,455 		       04/18/1989
1,535,043 		       73/703,033 		       04/18/1989
1,534,901 		       73/703,735 		       04/18/1989
1,535,228 		       73/703,967 		       04/18/1989
1,535,229 		       73/704,192 		       04/18/1989
1,535,230 		       73/704,195 		       04/18/1989
1,535,808 		       73/704,293 		       04/18/1989
1,535,969 		       73/704,567 		       04/18/1989
1,535,047 		       73/704,902 		       04/18/1989
1,535,048 		       73/704,933 		       04/18/1989
1,534,989 		       73/706,188 		       04/18/1989
1,534,990 		       73/706,203 		       04/18/1989
1,534,932 		       73/706,311 		       04/18/1989
1,535,970 		       73/706,520 		       04/18/1989
1,534,992 		       73/707,026 		       04/18/1989
1,535,050 		       73/707,128 		       04/18/1989
1,535,051 		       73/707,240 		       04/18/1989
1,535,052 		       73/708,052 		       04/18/1989
1,535,691 		       73/708,648 		       04/18/1989
1,534,995 		       73/709,104 		       04/18/1989
1,534,996 		       73/709,105 		       04/18/1989
1,535,480 		       73/709,670 		       04/18/1989
1,535,398 		       73/709,790 		       04/18/1989
1,534,997 		       73/710,220 		       04/18/1989
1,535,811 		       73/710,921 		       04/18/1989
1,535,188 		       73/710,924 		       04/18/1989
1,534,998 		       73/711,811 		       04/18/1989
1,535,760 		       73/712,064 		       04/18/1989
1,535,236 		       73/712,612 		       04/18/1989
1,535,237 		       73/712,681 		       04/18/1989
1,535,056 		       73/712,993 		       04/18/1989
1,535,866 		       73/713,189 		       04/18/1989
1,535,955 		       73/713,330 		       04/18/1989
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 218 

1,535,483 		       73/713,518 		       04/18/1989
1,535,164 		       73/713,592 		       04/18/1989
1,535,660 		       73/714,049 		       04/18/1989
1,535,165 		       73/714,740 		       04/18/1989
1,535,241 		       73/715,255 		       04/18/1989
1,535,581 		       73/715,381 		       04/18/1989
1,535,152 		       73/715,709 		       04/18/1989
1,534,965      		       73/716,285 		       04/18/1989
1,535,870      		       73/716,959 		       04/18/1989
1,535,626      		       73/717,565 		       04/18/1989
1,535,063      		       73/718,602 		       04/18/1989
1,535,649      		       73/719,983 		       04/18/1989
1,535,959      		       73/720,439 		       04/18/1989
1,535,001      		       73/721,083 		       04/18/1989
1,535,207      		       73/721,873 		       04/18/1989
1,535,486      		       73/722,146 		       04/18/1989
1,535,068      		       73/722,300 		       04/18/1989
1,534,937      		       73/723,137 		       04/18/1989
1,535,586      		       73/724,070 		       04/18/1989
1,535,070      		       73/724,093 		       04/18/1989
1,535,816      		       73/724,383 		       04/18/1989
1,535,817      		       73/724,681 		       04/18/1989
1,535,246      		       73/725,837 		       04/18/1989
1,535,073      		       73/725,879 		       04/18/1989
1,535,587      		       73/726,241 		       04/18/1989
1,535,076      		       73/726,432 		       04/18/1989
1,535,960      		       73/727,052 		       04/18/1989
1,535,878      		       73/727,571 		       04/18/1989
1,535,628      		       73/727,715 		       04/18/1989
1,535,590      		       73/727,846 		       04/18/1989
1,535,974      		       73/728,074 		       04/18/1989
1,534,904      		       73/728,134 		       04/18/1989
1,535,079      		       73/728,461 		       04/18/1989
1,535,080      		       73/728,929 		       04/18/1989
1,535,082      		       73/729,854 		       04/18/1989
1,535,084      		       73/729,939 		       04/18/1989
1,535,880      		       73/729,995 		       04/18/1989
1,535,591      		       73/730,122 		       04/18/1989
1,535,774      		       73/730,188 		       04/18/1989
1,535,963      		       73/730,636 		       04/18/1989
1,535,822      		       73/730,674 		       04/18/1989
1,535,086      		       73/731,017 		       04/18/1989
1,535,700      		       73/731,822 		       04/18/1989
1,534,967      		       73/732,337 		       04/18/1989
1,535,322      		       73/732,628 		       04/18/1989
1,535,943      		       73/732,832 		       04/18/1989
1,535,090      		       73/732,947 		       04/18/1989
1,535,727      		       73/733,186 		       04/18/1989
1,535,217      		       73/733,204 		       04/18/1989
1,535,980      		       73/733,566 		       04/18/1989
1,535,728      		       73/734,957 		       04/18/1989
1,535,250      		       73/735,901 		       04/18/1989
1,535,593      		       73/735,923 		       04/18/1989
1,535,594      		       73/735,924 		       04/18/1989
1,535,324      		       73/735,980 		       04/18/1989
1,535,326      		       73/736,117 		       04/18/1989
1,534,940      		       73/736,121 		       04/18/1989
1,534,905      		       73/736,480 		       04/18/1989
1,535,355      		       73/736,503 		       04/18/1989
1,535,884      		       73/737,073 		       04/18/1989
1,535,413      		       73/737,077 		       04/18/1989
1,535,701 		       73/737,169 		       04/18/1989
1,534,906 		       73/737,184 		       04/18/1989
1,535,664 		       73/737,415 		       04/18/1989
1,535,541 		       73/737,794 		       04/18/1989
1,535,542 		       73/737,847 		       04/18/1989
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 219 

1,535,887 		       73/737,884 		       04/18/1989
1,535,193 		       73/737,971 		       04/18/1989
1,525,233 		       73/738,165 		       02/21/1989
1,535,212 		       73/738,475 		       04/18/1989
1,535,097 		       73/738,485 		       04/18/1989
1,535,098 		       73/738,519 		       04/18/1989
1,535,702 		       73/738,599 		       04/18/1989
1,535,893 		       73/739,833 		       04/18/1989
1,535,894 		       73/740,002 		       04/18/1989
1,535,895 		       73/740,005 		       04/18/1989
1,535,599 		       73/740,235 		       04/18/1989
1,535,291 		       73/740,513 		       04/18/1989
1,535,898 		       73/740,719 		       04/18/1989
1,535,788 		       73/740,724 		       04/18/1989
1,535,330 		       73/740,830 		       04/18/1989
1,535,017 		       73/740,902 		       04/18/1989
1,535,825 		       73/740,985 		       04/18/1989
1,535,101 		       73/741,034 		       04/18/1989
1,534,907 		       73/741,660 		       04/18/1989
1,535,102 		       73/741,971 		       04/18/1989
1,535,258 		       73/742,183 		       04/18/1989
1,535,260 		       73/742,422 		       04/18/1989
1,535,666 		       73/742,465 		       04/18/1989
1,535,904 		       73/742,500 		       04/18/1989
1,535,731 		       73/742,505 		       04/18/1989
1,535,732 		       73/742,626 		       04/18/1989
1,535,262 		       73/742,741 		       04/18/1989
1,535,907 		       73/743,006 		       04/18/1989
1,535,419 		       73/743,588 		       04/18/1989
1,535,733 		       73/743,812 		       04/18/1989
1,535,734 		       73/743,998 		       04/18/1989
1,535,498 		       73/744,280 		       04/18/1989
1,535,603 		       73/744,285 		       04/18/1989
1,535,332 		       73/744,297 		       04/18/1989
1,535,333 		       73/744,303 		       04/18/1989
1,535,544 		       73/744,315 		       04/18/1989
1,535,605 		       73/744,385 		       04/18/1989
1,535,735 		       73/744,519 		       04/18/1989
1,535,919 		       73/744,629 		       04/18/1989
1,535,740 		       73/744,978 		       04/18/1989
1,535,708 		       73/744,983 		       04/18/1989
1,535,608 		       73/745,136 		       04/18/1989
1,534,955 		       73/745,180 		       04/18/1989
1,535,299 		       73/745,352 		       04/18/1989
1,535,742 		       73/745,379 		       04/18/1989
1,535,667 		       73/745,386 		       04/18/1989
1,535,924 		       73/745,402 		       04/18/1989
1,535,106 		       73/745,468 		       04/18/1989
1,534,969 		       73/745,595 		       04/18/1989
1,535,636 		       73/745,635 		       04/18/1989
1,535,267 		       73/745,851 		       04/18/1989
1,535,744      		       73/746,057 		       04/18/1989
1,535,927      		       73/746,104 		       04/18/1989
1,535,501      		       73/746,181 		       04/18/1989
1,535,550      		       73/746,406 		       04/18/1989
1,535,746      		       73/746,435 		       04/18/1989
1,535,767      		       73/746,474 		       04/18/1989
1,535,270      		       73/746,525 		       04/18/1989
1,535,931      		       73/746,571 		       04/18/1989
1,535,426      		       73/746,638 		       04/18/1989
1,535,334      		       73/746,646 		       04/18/1989
1,535,668      		       73/746,659 		       04/18/1989
1,535,611      		       73/746,788 		       04/18/1989
1,535,935      		       73/747,030 		       04/18/1989
1,535,614      		       73/747,040 		       04/18/1989
1,535,615      		       73/747,059 		       04/18/1989
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 220 

1,535,335      		       73/747,070 		       04/18/1989
1,535,936      		       73/747,220 		       04/18/1989
1,535,637      		       73/747,441 		       04/18/1989
1,535,339      		       73/747,470 		       04/18/1989
1,535,551      		       73/747,724 		       04/18/1989
1,535,552      		       73/747,729 		       04/18/1989
1,535,617      		       73/747,800 		       04/18/1989
1,535,618      		       73/747,838 		       04/18/1989
1,535,340      		       73/747,853 		       04/18/1989
1,535,194      		       73/747,880 		       04/18/1989
1,535,175      		       73/748,076 		       04/18/1989
1,535,300      		       73/748,185 		       04/18/1989
1,535,750      		       73/748,193 		       04/18/1989
1,535,790      		       73/748,502 		       04/18/1989
1,535,769      		       73/748,895 		       04/18/1989
1,535,301      		       73/748,960 		       04/18/1989
1,535,159      		       73/749,011 		       04/18/1989
1,535,274      		       73/749,032 		       04/18/1989
1,535,939      		       73/749,317 		       04/18/1989
1,535,470      		       73/749,782 		       04/18/1989
1,535,178      		       73/749,848 		       04/18/1989
1,535,342      		       73/750,063 		       04/18/1989
1,535,770      		       73/750,088 		       04/18/1989
1,535,751      		       73/750,292 		       04/18/1989
1,535,433      		       73/750,299 		       04/18/1989
1,535,123      		       73/750,492 		       04/18/1989
1,535,436      		       73/750,529 		       04/18/1989
1,535,179      		       73/750,704 		       04/18/1989
1,535,125      		       73/750,768 		       04/18/1989
1,535,126      		       73/750,772 		       04/18/1989
1,535,128      		       73/750,881 		       04/18/1989
1,535,130      		       73/751,398 		       04/18/1989
1,535,131      		       73/751,563 		       04/18/1989
1,535,132      		       73/751,645 		       04/18/1989
1,535,134      		       73/751,894 		       04/18/1989
1,535,181      		       73/751,913 		       04/18/1989
1,535,302      		       73/752,090 		       04/18/1989
1,535,452      		       73/752,483 		       04/18/1989
1,535,453      		       73/752,484 		       04/18/1989
1,535,516 		       73/752,513 		       04/18/1989
1,535,517 		       73/752,531 		       04/18/1989
1,535,518 		       73/752,631 		       04/18/1989
1,535,197 		       73/752,837 		       04/18/1989
1,535,137 		       73/752,859 		       04/18/1989
1,535,198 		       73/753,190 		       04/18/1989
1,535,521 		       73/753,197 		       04/18/1989
1,535,019 		       73/753,203 		       04/18/1989
1,535,139 		       73/753,426 		       04/18/1989
1,535,142 		       73/754,032 		       04/18/1989
1,535,459 		       73/754,079 		       04/18/1989
1,535,352 		       73/754,224 		       04/18/1989
1,535,304 		       73/754,885 		       04/18/1989
1,535,305 		       73/754,916 		       04/18/1989
1,535,366 		       73/755,262 		       04/18/1989
1,535,463 		       73/755,441 		       04/18/1989
1,535,464 		       73/755,582 		       04/18/1989
1,535,779 		       73/756,202 		       04/18/1989
2,240,037 		       74/574,420 		       04/20/1999
2,240,902 		       74/616,466 		       04/20/1999
2,240,903 		       74/630,850 		       04/20/1999
2,240,909 		       74/691,077 		       04/20/1999
2,240,912 		       74/698,200 		       04/20/1999
2,240,914 		       74/705,683 		       04/20/1999
2,241,348 		       74/712,453 		       04/20/1999
2,240,923 		       75/004,396 		       04/20/1999
2,240,055 		       75/016,354 		       04/20/1999
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 221 

2,241,349 		       75/021,573 		       04/20/1999
2,240,934 		       75/044,517 		       04/20/1999
2,240,937 		       75/051,385 		       04/20/1999
2,240,940 		       75/061,165 		       04/20/1999
2,240,942 		       75/066,442 		       04/20/1999
2,240,950 		       75/078,104 		       04/20/1999
2,240,071 		       75/079,584 		       04/20/1999
2,240,958 		       75/096,972 		       04/20/1999
2,240,076 		       75/107,433 		       04/20/1999
2,240,968 		       75/112,216 		       04/20/1999
2,240,969 		       75/114,043 		       04/20/1999
2,240,971 		       75/114,694 		       04/20/1999
2,240,976 		       75/122,474 		       04/20/1999
2,231,080 		       75/143,360 		       03/09/1999
2,240,990 		       75/145,954 		       04/20/1999
2,241,351 		       75/158,778 		       04/20/1999
2,241,010 		       75/173,995 		       04/20/1999
2,240,104 		       75/179,456 		       04/20/1999
2,240,109 		       75/185,586 		       04/20/1999
2,240,113 		       75/189,069 		       04/20/1999
2,240,118 		       75/200,797 		       04/20/1999
2,241,025 		       75/201,223 		       04/20/1999
2,241,029 		       75/202,323 		       04/20/1999
2,241,038 		       75/205,360 		       04/20/1999
2,241,046 		       75/212,013 		       04/20/1999
2,241,047 		       75/212,067 		       04/20/1999
2,241,053 		       75/212,616 		       04/20/1999
2,241,058 		       75/217,424 		       04/20/1999
2,241,065 		       75/221,879 		       04/20/1999
2,240,131      		       75/222,611 		       04/20/1999
2,240,135      		       75/226,943 		       04/20/1999
2,241,069      		       75/227,165 		       04/20/1999
2,241,074      		       75/229,822 		       04/20/1999
2,240,136      		       75/230,938 		       04/20/1999
2,241,087      		       75/240,161 		       04/20/1999
2,240,146      		       75/240,308 		       04/20/1999
2,241,092      		       75/244,496 		       04/20/1999
2,241,093      		       75/245,195 		       04/20/1999
2,240,152      		       75/247,288 		       04/20/1999
2,241,100      		       75/248,831 		       04/20/1999
2,241,106      		       75/252,205 		       04/20/1999
2,240,156      		       75/252,675 		       04/20/1999
2,241,354      		       75/255,599 		       04/20/1999
2,240,159      		       75/255,979 		       04/20/1999
2,241,126      		       75/262,399 		       04/20/1999
2,241,135      		       75/273,361 		       04/20/1999
2,241,140      		       75/278,359 		       04/20/1999
2,240,180      		       75/279,248 		       04/20/1999
2,241,145      		       75/283,087 		       04/20/1999
2,240,184      		       75/284,328 		       04/20/1999
2,241,149      		       75/286,285 		       04/20/1999
2,240,186      		       75/286,338 		       04/20/1999
2,240,188      		       75/286,949 		       04/20/1999
2,241,154      		       75/288,455 		       04/20/1999
2,240,192      		       75/288,899 		       04/20/1999
2,241,156      		       75/289,346 		       04/20/1999
2,241,157      		       75/289,347 		       04/20/1999
2,241,158      		       75/289,349 		       04/20/1999
2,240,193      		       75/289,444 		       04/20/1999
2,241,161      		       75/291,046 		       04/20/1999
2,241,165      		       75/291,451 		       04/20/1999
2,241,171      		       75/294,593 		       04/20/1999
2,240,212      		       75/298,355 		       04/20/1999
2,241,185      		       75/300,623 		       04/20/1999
2,240,217      		       75/302,251 		       04/20/1999
2,241,191      		       75/302,736 		       04/20/1999
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 222 

2,241,194      		       75/304,754 		       04/20/1999
2,241,196      		       75/305,053 		       04/20/1999
2,241,197      		       75/305,054 		       04/20/1999
2,241,359      		       75/308,260 		       04/20/1999
2,240,227      		       75/309,086 		       04/20/1999
2,240,228      		       75/310,460 		       04/20/1999
2,241,204      		       75/311,371 		       04/20/1999
2,241,206      		       75/312,093 		       04/20/1999
2,241,207      		       75/312,244 		       04/20/1999
2,240,238      		       75/313,048 		       04/20/1999
2,240,240      		       75/314,794 		       04/20/1999
2,241,217      		       75/316,710 		       04/20/1999
2,240,253      		       75/320,574 		       04/20/1999
2,240,254      		       75/320,744 		       04/20/1999
2,241,224      		       75/321,317 		       04/20/1999
2,240,261      		       75/323,856 		       04/20/1999
2,240,262      		       75/323,922 		       04/20/1999
2,240,265 		       75/324,378 		       04/20/1999
2,240,269 		       75/326,072 		       04/20/1999
2,240,277 		       75/327,719 		       04/20/1999
2,241,362 		       75/328,555 		       04/20/1999
2,240,282 		       75/329,529 		       04/20/1999
2,241,241 		       75/329,735 		       04/20/1999
2,241,242 		       75/330,226 		       04/20/1999
2,241,365 		       75/330,904 		       04/20/1999
2,241,243 		       75/331,072 		       04/20/1999
2,241,245 		       75/333,130 		       04/20/1999
2,240,296 		       75/334,131 		       04/20/1999
2,240,304 		       75/336,254 		       04/20/1999
2,240,311 		       75/338,458 		       04/20/1999
2,241,250 		       75/338,811 		       04/20/1999
2,240,330 		       75/341,538 		       04/20/1999
2,241,256 		       75/343,282 		       04/20/1999
2,240,338 		       75/343,699 		       04/20/1999
2,241,262 		       75/345,358 		       04/20/1999
2,240,350 		       75/349,534 		       04/20/1999
2,240,354 		       75/351,660 		       04/20/1999
2,240,360 		       75/353,157 		       04/20/1999
2,240,363 		       75/354,519 		       04/20/1999
2,241,280 		       75/355,989 		       04/20/1999
2,241,285 		       75/359,647 		       04/20/1999
2,241,291 		       75/362,623 		       04/20/1999
2,240,386 		       75/364,276 		       04/20/1999
2,240,393 		       75/367,347 		       04/20/1999
2,240,394 		       75/367,607 		       04/20/1999
2,240,397 		       75/368,440 		       04/20/1999
2,241,294 		       75/368,546 		       04/20/1999
2,240,399 		       75/369,260 		       04/20/1999
2,240,400 		       75/369,424 		       04/20/1999
2,241,297 		       75/370,714 		       04/20/1999
2,241,300 		       75/372,318 		       04/20/1999
2,240,407 		       75/373,017 		       04/20/1999
2,240,408 		       75/373,348 		       04/20/1999
2,241,374 		       75/374,972 		       04/20/1999
2,241,301 		       75/375,412 		       04/20/1999
2,241,302 		       75/375,549 		       04/20/1999
2,240,414 		       75/375,828 		       04/20/1999
2,241,375 		       75/377,082 		       04/20/1999
2,241,310 		       75/387,086 		       04/20/1999
2,240,444 		       75/387,996 		       04/20/1999
2,241,313 		       75/389,731 		       04/20/1999
2,241,314 		       75/392,399 		       04/20/1999
2,241,384 		       75/392,934 		       04/20/1999
2,240,457 		       75/393,396 		       04/20/1999
2,241,315 		       75/393,691 		       04/20/1999
2,240,471 		       75/398,837 		       04/20/1999
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 223 

2,240,481 		       75/401,342 		       04/20/1999
2,241,323 		       75/402,112 		       04/20/1999
2,240,483 		       75/402,142 		       04/20/1999
2,241,327 		       75/403,263 		       04/20/1999
2,240,489 		       75/404,873 		       04/20/1999
2,241,388 		       75/405,626 		       04/20/1999
2,240,493 		       75/407,648 		       04/20/1999
2,240,497      		       75/408,532 		       04/20/1999
2,240,507      		       75/411,336 		       04/20/1999
2,240,508      		       75/411,376 		       04/20/1999
2,240,515      		       75/412,777 		       04/20/1999
2,240,518      		       75/413,431 		       04/20/1999
2,240,519      		       75/413,750 		       04/20/1999
2,240,531      		       75/417,603 		       04/20/1999
2,240,536      		       75/418,055 		       04/20/1999
2,240,537      		       75/418,126 		       04/20/1999
2,240,539      		       75/418,194 		       04/20/1999
2,240,544      		       75/419,001 		       04/20/1999
2,240,557      		       75/421,346 		       04/20/1999
2,240,562      		       75/421,924 		       04/20/1999
2,240,566      		       75/423,265 		       04/20/1999
2,240,569      		       75/423,903 		       04/20/1999
2,241,339      		       75/424,532 		       04/20/1999
2,240,577      		       75/425,416 		       04/20/1999
2,240,586      		       75/427,998 		       04/20/1999
2,240,595      		       75/431,916 		       04/20/1999
2,240,612      		       75/436,543 		       04/20/1999
2,240,613      		       75/436,549 		       04/20/1999
2,240,614      		       75/436,835 		       04/20/1999
2,240,642      		       75/442,948 		       04/20/1999
2,240,646      		       75/443,801 		       04/20/1999
2,240,649      		       75/444,587 		       04/20/1999
2,241,395      		       75/445,184 		       04/20/1999
2,240,657      		       75/445,729 		       04/20/1999
2,240,660      		       75/446,328 		       04/20/1999
2,240,662      		       75/446,719 		       04/20/1999
2,240,675      		       75/448,341 		       04/20/1999
2,240,680      		       75/449,598 		       04/20/1999
2,240,682      		       75/450,073 		       04/20/1999
2,240,691      		       75/451,080 		       04/20/1999
2,240,692      		       75/451,109 		       04/20/1999
2,240,695      		       75/451,535 		       04/20/1999
2,240,696 		       75/451,545 		       04/20/1999
2,240,701 		       75/452,026 		       04/20/1999
2,240,702 		       75/452,102 		       04/20/1999
2,240,726 		       75/456,939 		       04/20/1999
2,240,733 		       75/457,761 		       04/20/1999
2,240,739 		       75/458,604 		       04/20/1999
2,240,753 		       75/461,286 		       04/20/1999
2,240,758 		       75/461,912 		       04/20/1999
2,240,764 		       75/462,956 		       04/20/1999
2,240,768 		       75/463,059 		       04/20/1999
2,240,774 		       75/464,945 		       04/20/1999
2,240,777 		       75/465,207 		       04/20/1999
2,240,784 		       75/465,447 		       04/20/1999
2,240,807 		       75/470,345 		       04/20/1999
2,241,401 		       75/476,812 		       04/20/1999
2,240,830 		       75/479,065 		       04/20/1999
2,240,833 		       75/479,647 		       04/20/1999
2,240,842 		       75/487,866 		       04/20/1999
2,240,843 		       75/488,386 		       04/20/1999
2,241,403 		       75/489,099 		       04/20/1999
2,240,845 		       75/491,516 		       04/20/1999
2,240,847 		       75/494,587 		       04/20/1999
2,240,849 		       75/497,302 		       04/20/1999
2,241,404 		       75/497,510 		       04/20/1999
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 224 

2,240,852 		       75/498,703 		       04/20/1999
2,240,853 		       75/498,712 		       04/20/1999
2,240,857 		       75/500,681 		       04/20/1999
2,240,862 		       75/506,400 		       04/20/1999
2,240,863 		       75/510,645 		       04/20/1999
2,241,405 		       75/511,994 		       04/20/1999
2,240,873 		       75/518,418 		       04/20/1999
2,241,406 		       75/519,327 		       04/20/1999
2,240,884 		       75/533,535 		       04/20/1999
2,240,885 		       75/533,536 		       04/20/1999
2,241,344 		       75/978,100 		       04/20/1999
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 225 

Service by Publication
			    Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Infigen, Inc., Deforest, Wisconsin, Registration No. 1722678 for the mark
"GENMARK", Cancellation No. 92051533.

NetFaze Technologies, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, Registration No. 3409155 for
the mark "NET FAZE TECHNOLOGIES", Cancellation No. 92051636.

				                                TINA CRAVEN
						       Paralegal Specialist
				      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
				                         LYNNE G. BERESFORD
				                Commissioner for Trademarks

			    Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
daysof this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Tshimanga Biakabutuka, Charlotte, North Carolina, Registration No. 3253108
for the mark "[BEYA] JEWELRY", Cancellation No. 92051576.

				                            NICOLE M. THEIR
				                       Paralegal Specialist
				      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
				                         LYNNE G. BERESFORD
				                Commissioner for Trademarks

			    Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to registrant at the last
known address having been returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable,
notice is hereby given that unless the registrant listed herein, its
assigns or legal representatives, shall enter an appearance within thirty
days of this publication, the cancellation will proceed as in the case of

Recruiting New Teachers, Inc., Belmont, MA, Registration No. 1914891 for
the mark "BE A TEACHER. BE A HERO.", Cancellation No. 92051598.

				                           MILLICENT CANADY
				      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
				                         LYNNE G. BERESFORD
				                Commissioner for Trademarks

			    Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 226 

by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

Life Factor Research LLC, La Quinta, CA, Application Serial No. 77699930
for the mark "ESSENTIAL FACTORS", Opposition No. 91192253.

				                         KARL KOCHERSPERGER
				      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
				                         LYNNE G. BERESFORD
				                Commissioner for Trademarks
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 227 

37 CFR § 1.47 Notice by Publication
		      37 CFR § 1.47 Notice by Publication

   Notice is hereby given of the filing of the following applications with
a petition under 37 CFR § 1.47 requesting the acceptance of the application
without the signature of all inventors or, if the inventor is deceased, the
legal representative of the deceased inventor. The petition in each
application has been granted. A notice has been sent to the last known
address of the non-signing inventor or legal representative. The inventors
or legal representatives whose signatures are missing may join in the
application by promptly filing an oath or declaration complying with 37 CFR
§ 1.63.

Application  		    or Legal
No.	     Filing Date    Representative           Title of Invention

29/294,034   Dec. 19, 2007  Will Philips	     Display Screen

29/318,506   May 21, 2008   John B. Van Den 	     User Interface

10/592,543   Sep. 11, 2006  Orlando Martinelli	     Resetting Tool

10/917,942   Aug. 13, 2004  Fang-Cheng Chang	     Method And Apparatus
 						     For Deblurring Mask

11/186,565   Jul. 21, 2005  Silvio Devincentis	     System And Method For
	     		    			     Monitoring A Computer

11/327,062   Jan. 6, 2006   Stefanie Lattner	     Vestibular System
						     Stimulation Apparatus

11/400,762   Apr. 6, 2006   Eric Heiser		     Storage Media With
						     Representative Of Data
						     Originally Stored

11/517,251   Sep. 8, 2006   Trevor A. Dunn	     Data Masking System
						     And Method

11/526,294   Sep. 25, 2006  Hadi F. Habal	     Cellular Network-Based
	     		    			     Location System

11/674,519   Feb. 13, 2007  Michael Hofstetter	     E-Module With
						     Inductive Sensing

11/714,663   Mar. 6, 2007   Akash Mathur	     Octanoic Acid
						     Derivatives As
 						     Dipeptidyl Peptidase

11/750,167   May 17, 2007   Werner Schnabele	     Change Management
	     		    Gunter Friedrich Schunck Methodologies For
	     		    			     Industrial Automation
						     And Information

11/765,394   Jun. 19, 2007  Joseph A. Stanko	     Non-Invasive Insertion
	     		    Phani Pandrangi	     Of Pagelets

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 228 

11/770,365   Jun. 28, 2007  Justin Maguire	     Rich Conference
 						     Invitations With

11/778,538   Jul. 16, 2007  Alan L. Robin	     Method For Treating
 						     Primary And Secondary
						     Forms Of Glaucoma

11/781,458   Jul. 23, 2007  Mikael Carl Lang	     Apparatus And Method
						     Of Data Organisation

11/798,860   May 17, 2007   Charles Strong	     Means And A Method For
 						     Connecting Pieces Of A

11/823,977   Jun. 29, 2007  Dale H. Storck	     Inbred Corn Line

11/856,389   Sep. 17, 2007  Peter Pelech	     Spare Tire Carrier
	     		    Tony Voegeli	     Having Overload
	     		    			     Protection With
						     Controlled Cable

11/858,667   Sep. 20 2007   Katsuyuki Kuramoto	     Radio-Frequency Tag
						     Communication Device

11/861,458   Sep. 26, 2007  David Edward Maddison    Urine Collection

11/933,778   Nov. 1, 2007   Peter Nash		     Adherence Inhibitor
 						     Directed To And Method
						     Of Making And Using

11/937,059   Nov. 8, 2007   Frank Kock		     Dual Chamber Adapter

11/940,814   Nov. 15, 2007  Kenneth R. Jordan	     Power Tool, Battery,
 						     Charger And Method Of
						     Operating The Same

11/954,574   Dec. 12, 2007  Eran Ofek		     Method Of Assessing
						     Risk In A Area

11/973,880   Oct. 10, 2007  Carl Arsin		     Diverter Valve
						     Apparatus And Method

11/974,391   Oct. 11, 2007  Dr. Mamdouh Yanni	     Collaborative GPS/INS
						     System And Method

11/975,365   Oct. 18, 2007  Duane N. Mateychuk	     Dual Moded Stacked
	     		    John Z. Lu		     Microstrip Patch

11/983,203   Nov. 6, 2007   Mark Baker		     Depletion Of Plasma

11/986,684   Nov. 21, 2007  Payam Saisan	     Method And Apparatus
						     For Optimal Placement
						     Of Actuators For
						     Shaping Deformable
						     Materials Into Desired
						     Target Shapes

12/005,815   Dec. 28, 2007  Douglas E. Hollies	     Use Of Coated Slots
 						     For Control Of Sand Or
						     Other Solids In Wells
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 229 

						     Completed For
						     Production Of Fluids

12/009,828   Jan. 22, 2008  Kevin Hartnett	     Tabbed Divider Making
						     Apparatus And Method

12/013,713   Jan. 14, 2008  Karl M. Truitt	     Refrigeration
						     Appliance Dispenser

12/018,719   Jan. 23, 2008  John Karsner	     Automatic Step-Down Of
						     Prepaid Accounts For
						     Communication Services

12/032,264   Feb. 15, 2008  Dominique Gauthier	     Method And System For
						     Exchanging Data
						     Reserved For A User

12/032,318   Feb. 15, 2008  Maurice Ross Baldwin     Energy Management

12/034,484   Feb. 20, 2008  Mogomat Shafiek Ganief   Flexible Tanks In
 						     Which Bulk Liquids Are

12/034,874   Feb. 21, 2008  Leonid Khodor	     Methods and Systems
						     For Detecting
						     Concealed Objects

12/049,125   Mar. 14, 2008  Mark Gordon		     Releasably Locking
 						     Auto-Aligning Fiber
						     Optic Connector

12/053,228   Mar. 21, 2008  Mike Reyero		     Controlled Discovery
	     		    Ken Sandars		     Of Scan-Attached SCSI
	     		    			     Devices And Access
	     		    			     Control Via Login

12/060,604   Apr. 1, 2008   Quanzu Yang		     Lipid Coatings For
 						     Implantable Medical

12/071,813   Feb. 26, 2008  Takashi Kasahara	     Objective Lens
 						     Actuator And Optical
						     Pickup Device
						     Including The Same

12/074,938   Mar. 6, 2008   Will Phillips	     System For
						     Coordinating The
						     Presentation Of
 						     Digital Content Data

12/099,247   Apr. 8, 2008   Daniel J. Kegg	     Apparatus And Method
						     For Extinguishing
						     Fires In A
						     Multi-Floored Building

12/108,190   Apr. 23, 2008  Steven Dennis Morais     Enterprise Web
 						     Constructor System
						     And Method

12/108,280   Apr. 23, 2008  Stephan Dennis Morais    Constructor Web-Based
 						     Change Control System
						     And Method
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 230 

12/108,293   Apr. 23, 2008  Eugene Vander Griend     Molded Tank With
						     Cast-In Fitting Seat

12/108,314   Apr. 23, 2008  Stephan Dennis Morais    Web Based Application
 						     Constructor Using
						     Objects As Pages

12/108,372   Apr. 23, 2008  Stephan Dennis Morais    Web Based Application
 						     Constructor Using Data

12/108,390   Apr. 23, 2008  Steven Dennis Morais     Web Based Application
 						     Constructor Using Page
						     Components Accessible
						     By URL

12/108,411   April 23, 2008 Stephen Dennis Morais    Web Based Application
						     Constructor Using
						     Querying Across Data

12/111,777   April 29, 2008 Wee Tuck Teo	     System And Method For
 						     Transactional Security
						     For An End-User Device

12/115,830   May 6, 2008    Scott Andrews	     Computer Implemented
	     		    Gaurav Verma	     Methods, Systems, And
						     Media For Determining
 						     A Model For Predicting
						     Printability Of
 						     Recticle Features On A

12/117,114   May 8, 2008    Stephen J. Brown	     Medical Device Rights
 						     And Recall Management

12/127,134   May 27, 2008   Yasuhiro Miura	     Fluid Dynamic Bearing,
						     Fluid Dynamic
						     Bearing-Type Disc
 						     Drive, And Method Of
						     Manufacturing Fluid
						     Dynamic Bearing

12/129,171   May 29, 2008   Kevin A. Lenzo	     System And Method For
						     Client Voice Building

12/130,279   May 30, 2008   Garry L. Meyers	     PH Modulated Files For
						     Delivery Of Actives

12/131,834   Jan. 31, 2007  James B. Williams	     Local Portal
	     		    Joel Rigler
	     		    Matthew R. Muyres

12/131,869   Jun. 2, 2008   Scott Nelson	     Enhanced Jukebox

12/137,368   Jun. 11, 2008  Pedro Fernandez	     Heat Exchange For
						     Outdoor Enclosures

12/138,682   Jun. 13, 2008  Takeshi Saito	     Address Assignment
						     Apparatus, Address
						     Assignment Method,
						     And Computer Product

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 231 

12/174,801   Jul. 17, 2008  Boris Niemann	     Optical Scattering Of
						     Light Beam

12/230,397   Aug. 28, 2008  Jae In Yoon		     System And Method For
	     		    Mark G. Polyak	     Detecting, Collecting,
	     		    Jane W. Blake	     Analyzing, And
	     		    James M. Wilson, MD	     Communicating

12/240,064   Sep. 29, 2008  Balajee Ramakrishnananda Automated Quiz
						     Generation System
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 232 

Registration to Practice
			   Registration to Practice

   The following list contains the names of persons seeking for
registration to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark
Office. Final approval for registration is subject to establishing to the
satisfaction of the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline
that the person seeking registration is of good moral character and repute.
37 CFR § 11.7 Accordingly, any information tending to affect the
eligibility of any of the following persons on moral, ethical, or other
grounds should be furnished to the Director of Enrollment and Discipline on
or before January 1, 2010, at the following address: Mail Stop OED, United
States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA

Balagopal, Rajappan, 1106 Wabash Street, Pasadena, CA 91103

Blasko, Sean Michael, Fish & Richardson P.C., 111 Congress Avenue, Suite
810, Austin, TX 78701

Browdy, Michelle Helene, IBM, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, NY

Brown, Stewart Murray, 6824 Draper Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037

Bultan, Aykut, 867 North Patterson Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Choksi, Nilay Jayendra, 1331 Briarwood Drive, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30306

Claps, Ricardo Javier, Haynes and Boone, LLP, 2033 Gateway Place, Suite
400, San Jose, CA 95110

Claybon, Allan Brian, 1806 North Berendo Street, #105, Los Angeles, CA

Davis, John Philip, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett, & Duner, LLP.,
3300 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94043

Desai, Praful Chhotubhai, 2615 Rustic Woods Drive, Kingwood, TX 77345

Dumais, Brice Stephen Bek, 5502 McCommas Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75206

Gehling, Stephanie Lynne, Carr & Ferrell LLP, 2200 Geng Road, Palo Alto, CA

Gianino, Salvatore Basta, Armstrong Teasdale LLP, One Metropolitan Square,
Suite 2600, St. Louis, MO 63102-2740

Grace, Natalie Jeanette, Fish & Richardson, P.C., 3200 RBC Plaza, 60 South
6th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402

Hart, Bryan Thomas, 630 N. State Street, Apartment 1409, Chicago, IL 60654

Hashemi, Majid Mahmoud, Consultant, P.O. Box 20577, San Jose, CA 95160

Howard, James Lyle, 212 Ruby Walk Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560

Huang, Yao David, 306 Cabin Road S.E., Vienna, VA 22180

Jennings, Romeao Jon, 1499 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Apartment 708,
Washington, DC 20005

Jordan, Christopher Sam, 1151 El Centro Avenue, Oakland, CA 94602

Jorge, Matthew Morgan, Hanley, Flight & Zimmerman, law firm, 150 S. Wacker
Drive, Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 233 

Ju, Jeonghyun, 85 Manchester Street #32, Concord, NH 03301

Khalifeh, Omid Emile, 600 N. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049

Kitchura, John Micheal, Mills & Onello LLP, 11 Beacon Street, Suite 605,
Boston, MA 02108

Koenig, Matthew Edward, 293 Forest Road, Athens, GA 30605

Kuriakose, Neena, MBM Intellectual Property Law L.L.P., 200 Granville
Street, Suite 2200, Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4, Canada

Lee, Juwon, 99 Clinton Street, Unit #410, Concord, NH 03301

Lee, Wyan-Ching Mimi, Ropes & Gray LLP, 39th Floor, 1211 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, NY 10036

Leming, Christopher Lloyd, Syngenta Biotechnology Road, 3054 Cornwallis
Road, Durham, NC 27709

Marino, Michael Walter, 18 Skelton Road, Burlington, MA 01803

Michalek, Brian Raymond, Fitch Even Tabin & Flannery, 120 S. La Salle
Street, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60603

Nadipuram, Asha Krishna, Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C, 1100 New
York Avenue, N.W, Washington, DC 20005

Newton, Jared Weston, 1200 North Hartford Street, Apartment 104, Arlington,
VA 22201

Nomura, Ian James, Winston & Strawn, LLP, 333 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles,
CA 90071

Paker, Marianne Germaine Flood, Paker Technical Consulting, LLC, 9
Horseshoe Bend, Madison, WI 53705

Pickett, William Scott, 1806 Wichita Street, Houston, TX 77004

Rzaniak, Martin Jacques, Schlumberger Technology Corporation, 110
Schlumberger Drive, MD-1, Sugar Land, TX 77478

Saelao, Rebecca Snavely, Morrison & Foerster LLP, 425 Market Street, San
Francisco, CA 94105

Schneck, Daniel Judah, Shachal 54, Apartment 30, Jerusalem,  93720, Israel

Sims, Cassius Kirkpatrick, 1015 9th Street, Apartment 2, Durham, NC 27705

Solinsky, Peter George, 4322 Devereaux Street, Philadelphia, PA 19135

Soni, Viren Suresh, 323 Eden Court, Roselle, IL 60172

Stoffregen, Joel Thomas, Kramer IP Search, 1725 Duke Street, Suite 240,
Alexandria, VA 22314

Stover, Jeffrey Todd, 1517 Gator Trak, Charleston, SC 29414

Strong, Sarah Ann, N30 Pharmaceuticals, 3122 Sterling Circle, Suite 200,
Boulder, CO 80301

Tannan, Vinay, University of Virginia Patent Foundation, 250 West Main
Street, Suite 300, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Tauh, Poonam, MBM Intellectual Property Law L.L.P, 270 Albert Street, 14th
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 234 

Floor, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G8, Canada

Thelen, Ryan Kevin, Hamilton Sundstrand, 1 Hamilton Road, Windsor Locks, CT

Tulk, Amy Rebecca, Schottenstein, Zox & Dunn Co., LPA, 250 West Street,
Columbus, OH 43215

Welter, Rachael Eva, USPTO, 600 Dulany Street, Remson 2C61, Alexandria, VA

Whaley, Sean David, Kramer and Amado, P.C., 1725 Duke Street, Suite 240,
Alexandria, VA 22314

Yaguchi, Taro, Keisen Associates, Eight Penn Center, Suite 1300, 1628 John
F. Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Zhou, Shijian, 9331 East Lake Highlands Drive, Dallas, TX 75218

November 17, 2009			                     HARRY I. MOATZ
					Director of Enrollment & Discipline
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 235 

Service by Publication Notice of Complaint for Reciprocal Discipline
			    Service By Publication
		 Notice of Complaint for Reciprocal Discipline

   The following four documents initiating a reciprocal disciplinary
complaint against Glen C. Brown have been filed with the United States
Patent and Trademark Office Director: (1) a Request for Notice and Order
Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 11.24; (2) a Complaint for Reciprocal Discipline
Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 11.24; (3) certified copy of the December 24, 2008,
order of the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon in In the Matter of the
Form B Resignation of Glenn C. Brown (Case No. S056743) accepting Mr.
Brown's affidavit of resignation and ordering that his name be stricken
from the roll of attorneys and that he no longer be entitled to the rights
or privileges of an attorney in that jurisdiction; and (4) a proposed
Notice and Order Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 11.24.

   In accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 11.35, the documents were attempted to be
served on Mr. Brown by first-class certified mail, return receipt
requested, to two addresses. One was an address in Bend, Oregon, provided
by Mr. Brown to the Office of Enrollment and Discipline pursuant to 37
C.F.R. § 11.11. The other was an address in Sisters, Oregon, where the
Director of Enrollment and Discipline reasonably believed Mr. Brown
received mail. The letter mailed to the Bend, Oregon, address was returned
with the explanation that it was unable to be forwarded. The letter mailed
to the Sisters, Oregon, address was returned with the explanation that it
was "unclaimed" after three notices.

   Mr. Brown is hereby notified through this publication that he may obtain
a copy of the four documents initiating a reciprocal disciplinary complaint
against him by sending a written request addressed to: Mail Stop OED,
Director of Enrollment and Discipline, United States Patent and Trademark
Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450.

November 16, 2009			                     HARRY I. MOATZ
					 Enrollment and Discipline Director
 				  United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 236 

Trademark Public Advisory Committee Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report
Seal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office



 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 237 

Trademark Public Advisory Committee
Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report


Photo of Jeff Storie July 11, 1956 to November 8, 2009

Jeff Storie

July 11, 1956 to November 8, 2009

TPAC dedicates this report to Jeffery W. Storie, who was a member of TPAC until his death on November 8, 2009. We always will remember Jeff for his kindness, humility, faith and wonderful sense of humor, in addition to his strong contributions to TPAC. We miss him greatly. We send our prayers and thoughts to him and his family.

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 238 

I. Introduction.

Note: A glossary of the acronyms used in this report appears at the end of the document.

This is the tenth annual report of TPAC. This report reviews the trademark operations of the USPTO for the FY ending September 30, 2009. TPAC’s mission, which is specified in enabling legislation, 35 U.S.C. § 5(b)(1) and (d)(1), is “to represent the interests of diverse users” of the USPTO and to “review the policies, goals, performance, budget, and user fees” of the USPTO with respect to trademarks.

Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 5(d)(2), this report is submitted within 60 days following the end of the federal FY and is transmitted to the President, the Secretary of Commerce and the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This report is submitted for publication in the Official Gazette of the USPTO. The report will be available to the public on the USPTO website,

Members of TPAC. As of the end of FY 2009, the following individuals are members of TPAC:

In addition to the above voting Members, the following people are non-voting TPAC members representing the membership of USPTO unions:

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 239 

II. Overview.

A. Organization Notes.

  1. Something New – TPAC Championed Issues. Over a year ago, TPAC became proactive and enhanced how it operates. TPAC has had subcommittees for a while and still does. TPAC added the tracking of individual issues by TPAC issue “Champions.” A Champion has primary responsibility within TPAC for that issue. TPAC keeps the USPTO apprised of these championed issues. It meets with USPTO officials regarding these issues at each in-person TPAC meeting in Alexandria. Champions also stay in touch with their USPTO counterparts on these issues throughout the year. This annual report includes reports on issues championed during FY 2009 – both issues that are completed and active issues. For each championed issue, this report provides both background and a status report.

  2. What This Report Isn’t. This report does not attempt to report on all facets of USPTO performance that bear on trademarks, and it is not the vehicle for USPTO officials to present their views on the USPTO’s performance. The USPTO issues a detailed annual report that fills that role. Instead, this report does two things: (i) it reports on the performance aspects of the USPTO that the TPAC enabling statute requires be addressed, with an emphasis on the performance issues that are of greatest interest to the trademark community, and (ii) it reports on the status of issues TPAC is championing or has championed during FY 2009.

B. Report Highlights. Each of the issues addressed in these highlights are addressed in greater detail in the body of the report.

  1. A Breach of the Trademark Fence. The Trademark Fence is a statutory provision that says in essence that trademark fees shall be used to pay only for the Trademark Operation and its proportionate share of USPTO overhead. Over TPAC’s strenuous objection, former leadership of the USPTO successfully pushed for a new law allowing the financially distressed Patent Operation to borrow up to $70 million from the Trademark Operation, with this borrowing authority remaining open until June 30, 2010. TPAC believes the former leadership of the USPTO handled this issue poorly by, among other things, waiting until other financial rescue options became unavailable before pushing for this loan authority. Nevertheless, TPAC is heartened by the quick and decisive statements and actions on this issue by the USPTO’s new Director, David J. Kappos and, immediately before him, by a special consultant to the USPTO, Nicholas P. Godici, who also is a former Commissioner of Patents at the USPTO. The USPTO now believes it has implemented sufficient cost savings to get the Patent Operation through the recession without having to borrow from the Trademark Operation and without having to furlough or let go any Patent Operation personnel. Yet, this belief is based upon the current financial forecast of the OCFO. If the economy performs worse than the OCFO expects, then trademark funds might be borrowed rather than used for the purpose for which they were paid.

  2. Please End Unintentional Fee Diversion. TPAC notes that, by enacting this temporary loan amendment to the Trademark Fence, the Congress and President essentially said the USPTO must first look to its own financial resources to solve its financial problems before financial relief will be provided from other governmental sources. Following this theme of financial independence, TPAC believes unintentional diversion of fees paid to the USPTO should cease. Presently, if the USPTO receives more in fee payments than forecast and consequently appropriated to the USPTO, that excess is diverted to the Treasury unless affirmative action is taken to grant those funds to the USPTO. This could happen again as the economy recovers. Instead of this unintentional diversion happening, the USPTO should automatically get and keep every dollar paid in fees. After all, these dollars are paid as fees for the USPTO to do or maintain things. Fee diversion takes away the funds to do the job for which the fees were paid.

  3. Superb Job by the Trademark Operation and Its Director. The Trademark Operation turned in another strong performance. The average pendency for trademark filings is low. Quality is high. Because of its prudent financial management, the Trademark Operation increased its surplus during this recession even though trademark filings are down more than patent filings. The Trademark Operation constantly strives to further improve its strong performance. It has been quite receptive to TPAC’s suggestions. Many of the suggestions TPAC has made are ones the Trademark Operation already had targeted for implementation, and often are improvements that can be implemented only when the USPTO’s computer systems are remediated from their poor state. TPAC salutes the personnel of the Trademark Operation for these results. TPAC especially commends the Commissioner of Trademarks, Lynne G. Beresford.

  4. New IT Systems for the Trademark Operation. One of the first directives of the new Director of the USPTO, David J. Kappos, was for the OCIO to immediately commence producing a separate, new computer infrastructure for the Trademark Operation. He recognized the Trademark Operation was being held back from further improvement by the poor state of the USPTO’s computer systems and that the surplus built by the Trademark Operation provided a basis to allow the Trademark Operation to move forward now on fixing its computer situation. TPAC applauds this decision.

  5. TTAB Speed Improving. Last year TPAC expressed some concern about the pendency times for matters before the TTAB. Those pendency times have improved substantially and now are in a very good range. While a decrease in filings due to the recession may be a partial cause of improvement, TPAC believes improvement and professionalism by TTAB personnel and a new performance appraisal plan for TTAB interlocutory attorneys played a large role. Yet, even when the TTAB does its work promptly in opposition and cancellation proceedings, those litigations are slow by design. On its own initiative, TPAC is exploring whether a new, parallel “fast track” option should be created for TTAB opposition and cancellation proceedings – one that can be elected by either party, perhaps based upon demonstrating cause. TPAC will have feedback from and a dialog with the trademark community about this issue.

  6. Reform TPAC. TPAC believes its effectiveness is hampered by several facets of its organization. The terms of TPAC members end at various times of the fiscal year. The TPAC chair is appointed to a three-year term, which is too long for a job requiring so much work. The TPAC chair may be selected from outside of TPAC’s membership, which creates the risk that an unproven, new chair may not work hard or well at the job. Sometimes there are gaps between terms of TPAC members. Unfortunately, these things can be fixed only with changes to the law. In this report, TPAC describes these problems in greater detail and suggests solutions.

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 240 

III. Discussion of Specific Issues.

A. Trademark Operation Performance.

  1. Performance Statistics.

    1. Sharp Decrease in Applications. In FY 2009, for the first time in seven years, the number of trademark applications decreased, going from 401,392 classes in FY 2008 to an Annualized Total of 351,348 as of July 31, 2009. This is a reduction of approximately 12 percent. (“Annualized Total” means the total for less than FY 2009 is extrapolated to project a total for FY 2009.) (All goods and services are divided into classes, and a trademark application or registration can and often does cover more than one class.) The sharp decrease likely reflects the slowing of the U.S. economy in late FY 2008 and early FY 2009. Aware of the impact that the slowing economy would likely have on trademark applications, the Trademark Operation predicted a decrease in FY 2009 to approximately 363,000 classes, or 9.6 percent; however, the actual reduction proved to be significantly greater.

    2. Balanced Disposals Exceeded Projections. Continuing the trend shown in FY 2008, the Trademark Operation increased its productivity in FY 2009. Total Examining Attorney production was an Annualized Total of 791,747 of Balanced Disposals as of July 31, 2009. A “Balanced Disposal” is one of three things: a first Office Action issued, approval of an application for publication (examination is complete), or abandonment of the application. The FY 2009 total of Balanced Disposals was approximately five percent higher than the Trademark Operation projected.

    3. Total Office Disposals Significantly Exceeded Projections. “Total Office Disposals” are abandonments of applications plus issued registrations. Total Office Disposals for FY 2009 were an Annualized Total of 433,782 as of July 31, 2009, which exceeded the Trademark Operation’s projection by 22.5 percent. By comparison, in FY 2008 actual Total Office Disposals exceeded the projection for that fiscal year by 28.2 percent; however, that figure reflects the one-time discovery of a number of older applications that had not been officially abandoned. The increase in FY 2009 registrations was lower, 8.2 percent, which likely indicates that in the slowing economy a larger-than-usual percentage of applicants chose to abandon their applications. Nevertheless, the Trademark Operation’s continuing ability to increase Total Office Disposals reflects its superb management of an excellent corps of Examining Attorneys.

    4. Average First-Action Pendency Remains Low and Appropriate. Average First-Action Pendency was 2.4 months in FY 2009, a 20 percent decrease from the 3.0-month average in FY 2008. “First- Action Pendency” is the time between the filing of a trademark application and the Trademark Operation’s substantive review of that application (which usually results in either an Office Action or a Notice of Publication). The drop in trademark registration applications, which was caused by the recession, caused the pendency decrease. This 2.4-month pendency is just below the longstanding USPTO goal of keeping pendency within a range of 2.5 to 3.5 months. TPAC has repeatedly endorsed that range. TPAC unanimously believes this range produces a sufficiently quick response to trademark registration applicants while fostering a stable, manageable workforce of experienced Examining Attorneys. While, in a costless world, some trademark interests might want faster first-action pendency, a faster speed would cause staffing problems due to fluctuations in application filing volume. A shorter average pendency would require having a larger corps of Examining Attorneys, which would be an added expense. During dips in filings, there would not be enough work to permit those attorneys to achieve sufficient productivity. Also, while this view is not a TPAC consensus, some trademark interests prefer to have a first-action pendency of approximately 2.5 to 3.5 months to allow them time to make decisions about mark deployment and to prepare for proving mark usage. In 2009, Interim Director John Doll lowered the first-action pendency goal to 2.0 months. TPAC expressed its concern over this decision and advocated a return to 2.5- to 3.5-month first-action pendency. TPAC is pleased to report that the new Director, David J. Kappos, restored the goal for first- action pendency to 2.5-3.5 months.

    5. Average Total Pendency Drops; Significantly Beats Targets. “Average Total Pendency” is the average time between the filing of a trademark application and final disposition of that application, whether by registration, abandonment, or issuance of a Notice of Allowance. Average Total Pendency for FY 2009 was 13.1 months with suspended and inter partes cases included, 0.8 months or approximately 6 percent less than in FY 2008, and approximately 18 percent shorter than the Trademark Operation projected. (An application is suspended if the outcome of another matter must be known before action on the application can be taken; this situation often occurs if a previously filed application concerns a confusingly similar trademark but that prior application has not yet either become a registration or become abandoned. An inter partes case is an action in the TTAB, such as an opposition to registration.) When suspended and inter partes cases are excluded, Average Total Pendency drops to 10.8 months, which is a month less than in FY 2008 and approximately 1.8 percent shorter than the Trademark Operation had projected.

    6. Overall. Except for average First-Action Pendency (where the actual performance is more appropriate than the original goal), the Trademark Operation has met or exceeded all of its FY 2009 goals and is performing well. TPAC commends the Trademark Operation and particularly the Commissioner for Trademarks, Lynne G. Beresford, for this outstanding performance. TPAC believes a further reduction in the average length of pendency after the first Office Action can be achieved through electronic processes. Specifically, TPAC advocates moving to electronic records of a trademark’s registration with an option for the registrant to also obtain a paper registration certificate, perhaps for small additional fee. Also, TPAC hopes that, once the computer systems of the Trademark Operation are revamped, the Trademark Operation will be able to process applications entirely electronically from application to issuance. The current state of the USPTO’s computer systems does not permit such improvements. Collectively, these two improvements would substantially reduce total pendency without any need to increase staff. The Trademark Operation is pursuing both of these electronic improvements. Also, as noted below, the new Director has decided that the Trademark Operation will have its own independent computer system developed promptly. TPAC salutes the USPTO for its efforts to reach these electronic efficiency goals.

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  2. Quality.

    The quality of the work of the Trademark Operation is high and continues to rise. TPAC congratulates the Trademark Operation, including the Commissioner for Trademarks and the Examining Attorneys.

    1. Compliance Rate. Until recently, the quality of the Trademark Operation’s work has been measured by reviewing and evaluating Office Actions that reject applications or raise other problems with applications, to ascertain whether such Office Actions comport with statutory bases and the TMEP. This measurement results in a “compliance rate” (i.e., the percentage of actions or decisions that have been determined to have no deficiencies or errors). The Trademark Operation’s revised goals for FY 2009 were 95.5 percent compliance for the first Office Action and 97 percent for final disposition. As of July 31, 2009, the USPTO had exceeded those goals by 0.31 and 0.10 percent, respectively, achieving a compliance rate of 96 percent for the first Office Action and 97.3 percent for final disposition.

    2. New Measure for Final Disposition. In FY 2009, the Trademark Operation adopted a new measure for determining the compliance rate for final disposition. Previously that compliance rate considered only final Office Actions that reject applications or find other problems with them. Now the rate also includes Examining Attorneys’ decisions to approve applications. The new measure yields results that are more comprehensive of the decisions made by Examining Attorneys. The target for this measure was revised to 97 percent based on results achieved through the first quarter of FY 2009 and reflects continuous progress over a number of years.

  3. TPAC-Championed Issues.

    1. Comment on New Form of Mark Registration Certificates.

      Explanation. On its own initiative, the USPTO reformatted paper trademark registration certificates in FY 2009. There are four major changes: (i) the certificates are now printed on standard-sized 8½- by 11-inch paper, (ii) the folder has been eliminated, (iii) the director’s signature and USPTO seal now appear on the first page, and (iv) the registration maintenance information now appears on the final page.

      This change brings cost savings because these certificates are printed in-house. Also, printing certificates in-house speeds up certificate issuance. While TPAC did not initiate this change, it salutes the change as a good waypoint on the way to electronic certificates of trademark registration. The Trademark Operation asked TPAC for its input on several candidates for this new paper certificate, which input TPAC provided. TPAC was glad to be consulted on this issue.


      Status. The Office began issuing the new certificates in September 2009.

    2. Comment on Future Form and Length of Trademark Office Actions.


      Explanation. The Trademark Office is evaluating what is the appropriate level of length and detail for an Office Action. Pursuant to the request of the Trademark Office, TPAC reviewed three different formats of Office Actions. One Office Action format was bare bones – it had minimal explanations. The second format contained more guidance than the first. The third Office Action format provided extensive detailed explanations of every Trademark Office requirement. TPAC reviewed the formats and concluded the second format was the best of the three because it provided ample guidance to the applicants without requiring the labor intensive, and thus, costly effort of the third format. Also, TPAC felt the third format might overwhelm some applicants and might cause the most important points to not stand out sufficiently.


      Status. TPAC submitted its comments to the Trademark Office and awaits the decision of the Trademark Office. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this effort.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 242 

B. Budget and Budget-Control Issues.

  1. TPAC-Championed Issues.

    1. Trademark Fence.


      Explanation. This year legislation was signed that breached the “Trademark Fence.” The Trademark Fence is codified at 35 U.S.C. § 42(c). This section states, in pertinent part:

      All fees available to the Director under section 31 of the Trademark Act of 1946 shall be used only for the processing of trademark registrations and for other activities, services, and materials relating to trademarks and to cover a proportionate share of the administrative costs of the Patent and Trademark Office.

      In short, the law required trademark user fees be used to fund only the Trademark Operation and a proportionate share of the USPTO overhead. This makes sense, because the Trademark Operation and Patent Operation perform independent functions. These separate operations are analogous to two unrelated roommates sharing an apartment and splitting the cost.

      The Patent Operation came into dire financial straits at the end of 2008 and remains in that status. TPAC will not comment on the reasons for that financial distress because doing so is not within TPAC’s purview. Yet, TPAC notes that, during the current recession, trademark filings are down more than patent filings, yet the Trademark Operation has been able to increase its small surplus while the Patent Operation’s financial situation has worsened. At the least, this demonstrates the prudent management of the Trademark Operation.

      TPAC unanimously and strongly opposed any alteration of the Trademark Fence. Continuing the analogy above, it is as if one apartment roommate got into financial difficulty and decided to take a “loan” from the other roommate against the will of that roommate. While the Patent Operation may have needed the loan – TPAC too did not wish for there to be furloughs or reductions in force (“RIF’s”) of Patent Operation personnel – there is no equitable reason why the Trademark Operation should have been singled out among the various financial resources of the federal government to make the loan. Abrogating the Trademark Fence was a decision of convenience and following the path of least resistance.

      Indeed, because no one knows how long and deep the recession will be, any borrowing of money from the Trademark Operation reduces the financial cushion that guards against the hypothetical possibility that a severe, persistent recession could cause the need for a furlough or RIF of Trademark Operation personnel. TPAC does not believe such a furlough or RIF will occur, however.

      Nevertheless, previous leadership of the USPTO pushed for and secured a new statute temporarily abrogating the Trademark Fence. While the previous leadership of the USPTO may have had good intentions, TPAC feels it mishandled this situation. It believes there were better alternatives to address the financial distress of the Patent Operation. TPAC feels the previous leadership’s failure to pursue those other alternatives vigorously and earlier led to a situation where there was not sufficient time to deploy any option other than breaching the Trademark Fence. Previous USPTO leadership knew of the financial distress facing the Patent Operation in late 2008 but allowed it to unfold well into 2009 before taking action to secure additional funding resources for the Patent Operation.

      In essence, the new statute provides as follows:

      • Through June 30, 2010, the USPTO is permitted to borrow up to $70,000,000 from the Trademark Operation to support the Patent Operation.

      • If such borrowing occurs, the USPTO is required to establish a surcharge on patent fees to repay the loan. The surcharge would have to take effect no later than September 30, 2011, and the borrowed funds would have to be repaid no later than September 30, 2014.

      • In order to borrow, the USPTO Director must certify that borrowing is necessary to avoid a furlough or RIF in the USPTO (implicitly meaning the Patent Operation) and that such borrowing will not create a substantial risk of a furlough or RIF in the Trademark Operation.

      Status. Regarding this issue, the new leadership of the USPTO has been a breath of fresh air. Director David J. Kappos has made clear that he sees borrowing from the Trademark Operation an absolute last resort. He did so immediately and forcefully. Before Mr. Kappos was sworn in, special consultant Nicholas P. Godici (a former Commissioner for Patents) took the same position. TPAC has confidence that, under Mr. Kappos’ leadership, the USPTO is so far doing everything possible to remediate the Patent Operation’s finances so as to minimize the likelihood of borrowing from the Trademark Operation.

      TPAC is told by the OCFO that it believes no borrowing will occur based upon present economic forecasts and the USPTO’s extensive cost cutting. That is good. Nevertheless, borrowing could still occur. That depends on how long and deep the recession is. TPAC hopes the USPTO has economically modeled various economic forecasts from best case to worst case and has planned for the worst case. If the worst case should come to pass and borrowing must occur, TPAC hopes the USPTO has determined how much of the Trademark Operation’s surplus should be withheld from borrowing to prevent the reasonable possibility of any furloughs or RIF’s in the Trademark Operation between the time of borrowing and the time by which the loan would have to be repaid (September 30, 2014). In a worst case there may not be enough of a Trademark Operation surplus to prevent furloughs and RIF's in both the Patent Operation and Trademark Operation. In such a tradeoff, the Trademark Operation should be protected first because the surplus consists of trademark fees. Of course, TPAC hopes this situation never arises.

      TPAC has asked questions of the OCFO about whether such best-case/worst-case modeling has occurred and, if so, what those finances look like. All TPAC has been able to get from the OCFO is that it believes no borrowing will be necessary based upon present economic forecasts. Despite TPAC’s questions, the OCFO has not presented TPAC with financial modeling that shows a range of economic forecasts and associated projections of what funds would be borrowed from the Trademark Operation in the more dire cases.

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    2. Current Fee Collections and Surplus.


      Explanation. Not surprisingly given the economic climate, trademark fee collections were down in FY 2009, although the downward trend leveled off in the fourth quarter. Nonetheless, in part due to increased efficiencies and cost savings by the Trademark Office, there was a surplus in excess of $75 million at the end of FY 2008. Even with an expected growth of only 0.6% in new filings in FY 2010, a further surplus is anticipated for next year.


      Status. According to very preliminary numbers from the OCFO, the Trademark Operation surplus is projected to grow to $88 million by the end of FY 2010. Part of this surplus growth results from cost-savings measures implemented USPTO-wide to address the financial crunch in the Patent Operation, which measures resulted in some foregone spending in the Trademark Operation.

    3. Trademark Fee Study.


      Explanation. One of the most significant new projects launched in FY 2009 was a review of existing trademark fees, spearheaded by the OCFO. In October 2008, TPAC requested the study, which is also required by the Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”), to determine the primary and secondary costs of trademark filing and maintenance and to determine if any fee adjustments should be made. The executive level kickoff for the study took place in January 2009 with the formal cost study team kickoff following in March. The team consisted of senior members of both the Trademark Operation and the OCFO.

      In phase one of the study, the existing activity based cost (“ABC”) model was examined to verify its effectiveness and accuracy. This analysis was handled by a third party, the Pilbara Group, Inc., which was hired to provide an objective opinion. Pilbara concluded the USPTO has a “robust” model that largely adheres to best practices in terms of both technical approach and program management.

      Pilbara’s most significant concern was that the abundant information available through the ABC model was not being utilized as fully as it could be. It is possible that, in the future, the generated information will be used more strategically. This, however, is not necessary for proceeding with the fee study.

      Phase two of the study involved interviews with relevant business personnel and further allocation of trademark costs. The revised costing model was completed in September. Phase three of the study covers validation of the results and is expected to be completed by December 2009.

      It has taken a high degree of cooperation between the Trademark Operation and the OCFO to complete this very thorough study. We hope that this combined effort will lead to an improved level of communication between these two important groups.


      Status. TPAC will review and discuss results of the fee study when they become available. Also, once the recession ends and it becomes clear trademark funds will not be tapped to fund the Patent Operation, this fee study may create a basis for possible realignment of trademark fees and/or reductions in some trademark fees. TPAC will discuss any available results of the study at its public meeting in November 2009 and thereafter.

    4. FY 2009 Direct v. Indirect Spending Requirements.


      Explanation. The financial data and analysis supplied by the USPTO for FY 2009 showed a commitment to both proper internal accounting for trademark user fees and responsible expenditure of those fees by business units outside of the Trademark Operation. TPAC appreciated the periodic reporting from the USPTO that confirmed this positive trend.


      Status. TPAC will continue to monitor this issue.

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C. Trademark E-Government and Automation.

  1. TPAC-Championed Issues.

    1. Make Processing of Trademark Registration Applications Entirely Electronic from End-to-End.


      Explanation. During most of FY 2009, nearly all trademark-related transactions could be performed electronically. However, there were still a few that required paper processing – for example, submitting a request to divide an application. The shared goal of the Trademark Operation and the trademark community is to enable trademark owners to perform all trademark-related transactions online, thereby increasing the speed and efficiency of the transactions as well as lowering the cost of performing them. For example, applications that are filed electronically are processed and disposed of more quickly than paper-filed applications: 9.3 months for TEAS Plus applications and 11.7 months for TEAS applications as compared to 13.9 months for paper-filed applications (in each instance excluding suspended and inter partes cases).

      In addition, while it appears to the outsider that electronically filed registration applications are processed electronically end-to-end, such is not the case. There remain steps that are not fully electronic. TPAC understands the current distressed state of the USPTO’s computer systems presently prevents having a fully electronic process. An end-to-end fully electronic process could shorten the average pendency of trademark applications without requiring new hiring by the USPTO.


      Status. The percentage of applications filed electronically continues to rise, increasing from 96 percent in FY 2008 to almost 98 percent in FY 2009. This year the Trademark Operation developed a new measure to identify the degree to which it is able to receive, process, examine, and dispose of applications in a completely electronic environment. Through June 2009, 62.3 percent of office disposals (registrations and abandonments) were electronically filed and processed, exceeding the annual target of 62 percent.

      On September 12, 2009, the USPTO introduced a new “global trademark form,” which permits virtually all trademark documents to be filed electronically. TEAS now encompasses 50 domestic forms, 25 of which require all information to be entered into structured data fields and another 25 of which use the global-form approach wherein information is entered as free-text or .jpg/.pdf attachments. TEAS also includes three forms for making international filings under the Madrid Protocol.

      Global-form filings will provide almost all of the benefits of a regular TEAS filing (e.g., e-mail confirmation of receipt). However, such filings will not result in the automated upload of data into the USPTO databases. Thus, the Trademark Operation views the global form as an interim step and plans to develop at least a few additional “structured data” forms.

      The development and implementation of the Trademark Systems Next Generation (“TSNG”) (discussed below) should enable the Trademark Operation to create a completely electronic environment. In fact, TPAC believes one of the most important characteristics of TSNG should be a completely electronic environment and completely electronic end-to-end processing.

    2. Create a Complaint Procedure and Praise Procedure on the USPTO Website for Trademark Matters.


      Explanation. Although there are literally dozens of ways to contact the Trademark Operation by e-mail, postal mail, and telephone, there is no single method designated for making a complaint or offering praise about a particular aspect or employee of the Trademark Operation. For example, it is not obvious what channel of communication someone should use to make a complaint or offer praise regarding working with an Examining Attorney. TPAC has asked the Trademark Operation to consider whether having an e-mail address or electronic form specifically for this purpose would be beneficial.

      The USPTO website ( lists numerous e-mail addresses members of the public can use to contact the Trademark Operation. The addresses are designed to route each e-mail message to the area of the Trademark Operation most appropriate for dealing with the topic of a particular message – for example, for general questions and for TEAS-related questions. In addition to inquiries sent to the various e-mail addresses, the Trademark Operation also receives numerous comments, many praising the USPTO’s work and some making suggestions for improvements, particularly in the area of electronic processing of trademark-related transactions. The Trademark Operation reports that its experience indicates that having multiple addresses for the public to use when submitting comments results in the comments being read and responded to more quickly and more expertly than if all such comments were sent to a central inbox for review by a limited number of people.


      Status. TPAC will continue to explore with the Trademark Operation whether there should be a dedicated, express complaint-or-praise procedure, particularly for interaction with Examining Attorneys.

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    3. Monitor Rebuilding of Computer Infrastructure and Networks, Including Reducing the Number of Desktop Computer Configurations.


      Explanation. As the CIO has briefed TPAC at each TPAC meeting in FY 2009, for several historical reasons the USPTO’s computer infrastructure is largely out-of-date, inefficient, undocumented, and potentially unstable. One example is that because the USPTO has not required its employees to use standard desktop or laptop computer configurations, very few of the USPTO’s thousands of desktops and laptops share exactly the same configuration. The USPTO recognizes it can save considerable maintenance time and money by adopting a few standard configurations and requiring all of its employees to use them.


      Status. On August 14, 2009, the Director of the USPTO instructed the CIO to separate the trademark information technology (“IT”) infrastructure from the rest of the USPTO IT infrastructure and to completely update the trademark IT to produce TSNG. (The rest of the USPTO’s August 2008 “OCIO Road Map and Transformation Plan” Road Map remains intact.) Part of updating the trademark IT will consist of moving to “cloud computing,” which the United States National Standards for Information Technology has defined as “a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources (for example, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.” Basing TSNG on cloud computing will make the USPTO a leader among federal agencies with respect to embracing this new technology.

      The CIO estimates this work will take two to three years, with most of it being completed within 12 to 18 months. Reasons for developing TSNG include: (i) to work at peak efficiency, trademark IT needs to be wholly separate from patent IT; (ii) the Trademark Operation has money to upgrade its IT; and (iii) the Trademark Operation has a largely developed, detailed plan for what it wants to do with respect to IT. With respect to the desktop/laptop configuration issue, the OCIO plans to adopt six to eight standard desktop and laptop configurations. If adequate funding is available, the OCIO believes it can implement those configurations by the end of FY 2010.

      TPAC believes all of these Trademark Operation IT initiatives, including but not limited to adopting cloud computing, are good news for the trademark community as well as for the Trademark Operation and the USPTO as a whole. TPAC commends the USPTO for being forward- looking with respect to IT issues.

      TPAC notes the severe computer system problems at the USPTO predate the current CIO, John Owens II. TPAC has been impressed with his strong leadership of the OCIO.

    4. Changes to Mark Prosecution, If and When Advisable.


      Explanation. The Trademark Operation continues to seek ways to streamline trademark prosecution and decrease costs. Ending the blackout period – which reflects the old paper-based model of prosecution – would increase efficiency, and issue electronic records of registration would both increase efficiency and decrease cost.


      Status. On September 15, 2009, the Trademark Operation issued the first of the new paper registration certificates – ones that are single page and prepared in-house. The same week the Trademark Operation began e-mailing Notices of Publication to trademark applicants who have agreed to receive e-mail communications from the USPTO. The Trademark Operation estimates it will achieve a savings of $600,000 per year by transitioning completely to electronic records of registration and an additional savings (not yet quantified) by sending out some Notices of Publication by e-mail instead of postal mail. TPAC commends the Trademark Operation for these practical and beneficial initiatives.

    5. Get the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (“TMEP”) Updated More Frequently.


      Explanation. The TMEP is the definitive reference guide for trademark application prosecution and registration maintenance. Periodically, the USPTO issues “Trademark Examination Guides,” which address new issues not yet addressed in the TMEP or which alter the TMEP’s treatment of an issue.

      The USPTO website contains a link to the TMEP and also contains a link to “Trademark Examination Guides, Notes and Announcements.” The Trademark Operation generally issues two to four Trademark Examination Guides each year. At present, the oldest Trademark Examination Guide, 2-07, dates back to November 2007. The TMEP itself was last published on September 30, 2007. At present there are seven Trademark Examination Guides posted on the USPTO website. Not all trademark owners and practitioners know to check the Trademark Examination Guides to see whether it changes or supplements the TMEP regarding a particular issue. Also, doing so in addition to checking the TMEP is a hassle.

      TPAC believes the TMEP should be updated at least annually. Indeed, ideally the TMEP would be continuously up to date, although separate examination guides might also be issued just to draw attention to recent changes incorporated into the TMEP.

      TPAC understands some interests outside of the Trademark Operation want the TMEP to remain unchanged for substantial periods of time to facilitate citing the correct, then-applicable section of the TMEP in legal proceedings. This need is minor compared to the much more voluminous need for those working on mark registration applications and on maintaining registrations to be able to reference applicable policy in a single publication. This citation need is not a sufficient reason to keep the TMEP out of date. Certainly there is a way to electronically archive past TMEP versions as an easy-to-use reference for litigators while keeping the TMEP up to date.


      Status. TPAC and the Trademark Operation agree that the TMEP should be updated more frequently. The Trademark Operation plans to publish an updated version of the TMEP before the end of 2009. Also, TPAC understands that the Trademark Operation aspires to update the TMEP much more frequently than in the past, as part of its technology development plans.

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    6. Foster Strong Communications Between the Trademark Operation and the OCIO.


      Explanation. To develop and implement TSNG as effectively and efficiently as possible, frequent, clear, and candid communications between the Trademark Operation and OCIO are essential. In the past, TPAC has had concern that such communications were somewhat lacking.


      Status. Since assuming his position in late FY 2008, the CIO, John Owens II, has stressed several times to the senior managers of the Trademark Operation his desire to receive detailed input on how the current trademark IT can be improved. He has also repeatedly indicated his willingness to take in and train qualified trademark personnel for specified periods (see below). More recently, he has solicited recommendations from the Trademark Operation (and the public – see below) with respect to what current or additional IT features and functionality should be included in TSNG. The Commissioner for Trademarks has responded by increasing the Trademark Operation’s input to OCIO and by detailing a managing attorney and selected Examining Attorneys to support OCIO for specific periods. Both the Commissioner for Trademarks and the CIO have indicated they are pleased by the increased level of communications between the Trademark Operation and OCIO. TPAC believes that, although there is still room for improvement in this area, particularly with regard to communications from the Trademark Operation to OCIO, communications between the two organizations improved in FY 2009. TPAC commends both OCIO and the Trademark Operation for that improvement and encourages both organizations to strive for further improvement in communicating with and cooperating with one another.

    7. Foster Use of Qualified Trademark Operation Personnel by the OCIO During the Recession.


      Explanation. Because of the significant decrease in the number of trademark applications, the corps of Examining Attorneys had a smaller volume of work than was expected for FY 2009. On the other hand, the OCIO had 92 employee vacancies as of August 28, 2009. The CIO indicated throughout FY 2009 that he was willing to take in and train qualified trademark personnel for specified periods, which would provide work for potentially underutilized Examining Attorneys during the recession and provide much-needed help to OCIO.


      Status. In June 2009, the Trademark Operation detailed a Managing Attorney to be the CIO’s Acting Special Assistant for Trademarks. In addition, two Examining Attorneys were selected for limited work details with the OCIO. The work details will last for 90 to 120 days each and can be extended with the mutual agreement of both business units and the employees. The CIO has indicated he would like to have more Examining Attorneys assigned to such limited work details, and the senior managers of the Trademark Operation have agreed to try to identify suitable candidates. TPAC commends both business units for working together on this issue and hopes that, so long as circumstances warrant, more Examining Attorneys can be detailed to assist the OCIO.

    8. Gather Trademark Community Comments on Desired Functionality for the Coming Separate Computer System for the Trademark Operation.


      Explanation. Both the Commissioner for Trademarks and the CIO have stated their desire that the trademark community comment on the desired features and functionality of TSNG. Stakeholders such as the International Trademark Association have underscored the desirability and importance of such comments. TPAC concurs with that view.


      Status. TPAC will work with the Trademark Operation and the OCIO to develop a plan to solicit public comments on the desired features and functionality of TSNG. TPAC expects to discuss the issue at its next public meeting and perhaps outline the elements of the plan. TPAC also will provide its own comments on the desired features and functionality of TSNG at the appropriate time.

    9. Get Warning Message Posted On TEAS Regarding Times When TEAS May Be Unavailable Due To High Demand.


      Explanation. Because of the legacy problems with the trademark IT, TEAS is sometimes unavailable during periods of high demand – for example, between noon Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. Pacific Time) and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (5:00 p.m. Pacific Time). To reduce public frustration during such situations, OCIO was asked to post a warning message on the USPTO’s website. In the time since this request, TPAC members have encountered TEAS unavailability infrequently at most.


      Status. The OCIO has posted on the USPTO’s website color-coded times of “optimal” and “increased” TESS and TDR usage. See However, finding this information page on the USPTO website is difficult. Someone using TEAS would not ordinarily encounter this page in the process of using TEAS. TPAC will continue to monitor TEAS availability and, if unavailability becomes a problem again, explore with the USPTO whether there is a way to make sure TEAS users are informed of times of peak TEAS usage.

    10. Get Disclaimer Added to USPTO Database Search Results Indicating that These Searches Don’t Cover State Registrations, Common-Law Rights and Near Misses.


      Explanation. Many members of the general public do not understand that conducting a trademark availability search in the USPTO’s database does not reveal information about state trademark registrations or common-law rights in marks and, depending on how the search is conducted, may not reveal marks similar but not identical to the mark being searched.


      Status. The Trademark Operation has added to TESS the very helpful “TESS TIPS” found at TPAC considers this issue resolved.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 247 

D. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

  1. Performance Statistics, Including Speed. The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board had a very good fiscal year.

    The TTAB has significantly decreased the time it takes to issue decisions.

    • In FY 2008, the average pendency of contested motions was 17.8 weeks. In FY 2009, that average decreased to 6.9 weeks.

    • The pendency of final decisions was reduced from 11.7 weeks in FY 2008 to 6.6 weeks in FY 2009.

    • Average pendency of appeals (from final decisions of Examining Attorneys), measured from appeal filing to decision, decreased from 53 weeks in FY 2008 to 44 weeks in FY 2009.

    The average total pendency from filing to decision of “Trial Cases” (litigations of opposition petitions and petitions to cancel) rose from 171 weeks in FY 2008 to 192 weeks in FY 2009. Average total pendency is affected by parties’ decisions to suspend cases, and extend deadlines. However, this increase is not of concern because (a) virtually all trial cases decided on the merits in FY 2009 were decided within three months of the time they became ready for final decision and (b) median pendency for trial cases remained the same at 150 weeks.

    New filings are down compared to FY 2008: new appeals are down 13.5%, new oppositions are down 21.4%, and new cancellation proceedings are down 15.5%. The number of cases maturing in FY 2009 for a final decision on the merits was virtually the same as FY 2008. The number of final decisions issued in FY 2009 decreased by 11.9% due to the assignment of half of the TTAB’s judges to work on revisions to the Trademark Board Manual of Procedure (“TBMP,” discussed below). In addition, the number of decisions on contested motions decreased slightly (by 1.5%) due to the assignment of interlocutory attorneys to work on TBMP revisions.

    The question arises of whether the improved average-pendency speed was caused by a decrease in filings or by improvements at the TTAB, or both. The TTAB reports the new performance appraisal plans (“PAPs”) for interlocutory attorneys is having a positive effect. Certainly good management and professionalism has improved performance too. TPAC is hopeful that the TTAB can maintain its faster clip of production as its volume increases, which will occur as the recession ends.

  2. TPAC-Championed Issues.

    1. The Speed of TTAB Opposition and Cancellation Proceedings.


      Background. Even when the TTAB processes cases quickly, it takes a long time to complete an opposition or cancellation proceeding (collectively, “Trial Cases”). (The TTAB also hears appeals of final decisions by Trademark Examining Attorneys which are not at issue.)

      If the schedule set in the TTAB’s scheduling order for Trial Cases is followed with no delays (which is rare), it takes over 78 weeks to get from the filing of the petition to when the rebuttal trial brief is due. If you add the current average pendency of final decision – 6.6 weeks – that means it takes a theoretical minimum of over 84 weeks to try a case in the TTAB.

      Things never go that fast. The case may be stayed because the parties choose to stay the case to discuss settlement. Cases also are delayed due to multiple motions in a case. Presently, the average total pendency in Trial Cases is 202 weeks-nearly four years. The median pendency is 162 weeks-over three years.

      The vast majority of Trial Cases settle before final decisions on the merits. Often a cancellation or opposition is filed by a party to force negotiations. Thus, the long time it takes to litigate a Trial Case may or may not be significant to the parties.

      Yet, there are situations where the long time it takes to litigate a Trial Case becomes a point of leverage in resolving such disputes. Also, there are situations where an applicant may need to know soon whether an opposition will be sustained, and where a registration owner may need to know soon whether a cancellation proceeding will result in cancellation. Yet, some of these situations do not have the facts that make seeking relief in federal court possible. Thus, a party with a need for speed can be trapped in a slow-by-design TTAB process.


      Status. TPAC would like to receive comments from the trademark community about this issue to determine the extent of interest in an alternative fast-track procedure that could be elected by either party based upon demonstrating cause.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 248 


      Accelerated Case Resolution Procedure. For several years, the TTAB has had an “Accelerated Case Resolution” procedure (“ACR”). Use of the procedure requires the parties stipulate to its use. ACR can be used to treat a summary judgment decision as a final decision and can be used to create an abbreviated trial on the merits.

      ACR is flexible and can be adapted to meet the parties’ needs. TPAC learned this year that many, if not most, trademark practitioners were unaware of ACR as an option at the TTAB. Therefore, TPAC encouraged the TTAB to promote the procedure, which resulted in articles published by the International Trademark Association (“INTA”), the Intellectual Property Owners Association (“IPO”), the American Intellectual Property Law Association (“AIPLA”) and the California Bar Intellectual Property Section. TPAC thanks the TTAB, particularly former Chief Judge J. David Sams, for getting the word out. It is hoped that with more awareness of the availability of the ACR procedure, more practitioners will use it.

      ACR is not a panacea for the speed issue discussed above, however. First, a party cannot be forced to use ACR. Thus, if one party is using the slowness of Trial Cases as leverage, ACR provides no relief.

      Second, using ACR requires creativity and initiative by Trial Case litigants. There are no ACR procedures in the TBMP. There is no set of ACR rules and procedures to follow. The parties have to devise and agree upon case- shortening mechanisms. It essentially is a “make your own shorter resolution path” opportunity. TPAC suggests ACR usage may increase if the TBMP creates some ready-made ACR mechanisms that counsel can study and perhaps grasp.

      Third, ACR will be most appropriate for cases where many facts can be stipulated, the record is small and the issues are straightforward.


      Status. TPAC will continue to monitor the development of ACR and to discuss with the TTAB ways in which it could be more fully developed. TPAC will also help to spread the word about its availability.

    2. Fraud Standard.


      Background. On August 31, 2009, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued a decision in the appeal of the case entitled In re Bose Corporation, 2009 U.S. App. LEXIS 19658; 91 U.S.P.Q.2d 1938 (Fed. Cir. 2009).

      The TTAB had found Bose committed fraud on the USPTO in renewing a trademark registration for the mark WAVE. In a de novo review of the TTAB’s legal conclusions, the Court found that, because there was no substantial evidence that Bose intended to deceive the USPTO in the renewal process, the case should be reversed and remanded. The Federal Circuit specifically addressed the TTAB’s prior ruling in Medinol v. Neuro Vasx, Inc., in which the TTAB found the proper inquiry for a finding a registration was obtained fraudulently is “not into the registrant’s subjective intent, but rather into the objective manifestations of that intent.” 67 U.S.P.Q.2d 1205, 1209 (TTAB 2003). While the Federal Circuit agreed with the test, it disagreed with the Board’s holding that a “trademark applicant commits fraud in procuring a registration when it makes material representations of fact in its declaration which it knows or should know to be false or misleading.” Id. (emphasis added). The Court found the Board had erroneously lowered the fraud standard in Medinol to a simple negligence standard. The Court found that, to prove fraud, the proponent must prove a willful intent to deceive, and prove it by clear and convincing evidence.


      Status. TPAC has been tracking this issue because of the concern of some TPAC members that the Medinol standard for proving fraud was too low. TPAC must now assess whether any action in this area should be taken in the wake of Bose. The USPTO is particularly interested in finding ways to decrease the number of applications which include multiple pages of goods because of concerns that the applicant may not in fact have a bona fide intent to use the mark on so many goods.

    3. The TTAB Manual of Procedure (“TBMP”).


      Background. TPAC has set these goals regarding the TBMP:

      • TPAC would like to have the TBMP posted on the USPTO website in HTML rather than PDF, because HTML is quicker to load and easier to use. The TMEP sets a good standard here.

      • TPAC would like to make the entire TBMP searchable in a single search. Presently, one has to open the TBMP chapter by chapter (in PDF) and use the PDF software’s search function. TPAC would like to see the TBMP match search capability of the TMEP.

      • TPAC would like the TBMP to be updated more frequently. Ideally, the TBMP would be kept continuously up to date. Note this is the same as TPAC’s goal for the TMEP.

      The TTAB has not updated the TBMP since significant rules changes were made two years ago. In FY 2009, the TTAB made major progress on a TBMP update. The TTAB assigned a significant number of judges and interlocutory attorneys to update the TBMP, resulting in the expenditure of 3,500 hours of staff time in FY 2009 on this project.


      Status. The TTAB anticipates completion, approval and posting of the revised TBMP on the USPTO website in FY 2010. When the TBMP text is completed and approved, it will be posted in HTML. It is unclear how often the TBMP will be updated in the future. TPAC has reiterated the importance of frequent future updates to the TTAB. TPAC will continue to work with the TTAB regarding the three goals stated above.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 249 

E. International Issues.

  1. TPAC-Championed Issues.

    1. Possible Future Changes to the Madrid Protocol.


      Background. The Madrid Protocol is an international trademark filing system. With the Madrid Protocol one can file an application in one’s home country and extend the coverage to more than one hundred other countries. The World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) is considering the implications of removing the requirement for a prior national application/registration when filing an international trademark application. Japan and other countries that use different letter formats note that the requirement that the prior national application mirror the international application puts them at a disadvantage for those countries that do not recognize or speak the Japanese characters. Since it does not make sense to use these characters in countries that would not understand them, these registrations become vulnerable to cancellation due to non-use. Eliminating the basic mark requirement would enable these countries to file for marks in languages other than the home country language without facing cancellation for non-use in the home country.

      For the United States, the requirement that the international application must match the basic home application means U.S. applicants are limited to the identification regimen of the United States, which is far more restrictive than the other Madrid Protocol countries. Eliminating the requirement would enable United States nationals to file for broader identification of goods/services than would be acceptable in the United States.


      Status. TPAC and other members of the intellectual property community are studying the implications of such a change and whether amendment of United States trademark law would be required.

    2. Possible Changes to Nice Classifications.


      Background. Norway presented a proposal to WIPO to consolidate international classes 29, 30, 32 and 33 into one food class and one beverage class and to make changes to class 5. The proposal did not succeed, but Norway is likely to come back with a revised proposal.

      Others desire to split international class 9 into two three classes, separating computer hardware from scientific instruments or moving items currently in class 9 to other classes. The proponents of this change feel international class 9 as it currently stands covers too many unrelated goods. This improper grouping undercuts the primary purpose of the classification system, namely, to cluster related products together in a particular class.


      Status. TPAC is considering the impact of such changes and is soliciting the comments of the trademark community.

    3. Trademark Operation Speed vis-à-vis Paris Convention Priority.


      Background. Under the provisions of the Paris Convention, an applicant in his home country may file an application in a foreign country within six months of the home-country filing and get the same filing date as the home country. This “Paris Convention Priority” gives an applicant time to evaluate international markets of interest without having to worry about third parties filing conflicting prior applications. However, because it is possible for an application filed in the United States to reach publication in less than six months from filing, there was a concern about how this speed conforms with Paris Convention Priority. Did the United States have a legal obligation to hold up applications to allow the six-month priority period to pass? In other words, is it sufficient that a party asserting Paris Convention Priority can oppose or petition to cancel the U.S. registration of a mark?


      Status. Over a year ago, the USPTO asked TPAC for its position on this issue. TPAC stated it would not render a legal opinion on the U.S.’s treaty obligations because doing so is not TPAC’s job. Yet, TPAC unanimously stated that, as a matter of policy, it was fine with U.S. trademark registration applications reaching publication or even issuance within six months of application filing. Speed generally is good in mark application processing. Opposition petitions and cancellation petitions are available to those with Paris Convention Priority.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 250 

F. Other Issues.

  1. Possible Changes to PAC Structure.

    1. Background. There are problems with how TPAC is organized that impinge upon its effectiveness. Legislation is needed to fix the situation.


      Problem #1 – Appointment Timing. The beginning of this report listed the terms of the current TPAC members. There is no common date for the ending of terms. The dates fall at various times during the year – June, October and December. Two other members rotated off TPAC in August 2009. This creates problems. The PAC year is built around the federal fiscal year (which ends September 30) and the requirement that a PAC produce an annual report within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year. It creates hardship when PAC membership changes in the middle of a fiscal year or in the 60-day period immediately thereafter.


      Possible Solution. It would be better if TPAC members were appointed to terms that coincide with the calendar year due to the statutory requirement that TPAC produce an annual report to the President, the Secretary of Commerce and Congress. 35 U.S.C. § 35(d)(2) requires that this report be submitted within 60 days of the end of the federal fiscal year. That means the report is due by November 29 each year. The report needs to be written by TPAC members who were on TPAC for the prior federal fiscal year. Not much happens on TPAC for the rest of the calendar year after preparation of the annual report due to the hard work it takes to produce it and due to the December holiday season. Thus, it makes sense for turnover to occur at or near the end of the year. Here, there are two options:


      Appoint for calendar year terms, to keep things simple.


      Have all TPAC terms run from December 1 to November 30, to line things up with the annual report duty.


      Problem #2 – Getting the Right Chair. The PAC enabling statute (5 U.S.C. § 35(a)(1)) says the Secretary of Commerce (the “Secretary”) “shall designate a chair of each Advisory Committee, whose term as chair shall be for 3 years.” Accordingly, under present law, one of two things must happen. Each option is sub-optimal:


      An existing TPAC member must be appointed chair. If the appointed person is completing a three- year term on TPAC, that would mean the person would serve six years on TPAC with three years as chair. Because being effective on TPAC requires a large time commitment, some TPAC members might decline continued service for an additional three years.


      Someone who is not a member of TPAC must be appointed chair.

      In fact, TPAC recommends that the job of chair is too time- consuming to be a three-year job. TPAC members have full-time jobs in addition to their TPAC duties.


      Possible Solution. Create a TPAC officer chain of a (a) secretary/chair-elect and (b) a chair. Expand TPAC to eleven members, so there are nine regular members and two officers. Each year, the Secretary would appoint three new members to a three-year term. Absent extraordinary circumstances, each year the new secretary/chair-elect would be drawn from the three TPAC members completing their third year on TPAC. Yet, the statute should permit drawing from outside of this pool of TPAC members if circumstances make doing so wise. The secretary/chair-elect and chair each would serve for one year. The secretary/chair-elect would automatically become chair after one year without additional appointment being necessary.


      Problem #3 – Gaps in Terms. TPAC history demonstrates many TPAC members will not complete their three-year terms for various reasons. Also, even when the term of a member is set to expire, sometimes a replacement is not appointed in time for that person’s term to dovetail with the term of the departing member.


      Possible Solution. Any replacement members should continue to be appointed for the balance of the term left by the departing member, to keep things on schedule. Also, the law should provide that appointments last for the longer of the appointed term or until a replacement can be sworn in. That way TPAC is not left short-handed to address its work.

    2. Status. TPAC is consulting with PPAC on these issues. The two PACs appear to agree on problems and solutions.

       December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 251 

  2. Listening to the IP Community.

    1. Background. TPAC occupies a unique role vis-à-vis the USPTO because of its access to USPTO officials and information. TPAC wants the IP community to be aware of TPAC’s existence so the IP community can bring appropriate issues to TPAC. While TPAC cannot be a mere pass-through of concerns brought to it, TPAC wants to well represent the IP community, so it appreciates input.

      Also, from time to time, TPAC will want to aid the USPTO in spreading the word about an issue, such as the existence of ACR (above). TPAC needs good connections with the IP community to accomplish this goal.

    2. Status. TPAC has initiated contact with major IP organizations to build or strengthen channels of communication. On an issue-by- issue basis, TPAC members have reached out to smaller IP organizations, such as state and local IP bar associations.

      TPAC has expanded its accessibility by having its public meetings held at the USPTO webcast and by soliciting in-person and e-mail comments and questions at those meetings. Contact information for all TPAC members is posted on the TPAC portion of the USPTO website, so the public can easily contact any TPAC member.

      TPAC has begun asking that all materials that will be presented by USPTO officials at public TPAC meetings in Alexandria be posted on the TPAC portion of the USPTO website at least two weeks prior to these meetings. This deadline has not always been met, but this is a new request from TPAC. Performance here by the USPTO is improving.

  3. Becoming More Transparent.

    1. Background. TPAC has been working on being more transparent – on making it easier for the public to monitor what TPAC does. TPAC must comply with legal standards for openness. See 25 U.S.C. § 5(i) and the TPAC Charter. Also, TPAC wants to build a good relationship with the IP community. The USPTO General Counsel’s office provided advice to TPAC on how to meet the law’s openness requirements in a memo dated August 19, 2009 (the “Openness Memo”). This memo was posted on the TPAC portion of the USPTO website.

    2. Status. TPAC has reengineered its meeting practices to comply with the Openness Memo. Also, as described in the above section on “Listening to the IP Community,” TPAC has taken steps to make it easier to monitor and interact with TPAC. Transcripts of all public TPAC meetings are posted on the TPAC portion of the USPTO website. TPAC embraces transparency.

 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 252 

IV. Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms.

“ACR” means “Accelerated Case Resolution,” which means expediting Trial Cases through consent to quicker procedures.

“Champion” means a member of TPAC who has primary responsibility for an issue TPAC is following.

“Examining Attorneys” means trademark examining attorneys. They review, and approve or reject, applications for U.S. trademark registrations.

“Indirect Costs” means costs of the USPTO that provide some benefit to both the patent and trademark operations. These could be characterized as overhead costs. Indirect costs include the functions of administration, information systems, finance, and the Office of General Counsel.

“FY” means the federal government’s fiscal year.

“IT” means information technology.

“OCFO” means the Office of the Chief Financial Officer of the USPTO.

“OCIO” means the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the USPTO.

“Office Action” is a response to a trademark registration application. It can raise substantive obstacles to registration (such as likelihood of confusion with another trademark registration) or procedural ones (such as changes needed to the description of goods and/or services).

“TBMP” means the Trademark Board Manual of Procedure, which explains and discusses application of the rules of procedure for litigating matters before the TTAB.

“TMEP” means the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure, which is a reference guide for trademark application prosecution and registration maintenance.

“TPAC” means the USPTO’s Trademark Public Advisory Committee.

“Trademark Operation” means the part of the USPTO that processes trademark applications and registrations. It does not include the TTAB, rent for office space, trademark employee post-retirement benefits, certain trademark information dissemination activities (e.g., recording assignments), or the cost of IT systems dedicated to trademarks.

“Trial Cases” means mark registration opposition proceedings and mark registration cancellation proceedings. These are administrative litigations conducted before the TTAB.

“TSNG” means “Trademark Systems Next Generation” – a new computer system being designed and built for the Trademark Operation.

“TTAB” means the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The TTAB is an administrative court within the USPTO. Primarily, it hears oppositions to the grant of trademark applications, petitions to cancel trademark registrations, and appeals by trademark applicants of adverse decisions of Examining Attorneys.

“User Fees” are fees paid to the USPTO for trademark processes. They include application filing fees, fees charged at some steps in the prosecution of trademark registration applications, and fees charged to keep trademark registrations in effect.

“USPTO” means the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Note: Technically, a trademark applies to goods and a service mark applies to services. Yet, for simplicity’s sake, this report uses “trademark(s)” to refer to both trademarks and service marks.

Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 253 


   "All reference to Patent No. 7,617,735 to Jacques Perriard, et al of
GEARS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,618,543 to Ronald De Strulle of Carmel,
FLUIDS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,618,622 to Darin J. Messina, et al of
Downington ORDERS USING POSTPARTUM DERIVED CELLS appearing in the Official
Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,393 to Eric J. Yarger, et al of
Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,526 to Scott T. Trosper of Meridan,
INDENTIFICATION METHODS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17,
2009 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,625 to Douglas A. Voorhies of Menlo
Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,632 to Ali Noorbakhsh, et al of
USING INTER-IC (12C) PROTOCOL appearing in the Official Gazette of November
17, 2009 should be deleted since since patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,636 to Akio Ohba of Kanagawa, Japan
Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,822 to Russell Wayne Gruhlke, et al
LAYER appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,830 to Hyo-Chung, et al of Yongin
HIGH-VOLTAGE DRIVE SIGNAL appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17,
2009 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,619,877 to Neil Rasmussen, et al of
in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no
patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,620,009 to Guodong Zhang, et al of
DATA TRANSMISSIONS appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,620,196 to Hiroshi Akino of Machida-shi,
Japan for CAPACITOR MICROPHONE UNIT appearing in the Official Gazette of
November 17, 2009 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All reference to Patent No. 7,620,962 to Sarita M. James, et al of
ACCESS PROTOCOL appearing in the Official Gazette of November 17, 2009
should be deleted since no patent was granted."
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 254 

Certificates of Correction
			  Certificates of Correction
			     for November 24, 2009

5,455,169	     7,412,528		  7,548,369	       7,585,556
5,492,947	     7,412,564		  7,549,448	       7,585,617
5,532,372	     7,413,123		  7,550,387	       7,585,652
5,710,001	     7,413,569		  7,550,595	       7,586,221
5,742,737	     7,417,957		  7,550,846	       7,586,769
5,747,282	     7,418,122		  7,551,440	       7,586,809
5,786,177	     7,418,751		  7,551,585	       7,586,931
6,033,857	     7,422,609		  7,551,614	       7,587,137
6,164,523	     7,423,148		  7,552,016	       7,587,140
6,173,066	     7,425,067		  7,552,066	       7,587,282
6,280,410	     7,427,096		  7,552,250	       7,587,326
6,372,956	     7,428,995		  7,552,475	       7,587,462
6,399,002	     7,429,810		  7,552,551	       7,587,807
6,471,322	     7,430,363		  7,552,680	       7,588,269
6,518,480	     7,430,431		  7,552,782	       7,588,543
6,553,362	     7,430,682		  7,552,939	       7,588,713
6,601,749	     7,433,406		  7,553,376	       7,588,887
6,705,470	     7,434,491		  7,553,516	       7,589,010
6,730,900	     7,435,945		  7,553,564	       7,589,061
6,743,413	     7,437,536		  7,553,578	       7,589,199
6,749,003	     7,441,705		  7,553,919	       7,589,262
6,797,251	     7,442,778		  7,554,008	       7,589,358
6,839,648	     7,447,022		  7,554,228	       7,589,406
6,852,291	     7,452,358		  7,554,238	       7,589,921
6,915,165	     7,454,053		  7,554,525	       7,589,949
6,941,507	     7,454,331		  7,554,694	       7,590,039
6,947,927	     7,454,909		  7,554,730	       7,590,596
6,957,367	     7,456,175		  7,554,993	       7,590,648
6,965,969	     7,457,253		  7,554,998	       7,590,698
6,968,504	     7,457,428		  7,555,079	       7,590,741
6,970,742	     7,459,547		  7,555,298	       7,590,757
6,978,487	     7,461,878		  7,555,487	       7,590,764
6,983,475	     7,463,240		  7,555,665	       7,591,090
6,984,029	     7,463,901		  7,556,004	       7,591,095
6,992,220	     7,464,473		  7,556,733	       7,591,165
6,997,718	     7,464,662		  7,556,807	       7,591,722
7,003,174	     7,464,966		  7,557,652	       7,591,860
7,011,867	     7,465,306		  7,557,989	       7,591,959
7,022,444	     7,466,971		  7,558,075	       7,592,105
7,022,814	     7,467,883		  7,558,217	       7,592,170
7,023,442	     7,468,387		  7,558,533	       7,592,251
7,029,731	     7,468,389		  7,558,752	       7,592,362
7,030,505	     7,473,432		  7,558,817	       7,592,539
7,045,534	     7,474,981		  7,558,953	       7,592,691
7,047,277	     7,475,823		  7,559,504	       7,592,813
7,048,723	     7,476,683		  7,560,651	       7,593,000
7,050,046	     7,478,753		  7,561,328	       7,593,114
7,052,658	     7,479,408		  7,561,366	       7,593,254
7,059,758	     7,483,279		  7,561,451	       7,593,272
7,070,879	     7,483,743		  7,561,579	       7,593,287
7,073,059	     7,486,324		  7,561,717	       7,593,512
7,075,668	     7,486,789		  7,561,817	       7,593,598
7,081,237	     7,486,945		  7,561,829	       7,593,802
7,081,341	     7,488,811		  7,561,851	       7,594,133
7,094,610	     7,489,035		  7,562,024	       7,594,257
7,098,039	     7,490,822		  7,562,202	       7,594,320
7,112,592	     7,491,434		  7,562,356	       7,594,345
7,120,762	     7,492,654		  7,562,724	       7,594,526
7,126,670	     7,494,065		  7,563,592	       7,594,574
7,133,069	     7,497,432		  7,564,258	       7,594,693
7,140,846	     7,497,550		  7,564,648	       7,594,736
7,144,918	     7,497,868		  7,564,788	       7,594,874
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 255 

7,148,727	     7,498,195		  7,565,040	       7,595,089
7,170,087	     7,498,362		  7,565,108	       7,595,541
7,170,838	     7,498,674		  7,565,157	       7,595,580
7,184,548	     7,498,679		  7,565,268	       7,595,844
7,187,412	     7,500,719		  7,565,616	       7,595,884
7,187,806	     7,501,363		  7,565,658	       7,596,035
7,190,980	     7,504,122		  7,565,813	       7,596,039
7,194,756	     7,504,695		  7,565,817	       7,596,052
7,200,402	     7,505,063		  7,566,483	       7,596,094
7,206,915	     7,506,180		  7,566,711	       7,596,402
7,209,717	     7,507,057		  7,566,719	       7,596,484
7,212,266	     7,507,155		  7,566,724	       7,596,486
7,212,678	     7,507,156		  7,567,167	       7,596,589
7,212,965	     7,507,789		  7,567,203	       7,596,641
7,215,535	     7,507,987		  7,567,240	       7,596,678
7,221,999	     7,508,815		  7,567,842	       7,596,875
7,225,513	     7,509,379		  7,569,165	       7,597,132
7,233,990	     7,509,739		  7,569,351	       7,597,158
7,234,939	     7,510,117		  7,569,390	       7,597,162
7,235,579	     7,510,204		  7,569,842	       7,597,256
7,242,558	     7,510,932		  7,569,924	       7,597,600
7,245,726	     7,511,064		  7,570,034	       7,597,672
7,246,689	     7,512,868		  7,570,123	       7,597,799
7,249,400	     7,513,495		  7,570,231	       7,597,922
7,250,695	     7,514,021		  7,570,343	       7,597,942
7,252,882	     7,516,064		  7,570,952	       7,598,021
7,266,099	     7,516,762		  7,571,062	       7,598,062
7,272,730	     7,516,990		  7,571,113	       7,598,163
7,276,749	     7,517,965		  7,571,458	       7,598,181
7,277,911	     7,518,348		  7,571,630	       7,598,443
7,282,357	     7,519,423		  7,572,289	       7,598,931
7,285,047	     7,519,562		  7,572,296	       7,599,159
7,287,118	     7,521,073		  7,572,715	       7,599,246
7,287,318	     7,521,546		  7,573,026	       7,599,338
7,288,646	     7,521,622		  7,573,151	       7,599,538
7,289,443	     7,522,769		  7,573,321	       7,599,816
7,289,451	     7,524,268		  7,573,655	       7,599,872
7,293,711	     7,524,580		  7,573,812	       7,599,877
7,293,829	     7,524,648		  7,574,096	       7,600,269
7,294,405	     7,526,629		  7,574,327	       7,600,956
7,304,078	     7,526,726		  7,574,401	       7,601,181
7,308,156	     7,526,736		  7,575,206	       7,601,356
7,309,509	     7,526,958		  7,575,330	       7,601,420
7,309,717	     7,528,253		  7,576,084	       7,601,442
7,310,081	     7,528,263		  7,576,356	       7,601,606
7,311,623	     7,528,395		  7,576,589	       7,601,658
7,318,266	     7,528,501		  7,576,676	       7,601,777
7,318,780	     7,528,820		  7,576,906	       7,601,977
7,322,779	     7,528,823		  7,578,087	       7,602,046
7,323,886	     7,529,418		  7,578,144	       7,602,069
7,325,935	     7,530,086		  7,578,513	       7,602,121
7,335,647	     7,530,525		  7,578,893	       7,602,540
7,335,748	     7,532,133		  7,579,127	       7,603,108
7,342,985	     7,534,128		  7,579,472	       7,603,127
7,344,080	     7,534,782		  7,579,517	       7,603,148
7,345,083	     7,534,905		  7,579,635	       7,603,301
7,345,822	     7,535,445		  7,579,819	       7,603,622
7,349,144	     7,537,246		  7,580,190	       7,603,894
7,349,418	     7,537,598		  7,580,210	       7,604,778
7,350,707	     7,538,111		  7,580,367	       7,604,805
7,356,499	     7,538,196		  7,580,686	       7,604,821
7,357,322	     7,539,240		  7,580,859	       7,605,054
7,359,828	     7,539,389		  7,581,012	       7,605,055
7,360,338	     7,539,954		  7,581,247	       7,605,293
7,360,932	     7,541,335		  7,581,301	       7,605,635
7,364,080	     7,541,398		  7,581,547	       7,605,674
 December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1349 OG 256 

7,367,141	     7,541,723		  7,581,680	       7,606,158
7,367,499	     7,541,802		  7,581,777	       7,606,798
7,367,509	     7,542,193		  7,581,881	       7,606,868
7,370,610	     7,542,566		  7,582,035	       D. 547,95
7,371,240	     7,542,802		  7,582,037	       D. 555,90
7,373,199	     7,542,809		  7,582,149	       D. 582,84
7,373,432	     7,542,873		  7,582,661	       D. 592,80
7,376,837	     7,543,338		  7,582,665	       D. 594,99
7,381,424	     7,543,446		  7,582,805	       D. 596,05
7,384,747	     7,544,105		  7,583,393	       D. 597,22
7,384,786	     7,544,190		  7,583,551	       D. 597,22
7,386,147	     7,544,467		  7,583,564	       D. 597,34
7,390,484	     7,544,661		  7,583,590	       D. 599,68
7,390,821	     7,544,768		  7,583,609	       D. 599,95
7,391,563	     7,545,004		  7,583,633	       D. 600,59
7,393,543	     7,545,765		  7,583,758	       D. 600,98
7,396,092	     7,545,799		  7,583,772	       D. 601,29
7,397,398	     7,545,858		  7,583,844	       D. 601,35
7,401,369	     7,546,346		  7,584,462	       D. 601,61
7,402,177	     7,546,376		  7,584,870	       D. 601,80
7,406,413	     7,547,534		  7,585,122	       D. 601,90
7,407,955	     7,547,721		  7,585,504	       RE. 40,59
7,410,773	     7,548,203		  7,585,518	       RE. 40,92
Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1349 OG 257 

Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

November 9-13, 2009

Date Issued
Type of Case(1) Proceeding or Appn. No. Party or Parties Issue TTAB Decision Opposer's or Petitioner's Mark and Goods or Services Applicant's or Respondent's Mark and Goods or Services Mark and Goods Cited by Examining Attorney Issued as Precedent of TTAB
11-9 OPP 91183919 Boucheron Holding v. Second Wind Consulting, Inc. 2(d), 2(a) Opposition Sustained on Section 2(d) ground "JAIPUR" [perfume, lotions, creams, balms, shampoos, deodorants, essential oils, soaps, make-up and cosmetics, tanning preparations, cosmetics kits comprised of various items] "JAIPUR" (stylized) [in Class 3: an extensive listing of personal care, body and beauty products and preparations for cleansing, hygiene and cosmetic purposes]   No
11-10 OPP
91181958 KingPenn Industries, Inc. v. TopDown, Inc. 2(d) Opposition Sustained "WIND RESTRICTOR" [automobile wind screens] "WIND RESTRICTOR" [automobile windshields]   No
11-10 OPP
Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta International, Inc. v. Anthony’s Pizza Holding Company, Inc. 2(d) Opposition Sustained, Petition to Cancel Granted [Counter-claim dismissed] "ANTHONY’S PIZZA & PASTA" [restaurant services] Application: "ANTHONY’S COAL-FIRED PIZZA" (and design)
[Both for: restaurant services, namely eat-in and take-out coal oven pizza and other items]
11-13 EX 77145880 Advanced Pavement Technology Inc. 2(e)(1) Refusal Affirmed   "ECOLOGICAL PAVER SYSTEMS" [paving contractor services]   No
11-13 OPP 91174770 ViaSat, Inc. v. Viewtech Incorporated 2(d) Opposition Sustained (as to all three applications) "VIASAT" [Class 42: designing custom communication systems] "VIASAT" [Class 9: modems, receivers, radios, simulators and networks for satellite and terrestrial communication terminals]; "VIASAT" (stylized) [Class 9: networking hardware and software; modems, receivers, radios, antennas, simulators and networks for communication terminals] [Class 40: custom manufacture of networking hardware and software, communications equipment and systems] [Class 42: design, development and testing of networking hardware and software, communications equipment and systems] "VS VIEWSAT" (stylized), "VIEWSAT" and "VIEWSAT LITE" [three applications, all for: satellite receivers, namely integrated receiver /decoder set-top-boxes that receive only one-way direct-to-home free-to-air satellite television broadcasts and excluding two-way broadband satellite communications]   No
11-13 OPP 91168033 UBS AG v. United Bankers’ Bank 2(d) Opposition Sustained (as to both classes) "UBS" [banking and financial services] "UBB" [Class 35: human resources advisory and management services for banks; business management and consulting services for banks] [Class 36: correspondent banking services, asset and liability management services for banks, securities brokerage services, investment portfolio advisory and management services, providing online information to community banks in the field of banking and finance, online banking services for community banks]   No

(1) EX=Ex Parte Appeal; OPP=Opposition; CANC=Cancellation; CU=Concurrent Use; (SJ)=Summary Judgment; (MD)=Motion to Dismiss; (MR)=Motion to Reopen; (R)=Request for Reconsideration (2) *=Opinion Writer; (D)=Dissenting Panel Member

Top of Notices Top of Notices December 15, 2009 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Appendix 1349 OG 

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office


   For most correspondence (e.g., new patent applications) no mail stop
is required because the processing of the correspondence is routine.
If NO mail stop is included on the list below, no mail stop is required
for the correspondence. See the listing under "Special Mail Stops
Applicable To Both Patent And Trademark Mail" for additional mail stops
for patent-related correspondence. Only the specified type of document
should be placed in an envelope addressed to one of these special mail
stops. If any documents other than the specified type identified for each
special mail stop are addressed to that mail stop, they will be
significantly delayed in reaching the appropriate area for which they are
intended. The mail stop should generally appear as the first line in
the address.

   Some correspondence may be submitted electronically. See the Office's
Internet Web site for additional information.

   Please address mail to be delivered by the United States Postal Service
(USPS) as follows:

	Mail Stop _____
	Commissioner for Patents
	P.O. Box 1450
	Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

   If no Mail Stop is indicated below, the line beginning Mail Stop should
be omitted from the address.

   Except correspondence for Maintenance Fee payments, Deposit Account
Replenishments (see 37 CFR 1.25(c)(4)), and Licensing and Review (see 37 CFR
5.1(c) and 5.2(c)), please address correspondence to be delivered by other
delivery services (Federal Express (Fed Ex), UPS, DHL, Laser, Action,
Purolator, etc.) as follows:

	United States Patent and Trademark Office
	Customer Service Window, Mail Stop _____
	Randolph Building
	401 Dulany Street
	Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop
Designations		Explanation

Mail Stop 12		Contributions to the Examiner Education Program.

Mail Stop 313(c)	Petitions under 37 CFR 1.313(c) to withdraw a
			patent application from issue after payment of
			the issue fee and any papers associated with the
			petition, including papers necessary for a
			continuing application or a request for
			continued examination (RCE).

Mail Stop AF		Amendments and other responses after final
			rejection (e.g., a notice of appeal (and any
			request for pre-appeal brief conference)),
			other than an appeal brief.

Mail Stop Amendment	Information disclosure statements, drawings, and
			replies to Office actions in patent applications
			with or without an amendment to the application or
			a terminal disclaimer. (Use Mail Stop AF for
			replies after final rejection.)

Mail Stop Appeal 	For appeal briefs or other briefs under
 Brief-Patents		part 41 of title 37 of the Code of Federal
			Regulations (e.g., former 37 CFR 1.192).

Mail Stop 		Public comments regarding patent related
 Comments-Patent 	regulations and procedures.

Mail Stop Conversion	Requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(2) to convert a
			nonprovisional application to a provisional
			application and requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(3)
			to convert a provisional application to a
			nonprovisional application.

Mail Stop EBC		Mail for the Electronic Business Center including:
			Certificate Action Forms, Request for Customer
			Numbers, and Requests for Customer Number Data
			Change (USPTO Forms PTO-2042, PTO/SB/124A and 125A,
			respectively) and Customer Number Upload
			Spreadsheets and Cover Letters.

Mail Stop Expedited 	Only to be used for the initial filing of
 Design 		design applications accompanied by a
			request for expedited examination under
			37 CFR 1.155.

Mail Stop Express 	Requests for abandonment of a patent
 Abandonment		application pursuant to 37 CFR 1.138,
			including any petitions under 37 CFR
			1.138(c) to expressly abandon an
			application to avoid publication of the

Mail Stop		Applications under 35 U.S.C. 156 for patent term
 Hatch-Waxman PTE	extension based on regulatory review of a product
			subject to pre-market review by a regulating
   			agency. This mail stop is also to be used for
			additional correspondence regarding the
			application for patent term extension under
			35 U.S.C. 156. It is preferred that such initial
			requests be hand-carried to:

			Office of Patent Legal Administration
			Room MDW 7D55
			600 Dulany Street
			Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop ILS		Correspondence relating to international patent
			classification, exchanges and standards.

Mail Stop Issue Fee	All communications following the receipt of a
			PTOL-85, "Notice of Allowance and Fee(s)
			Due," and prior to the issuance of a patent
			should be addressed to Mail Stop Issue Fee,
			unless advised to the contrary.

			Assignments are the exception. Assignments
			(with cover sheets) should be faxed to
			571-273-0140, electronically submitted
			(, or submitted in a
			separate envelope and sent to Mail Stop
			Assignment Recordation Services,
			Director - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
			as shown below.

Mail Stop L&R		All documents pertaining to applications subject
			to secrecy order pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 181, or
			national-security classified and required to be
			processed accordingly. Such papers, petitions for
			foreign filing license pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(b)
			for which expedited handling is requested, and
			petitions for retroactive license under 37 CFR
			5.25 may also be hand carried to Licensing and

			Technology Center 3600, Office of the Director
			Room 4B41
			501 Dulany Street (Knox Building)
			Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop Missing 	Requests for a corrected filing receipt and
 Parts			replies to OPAP notices such as the Notice
			of Omitted Items, Notice to File Corrected
			Application Papers, Notice of Incomplete
			Application, Notice to Comply with Nucleotide
			Sequence Requirements, and Notice to File Missing
			Parts of Application, and associated papers and

Mail Stop MPEP		Submissions concerning the Manual of Patent
			Examining Procedure.

Mail Stop Patent Ext.	Applications for patent term extension or
			adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 and any
			communications relating thereto. This mail stop
			is limited to petitions for patent term extension
			under 35 U.S.C. 154 for applications filed
			between June 8, 1995 and May 29, 2000, and patent
			term adjustment (PTA) under 35 U.S.C. 154 for
			applications filed on or after May 29, 2000.
			For applications for patent term extension under
			35 U.S.C. 156, use Mail Stop Hatch-Waxman PTE.
			For applications for patent term extension or
			adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 that are mailed
			together with the payment of the issue fee, use
			Mail Stop Issue Fee.

Mail Stop PCT		Mail related to international applications filed
			under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in the
			international phase and in the national phase
			under 35 U.S.C. 371 prior to mailing of a
			Notification of Acceptance of Application Under
			35 U.S.C. 371 and 37 CFR 1.495 (Form

Mail Stop Petition	Petitions to be decided by the Office of Petitions
			including petitions to revive and petitions to
			accept late payment of issue fees or maintenance

Mail Stop PGPUB		Correspondence regarding publication of patent
			applications not otherwise provided, including
			requests for early publication made after filing,
			rescission of non-publication request, corrected
			patent application publication, refund of
			publication fee.

Mail Stop Post 		In patented files: requests for changes of
 Issue			correspondence address, powers of attorney,
			revocations of powers of attorney, withdrawal of
			attorney and submissions under 37 CFR 1.501.
			Designation of, or changes to, a fee address
			should be addressed to Mail Stop M Correspondence.
			Requests for Certificate of Correction need no
			special mail stop, but should be mailed to the
			attention of Certificate of Correction Branch.

Mail Stop RCE		Requests for continued examination under
			37 CFR 1.114.

Mail Stop 		Correspondence pertaining to the reconstruction
 Reconstruction		of lost patent files.

Mail Stop Ex Parte 	Original requests for Ex Parte Reexamination,
 Reexam 		and all subsequent corresponcence other
			than correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
			(see 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)).

Mail Stop Inter  	Original requests for Inter Partes Reexamination,
 Partes Reexam		and all subsequent correspondence other than
			correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
			(see 37 CFR §§ 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)).

Mail Stop Reissue	All new and continuing reissue application filings.

Mail Stop Sequence	Submission of the computer readable form (CRF) for
			applications with sequence listings, when the CRF
			is not being filed with the patent application.


   Please address trademark-related mail to be delivered by the United
States Postal Service (USPS), except documents sent to the Assignment
Services Division for recordation, requests for copies of trademark
documents, and documents directed to the Madrid Processing Unit, as

	Commissioner for Trademarks
	P.O. Box 1451
	Alexandria, VA 22313-1451

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Madrid Processing Unit,
must be mailed to:

	Madrid Processing Unit
	600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Trademark Administrator
regarding Letters of Protest must be mailed to:

	Letter of Protest
	ATTN: Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy
	600 Dulany Street
	Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Director regarding the Fastener
Quality Act (FQA) must be mailed to:

	Director, USPTO
	600 Dulany Street, MDE-10A71
	Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Commissioner regarding the
recordal of a Native American Tribal Insignia (NATI) must be mailed to:

	Native American Tribal Insignia
	ATTN: Commissioner for Trademarks
	600 Dulany Street
	Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

   Trademark-related mail to be delivered by courier or by hand to the
Trademark Operation, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, or the Office's
Madrid Processing Unit, must be delivered to:

	Trademark Assistance Center
	Madison East, Concourse Level Room C 55
	600 Dulany Street
	Alexandria, VA 22314


   Please address mail to be directed to a mail stop identified below to
be delivered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as follows (unless
otherwise instructed):

	Mail Stop _____
	Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
	P.O. Box 1450
	Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Mail Stop
Designations		Explanation

Mail Stop 3 		Mail for the Office of Personnel from NFC.

Mail Stop 6		Mail for the Office of Procurement.

Mail Stop 8		All papers for the Office of the Solicitor except
			communications relating to pending litigation and
			disciplinary proceedings; papers relating to
			pending litigation in court cases shall be mailed
			only to Office of the Solicitor, P.O. Box 15667,
			Arlington, VA 22215 and papers related to pending
			disciplinary proceedings before the Administrative
			Law Judge or the Director shall be mailed only to
			the Office of the Solicitor, P.O. Box 16116,
			Arlington, VA 22215.

Mail Stop 11 		Mail for the Electronic Ordering Service (EOS).

Mail Stop 13 		Mail for the Employee and Labor Relations Division.

Mail Stop 16 		Mail related to refund requests, other than
			requests for refund of a patent application
			publication fee. Such requests should be directed
			to Mail Stop PGPub.

Mail Stop 17 		Invoices directed to the Office of Finance.

Mail Stop 24 		Mail for the Inventor's Assistance Program,
			including complaints about Invention Promoters.

Mail Stop 171		Vacancy Announcement Applications.

Mail Stop Assignment 	All assignment documents, security interests,
 Recordation Services	and other documents to be recorded in the
			Assignment records. Note that documents with
			cover sheets that are faxed to 571-273-0140 or
			submitted electronically (
			are processed much more quickly than those
			submitted by mail.

Mail Stop Document 	All requests for certified or uncertified
 Services		copies of patent or trademark documents.

Mail Stop EEO   	Mail for the Office of Civil Rights.

Mail Stop External 	Mail for the Office of External Affairs.

Mail Stop Interference 	Communications relating to interferences and
			applications and patents involved in interference.

Mail Stop M		Mail to designate or change a fee
 Correspondence		address, or other correspondence related to
			maintenance fees, except payments of
			maintenance fees in patents. See below for
			the address for maintenance fee payments.

Mail Stop OED		Mail for the Office of Enrollment and Discipline.

			   Maintenance Fee Payments

   Unless submitted electronically over the Internet at,
payments of maintenance fees in patents should be mailed through the
United States Postal Service to:

	United States Patent and Trademark Office
	P.O. Box 979070
	St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

   Alternatively, payment of maintenance fees in patents (Attn:
Maintenance Fee) using hand-delivery and delivery by private courier
may be made to:

	Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
	Attn: Maintenance Fee
	2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
	Alexandria, Virginia 22314

			Deposit Account Replenishments

   Unless submitted electronically over the Internet at,
payments to replenish deposit accounts should be mailed through the
United States Postal Service to:

	Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
	P.O. Box 979065
	St. Louis, MO 63197-9000

   Alternatively, deposit account replenishments (Attn: Deposit Accounts)
using hand-delivery and delivery by private courier may be delivered to:

	Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
	Attn: Deposit Accounts
	2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
	Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent Depository Libraries
	     Reference Collections of U.S. Patents and Trademarks
     Available for Public Use in Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries

The following libraries, designated as Patent and Trademark Depository
Libraries (PTDLs), provide public access to patent and trademark
information received from the United States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO). This information includes all issued patents, all registered
trademarks, the Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
search tools such as the Cassis CD-ROM suite of products and supplemental
information in a variety of formats including online, optical disc,
microfilm and paper. Each PTDL also offers access to USPTO resources on
the Internet and to PubWEST (Web based examiner search tool), a system
used by patent examiners that is not available on the Internet.

Staff assistance and training is provided in the use of this information.
All information is available free of charge. However, there may be charges
associated with the use of photocopying and related services. Hours of
service to the public vary, and anyone contemplating use of these
collections at a particular library is urged to contact that library in
advance about its services and hours to avoid inconvenience.

State      		Name of Library                  Telephone Contact

Alabama 		Auburn University Libraries         (334) 844-1737
      			Birmingham Public Library      	    (205) 226-3620
Arkansas   		Little Rock: Arkansas State
			Library  			    (501) 682-2053
California   		Los Angeles Public Library          (213) 228-7220
      			Riverside: University of
			California, Riverside Libraries	    (951) 827-4392
                        Sacramento: California State
    			Library				    (916) 654-0069
      			San Diego Public Library      	    (619) 236-5813
			San Francisco Public Library	    (415) 557-4500
      			Sunnyvale Public Library 	    (408) 730-7300
Colorado  		Denver Public Library         	    (720) 865-1711
Connecticut		Fairfield: Ryan-Matura Library
			Sacred Heart University		    (203) 371-7726
Delaware   		Newark: University of Delaware
			Library  			    (302) 831-2965
Dist. of Columbia	Washington: Howard University
			Libraries 			    (202) 806-7252
Florida      		Fort Lauderdale: Broward County
         		Main Library            	    (954) 357-7444
      			Miami-Dade Public Library      	    (305) 375-2665
      			Orlando: University of Central
			Florida Libraries  		    (407) 823-2562
Georgia      		Atlanta: Price Gilbert Memorial
			Library, Georgia Institute
         		of Technology   		    (404) 894-1395
Hawaii      		Honolulu: Hawaii State Public
			Library System			    (808) 586-3477
Illinois   		Chicago Public Library         	    (312) 747-4450
      			Springfield: Illinois State Library (217) 782-5659
Indiana      		Indianapolis-Marion County Public
			Library            		    (317) 269-1741
     			West Lafayette Siegesmund
			Engineering Library,
         		Purdue University   		    (765) 494-2872
Iowa      		Des Moines: State Library of Iowa   (515) 242-6541
Kansas      		Wichita: Ablah Library, Wichita
			State University          	  1 (800) 572-8368
Kentucky   		Louisville Free Public Library      (502) 574-1611
Louisiana   		Baton Rouge: Troy H. Middleton
         		Library, Louisiana State University (225) 388-8875
Maine 			Orono: Raymond H. Fogler Library,
			University of Maine		    (207) 581-1678
Maryland		Baltimore: University of Baltimore
			Law Library 			    (410) 837-4554
			College Park: Engineering and
			Physical Sciences Library,
         		University of Maryland		    (301) 405-9157
Massachusetts   	Amherst: Physical Sciences Library,
         		University of Massachusetts   	    (413) 545-2765
      			Boston Public Library         	    (617) 536-5400
							         Ext. 4256
Michigan   		Ann Arbor: Art, Architecture &
  			Engineering Library,
         		University of Michigan      	    (734) 647-5735
      			Big Rapids: Ferris Library for
                        Information, Technology &
                        Education, Ferris State
         		University                          (231) 592-3602
      			Detroit: Public Library             (313) 833-1450
Minnesota   		Minneapolis Public Library and
         		Information Center      	    (612) 630-6000
Mississippi   		Jackson: Mississippi Library
			Commission 			    (601) 961-4111
Missouri   		Kansas City: Linda Hall Library     (816) 363-4600
								  Ext. 724
      			St. Louis Public Library      	    (314) 241-2288
								  Ext. 390
Montana      		Butte: Montana College of Mineral
         		Science and Technology Library      (406) 496-4281
Nebraska   		Lincoln: Engineering Library,
			University of Nebraska-Lincoln      (402) 472-3411
Nevada      		Las Vegas--Clark County Library
			District 		       	    (702) 507-3421
			Reno: University of Nevada, Reno
         		Library            		    (775) 784-6500
								  Ext. 257
New Jersey   		Newark Public Library         	    (973) 733-7779
      			Piscataway: Library of Science and
         		Medicine, Rutgers University   	    (732) 445-2895
New Mexico   		Albuquerque: University of
   			New Mexico General Library          (505) 277-4412
New York   		Albany: New York State Library      (518) 474-5355
      			Buffalo and Erie County Public
			Library  			    (716) 858-7101
			Rochester Public Library       	    (716) 428-8110
      			New York  Library
			(The Research Libraries)	    (212) 592-7000
			Stony Brook: Engineering Library,
   			State University of New York	    (631) 632-7148
North Carolina   	Charlotte: J. Murrey Atkins
			Library, 			    (704) 687-2241
                        University of North Carolina at
         		Charlotte    	                    (919) 515-2935
North Dakota   		Grand Forks: Chester Fritz Library,
         		University of North Dakota   	    (701) 777-4888
Ohio      		Akron - Summit County Public        (330) 643-9075
			Cincinnati and Hamilton County,
			Public Library of		    (513) 369-6932
      			Cleveland Public Library      	    (216) 623-2870
			Dayton: Paul Laurence Dunbar
			Library, Wright State
			University		       	    (937) 775-3521
      			Toledo/Lucas County Public Library  (419) 259-5209
Oklahoma   		Stillwater: Oklahoma State
         		Edmon Low Library  		    (405) 744-6546
Oregon      		Portland: Paul L. Boley Law Library,
			Lewis & Clark College 		    (503) 768-6786
Pennsylvania   		Philadelphia, The Free Library of   (215) 686-5331
      			Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of     (412) 622-3138
      			University Park: Pattee Library,
         		Pennsylvania State University       (814) 865-7617
Puerto Rico             Mayaquez General Library,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 993-0000
							         Ext. 3244
			Bayamon, Learning Resources Center,
                        University of Puerto Rico      	    (787) 786-5225
Rhode Island   		Providence Public Library      	    (401) 455-8027
South Carolina		Clemson University Libraries        (864) 656-3024
South Dakota		Rapid City: Devereaux Library,
			South Dakota School of Mines and
			Technology			    (605) 394-1275
Tennessee   		Nashville: Stevenson Science
         		Library, Vanderbilt University      (615) 322-2717
Texas      		Austin: McKinney Engineering
         		Library, University of Texas at
      			Austin 				    (512) 495-4500
			College Station: West Campus
         		Library, Texas A & M University	    (979) 845-2111
      			Dallas Public Library         	    (214) 670-1468
      			Houston: The Fondren Library, Rice
			University			    (713) 348-5483
			Lubbock: Texas Tech University	    (806) 742-2282
			San Antonio Public Library          (210) 207-2500
Utah      		Salt Lake City: Marriott Library,
         		University of Utah      	    (801) 581-8394
Vermont			Burlington: Bailey/Howe Library,
			University of Vermont               (802) 656-2542
Washington   		Seattle: Engineering Library,
         		University of Washington   	    (206) 543-0740
West Virginia   	Morgantown: Evansdale Library,
         		West Virginia University      	    (304) 293-4695
							         Ext. 5113
Wisconsin   		Madison: Kurt F. Wendt Library,
         		University of Wisconsin Madison     (608) 262-6845
      			Milwaukee Public Library      	    (414) 286-3051
Wyoming			Cheyenne: Wyoming State	Library	    (307) 777-7281
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Patent Technology Centers
GAU Avg Filing Date1
  1610 7/1/2007
  1620 1/18/2008
  1630 12/19/2007
  1640 4/5/2008
  1650 1/3/2008
  1660 10/26/2008
  TOTAL 12/22/2007
  1790 9/5/2007
  TOTAL 9/5/2007
  2910 1/30/2009
  TOTAL 1/30/2009
  2110 8/27/2007
  2120 6/16/2007
  2150 8/30/2007
  2160 8/30/2007
  2170 2/22/2007
  2180 9/23/2007
  2190 3/29/2006
  TOTAL 5/14/2007
  2420 5/29/2007
  2430 1/20/2007
  2440 8/3/2007
  2450 9/5/2007
  2460 10/11/2007
  2470 11/10/2007
  TOTAL 6/10/2007
  2610 2/28/2007
  2620 2/4/2007
  TOTAL 2/16/2007
  2810 3/21/2008
  2820 2/26/2008
  2830 3/21/2008
  2840 11/28/2007
  2850 11/7/2007
  2860 12/10/2007
  2870 1/12/2008
  2880 1/18/2008
  2890 3/24/2008
  TOTAL 2/8/2008
  3610 2/5/2008
  3620 12/18/2006
  3630 12/19/2007
  3640 1/9/2008
  3650 10/14/2007
  3660 9/23/2007
  3670 4/2/2008
  3680 12/27/2006
  3690 11/4/2007
  TOTAL 10/14/2007
  3710 8/12/2007
  3720 12/19/2007
  3730 6/4/2007
  3740 7/28/2007
  3750 7/16/2007
  3760 10/23/2007
  3770 5/20/2007
  3780 6/4/2007
  TOTAL 8/21/2007
  1 Average Filing date of applications receiving a First Office action in the last 3 months.
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