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 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Table of Contents 1437 OG 183 


April 25, 2017 Volume 1437 Number 4


 Patent and Trademark Office NoticesPage 
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information1437 OG 184
Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable1437 OG 189
Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee1437 OG 190
Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 03/27/20171437 OG 224
Reissue Applications Filed1437 OG 225
Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed1437 OG 226
Service by Publication1437 OG 227
Registration to Practice1437 OG 228
Notice of Exclusion on Consent1437 OG 229
Notice of Suspension1437 OG 232
Disclaimer1437 OG 233
Errata1437 OG 234
Certificates of Correction1437 OG 240
AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board1437 OG 242
Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board1437 OG 243

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
Patent Technology Centers

COPIES OF PATENTS are furnished by the Patent and Trademark Office at $3.00 each; PLANT PATENTS in color, $15.00 each; copies of TRADEMARKS at $3.00 each. Address orders to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA., 22313-1450, or click here for online ordering.

Printing by U.S.P.T.O. in electronic form is authorized by 35 U.S.C. § 10(a)3

Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 184 

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information
                  Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information

   For information concerning PCT member countries, see the notice
appearing in the Official Gazette at 1393 O.G. 61, on August 13, 2013.

   For information on subject matter under Rule 39 that a particular
International Searching Authority will not search, see Annex D of the PCT
Applicants' Guide.

European Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The European Patent Office (EPO) may act as the International Searching
Authority (ISA) or the International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA)
for an international application filed with the United States Receiving
Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least
one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The EPO, effective January 1, 2015, no longer has any
limitations concerning its competency to act as an ISA. The announcement
appears in the Official Gazette at 1412 O.G. 61 on March 10, 2015.
Previously, the EPO would not act as an ISA and would not carry out an
international search for any application which contained one or more claims
relating to the field of business methods. As of January 1, 2015, U.S.
applicants filing their international applications with the USPTO or the IB
as receiving Office may select the EPO to act as the ISA without
restrictions. In applications containing claims relating to business
methods where the subject matter of the application also contains technical
features, the EPO will perform a search for those parts of the application
which are more than mere business methods. However, the EPO will issue a
declaration under PCT Rule 17(2)(a) that no ISR will be established
whenever an application relates only to a business method as such. The EPO
will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of the European Patent Office was changed, effective
January 1, 2016, and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1421
O.G. 246, on December 29, 2015.

Korean Intellectual Property Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Korean Intellectual Property Office may act as the ISA or the IPEA
for an international application filed with the United States Receiving
Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least
one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1302 O.G.
1261 on January 17, 2006.

   The search fee of the Korean Intellectual Property Office was changed,
effective January 1, 2016, and was announced in the Official Gazette at
1421 O.G. 246, on December 29, 2015.

Australian Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Australian Patent Office (IP Australia) may act as the ISA or the
IPEA for an international application filed with the United States
Receiving Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where
at least one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the
United States of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette
at 1337 O.G. 265, on December 23, 2008. However, the use of IP Australia is
restricted. IP Australia will not act as an ISA if it has received more
than 250 international applications from the USPTO during a fiscal quarter,
as indicated in the Official Gazette at 1409 O.G. 302 on December 30, 2014.
IP Australia will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of IP Australia was changed, effective January 1, 2016,
and was announced in the Official Gazette at 1421 O.G. 246, on December 29,
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 185 

The Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents & Trademarks of
Russia as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents & Trademarks of
Russia (Rospatent) may act as the ISA or the IPEA for an international
application filed with the United States Receiving Office or the
International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least one of the
applicants is either a national or resident of the United States of
America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1378 O.G. 162,
on May 8, 2012.

   The search fee of Rospatent was changed, effective April 1, 2016, and
was announced in the Official Gazette at 1424 O.G. 249 on March 29, 2016.

Israel Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) may act as the ISA or the IPEA for an
international application filed with the United States Receiving Office
or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least one
of the applicants is either a national or resident of the United States
of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1408 O.G.
52, on November 4, 2014. However, the use of the ILPO is restricted. The
ILPO will not act as an ISA for applications with one or more claims
relating to a business method as defined by certain International Patent
Classification classes nor will the ILPO act as an ISA where it has
received more than 75 international applications from the USPTO during a
fiscal quarter, as indicated in the Official Gazette at 1408 O.G. 52 on
November 4, 2014. For the definition of what the ILPO considers to be
precluded subject matter in the field of business methods, see Annex B of
the Agreement between the Israel Patent Office and the United States
Patent and Trademark Office
( The ILPO
will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of ILPO was changed, effective March 1, 2016, and was
announced in the Official Gazette at 1424 O.G. 179 on March 22, 2016.

Japan Patent Office as Searching and Examining Authority

   The Japan Patent Office (JPO) may act as the ISA or the IPEA for an
international application filed with the United States Receiving Office or
the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where at least one of the
applicants is either a national or resident of the United States of
America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette at 1417 O.G. 63,
on August 4, 2015. However, the use of the JPO is restricted. The JPO will
act as an ISA for applications only where the claims of the application are
directed to the field of green technology as defined by certain
International Patent Classification classes and where the JPO has not
received more than 5,000 international applications from the USPTO during
the 3 year period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, and not more than 300
applications per quarter during the first year, and not more than 475
application per quarter during the second and third years, as indicated in
the Official Gazette at 1417 O.G. 63 on August 4, 2015. For the
definition of what the JPO considers to be the field of green technology,
see Annex A of the Agreement between the Japan Patent Office and the United
States Patent and Trademark Office at 1417 O.G. 67, August 4, 2015. The JPO
will act as an IPEA only if it also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of the JPO was changed, effective April 1, 2016, and was
announced in the Official Gazette at 1424 O.G. 249 on March 29, 2016.

Intellectual Property Office of Singapore as Searching and Examining

   The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) may act as the ISA
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 186 

or the IPEA for an international application filed with the United States
Receiving Office or the International Bureau (IB) as Receiving Office where
at least one of the applicants is either a national or resident of the
United States of America. The announcement appears in the Official Gazette
at 1425 O.G. 190 on April 19, 2016. The IPOS will act as an IPEA only if it
also acted as the ISA.

   The search fee of the IPOS was announced in the Official Gazette at 1425
O.G. 190 on April 19, 2016.


   The transmittal fee for the USPTO was changed to include a basic portion
and a non-electronic filing fee portion, effective November 15, 2011, and
was announced in the Federal Register on November 15, 2011. Search fees
for the USPTO were changed, effective January 12, 2009, and were announced
in the Federal Register on November 12, 2008. The fee for filing a request
for the restoration of the right of priority was established, effective
November 9, 2007, and was announced in the Federal Register on
September 10, 2007.

   International filing fees were changed, effective January 1, 2016,
and were announced in the Official Gazette at 1421 O.G. 246 on
December 29, 2015. The elimination of the discount for filing the
international application in paper with a PCT EASY zip file was announced
in the Official Gazette at 1419 O.G. 128 on October 20, 2015.

   The schedule of PCT fees (in U.S. dollars), as of April 1, 2016, is as

International Application (PCT Chapter I) fees:

   Transmittal fee

     Basic Portion
         - Fee                                                      $240.00
         - Small Entity Fee                                         $120.00
         - Micro Entity Fee                                          $60.00
      Non-electronic filing fee portion for International
      applications (other than plant applications) filed
      on or after 15 November 2011 other than by the
      Office electronic filing system
         - Fee                                                      $400.00
         - Small Entity Fee                                         $200.00
         - Micro Entity Fee                                         $200.00

   Search fee

      U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as
      International Searching Authority (ISA)
         - Search fee
           - Fee                                                  $2,080.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,040.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $520.00
         - Supplemental search fee, per additional
           invention (payable only upon invitation)
           - Fee                                                  $2,080.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,040.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $520.00
      European Patent Office as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $2,097.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $2,097.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $2,097.00
      Korean Intellectual Property Office as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $1,120.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,120.00
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 187 

           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,120.00
      IP Australia as ISA
           - Fee                                                  $1,560.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,560.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,560.00
      Federal Service on Intellectual Property, Patents &
      Trademarks of Russia (Rospatent) as ISA
           - Fee                                                    $388.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $388.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $388.00
      Israel Patent Office
           - Fee                                                    $912.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $912.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $912.00
      Japan Patent Office
           -Fee                                                   $1,295.00
           -Small Entity Fee                                      $1,295.00
           -Micro Entity Fee                                      $1,295.00
      Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
           -Fee                                                   $1,578.00
           -Small Entity Fee                                      $1,578.00
           -Micro Entity Fee                                      $1,578.00

   International Fees

      International filing fee
           - Fee                                                  $1,363.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,363.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,363.00
      International filing fee-filed
      electronically without PCT-EASY zip file
           - Fee                                                  $1,261.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,261.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1,261.00
      International filing fee-filed
      electronically with PCT EASY zip files
           - Fee                                                  $1,158.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                     $1,158.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                     $1.158.00
      Supplemental fee for each page over 30
           - Fee                                                     $15.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                        $15.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                        $15.00

   Restoration of Priority

      Filing a request for the restoration of the
      right of priority under § 1.452
           - Fee                                                  $1,700.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $850.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $850.00

   International Application (PCT Chapter II) fees
   associated with filing a Demand for Preliminary
      Handling fee
           - Fee                                                    $205.00
           - Small Entity Fee                                       $205.00
           - Micro Entity Fee                                       $205.00
      Handling fee-90% reduction, if Applicants
      meet criteria specified at
           - Fee                                                     $20.50
           - Small Entity Fee                                        $20.50
           - Micro Entity Fee                                        $20.50
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 188 

      Preliminary examination fee
         USPTO as International Preliminary
         Examining Authority (IPEA)
            - USPTO was ISA in PCT Chapter I
              - Fee                                                 $600.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $300.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $150.00
            - USPTO was not ISA in PCT Chapter I
              - Fee                                                 $760.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $380.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $190.00
            - Additional preliminary examination fee,
              per additional invention
              (payable only upon invitation)
              - Fee                                                 $600.00
              - Small Entity Fee                                    $300.00
              - Micro Entity Fee                                    $150.00

   U.S. National Stage fees (for international applications entering
the U.S. national phase under 35 U.S.C. 371) can be found on the USPTO's
Web site (

April 06, 2016                                                  MARK POWELL
                                                    Deputy Commissioner for
                                           International Patent Cooperation
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 189 

Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable
                  Notice of Maintenance Fees Payable

   Title 37 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 1.362(d) provides
that maintenance fees may be paid without surcharge for the six-month
period beginning 3, 7, and 11 years after the date of issue of patents
based on applications filed on or after Dec. 12, 1980. An additional
six-month grace period is provided by 35 U.S.C. 41(b) and 37 CFR 1.362(e)
for payment of the maintenance fee with the surcharge set forth in 37 CFR
1.20(h), as amended effective Dec. 16, 1991. If the maintenance fee is
not paid in the patent requiring such payment the patent will expire on
the 4th, 8th, or 12th anniversary of the grant.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on April 15, 2014
for which maintenance fees due at 3 years and six months may now be paid
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 8,695,112 through 8,701,211
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on April 13, 2010
for which maintenance fees due at 7 years and six months may now be paid
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 7,694,348 through 7,698,747
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   Attention is drawn to the patents that were issued on April 11, 2006
for which maintenance fees due at 11 years and six months may now be paid.
The patents have patent numbers within the following ranges:

        Utility Patents 7,024,701 through 7,028,340
        Reissue Patents based on the above identified patents.

   No maintenance fees are required for design or plant patents.

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents may be submitted electronically
over the Internet at

   Payments of maintenance fees in patents not submitted electronically
over the Internet should be mailed to "Director of the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office, Attn: Maintenance Fees, 2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314".

   Correspondence related to maintenance fees other than payments of
maintenance fees in patents should  be mailed to "Mail Stop M
Correspondence, Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, P.O.
Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450".

   Patent owners must establish small or micro entity status according to
37 CFR 1.27 or 1.29 if they have not done so and if they wish to pay the
small or micro entity amount.

   The current amounts of the maintenance fees due at 3 years and six
months, 7 years and six months, and 11 years and six months are set forth
in the most recently amended provisions in 37 CFR 1.20(e)-(g). To obtain
the current maintenance fee amounts, please call the USPTO Contact Center
at (800)-786-9199 or see the current USPTO fee schedule posted on the USPTO
web-site at
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 190 

Notice of Expiration of Patents Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee
                         Notice of Expiration of Patents
                     Due to Failure to Pay Maintenance Fee

   35 U.S.C. 41 and 37 CFR 1.362(g) provide that if the required
maintenance fee and any applicable surcharge are not paid in a patent
requiring such payment, the patent will expire at the end of the 4th, 8th
or 12th anniversary of the grant of the patent depending on the first
maintenance fee which was not paid.
   According to the records of the Office, the patents listed below have
expired due to failure to pay the required maintenance fee and any
applicable surcharge.

                   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON March 8, 2017

Patent                          Application                           Issue
Number                             Number                              Date

6,862,745                          10/405,521                      03/08/05
6,862,747                          10/782,241                      03/08/05
6,862,756                          10/267,285                      03/08/05
6,862,759                          10/379,134                      03/08/05
6,862,762                          10/339,806                      03/08/05
6,862,765                          10/264,754                      03/08/05
6,862,768                          10/382,493                      03/08/05
6,862,773                          10/208,278                      03/08/05
6,862,778                          10/244,976                      03/08/05
6,862,784                          10/345,147                      03/08/05
6,862,788                          10/304,432                      03/08/05
6,862,789                          10/111,884                      03/08/05
6,862,791                          10/654,435                      03/08/05
6,862,802                          10/186,791                      03/08/05
6,862,803                          09/940,743                      03/08/05
6,862,804                          10/627,918                      03/08/05
6,862,811                          10/074,324                      03/08/05
6,862,812                          10/606,241                      03/08/05
6,862,817                          10/704,900                      03/08/05
6,862,820                          10/364,456                      03/08/05
6,862,829                          09/756,632                      03/08/05
6,862,830                          10/656,681                      03/08/05
6,862,835                          10/144,311                      03/08/05
6,862,836                          10/189,719                      03/08/05
6,862,837                          10/370,626                      03/08/05
6,862,853                          08/851,040                      03/08/05
6,862,858                          10/139,204                      03/08/05
6,862,864                          10/176,838                      03/08/05
6,862,869                          10/794,443                      03/08/05
6,862,871                          10/135,828                      03/08/05
6,862,872                          10/667,486                      03/08/05
6,862,887                          10/285,679                      03/08/05
6,862,894                          10/773,006                      03/08/05
6,862,895                          10/400,725                      03/08/05
6,862,900                          09/960,559                      03/08/05
6,862,908                          10/277,296                      03/08/05
6,862,915                          10/393,378                      03/08/05
6,862,921                          09/904,634                      03/08/05
6,862,922                          10/150,520                      03/08/05
6,862,924                          10/428,578                      03/08/05
6,862,925                          10/672,940                      03/08/05
6,862,932                          10/402,261                      03/08/05
6,862,935                          10/670,367                      03/08/05
6,862,941                          10/292,430                      03/08/05
6,862,942                          10/810,136                      03/08/05
6,862,946                          10/385,130                      03/08/05
6,862,949                          10/309,893                      03/08/05
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6,862,952                          10/209,131                      03/08/05
6,862,956                          10/694,257                      03/08/05
6,862,965                          10/626,752                      03/08/05
6,862,969                          09/240,062                      03/08/05
6,862,978                          10/110,667                      03/08/05
6,862,984                          10/800,920                      03/08/05
6,862,996                          10/270,812                      03/08/05
6,863,000                          10/192,727                      03/08/05
6,863,003                          10/358,146                      03/08/05
6,863,008                          10/468,403                      03/08/05
6,863,011                          10/657,342                      03/08/05
6,863,020                          10/189,425                      03/08/05
6,863,025                          09/739,453                      03/08/05
6,863,026                          10/739,326                      03/08/05
6,863,028                          10/401,205                      03/08/05
6,863,039                          10/227,451                      03/08/05
6,863,043                          10/745,285                      03/08/05
6,863,046                          10/484,952                      03/08/05
6,863,047                          10/624,087                      03/08/05
6,863,049                          10/774,206                      03/08/05
6,863,051                          10/312,840                      03/08/05
6,863,055                          10/297,348                      03/08/05
6,863,056                          10/659,998                      03/08/05
6,863,064                          10/101,264                      03/08/05
6,863,066                          10/350,245                      03/08/05
6,863,072                          10/756,445                      03/08/05
6,863,073                          10/136,090                      03/08/05
6,863,081                          10/357,074                      03/08/05
6,863,082                          10/640,593                      03/08/05
6,863,087                          09/445,945                      03/08/05
6,863,090                          10/281,224                      03/08/05
6,863,096                          10/631,688                      03/08/05
6,863,098                          10/708,088                      03/08/05
6,863,104                          10/434,320                      03/08/05
6,863,105                          10/791,727                      03/08/05
6,863,114                          10/169,559                      03/08/05
6,863,118                          10/778,701                      03/08/05
6,863,129                          10/035,681                      03/08/05
6,863,138                          10/015,199                      03/08/05
6,863,139                          10/419,875                      03/08/05
6,863,140                          10/314,422                      03/08/05
6,863,146                          10/687,695                      03/08/05
6,863,152                          10/675,853                      03/08/05
6,863,153                          09/720,028                      03/08/05
6,863,156                          10/151,287                      03/08/05
6,863,160                          10/423,663                      03/08/05
6,863,162                          09/293,923                      03/08/05
6,863,164                          10/440,199                      03/08/05
6,863,173                          10/183,049                      03/08/05
6,863,175                          10/118,023                      03/08/05
6,863,182                          10/227,993                      03/08/05
6,863,190                          10/247,640                      03/08/05
6,863,191                          10/379,253                      03/08/05
6,863,204                          10/773,408                      03/08/05
6,863,220                          10/334,572                      03/08/05
6,863,238                          10/148,120                      03/08/05
6,863,240                          10/110,607                      03/08/05
6,863,241                          10/458,737                      03/08/05
6,863,243                          10/242,179                      03/08/05
6,863,261                          10/095,894                      03/08/05
6,863,262                          10/435,181                      03/08/05
6,863,270                          10/385,025                      03/08/05
6,863,273                          10/175,433                      03/08/05
6,863,279                          10/006,324                      03/08/05
6,863,280                          10/303,116                      03/08/05
6,863,284                          10/200,375                      03/08/05
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6,863,289                          10/333,239                      03/08/05
6,863,292                          10/404,290                      03/08/05
6,863,296                          10/254,525                      03/08/05
6,863,299                          10/390,402                      03/08/05
6,863,300                          10/600,073                      03/08/05
6,863,304                          10/090,611                      03/08/05
6,863,307                          10/322,137                      03/08/05
6,863,315                          10/436,329                      03/08/05
6,863,327                          10/380,244                      03/08/05
6,863,330                          10/628,450                      03/08/05
6,863,336                          10/282,243                      03/08/05
6,863,340                          10/416,123                      03/08/05
6,863,342                          10/150,367                      03/08/05
6,863,349                          10/220,797                      03/08/05
6,863,359                          10/289,345                      03/08/05
6,863,360                          10/635,256                      03/08/05
6,863,365                          10/713,086                      03/08/05
6,863,368                          10/460,245                      03/08/05
6,863,378                          10/683,152                      03/08/05
6,863,379                          10/893,377                      03/08/05
6,863,384                          10/061,756                      03/08/05
6,863,389                          10/342,387                      03/08/05
6,863,391                          10/138,576                      03/08/05
6,863,393                          10/256,038                      03/08/05
6,863,394                          10/867,292                      03/08/05
6,863,400                          10/761,507                      03/08/05
6,863,402                          10/840,633                      03/08/05
6,863,404                          10/902,327                      03/08/05
6,863,406                          10/210,519                      03/08/05
6,863,408                          10/869,072                      03/08/05
6,863,409                          10/390,997                      03/08/05
6,863,413                          09/695,306                      03/08/05
6,863,416                          10/425,357                      03/08/05
6,863,425                          10/374,557                      03/08/05
6,863,427                          09/501,069                      03/08/05
6,863,431                          10/455,200                      03/08/05
6,863,432                          10/351,241                      03/08/05
6,863,434                          10/304,849                      03/08/05
6,863,438                          10/070,973                      03/08/05
6,863,444                          09/749,285                      03/08/05
6,863,445                          10/794,841                      03/08/05
6,863,446                          10/091,906                      03/08/05
6,863,449                          10/354,669                      03/08/05
6,863,451                          10/445,810                      03/08/05
6,863,453                          10/352,725                      03/08/05
6,863,476                          10/363,193                      03/08/05
6,863,479                          10/170,107                      03/08/05
6,863,480                          10/264,024                      03/08/05
6,863,485                          09/490,507                      03/08/05
6,863,486                          10/668,079                      03/08/05
6,863,487                          10/360,505                      03/08/05
6,863,490                          10/303,360                      03/08/05
6,863,491                          10/339,691                      03/08/05
6,863,494                          10/452,902                      03/08/05
6,863,495                          10/412,299                      03/08/05
6,863,497                          10/403,054                      03/08/05
6,863,498                          10/358,791                      03/08/05
6,863,526                          10/606,695                      03/08/05
6,863,529                          10/151,376                      03/08/05
6,863,538                          10/450,776                      03/08/05
6,863,551                          10/823,857                      03/08/05
6,863,554                          09/635,051                      03/08/05
6,863,555                          10/204,628                      03/08/05
6,863,558                          10/875,989                      03/08/05
6,863,559                          10/461,589                      03/08/05
6,863,561                          10/024,790                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 193 

6,863,564                          10/645,229                      03/08/05
6,863,576                          10/020,707                      03/08/05
6,863,586                          10/271,949                      03/08/05
6,863,601                          10/678,123                      03/08/05
6,863,602                          10/310,117                      03/08/05
6,863,611                          09/967,573                      03/08/05
6,863,614                          10/428,052                      03/08/05
6,863,620                          09/758,152                      03/08/05
6,863,627                          10/293,802                      03/08/05
6,863,628                          09/528,560                      03/08/05
6,863,650                          09/488,500                      03/08/05
6,863,656                          10/251,080                      03/08/05
6,863,664                          10/054,342                      03/08/05
6,863,665                          10/304,396                      03/08/05
6,863,676                          10/066,353                      03/08/05
6,863,680                          10/007,204                      03/08/05
6,863,686                          09/912,006                      03/08/05
6,863,687                          10/248,917                      03/08/05
6,863,688                          09/975,471                      03/08/05
6,863,689                          10/128,619                      03/08/05
6,863,695                          10/352,902                      03/08/05
6,863,699                          09/705,962                      03/08/05
6,863,700                          09/782,241                      03/08/05
6,863,703                          10/135,432                      03/08/05
6,863,704                          10/727,869                      03/08/05
6,863,705                          10/224,629                      03/08/05
6,863,708                          10/343,936                      03/08/05
6,863,709                          10/336,765                      03/08/05
6,863,710                          10/690,893                      03/08/05
6,863,711                          10/313,166                      03/08/05
6,863,713                          09/475,385                      03/08/05
6,863,716                          10/356,415                      03/08/05
6,863,725                          10/358,764                      03/08/05
6,863,729                          10/605,145                      03/08/05
6,863,730                          10/369,810                      03/08/05
6,863,732                          10/342,261                      03/08/05
6,863,741                          09/907,690                      03/08/05
6,863,743                          10/331,963                      03/08/05
6,863,748                          10/328,036                      03/08/05
6,863,749                          10/048,293                      03/08/05
6,863,757                          10/326,333                      03/08/05
6,863,759                          10/055,820                      03/08/05
6,863,762                          09/985,516                      03/08/05
6,863,764                          10/417,987                      03/08/05
6,863,769                          10/661,340                      03/08/05
6,863,771                          09/912,982                      03/08/05
6,863,772                          10/267,574                      03/08/05
6,863,777                          10/448,840                      03/08/05
6,863,783                          10/294,274                      03/08/05
6,863,788                          10/206,472                      03/08/05
6,863,793                          09/823,750                      03/08/05
6,863,794                          09/961,134                      03/08/05
6,863,796                          10/188,689                      03/08/05
6,863,810                          10/244,494                      03/08/05
6,863,813                          10/182,663                      03/08/05
6,863,815                          09/662,507                      03/08/05
6,863,816                          10/463,199                      03/08/05
6,863,822                          10/272,576                      03/08/05
6,863,823                          10/171,997                      03/08/05
6,863,827                          10/065,999                      03/08/05
6,863,839                          10/193,706                      03/08/05
6,863,842                          10/182,831                      03/08/05
6,863,844                          10/232,415                      03/08/05
6,863,845                          10/046,108                      03/08/05
6,863,848                          10/232,447                      03/08/05
6,863,853                          10/239,781                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 194 

6,863,856                          10/331,851                      03/08/05
6,863,868                          09/676,181                      03/08/05
6,863,873                          10/669,146                      03/08/05
6,863,878                          10/186,771                      03/08/05
6,863,880                          10/028,158                      03/08/05
6,863,886                          10/371,850                      03/08/05
6,863,887                          09/647,501                      03/08/05
6,863,890                          09/487,979                      03/08/05
6,863,893                          10/254,995                      03/08/05
6,863,894                          10/187,278                      03/08/05
6,863,896                          09/696,194                      03/08/05
6,863,908                          10/132,030                      03/08/05
6,863,912                          10/233,091                      03/08/05
6,863,913                          10/291,105                      03/08/05
6,863,919                          09/914,657                      03/08/05
6,863,923                          10/088,794                      03/08/05
6,863,933                          10/060,694                      03/08/05
6,863,934                          10/740,756                      03/08/05
6,863,937                          10/299,646                      03/08/05
6,863,942                          09/336,126                      03/08/05
6,863,954                          10/429,307                      03/08/05
6,863,957                          10/176,691                      03/08/05
6,863,960                          09/886,893                      03/08/05
6,863,962                          10/313,534                      03/08/05
6,863,965                          10/151,173                      03/08/05
6,863,968                          10/207,126                      03/08/05
6,863,973                          09/976,036                      03/08/05
6,863,974                          10/661,725                      03/08/05
6,863,983                          10/355,951                      03/08/05
6,863,988                          10/028,167                      03/08/05
6,863,994                          10/076,417                      03/08/05
6,864,003                          10/190,418                      03/08/05
6,864,004                          10/771,222                      03/08/05
6,864,007                          09/415,781                      03/08/05
6,864,008                          10/029,231                      03/08/05
6,864,010                          10/349,136                      03/08/05
6,864,011                          10/242,409                      03/08/05
6,864,016                          10/333,104                      03/08/05
6,864,018                          10/080,305                      03/08/05
6,864,020                          10/328,346                      03/08/05
6,864,022                          09/893,551                      03/08/05
6,864,023                          10/724,853                      03/08/05
6,864,024                          10/302,225                      03/08/05
6,864,025                          10/385,148                      03/08/05
6,864,026                          10/390,057                      03/08/05
6,864,028                          10/396,204                      03/08/05
6,864,032                          09/836,236                      03/08/05
6,864,034                          10/702,476                      03/08/05
6,864,040                          09/832,989                      03/08/05
6,864,042                          09/912,065                      03/08/05
6,864,044                          10/309,797                      03/08/05
6,864,060                          08/946,298                      03/08/05
6,864,061                          09/952,571                      03/08/05
6,864,064                          10/847,165                      03/08/05
6,864,067                          09/961,507                      03/08/05
6,864,073                          09/914,286                      03/08/05
6,864,074                          09/430,029                      03/08/05
6,864,075                          10/418,401                      03/08/05
6,864,077                          09/857,524                      03/08/05
6,864,078                          09/515,806                      03/08/05
6,864,082                          09/904,923                      03/08/05
6,864,083                          10/192,381                      03/08/05
6,864,086                          10/172,256                      03/08/05
6,864,090                          10/690,196                      03/08/05
6,864,094                          10/091,440                      03/08/05
6,864,098                          09/876,412                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 195 

6,864,099                          09/849,924                      03/08/05
6,864,102                          09/845,198                      03/08/05
6,864,109                          10/625,410                      03/08/05
6,864,111                          10/628,009                      03/08/05
6,864,121                          09/970,013                      03/08/05
6,864,123                          09/814,794                      03/08/05
6,864,125                          10/642,705                      03/08/05
6,864,127                          10/357,333                      03/08/05
6,864,129                          09/996,279                      03/08/05
6,864,131                          10/391,402                      03/08/05
6,864,133                          10/420,359                      03/08/05
6,864,138                          10/310,723                      03/08/05
6,864,139                          10/786,726                      03/08/05
6,864,146                          10/651,796                      03/08/05
6,864,153                          10/408,528                      03/08/05
6,864,155                          10/340,126                      03/08/05
6,864,158                          10/032,563                      03/08/05
6,864,162                          10/643,183                      03/08/05
6,864,164                          10/320,536                      03/08/05
6,864,166                          10/674,869                      03/08/05
6,864,170                          10/432,770                      03/08/05
6,864,173                          10/616,823                      03/08/05
6,864,174                          10/394,334                      03/08/05
6,864,175                          09/957,363                      03/08/05
6,864,177                          10/329,938                      03/08/05
6,864,181                          10/402,600                      03/08/05
6,864,182                          10/185,631                      03/08/05
6,864,184                          10/772,830                      03/08/05
6,864,187                          10/192,728                      03/08/05
6,864,191                          10/329,689                      03/08/05
6,864,193                          10/379,769                      03/08/05
6,864,201                          09/881,036                      03/08/05
6,864,206                          10/358,951                      03/08/05
6,864,209                          10/402,153                      03/08/05
6,864,211                          10/399,501                      03/08/05
6,864,214                          09/960,325                      03/08/05
6,864,220                          09/999,168                      03/08/05
6,864,221                          09/762,948                      03/08/05
6,864,222                          10/717,267                      03/08/05
6,864,225                          10/275,532                      03/08/05
6,864,227                          09/085,820                      03/08/05
6,864,228                          09/570,275                      03/08/05
6,864,232                          09/869,129                      03/08/05
6,864,238                          10/680,730                      03/08/05
6,864,243                          09/570,231                      03/08/05
6,864,244                          10/731,582                      03/08/05
6,864,245                          10/616,922                      03/08/05
6,864,254                          09/869,103                      03/08/05
6,864,255                          10/120,939                      03/08/05
6,864,269                          09/494,374                      03/08/05
6,864,270                          10/216,492                      03/08/05
6,864,272                          10/096,156                      03/08/05
6,864,282                          10/212,437                      03/08/05
6,864,288                          10/004,155                      03/08/05
6,864,290                          10/192,424                      03/08/05
6,864,294                          09/564,501                      03/08/05
6,864,295                          10/200,495                      03/08/05
6,864,296                          10/634,026                      03/08/05
6,864,300                          10/239,890                      03/08/05
6,864,301                          10/161,544                      03/08/05
6,864,302                          09/952,033                      03/08/05
6,864,307                          09/915,568                      03/08/05
6,864,312                          10/324,378                      03/08/05
6,864,319                          10/789,172                      03/08/05
6,864,320                          10/168,831                      03/08/05
6,864,326                          10/653,664                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 196 

6,864,331                          10/731,729                      03/08/05
6,864,332                          10/149,004                      03/08/05
6,864,337                          10/025,588                      03/08/05
6,864,339                          10/289,946                      03/08/05
6,864,341                          10/004,418                      03/08/05
6,864,342                          10/889,321                      03/08/05
6,864,344                          10/088,712                      03/08/05
6,864,346                          10/736,092                      03/08/05
6,864,352                          10/176,473                      03/08/05
6,864,363                          10/008,355                      03/08/05
6,864,372                          10/438,924                      03/08/05
6,864,376                          10/036,912                      03/08/05
6,864,379                          10/242,804                      03/08/05
6,864,389                          09/870,483                      03/08/05
6,864,399                          10/193,792                      03/08/05
6,864,400                          10/428,033                      03/08/05
6,864,405                          09/605,521                      03/08/05
6,864,408                          10/356,268                      03/08/05
6,864,409                          10/238,929                      03/08/05
6,864,410                          10/260,218                      03/08/05
6,864,412                          10/044,757                      03/08/05
6,864,415                          10/361,079                      03/08/05
6,864,417                          10/056,021                      03/08/05
6,864,433                          10/768,032                      03/08/05
6,864,440                          10/620,590                      03/08/05
6,864,441                          10/746,139                      03/08/05
6,864,443                          10/031,831                      03/08/05
6,864,449                          10/627,291                      03/08/05
6,864,450                          10/848,801                      03/08/05
6,864,456                          09/914,193                      03/08/05
6,864,458                          10/348,781                      03/08/05
6,864,462                          09/865,920                      03/08/05
6,864,468                          10/429,831                      03/08/05
6,864,470                          10/293,515                      03/08/05
6,864,471                          10/473,383                      03/08/05
6,864,475                          09/562,460                      03/08/05
6,864,477                          10/048,261                      03/08/05
6,864,482                          10/875,178                      03/08/05
6,864,488                          10/339,284                      03/08/05
6,864,497                          10/317,402                      03/08/05
6,864,511                          10/222,288                      03/08/05
6,864,518                          10/438,664                      03/08/05
6,864,524                          10/786,276                      03/08/05
6,864,527                          10/232,206                      03/08/05
6,864,530                          10/360,598                      03/08/05
6,864,546                          10/699,890                      03/08/05
6,864,547                          09/882,911                      03/08/05
6,864,556                          10/335,445                      03/08/05
6,864,561                          10/727,889                      03/08/05
6,864,563                          10/158,641                      03/08/05
6,864,564                          10/039,219                      03/08/05
6,864,570                          09/877,640                      03/08/05
6,864,577                          10/132,960                      03/08/05
6,864,579                          10/057,154                      03/08/05
6,864,583                          10/401,791                      03/08/05
6,864,586                          10/375,079                      03/08/05
6,864,589                          09/822,093                      03/08/05
6,864,592                          10/031,661                      03/08/05
6,864,594                          10/451,130                      03/08/05
6,864,597                          09/482,038                      03/08/05
6,864,599                          10/149,716                      03/08/05
6,864,601                          09/797,895                      03/08/05
6,864,605                          10/420,586                      03/08/05
6,864,606                          10/440,975                      03/08/05
6,864,608                          10/207,873                      03/08/05
6,864,620                          10/011,259                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 197 

6,864,621                          10/394,146                      03/08/05
6,864,623                          10/619,595                      03/08/05
6,864,625                          10/352,412                      03/08/05
6,864,630                          10/401,761                      03/08/05
6,864,632                          10/315,345                      03/08/05
6,864,636                          10/625,380                      03/08/05
6,864,640                          09/918,823                      03/08/05
6,864,642                          10/266,162                      03/08/05
6,864,644                          10/295,496                      03/08/05
6,864,653                          10/262,400                      03/08/05
6,864,657                          09/744,645                      03/08/05
6,864,659                          10/191,975                      03/08/05
6,864,661                          10/447,035                      03/08/05
6,864,664                          10/455,896                      03/08/05
6,864,669                          10/428,505                      03/08/05
6,864,670                          10/442,118                      03/08/05
6,864,672                          10/031,359                      03/08/05
6,864,679                          10/390,359                      03/08/05
6,864,685                          10/423,948                      03/08/05
6,864,688                          10/375,927                      03/08/05
6,864,695                          09/925,375                      03/08/05
6,864,697                          10/636,949                      03/08/05
6,864,700                          09/501,033                      03/08/05
6,864,701                          10/602,147                      03/08/05
6,864,706                          09/620,679                      03/08/05
6,864,709                          10/435,831                      03/08/05
6,864,716                          10/457,138                      03/08/05
6,864,717                          09/799,961                      03/08/05
6,864,719                          10/401,585                      03/08/05
6,864,720                          10/428,762                      03/08/05
6,864,725                          10/161,601                      03/08/05
6,864,731                          10/441,654                      03/08/05
6,864,732                          10/298,840                      03/08/05
6,864,737                          10/865,966                      03/08/05
6,864,740                          10/431,072                      03/08/05
6,864,745                          10/687,391                      03/08/05
6,864,748                          10/357,166                      03/08/05
6,864,760                          09/583,171                      03/08/05
6,864,780                          09/948,638                      03/08/05
6,864,786                          10/367,330                      03/08/05
6,864,788                          09/923,053                      03/08/05
6,864,792                          10/236,835                      03/08/05
6,864,795                          10/125,059                      03/08/05
6,864,807                          10/189,585                      03/08/05
6,864,815                          10/886,325                      03/08/05
6,864,817                          10/748,543                      03/08/05
6,864,819                          10/784,934                      03/08/05
6,864,822                          10/755,655                      03/08/05
6,864,828                          10/704,293                      03/08/05
6,864,841                          10/327,551                      03/08/05
6,864,844                          10/205,364                      03/08/05
6,864,849                          10/302,952                      03/08/05
6,864,859                          09/280,541                      03/08/05
6,864,862                          10/149,264                      03/08/05
6,864,876                          09/725,959                      03/08/05
6,864,882                          09/815,163                      03/08/05
6,864,887                          10/102,527                      03/08/05
6,864,890                          10/228,450                      03/08/05
6,864,897                          10/121,785                      03/08/05
6,864,907                          10/663,399                      03/08/05
6,864,908                          10/349,365                      03/08/05
6,864,910                          09/603,606                      03/08/05
6,864,911                          09/696,779                      03/08/05
6,864,914                          09/581,078                      03/08/05
6,864,930                          09/901,913                      03/08/05
6,864,931                          09/913,253                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 198 

6,864,932                          10/122,409                      03/08/05
6,864,941                          10/253,525                      03/08/05
6,864,949                          10/186,699                      03/08/05
6,864,950                          10/245,744                      03/08/05
6,864,954                          10/281,960                      03/08/05
6,864,955                          10/361,495                      03/08/05
6,864,959                          10/124,362                      03/08/05
6,864,960                          10/234,143                      03/08/05
6,864,971                          10/094,119                      03/08/05
6,864,973                          09/751,119                      03/08/05
6,864,976                          10/664,965                      03/08/05
6,864,980                          10/060,096                      03/08/05
6,864,984                          09/959,645                      03/08/05
6,864,992                          09/598,937                      03/08/05
6,864,994                          09/488,039                      03/08/05
6,864,997                          10/005,029                      03/08/05
6,865,001                          10/215,388                      03/08/05
6,865,003                          10/699,742                      03/08/05
6,865,005                          10/058,337                      03/08/05
6,865,006                          10/404,564                      03/08/05
6,865,009                          10/805,525                      03/08/05
6,865,012                          10/812,697                      03/08/05
6,865,017                          10/600,414                      03/08/05
6,865,018                          10/280,641                      03/08/05
6,865,020                          10/658,629                      03/08/05
6,865,022                          10/407,541                      03/08/05
6,865,023                          10/283,747                      03/08/05
6,865,025                          10/727,638                      03/08/05
6,865,027                          10/350,568                      03/08/05
6,865,031                          10/364,876                      03/08/05
6,865,032                          10/401,545                      03/08/05
6,865,034                          10/616,265                      03/08/05
6,865,035                          10/248,078                      03/08/05
6,865,038                          09/994,891                      03/08/05
6,865,040                          10/027,526                      03/08/05
6,865,041                          09/514,881                      03/08/05
6,865,048                          10/406,007                      03/08/05
6,865,049                          10/184,738                      03/08/05
6,865,054                          09/938,172                      03/08/05
6,865,056                          10/031,320                      03/08/05
6,865,057                          09/755,730                      03/08/05
6,865,058                          10/176,324                      03/08/05
6,865,061                          10/348,573                      03/08/05
6,865,066                          10/742,879                      03/08/05
6,865,067                          10/701,553                      03/08/05
6,865,078                          10/684,435                      03/08/05
6,865,080                          10/252,302                      03/08/05
6,865,081                          10/394,356                      03/08/05
6,865,083                          10/137,621                      03/08/05
6,865,086                          10/191,139                      03/08/05
6,865,091                          10/600,439                      03/08/05
6,865,097                          10/188,971                      03/08/05
6,865,102                          10/788,372                      03/08/05
6,865,103                          10/153,737                      03/08/05
6,865,109                          10/456,673                      03/08/05
6,865,111                          10/788,862                      03/08/05
6,865,115                          10/256,037                      03/08/05
6,865,118                          10/739,249                      03/08/05
6,865,122                          10/412,156                      03/08/05
6,865,125                          10/892,289                      03/08/05
6,865,126                          10/933,517                      03/08/05
6,865,127                          10/412,264                      03/08/05
6,865,128                          10/733,455                      03/08/05
6,865,130                          10/376,962                      03/08/05
6,865,131                          10/441,702                      03/08/05
6,865,132                          10/781,149                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 199 

6,865,135                          10/388,052                      03/08/05
6,865,137                          10/603,718                      03/08/05
6,865,138                          10/763,837                      03/08/05
6,865,140                          10/383,990                      03/08/05
6,865,141                          09/935,795                      03/08/05
6,865,151                          09/604,770                      03/08/05
6,865,152                          09/738,110                      03/08/05
6,865,155                          09/566,604                      03/08/05
6,865,159                          09/981,536                      03/08/05
6,865,168                          09/257,917                      03/08/05
6,865,170                          09/100,563                      03/08/05
6,865,173                          09/346,784                      03/08/05
6,865,181                          09/532,611                      03/08/05
6,865,183                          09/465,339                      03/08/05
6,865,184                          10/446,191                      03/08/05
6,865,185                          09/513,912                      03/08/05
6,865,187                          09/346,111                      03/08/05
6,865,192                          09/747,907                      03/08/05
6,865,195                          10/089,569                      03/08/05
6,865,196                          10/155,172                      03/08/05
6,865,203                          09/815,670                      03/08/05
6,865,215                          09/505,463                      03/08/05
6,865,218                          09/723,152                      03/08/05
6,865,219                          09/872,276                      03/08/05
6,865,220                          09/779,530                      03/08/05
6,865,226                          10/005,623                      03/08/05
6,865,227                          09/903,212                      03/08/05
6,865,231                          09/597,192                      03/08/05
6,865,236                          09/585,202                      03/08/05
6,865,239                          09/447,142                      03/08/05
6,865,240                          09/540,892                      03/08/05
6,865,245                          10/264,098                      03/08/05
6,865,247                          10/442,611                      03/08/05
6,865,250                          10/248,171                      03/08/05
6,865,255                          10/082,658                      03/08/05
6,865,257                          10/431,923                      03/08/05
6,865,261                          09/680,611                      03/08/05
6,865,269                          09/558,187                      03/08/05
6,865,274                          09/786,293                      03/08/05
6,865,275                          09/542,036                      03/08/05
6,865,285                          09/578,662                      03/08/05
6,865,288                          09/612,501                      03/08/05
6,865,289                          09/500,181                      03/08/05
6,865,290                          09/838,311                      03/08/05
6,865,291                          08/668,753                      03/08/05
6,865,296                          09/874,199                      03/08/05
6,865,299                          09/618,461                      03/08/05
6,865,302                          09/805,305                      03/08/05
6,865,303                          10/178,800                      03/08/05
6,865,305                          10/739,063                      03/08/05
6,865,309                          10/283,194                      03/08/05
6,865,317                          09/788,300                      03/08/05
6,865,321                          10/208,925                      03/08/05
6,865,334                          10/604,159                      03/08/05
6,865,337                          09/634,265                      03/08/05
6,865,339                          09/665,326                      03/08/05
6,865,344                          09/712,822                      03/08/05
6,865,350                          10/422,754                      03/08/05
6,865,363                          10/285,440                      03/08/05
6,865,366                          10/401,398                      03/08/05
6,865,370                          10/727,701                      03/08/05
6,865,371                          09/750,999                      03/08/05
6,865,374                          09/954,651                      03/08/05
6,865,377                          10/187,036                      03/08/05
6,865,385                          09/560,000                      03/08/05
6,865,392                          09/183,715                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 200 

6,865,396                          09/864,534                      03/08/05
6,865,399                          10/062,529                      03/08/05
6,865,400                          10/154,575                      03/08/05
6,865,408                          10/378,237                      03/08/05
6,865,420                          10/047,115                      03/08/05
6,865,424                          10/215,237                      03/08/05
6,865,426                          09/514,119                      03/08/05
6,865,432                          10/152,348                      03/08/05
6,865,435                          10/658,017                      03/08/05
6,865,438                          10/261,301                      03/08/05
6,865,448                          09/743,200                      03/08/05
6,865,459                          10/129,683                      03/08/05
6,865,470                          10/360,809                      03/08/05
6,865,473                          10/362,718                      03/08/05
6,865,478                          10/440,430                      03/08/05
6,865,480                          10/174,787                      03/08/05
6,865,482                          10/635,874                      03/08/05
6,865,484                          10/343,916                      03/08/05
6,865,486                          10/858,126                      03/08/05
6,865,488                          10/758,778                      03/08/05
6,865,491                          09/643,407                      03/08/05
6,865,492                          09/767,460                      03/08/05
6,865,493                          10/618,822                      03/08/05
6,865,495                          10/374,711                      03/08/05
6,865,497                          10/155,202                      03/08/05
6,865,500                          09/575,488                      03/08/05
6,865,510                          10/318,291                      03/08/05
6,865,526                          09/489,895                      03/08/05
6,865,538                          10/224,035                      03/08/05
6,865,539                          09/577,151                      03/08/05
6,865,543                          09/827,231                      03/08/05
6,865,551                          10/401,887                      03/08/05
6,865,553                          09/968,512                      03/08/05
6,865,558                          09/679,802                      03/08/05
6,865,561                          09/222,644                      03/08/05
6,865,570                          10/291,585                      03/08/05
6,865,571                          09/952,594                      03/08/05
6,865,587                          09/794,865                      03/08/05
6,865,591                          09/608,888                      03/08/05
6,865,592                          09/540,987                      03/08/05
6,865,613                          10/187,203                      03/08/05
6,865,614                          09/897,349                      03/08/05
6,865,619                          10/285,982                      03/08/05
6,865,622                          10/145,244                      03/08/05
6,865,627                          10/330,389                      03/08/05
6,865,628                          10/357,895                      03/08/05
6,865,640                          09/843,387                      03/08/05
6,865,642                          09/103,701                      03/08/05
6,865,646                          10/039,612                      03/08/05
6,865,652                          09/586,575                      03/08/05
6,865,653                          10/024,904                      03/08/05
6,865,654                          10/206,952                      03/08/05
6,865,658                          10/010,796                      03/08/05
6,865,660                          10/183,370                      03/08/05
6,865,663                          09/792,819                      03/08/05
6,865,666                          09/146,259                      03/08/05
6,865,668                          09/787,168                      03/08/05
6,865,670                          10/028,363                      03/08/05
6,865,677                          09/659,551                      03/08/05
6,865,678                          10/140,374                      03/08/05
6,865,684                          10/614,503                      03/08/05
6,865,687                          09/506,814                      03/08/05
6,865,699                          10/199,091                      03/08/05
6,865,700                          09/735,291                      03/08/05
6,865,701                          09/823,148                      03/08/05
6,865,702                          09/829,136                      03/08/05
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 201 

6,865,703                          09/939,602                      03/08/05
6,865,704                          10/007,825                      03/08/05
6,865,706                          09/589,338                      03/08/05
6,865,707                          10/109,657                      03/08/05
6,865,715                          09/048,026                      03/08/05
6,865,724                          10/420,741                      03/08/05
6,865,727                          10/114,796                      03/08/05
6,865,732                          09/430,877                      03/08/05
6,865,735                          09/168,178                      03/08/05
6,865,741                          09/589,566                      03/08/05

                   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON March 3, 2017

7,496,968                          11/339,885                      03/03/09
7,496,969                          11/114,506                      03/03/09
7,496,974                          11/861,982                      03/03/09
7,496,975                          11/801,048                      03/03/09
7,496,978                          10/782,473                      03/03/09
7,496,980                          11/732,110                      03/03/09
7,496,984                          11/757,491                      03/03/09
7,496,985                          11/490,379                      03/03/09
7,497,002                          11/419,039                      03/03/09
7,497,003                          10/400,473                      03/03/09
7,497,008                          11/211,877                      03/03/09
7,497,009                          11/617,443                      03/03/09
7,497,016                          11/451,014                      03/03/09
7,497,022                          11/731,153                      03/03/09
7,497,023                          11/801,544                      03/03/09
7,497,030                          11/341,400                      03/03/09
7,497,031                          11/307,389                      03/03/09
7,497,035                          11/368,090                      03/03/09
7,497,037                          11/107,123                      03/03/09
7,497,038                          11/098,654                      03/03/09
7,497,039                          12/073,536                      03/03/09
7,497,042                          11/608,105                      03/03/09
7,497,046                          11/640,031                      03/03/09
7,497,048                          11/244,810                      03/03/09
7,497,049                          11/440,314                      03/03/09
7,497,052                          11/404,907                      03/03/09
7,497,053                          10/573,638                      03/03/09
7,497,056                          11/451,157                      03/03/09
7,497,066                          10/546,203                      03/03/09
7,497,068                          11/775,476                      03/03/09
7,497,070                          12/012,734                      03/03/09
7,497,075                          10/399,649                      03/03/09
7,497,087                          11/673,654                      03/03/09
7,497,106                          11/353,383                      03/03/09
7,497,111                          11/249,295                      03/03/09
7,497,113                          11/867,730                      03/03/09
7,497,125                          11/826,844                      03/03/09
7,497,127                          11/547,971                      03/03/09
7,497,135                          10/557,176                      03/03/09
7,497,150                          12/007,175                      03/03/09
7,497,155                          11/773,136                      03/03/09
7,497,156                          11/589,778                      03/03/09
7,497,159                          11/902,428                      03/03/09
7,497,161                          10/551,210                      03/03/09
7,497,164                          11/981,303                      03/03/09
7,497,177                          11/398,652                      03/03/09
7,497,178                          11/753,594                      03/03/09
7,497,179                          11/901,422                      03/03/09
7,497,180                          10/596,164                      03/03/09
7,497,181                          11/786,199                      03/03/09
7,497,190                          10/528,209                      03/03/09
7,497,192                          11/079,187                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 202 

7,497,193                          11/655,767                      03/03/09
7,497,194                          11/666,807                      03/03/09
7,497,195                          10/542,656                      03/03/09
7,497,196                          11/609,444                      03/03/09
7,497,200                          11/788,320                      03/03/09
7,497,205                          11/807,728                      03/03/09
7,497,206                          10/587,764                      03/03/09
7,497,214                          10/525,918                      03/03/09
7,497,215                          10/742,382                      03/03/09
7,497,217                          11/087,426                      03/03/09
7,497,219                          10/367,751                      03/03/09
7,497,220                          10/536,003                      03/03/09
7,497,221                          11/158,387                      03/03/09
7,497,224                          11/625,582                      03/03/09
7,497,233                          10/527,019                      03/03/09
7,497,251                          10/989,225                      03/03/09
7,497,268                          11/924,168                      03/03/09
7,497,272                          10/556,477                      03/03/09
7,497,274                          11/338,196                      03/03/09
7,497,283                          11/356,408                      03/03/09
7,497,285                          11/984,234                      03/03/09
7,497,288                          11/169,897                      03/03/09
7,497,289                          11/299,744                      03/03/09
7,497,295                          11/391,461                      03/03/09
7,497,296                          11/384,387                      03/03/09
7,497,299                          11/362,003                      03/03/09
7,497,300                          11/084,400                      03/03/09
7,497,311                          10/560,566                      03/03/09
7,497,314                          11/272,849                      03/03/09
7,497,317                          11/163,866                      03/03/09
7,497,319                          10/590,174                      03/03/09
7,497,332                          11/418,912                      03/03/09
7,497,335                          11/301,003                      03/03/09
7,497,337                          11/517,141                      03/03/09
7,497,349                          11/104,520                      03/03/09
7,497,357                          10/525,253                      03/03/09
7,497,362                          09/419,748                      03/03/09
7,497,366                          11/758,752                      03/03/09
7,497,367                          11/175,588                      03/03/09
7,497,390                          10/475,671                      03/03/09
7,497,391                          11/597,342                      03/03/09
7,497,400                          11/619,597                      03/03/09
7,497,403                          11/483,935                      03/03/09
7,497,404                          11/539,461                      03/03/09
7,497,406                          11/331,710                      03/03/09
7,497,414                          11/326,759                      03/03/09
7,497,415                          11/738,468                      03/03/09
7,497,416                          11/204,255                      03/03/09
7,497,417                          11/454,744                      03/03/09
7,497,419                          11/709,095                      03/03/09
7,497,422                          11/807,421                      03/03/09
7,497,423                          11/654,328                      03/03/09
7,497,429                          10/954,799                      03/03/09
7,497,440                          11/868,038                      03/03/09
7,497,442                          11/444,376                      03/03/09
7,497,443                          11/121,850                      03/03/09
7,497,451                          11/390,152                      03/03/09
7,497,453                          11/510,624                      03/03/09
7,497,457                          11/249,100                      03/03/09
7,497,470                          11/284,713                      03/03/09
7,497,471                          11/362,017                      03/03/09
7,497,472                          11/448,222                      03/03/09
7,497,485                          10/595,366                      03/03/09
7,497,491                          11/116,433                      03/03/09
7,497,494                          11/391,072                      03/03/09
7,497,496                          11/676,282                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 203 

7,497,497                          12/039,001                      03/03/09
7,497,498                          10/534,287                      03/03/09
7,497,499                          11/531,195                      03/03/09
7,497,500                          11/565,808                      03/03/09
7,497,502                          11/811,541                      03/03/09
7,497,508                          11/731,958                      03/03/09
7,497,510                          10/575,281                      03/03/09
7,497,515                          10/221,186                      03/03/09
7,497,516                          10/500,906                      03/03/09
7,497,520                          11/582,054                      03/03/09
7,497,527                          11/199,381                      03/03/09
7,497,529                          11/409,325                      03/03/09
7,497,539                          11/593,603                      03/03/09
7,497,541                          10/698,001                      03/03/09
7,497,543                          11/594,069                      03/03/09
7,497,551                          11/458,129                      03/03/09
7,497,552                          11/823,363                      03/03/09
7,497,554                          11/181,590                      03/03/09
7,497,555                          11/525,857                      03/03/09
7,497,556                          11/376,157                      03/03/09
7,497,561                          11/713,509                      03/03/09
7,497,571                          10/543,085                      03/03/09
7,497,576                          11/159,332                      03/03/09
7,497,586                          11/824,120                      03/03/09
7,497,596                          10/500,315                      03/03/09
7,497,610                          11/269,194                      03/03/09
7,497,611                          11/836,677                      03/03/09
7,497,616                          11/649,140                      03/03/09
7,497,619                          10/531,985                      03/03/09
7,497,630                          10/577,783                      03/03/09
7,497,639                          10/534,969                      03/03/09
7,497,650                          11/219,787                      03/03/09
7,497,654                          10/528,643                      03/03/09
7,497,658                          11/270,951                      03/03/09
7,497,669                          10/490,713                      03/03/09
7,497,672                          11/891,531                      03/03/09
7,497,680                          11/677,075                      03/03/09
7,497,682                          11/296,367                      03/03/09
7,497,683                          11/163,654                      03/03/09
7,497,695                          12/071,330                      03/03/09
7,497,710                          11/939,208                      03/03/09
7,497,715                          11/811,826                      03/03/09
7,497,718                          11/557,708                      03/03/09
7,497,720                          11/564,103                      03/03/09
7,497,727                          12/148,044                      03/03/09
7,497,741                          11/753,580                      03/03/09
7,497,743                          11/888,551                      03/03/09
7,497,751                          11/740,997                      03/03/09
7,497,752                          11/692,282                      03/03/09
7,497,768                          11/201,704                      03/03/09
7,497,784                          10/997,791                      03/03/09
7,497,785                          11/294,728                      03/03/09
7,497,786                          11/285,740                      03/03/09
7,497,788                          11/582,978                      03/03/09
7,497,794                          11/302,335                      03/03/09
7,497,801                          10/565,199                      03/03/09
7,497,806                          10/344,636                      03/03/09
7,497,809                          11/981,953                      03/03/09
7,497,810                          11/985,978                      03/03/09
7,497,816                          10/555,819                      03/03/09
7,497,818                          10/397,940                      03/03/09
7,497,856                          11/203,519                      03/03/09
7,497,857                          10/425,531                      03/03/09
7,497,866                          10/346,664                      03/03/09
7,497,877                          10/734,027                      03/03/09
7,497,882                          10/510,081                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 204 

7,497,883                          11/282,196                      03/03/09
7,497,889                          10/558,705                      03/03/09
7,497,892                          11/238,980                      03/03/09
7,497,901                          11/643,595                      03/03/09
7,497,902                          11/713,054                      03/03/09
7,497,906                          11/683,745                      03/03/09
7,497,911                          11/464,779                      03/03/09
7,497,913                          11/414,146                      03/03/09
7,497,927                          11/462,699                      03/03/09
7,497,929                          10/925,474                      03/03/09
7,497,938                          11/088,075                      03/03/09
7,497,939                          10/679,852                      03/03/09
7,497,946                          11/694,822                      03/03/09
7,497,961                          11/041,989                      03/03/09
7,497,962                          11/196,341                      03/03/09
7,497,966                          10/594,537                      03/03/09
7,497,968                          11/134,583                      03/03/09
7,497,970                          11/729,853                      03/03/09
7,497,975                          12/032,878                      03/03/09
7,497,984                          11/801,455                      03/03/09
7,497,985                          10/580,667                      03/03/09
7,497,989                          11/862,735                      03/03/09
7,497,998                          11/515,776                      03/03/09
7,498,000                          10/467,247                      03/03/09
7,498,004                          10/284,709                      03/03/09
7,498,016                          11/569,592                      03/03/09
7,498,024                          10/831,302                      03/03/09
7,498,048                          11/420,520                      03/03/09
7,498,050                          10/736,037                      03/03/09
7,498,057                          11/075,017                      03/03/09
7,498,059                          11/949,688                      03/03/09
7,498,060                          11/220,896                      03/03/09
7,498,069                          11/180,699                      03/03/09
7,498,071                          10/542,152                      03/03/09
7,498,080                          11/308,530                      03/03/09
7,498,086                          10/523,633                      03/03/09
7,498,096                          10/349,946                      03/03/09
7,498,107                          11/236,816                      03/03/09
7,498,109                          11/481,731                      03/03/09
7,498,110                          11/157,990                      03/03/09
7,498,117                          11/264,620                      03/03/09
7,498,124                          10/675,419                      03/03/09
7,498,129                          11/332,849                      03/03/09
7,498,131                          10/498,524                      03/03/09
7,498,134                          10/813,177                      03/03/09
7,498,141                          11/607,030                      03/03/09
7,498,144                          10/537,607                      03/03/09
7,498,145                          11/363,094                      03/03/09
7,498,149                          10/788,793                      03/03/09
7,498,153                          11/808,802                      03/03/09
7,498,157                          10/522,789                      03/03/09
7,498,163                          11/005,815                      03/03/09
7,498,176                          10/673,760                      03/03/09
7,498,186                          11/529,910                      03/03/09
7,498,193                          11/606,277                      03/03/09
7,498,199                          11/777,368                      03/03/09
7,498,201                          11/167,495                      03/03/09
7,498,205                          11/524,404                      03/03/09
7,498,213                          11/530,218                      03/03/09
7,498,215                          11/687,064                      03/03/09
7,498,216                          11/266,578                      03/03/09
7,498,221                          11/490,288                      03/03/09
7,498,224                          11/489,470                      03/03/09
7,498,226                          11/400,296                      03/03/09
7,498,240                          11/218,039                      03/03/09
7,498,241                          11/335,459                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 205 

7,498,246                          11/923,817                      03/03/09
7,498,251                          11/693,734                      03/03/09
7,498,267                          11/776,750                      03/03/09
7,498,269                          11/812,793                      03/03/09
7,498,270                          11/239,318                      03/03/09
7,498,275                          10/485,476                      03/03/09
7,498,283                          11/187,970                      03/03/09
7,498,284                          10/541,871                      03/03/09
7,498,287                          11/904,056                      03/03/09
7,498,291                          11/452,041                      03/03/09
7,498,292                          10/637,940                      03/03/09
7,498,299                          11/161,274                      03/03/09
7,498,300                          10/763,935                      03/03/09
7,498,304                          10/652,686                      03/03/09
7,498,308                          11/436,457                      03/03/09
7,498,311                          11/326,783                      03/03/09
7,498,318                          10/129,095                      03/03/09
7,498,319                          10/576,972                      03/03/09
7,498,321                          10/343,842                      03/03/09
7,498,324                          11/788,708                      03/03/09
7,498,328                          11/487,745                      03/03/09
7,498,329                          11/349,324                      03/03/09
7,498,331                          10/701,565                      03/03/09
7,498,332                          10/074,250                      03/03/09
7,498,334                          10/500,040                      03/03/09
7,498,336                          10/545,547                      03/03/09
7,498,339                          11/969,975                      03/03/09
7,498,348                          11/842,657                      03/03/09
7,498,352                          10/480,849                      03/03/09
7,498,358                          10/498,338                      03/03/09
7,498,362                          11/258,583                      03/03/09
7,498,364                          10/555,237                      03/03/09
7,498,366                          11/819,142                      03/03/09
7,498,368                          10/557,199                      03/03/09
7,498,375                          10/496,183                      03/03/09
7,498,376                          10/874,654                      03/03/09
7,498,378                          11/145,774                      03/03/09
7,498,380                          11/137,260                      03/03/09
7,498,382                          11/139,683                      03/03/09
7,498,390                          11/904,057                      03/03/09
7,498,394                          10/547,220                      03/03/09
7,498,408                          10/528,611                      03/03/09
7,498,413                          11/619,645                      03/03/09
7,498,417                          10/853,232                      03/03/09
7,498,425                          11/174,448                      03/03/09
7,498,427                          10/981,293                      03/03/09
7,498,430                          10/984,529                      03/03/09
7,498,431                          11/291,236                      03/03/09
7,498,432                          10/866,858                      03/03/09
7,498,433                          10/541,604                      03/03/09
7,498,434                          10/585,006                      03/03/09
7,498,446                          11/055,248                      03/03/09
7,498,450                          10/577,340                      03/03/09
7,498,452                          10/527,164                      03/03/09
7,498,453                          10/567,726                      03/03/09
7,498,458                          11/189,985                      03/03/09
7,498,459                          10/599,072                      03/03/09
7,498,467                          12/039,804                      03/03/09
7,498,473                          11/460,404                      03/03/09
7,498,482                          11/609,351                      03/03/09
7,498,483                          11/930,384                      03/03/09
7,498,492                          10/003,405                      03/03/09
7,498,495                          11/038,595                      03/03/09
7,498,504                          11/570,557                      03/03/09
7,498,516                          11/452,639                      03/03/09
7,498,519                          10/560,423                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 206 

7,498,520                          10/965,868                      03/03/09
7,498,532                          10/578,579                      03/03/09
7,498,534                          11/468,522                      03/03/09
7,498,545                          11/414,071                      03/03/09
7,498,553                          11/743,235                      03/03/09
7,498,567                          11/767,487                      03/03/09
7,498,572                          11/519,008                      03/03/09
7,498,577                          11/717,714                      03/03/09
7,498,580                          10/576,933                      03/03/09
7,498,594                          10/536,737                      03/03/09
7,498,596                          11/438,459                      03/03/09
7,498,598                          11/079,653                      03/03/09
7,498,612                          10/577,475                      03/03/09
7,498,613                          11/496,136                      03/03/09
7,498,614                          11/838,522                      03/03/09
7,498,618                          11/507,493                      03/03/09
7,498,628                          11/212,466                      03/03/09
7,498,630                          11/559,785                      03/03/09
7,498,631                          11/309,696                      03/03/09
7,498,635                          11/249,894                      03/03/09
7,498,637                          11/151,455                      03/03/09
7,498,651                          11/286,144                      03/03/09
7,498,663                          10/921,172                      03/03/09
7,498,675                          11/701,927                      03/03/09
7,498,679                          11/354,469                      03/03/09
7,498,682                          11/715,544                      03/03/09
7,498,683                          10/931,799                      03/03/09
7,498,686                          11/800,234                      03/03/09
7,498,688                          11/220,525                      03/03/09
7,498,691                          10/182,101                      03/03/09
7,498,693                          11/060,202                      03/03/09
7,498,694                          11/402,387                      03/03/09
7,498,695                          11/595,070                      03/03/09
7,498,718                          11/548,117                      03/03/09
7,498,720                          10/574,446                      03/03/09
7,498,722                          11/785,218                      03/03/09
7,498,725                          11/944,768                      03/03/09
7,498,726                          11/976,176                      03/03/09
7,498,729                          11/464,710                      03/03/09
7,498,730                          11/035,125                      03/03/09
7,498,732                          11/097,097                      03/03/09
7,498,736                          11/626,229                      03/03/09
7,498,743                          11/011,636                      03/03/09
7,498,745                          11/297,348                      03/03/09
7,498,752                          11/320,794                      03/03/09
7,498,759                          11/465,262                      03/03/09
7,498,762                          11/628,276                      03/03/09
7,498,770                          11/098,748                      03/03/09
7,498,772                          11/399,213                      03/03/09
7,498,773                          11/751,338                      03/03/09
7,498,775                          11/803,285                      03/03/09
7,498,782                          11/173,805                      03/03/09
7,498,784                          11/460,201                      03/03/09
7,498,785                          12/021,879                      03/03/09
7,498,790                          10/976,717                      03/03/09
7,498,793                          11/716,404                      03/03/09
7,498,798                          11/378,369                      03/03/09
7,498,803                          11/594,814                      03/03/09
7,498,805                          10/519,968                      03/03/09
7,498,810                          10/938,030                      03/03/09
7,498,811                          11/282,046                      03/03/09
7,498,827                          11/710,221                      03/03/09
7,498,831                          11/278,765                      03/03/09
7,498,850                          11/767,227                      03/03/09
7,498,855                          11/193,470                      03/03/09
7,498,857                          11/863,740                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 207 

7,498,859                          10/878,313                      03/03/09
7,498,866                          11/648,330                      03/03/09
7,498,867                          11/716,651                      03/03/09
7,498,878                          11/826,956                      03/03/09
7,498,893                          10/537,855                      03/03/09
7,498,909                          11/484,506                      03/03/09
7,498,911                          10/785,205                      03/03/09
7,498,916                          11/701,977                      03/03/09
7,498,917                          12/001,126                      03/03/09
7,498,921                          11/984,572                      03/03/09
7,498,923                          11/204,464                      03/03/09
7,498,928                          11/358,579                      03/03/09
7,498,932                          10/598,474                      03/03/09
7,498,943                          11/588,729                      03/03/09
7,498,947                          11/640,935                      03/03/09
7,498,951                          10/968,375                      03/03/09
7,498,959                          11/766,322                      03/03/09
7,498,966                          11/610,973                      03/03/09
7,498,967                          11/808,623                      03/03/09
7,498,972                          11/811,016                      03/03/09
7,498,983                          11/360,880                      03/03/09
7,498,984                          11/411,021                      03/03/09
7,498,985                          11/479,808                      03/03/09
7,498,986                          11/294,864                      03/03/09
7,498,992                          11/906,691                      03/03/09
7,498,993                          11/874,709                      03/03/09
7,498,998                          11/616,495                      03/03/09
7,499,001                          11/667,019                      03/03/09
7,499,004                          10/914,383                      03/03/09
7,499,005                          11/017,056                      03/03/09
7,499,012                          10/930,414                      03/03/09
7,499,015                          10/535,698                      03/03/09
7,499,020                          09/838,170                      03/03/09
7,499,022                          10/981,984                      03/03/09
7,499,023                          11/122,820                      03/03/09
7,499,024                          10/697,845                      03/03/09
7,499,026                          10/836,097                      03/03/09
7,499,029                          10/638,557                      03/03/09
7,499,044                          10/695,779                      03/03/09
7,499,062                          10/515,526                      03/03/09
7,499,063                          10/671,745                      03/03/09
7,499,069                          11/342,646                      03/03/09
7,499,076                          11/471,235                      03/03/09
7,499,083                          11/027,373                      03/03/09
7,499,087                          10/493,870                      03/03/09
7,499,091                          10/508,234                      03/03/09
7,499,092                          10/945,764                      03/03/09
7,499,093                          10/715,555                      03/03/09
7,499,095                          11/140,987                      03/03/09
7,499,099                          11/148,888                      03/03/09
7,499,100                          11/243,206                      03/03/09
7,499,104                          10/846,133                      03/03/09
7,499,110                          10/842,414                      03/03/09
7,499,113                          11/267,924                      03/03/09
7,499,129                          11/195,779                      03/03/09
7,499,130                          10/904,520                      03/03/09
7,499,142                          11/330,564                      03/03/09
7,499,143                          10/797,661                      03/03/09
7,499,157                          11/727,037                      03/03/09
7,499,158                          11/514,014                      03/03/09
7,499,195                          11/195,668                      03/03/09
7,499,196                          11/228,275                      03/03/09
7,499,201                          10/744,103                      03/03/09
7,499,204                          12/169,836                      03/03/09
7,499,206                          11/298,768                      03/03/09
7,499,207                          11/517,923                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 208 

7,499,208                          11/182,389                      03/03/09
7,499,221                          11/281,515                      03/03/09
7,499,229                          11/136,442                      03/03/09
7,499,237                          11/482,037                      03/03/09
7,499,240                          11/280,581                      03/03/09
7,499,241                          11/280,872                      03/03/09
7,499,243                          11/835,309                      03/03/09
7,499,244                          11/341,584                      03/03/09
7,499,246                          11/138,523                      03/03/09
7,499,263                          11/468,223                      03/03/09
7,499,264                          11/417,539                      03/03/09
7,499,269                          11/454,136                      03/03/09
7,499,274                          11/450,215                      03/03/09
7,499,275                          11/781,270                      03/03/09
7,499,280                          11/617,115                      03/03/09
7,499,288                          11/425,578                      03/03/09
7,499,291                          11/652,983                      03/03/09
7,499,295                          11/810,739                      03/03/09
7,499,300                          11/309,471                      03/03/09
7,499,302                          11/186,803                      03/03/09
7,499,331                          11/640,291                      03/03/09
7,499,349                          11/672,343                      03/03/09
7,499,350                          11/819,798                      03/03/09
7,499,351                          11/750,702                      03/03/09
7,499,357                          11/819,787                      03/03/09
7,499,362                          11/338,279                      03/03/09
7,499,373                          11/055,481                      03/03/09
7,499,376                          11/633,456                      03/03/09
7,499,379                          12/062,691                      03/03/09
7,499,380                          10/811,845                      03/03/09
7,499,381                          11/903,723                      03/03/09
7,499,386                          11/177,638                      03/03/09
7,499,387                          10/581,770                      03/03/09
7,499,398                          10/418,125                      03/03/09
7,499,399                          10/735,146                      03/03/09
7,499,400                          10/406,623                      03/03/09
7,499,404                          10/232,063                      03/03/09
7,499,405                          11/168,719                      03/03/09
7,499,406                          11/732,904                      03/03/09
7,499,422                          10/826,497                      03/03/09
7,499,442                          10/998,572                      03/03/09
7,499,462                          11/117,467                      03/03/09
7,499,468                          10/602,145                      03/03/09
7,499,475                          11/231,869                      03/03/09
7,499,476                          11/900,342                      03/03/09
7,499,478                          10/937,908                      03/03/09
7,499,480                          11/936,837                      03/03/09
7,499,483                          11/278,549                      03/03/09
7,499,484                          11/650,842                      03/03/09
7,499,491                          10/875,258                      03/03/09
7,499,498                          11/256,182                      03/03/09
7,499,500                          10/803,621                      03/03/09
7,499,504                          11/122,268                      03/03/09
7,499,514                          11/133,971                      03/03/09
7,499,516                          10/993,542                      03/03/09
7,499,520                          11/746,215                      03/03/09
7,499,526                          10/926,804                      03/03/09
7,499,532                          10/604,701                      03/03/09
7,499,536                          10/936,553                      03/03/09
7,499,537                          10/896,380                      03/03/09
7,499,546                          10/415,500                      03/03/09
7,499,548                          10/603,424                      03/03/09
7,499,550                          10/775,596                      03/03/09
7,499,558                          10/925,093                      03/03/09
7,499,564                          10/383,156                      03/03/09
7,499,567                          11/253,098                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 209 

7,499,570                          11/066,772                      03/03/09
7,499,571                          11/525,795                      03/03/09
7,499,572                          10/881,966                      03/03/09
7,499,582                          10/878,384                      03/03/09
7,499,583                          10/852,996                      03/03/09
7,499,603                          11/335,128                      03/03/09
7,499,607                          11/974,483                      03/03/09
7,499,609                          11/809,616                      03/03/09
7,499,611                          12/147,335                      03/03/09
7,499,614                          10/692,921                      03/03/09
7,499,628                          10/173,816                      03/03/09
7,499,636                          11/158,057                      03/03/09
7,499,637                          11/209,617                      03/03/09
7,499,638                          11/286,278                      03/03/09
7,499,641                          11/553,804                      03/03/09
7,499,643                          11/228,061                      03/03/09
7,499,644                          10/543,574                      03/03/09
7,499,648                          10/952,488                      03/03/09
7,499,649                          10/832,078                      03/03/09
7,499,650                          10/926,236                      03/03/09
7,499,651                          11/347,446                      03/03/09
7,499,657                          11/267,213                      03/03/09
7,499,660                          11/877,267                      03/03/09
7,499,663                          12/127,501                      03/03/09
7,499,668                          11/481,971                      03/03/09
7,499,680                          11/078,148                      03/03/09
7,499,688                          11/727,216                      03/03/09
7,499,689                          11/727,217                      03/03/09
7,499,695                          11/317,220                      03/03/09
7,499,697                          10/785,262                      03/03/09
7,499,706                          10/070,411                      03/03/09
7,499,723                          11/341,365                      03/03/09
7,499,730                          10/391,213                      03/03/09
7,499,731                          11/224,703                      03/03/09
7,499,734                          11/320,419                      03/03/09
7,499,735                          11/092,668                      03/03/09
7,499,736                          11/679,052                      03/03/09
7,499,749                          11/025,847                      03/03/09
7,499,765                          11/228,489                      03/03/09
7,499,770                          11/287,344                      03/03/09
7,499,801                          11/159,149                      03/03/09
7,499,807                          11/524,028                      03/03/09
7,499,810                          10/949,167                      03/03/09
7,499,813                          11/659,737                      03/03/09
7,499,818                          11/416,910                      03/03/09
7,499,823                          11/557,553                      03/03/09
7,499,828                          11/606,248                      03/03/09
7,499,830                          11/274,579                      03/03/09
7,499,838                          10/922,445                      03/03/09
7,499,839                          11/238,626                      03/03/09
7,499,843                          10/508,709                      03/03/09
7,499,853                          11/641,009                      03/03/09
7,499,856                          10/740,642                      03/03/09
7,499,857                          10/438,498                      03/03/09
7,499,870                          10/742,628                      03/03/09
7,499,871                          10/151,370                      03/03/09
7,499,872                          09/703,562                      03/03/09
7,499,873                          10/993,198                      03/03/09
7,499,888                          09/811,353                      03/03/09
7,499,890                          10/684,720                      03/03/09
7,499,891                          11/735,028                      03/03/09
7,499,892                          11/397,299                      03/03/09
7,499,895                          10/475,361                      03/03/09
7,499,900                          11/407,762                      03/03/09
7,499,903                          11/043,014                      03/03/09
7,499,912                          10/690,556                      03/03/09
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 210 

7,499,918                          11/131,372                      03/03/09
7,499,921                          10/752,624                      03/03/09
7,499,923                          10/791,897                      03/03/09
7,499,930                          11/038,160                      03/03/09
7,499,931                          11/124,749                      03/03/09
7,499,932                          11/258,292                      03/03/09
7,499,935                          10/355,517                      03/03/09
7,499,943                          11/328,798                      03/03/09
7,499,965                          11/068,241                      03/03/09
7,499,966                          09/935,414                      03/03/09
7,499,970                          10/986,577                      03/03/09
7,499,976                          10/856,086                      03/03/09
7,499,980                          10/922,281                      03/03/09
7,499,990                          09/713,929                      03/03/09
7,499,991                          11/272,591                      03/03/09
7,500,001                          10/951,813                      03/03/09
7,500,011                          11/422,305                      03/03/09
7,500,015                          10/310,798                      03/03/09
7,500,019                          10/717,455                      03/03/09
7,500,025                          11/088,852                      03/03/09
7,500,039                          11/207,971                      03/03/09
7,500,051                          11/531,328                      03/03/09
7,500,052                          11/014,641                      03/03/09
7,500,054                          11/838,928                      03/03/09
7,500,063                          11/302,096                      03/03/09
7,500,070                          11/508,473                      03/03/09
7,500,071                          11/216,879                      03/03/09
7,500,083                          11/204,233                      03/03/09
7,500,088                          10/886,723                      03/03/09
7,500,106                          10/972,251                      03/03/09
7,500,117                          11/219,266                      03/03/09
7,500,119                          11/314,221                      03/03/09
7,500,120                          11/460,787                      03/03/09
7,500,125                          11/303,926                      03/03/09
7,500,128                          11/127,909                      03/03/09
7,500,141                          11/288,714                      03/03/09
7,500,144                          10/628,647                      03/03/09
7,500,145                          10/857,592                      03/03/09
7,500,152                          10/728,398                      03/03/09
7,500,159                          11/755,629                      03/03/09
7,500,165                          10/958,555                      03/03/09
7,500,169                          11/190,922                      03/03/09
7,500,176                          10/957,263                      03/03/09
7,500,180                          10/244,221                      03/03/09
7,500,187                          09/869,647                      03/03/09
7,500,207                          11/354,425                      03/03/09
7,500,211                          11/508,195                      03/03/09
7,500,212                          11/348,340                      03/03/09
7,500,222                          10/692,115                      03/03/09
7,500,242                          10/658,626                      03/03/09
7,500,244                          10/881,784                      03/03/09
7,500,251                          10/858,380                      03/03/09
7,500,253                          11/355,519                      03/03/09
7,500,254                          10/805,532                      03/03/09
7,500,259                          10/458,934                      03/03/09
7,500,266                          10/308,683                      03/03/09
RE.43,463                          12/658,573                      06/12/12
7,499,184                          11/400,269                      03/03/09

                   PATENTS WHICH EXPIRED ON March 5, 2017

8,387,165                          12/945,197                      03/05/13
8,387,176                          12/766,499                      03/05/13
8,387,181                          13/211,871                      03/05/13
8,387,186                          13/188,891                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 211 

8,387,190                          13/240,331                      03/05/13
8,387,198                          13/209,921                      03/05/13
8,387,199                          13/346,365                      03/05/13
8,387,208                          13/206,676                      03/05/13
8,387,215                          13/069,003                      03/05/13
8,387,224                          11/665,060                      03/05/13
8,387,228                          10/865,060                      03/05/13
8,387,232                          13/345,907                      03/05/13
8,387,235                          12/339,468                      03/05/13
8,387,238                          12/484,230                      03/05/13
8,387,241                          13/025,557                      03/05/13
8,387,247                          12/217,401                      03/05/13
8,387,249                          11/942,221                      03/05/13
8,387,250                          12/264,651                      03/05/13
8,387,258                          10/841,209                      03/05/13
8,387,263                          13/412,456                      03/05/13
8,387,264                          12/861,873                      03/05/13
8,387,285                          12/065,312                      03/05/13
8,387,292                          13/214,374                      03/05/13
8,387,294                          12/950,858                      03/05/13
8,387,301                          12/715,298                      03/05/13
8,387,304                          12/697,875                      03/05/13
8,387,305                          12/697,885                      03/05/13
8,387,310                          12/406,304                      03/05/13
8,387,318                          12/537,038                      03/05/13
8,387,330                          12/586,193                      03/05/13
8,387,345                          12/776,472                      03/05/13
8,387,356                          12/610,666                      03/05/13
8,387,364                          12/372,306                      03/05/13
8,387,375                          13/294,862                      03/05/13
8,387,378                          12/219,821                      03/05/13
8,387,379                          12/499,103                      03/05/13
8,387,382                          12/787,569                      03/05/13
8,387,385                          11/173,920                      03/05/13
8,387,397                          12/360,490                      03/05/13
8,387,417                          12/918,009                      03/05/13
8,387,423                          12/967,379                      03/05/13
8,387,431                          11/703,435                      03/05/13
8,387,434                          12/623,168                      03/05/13
8,387,439                          12/524,025                      03/05/13
8,387,454                          12/796,741                      03/05/13
8,387,460                          12/593,052                      03/05/13
8,387,489                          12/882,206                      03/05/13
8,387,492                          12/928,586                      03/05/13
8,387,508                          12/809,815                      03/05/13
8,387,514                          12/097,176                      03/05/13
8,387,519                          12/135,800                      03/05/13
8,387,533                          13/082,065                      03/05/13
8,387,535                          12/802,457                      03/05/13
8,387,537                          11/341,896                      03/05/13
8,387,545                          12/837,001                      03/05/13
8,387,551                          12/529,974                      03/05/13
8,387,554                          12/844,138                      03/05/13
8,387,559                          12/278,407                      03/05/13
8,387,561                          12/965,054                      03/05/13
8,387,562                          13/242,851                      03/05/13
8,387,563                          13/372,729                      03/05/13
8,387,564                          12/440,100                      03/05/13
8,387,569                          12/321,801                      03/05/13
8,387,577                          12/920,530                      03/05/13
8,387,579                          12/804,289                      03/05/13
8,387,604                          12/802,291                      03/05/13
8,387,606                          12/454,057                      03/05/13
8,387,608                          12/780,394                      03/05/13
8,387,609                          12/709,567                      03/05/13
8,387,610                          12/802,130                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 212 

8,387,622                          12/277,923                      03/05/13
8,387,624                          12/930,624                      03/05/13
8,387,628                          13/317,975                      03/05/13
8,387,636                          13/356,259                      03/05/13
8,387,637                          12/446,197                      03/05/13
8,387,639                          13/052,494                      03/05/13
8,387,640                          13/434,489                      03/05/13
8,387,649                          12/714,599                      03/05/13
8,387,654                          12/742,777                      03/05/13
8,387,655                          12/797,875                      03/05/13
8,387,671                          12/663,489                      03/05/13
8,387,680                          12/593,823                      03/05/13
8,387,685                          11/919,368                      03/05/13
8,387,697                          13/124,637                      03/05/13
8,387,698                          13/464,825                      03/05/13
8,387,699                          12/509,544                      03/05/13
8,387,712                          12/962,340                      03/05/13
8,387,716                          11/918,166                      03/05/13
8,387,717                          12/894,471                      03/05/13
8,387,719                          12/676,559                      03/05/13
8,387,728                          12/268,185                      03/05/13
8,387,736                          13/011,121                      03/05/13
8,387,741                          13/060,098                      03/05/13
8,387,742                          12/601,849                      03/05/13
8,387,745                          13/279,499                      03/05/13
8,387,752                          12/813,434                      03/05/13
8,387,762                          12/991,632                      03/05/13
8,387,764                          12/220,843                      03/05/13
8,387,769                          13/174,674                      03/05/13
8,387,784                          12/834,216                      03/05/13
8,387,785                          12/586,457                      03/05/13
8,387,791                          13/092,405                      03/05/13
8,387,801                          12/663,883                      03/05/13
8,387,803                          12/198,642                      03/05/13
8,387,812                          13/254,768                      03/05/13
8,387,814                          12/590,470                      03/05/13
8,387,816                          13/040,136                      03/05/13
8,387,819                          12/854,178                      03/05/13
8,387,839                          12/813,459                      03/05/13
8,387,841                          12/633,522                      03/05/13
8,387,869                          12/647,107                      03/05/13
8,387,871                          12/976,788                      03/05/13
8,387,875                          12/999,774                      03/05/13
8,387,877                          13/219,086                      03/05/13
8,387,889                          13/196,819                      03/05/13
8,387,893                          11/300,895                      03/05/13
8,387,905                          12/907,269                      03/05/13
8,387,908                          12/465,454                      03/05/13
8,387,910                          12/529,263                      03/05/13
8,387,911                          12/179,690                      03/05/13
8,387,929                          12/901,665                      03/05/13
8,387,932                          12/047,919                      03/05/13
8,387,933                          12/846,853                      03/05/13
8,387,937                          12/752,142                      03/05/13
8,387,938                          13/097,308                      03/05/13
8,387,940                          12/752,096                      03/05/13
8,387,943                          12/653,048                      03/05/13
8,387,945                          12/703,356                      03/05/13
8,387,955                          12/196,495                      03/05/13
8,387,956                          13/334,976                      03/05/13
8,387,964                          13/064,607                      03/05/13
8,387,975                          13/249,399                      03/05/13
8,387,976                          13/489,316                      03/05/13
8,387,980                          12/274,584                      03/05/13
8,387,984                          12/755,454                      03/05/13
8,387,987                          13/411,576                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 213 

8,387,993                          11/989,858                      03/05/13
8,387,997                          12/733,187                      03/05/13
8,387,999                          12/918,999                      03/05/13
8,388,004                          12/778,465                      03/05/13
8,388,007                          12/908,035                      03/05/13
8,388,009                          13/114,494                      03/05/13
8,388,015                          12/715,623                      03/05/13
8,388,016                          12/606,994                      03/05/13
8,388,018                          13/244,081                      03/05/13
8,388,023                          12/375,749                      03/05/13
8,388,029                          11/885,603                      03/05/13
8,388,041                          13/376,600                      03/05/13
8,388,054                          12/682,058                      03/05/13
8,388,055                          13/083,270                      03/05/13
8,388,067                          12/972,641                      03/05/13
8,388,069                          12/725,694                      03/05/13
8,388,071                          12/516,310                      03/05/13
8,388,075                          12/967,063                      03/05/13
8,388,110                          13/346,388                      03/05/13
8,388,113                          12/036,333                      03/05/13
8,388,125                          13/033,466                      03/05/13
8,388,128                          13/220,076                      03/05/13
8,388,138                          12/045,119                      03/05/13
8,388,142                          12/445,114                      03/05/13
8,388,150                          13/397,353                      03/05/13
8,388,157                          12/506,585                      03/05/13
8,388,168                          12/852,148                      03/05/13
8,388,169                          12/146,724                      03/05/13
8,388,172                          13/070,487                      03/05/13
8,388,175                          12/671,946                      03/05/13
8,388,181                          12/556,123                      03/05/13
8,388,183                          13/393,084                      03/05/13
8,388,186                          13/116,191                      03/05/13
8,388,187                          12/655,989                      03/05/13
8,388,188                          12/807,783                      03/05/13
8,388,195                          12/824,208                      03/05/13
8,388,196                          13/160,607                      03/05/13
8,388,197                          13/288,400                      03/05/13
8,388,199                          12/829,573                      03/05/13
8,388,201                          12/187,204                      03/05/13
8,388,212                          13/009,648                      03/05/13
8,388,216                          13/013,713                      03/05/13
8,388,218                          12/736,589                      03/05/13
8,388,221                          12/748,809                      03/05/13
8,388,223                          11/891,226                      03/05/13
8,388,227                          12/662,917                      03/05/13
8,388,238                          12/443,339                      03/05/13
8,388,241                          12/752,432                      03/05/13
8,388,243                          13/171,437                      03/05/13
8,388,253                          12/916,523                      03/05/13
8,388,262                          13/047,032                      03/05/13
8,388,282                          12/561,622                      03/05/13
8,388,301                          12/478,370                      03/05/13
8,388,304                          13/099,515                      03/05/13
8,388,305                          12/695,699                      03/05/13
8,388,310                          12/022,302                      03/05/13
8,388,321                          12/521,259                      03/05/13
8,388,337                          12/223,487                      03/05/13
8,388,339                          12/338,095                      03/05/13
8,388,340                          12/094,278                      03/05/13
8,388,354                          13/308,712                      03/05/13
8,388,360                          13/253,152                      03/05/13
8,388,362                          13/095,493                      03/05/13
8,388,364                          13/313,167                      03/05/13
8,388,367                          13/137,482                      03/05/13
8,388,371                          13/360,556                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 214 

8,388,373                          13/014,233                      03/05/13
8,388,383                          13/279,879                      03/05/13
8,388,385                          13/098,367                      03/05/13
8,388,391                          13/005,732                      03/05/13
8,388,392                          12/947,273                      03/05/13
8,388,394                          13/472,565                      03/05/13
8,388,400                          12/627,982                      03/05/13
8,388,403                          12/839,574                      03/05/13
8,388,416                          12/993,321                      03/05/13
8,388,420                          13/486,163                      03/05/13
8,388,423                          12/170,940                      03/05/13
8,388,441                          12/957,360                      03/05/13
8,388,442                          12/204,299                      03/05/13
8,388,448                          13/101,939                      03/05/13
8,388,459                          12/560,247                      03/05/13
8,388,460                          13/200,563                      03/05/13
8,388,462                          13/482,845                      03/05/13
8,388,463                          13/165,028                      03/05/13
8,388,467                          12/760,488                      03/05/13
8,388,468                          12/765,776                      03/05/13
8,388,482                          12/741,847                      03/05/13
8,388,485                          13/372,004                      03/05/13
8,388,488                          12/463,728                      03/05/13
8,388,502                          12/768,516                      03/05/13
8,388,509                          12/658,589                      03/05/13
8,388,513                          12/087,550                      03/05/13
8,388,528                          12/708,779                      03/05/13
8,388,539                          13/076,062                      03/05/13
8,388,576                          12/992,172                      03/05/13
8,388,592                          13/020,417                      03/05/13
8,388,603                          12/723,905                      03/05/13
8,388,606                          13/410,822                      03/05/13
8,388,620                          12/991,427                      03/05/13
8,388,634                          12/599,627                      03/05/13
8,388,684                          10/692,468                      03/05/13
8,388,688                          13/482,596                      03/05/13
8,388,697                          13/167,779                      03/05/13
8,388,698                          13/276,479                      03/05/13
8,388,702                          12/890,245                      03/05/13
8,388,703                          13/469,747                      03/05/13
8,388,705                          12/682,312                      03/05/13
8,388,720                          12/304,153                      03/05/13
8,388,725                          12/850,276                      03/05/13
8,388,727                          12/655,937                      03/05/13
8,388,733                          12/679,883                      03/05/13
8,388,744                          13/221,657                      03/05/13
8,388,751                          12/542,131                      03/05/13
8,388,753                          12/790,853                      03/05/13
8,388,756                          12/771,258                      03/05/13
8,388,758                          11/866,255                      03/05/13
8,388,760                          11/665,612                      03/05/13
8,388,762                          11/743,283                      03/05/13
8,388,766                          13/279,591                      03/05/13
8,388,769                          11/641,073                      03/05/13
8,388,770                          12/282,538                      03/05/13
8,388,774                          12/843,733                      03/05/13
8,388,782                          12/788,832                      03/05/13
8,388,808                          12/999,519                      03/05/13
8,388,816                          12/626,725                      03/05/13
8,388,817                          12/672,573                      03/05/13
8,388,818                          11/778,637                      03/05/13
8,388,832                          12/608,142                      03/05/13
8,388,835                          12/759,624                      03/05/13
8,388,846                          13/083,895                      03/05/13
8,388,848                          12/295,133                      03/05/13
8,388,849                          12/852,697                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 215 

8,388,854                          11/968,091                      03/05/13
8,388,860                          12/672,734                      03/05/13
8,388,862                          13/148,723                      03/05/13
8,388,871                          11/783,107                      03/05/13
8,388,875                          11/645,579                      03/05/13
8,388,881                          12/781,517                      03/05/13
8,388,885                          12/272,883                      03/05/13
8,388,894                          12/590,339                      03/05/13
8,388,898                          12/946,889                      03/05/13
8,388,902                          12/809,557                      03/05/13
8,388,910                          13/150,061                      03/05/13
8,388,915                          12/935,374                      03/05/13
8,388,918                          13/158,932                      03/05/13
8,388,921                          12/991,860                      03/05/13
8,388,927                          13/266,141                      03/05/13
8,388,929                          13/041,833                      03/05/13
8,388,934                          13/137,295                      03/05/13
8,388,938                          10/582,079                      03/05/13
8,388,940                          11/373,298                      03/05/13
8,388,950                          11/917,454                      03/05/13
8,388,961                          13/243,870                      03/05/13
8,388,980                          12/631,039                      03/05/13
8,388,985                          13/422,288                      03/05/13
8,388,993                          11/415,612                      03/05/13
8,389,010                          12/198,477                      03/05/13
8,389,019                          12/596,349                      03/05/13
8,389,032                          11/134,480                      03/05/13
8,389,035                          12/462,879                      03/05/13
8,389,038                          13/008,859                      03/05/13
8,389,051                          12/828,792                      03/05/13
8,389,052                          13/120,485                      03/05/13
8,389,056                          12/473,729                      03/05/13
8,389,057                          12/418,612                      03/05/13
8,389,064                          12/253,962                      03/05/13
8,389,078                          12/876,253                      03/05/13
8,389,081                          11/814,547                      03/05/13
8,389,090                          11/084,540                      03/05/13
8,389,091                          12/863,255                      03/05/13
8,389,092                          13/054,575                      03/05/13
8,389,093                          12/860,687                      03/05/13
8,389,097                          12/807,486                      03/05/13
8,389,099                          11/756,899                      03/05/13
8,389,112                          11/989,510                      03/05/13
8,389,115                          12/919,269                      03/05/13
8,389,120                          12/095,925                      03/05/13
8,389,151                          12/513,284                      03/05/13
8,389,152                          13/244,432                      03/05/13
8,389,156                          12/303,854                      03/05/13
8,389,164                          12/777,620                      03/05/13
8,389,173                          11/116,288                      03/05/13
8,389,197                          11/994,602                      03/05/13
8,389,198                          12/395,196                      03/05/13
8,389,199                          12/405,732                      03/05/13
8,389,205                          12/482,500                      03/05/13
8,389,207                          11/756,392                      03/05/13
8,389,209                          12/096,008                      03/05/13
8,389,211                          12/867,447                      03/05/13
8,389,212                          09/358,788                      03/05/13
8,389,220                          13/185,235                      03/05/13
8,389,222                          12/236,417                      03/05/13
8,389,226                          13/031,120                      03/05/13
8,389,235                          12/064,324                      03/05/13
8,389,236                          12/065,258                      03/05/13
8,389,243                          12/816,999                      03/05/13
8,389,246                          12/292,800                      03/05/13
8,389,247                          13/195,116                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 216 

8,389,254                          13/070,123                      03/05/13
8,389,255                          13/070,135                      03/05/13
8,389,256                          13/328,305                      03/05/13
8,389,257                          13/328,327                      03/05/13
8,389,258                          13/328,336                      03/05/13
8,389,259                          13/328,381                      03/05/13
8,389,260                          13/328,418                      03/05/13
8,389,262                          12/888,854                      03/05/13
8,389,263                          12/676,302                      03/05/13
8,389,279                          13/193,274                      03/05/13
8,389,284                          13/115,569                      03/05/13
8,389,304                          13/067,142                      03/05/13
8,389,312                          13/367,846                      03/05/13
8,389,324                          13/176,002                      03/05/13
8,389,325                          13/180,754                      03/05/13
8,389,339                          13/235,247                      03/05/13
8,389,350                          13/178,248                      03/05/13
8,389,354                          12/383,247                      03/05/13
8,389,368                          12/727,593                      03/05/13
8,389,387                          12/683,054                      03/05/13
8,389,388                          13/258,404                      03/05/13
8,389,389                          12/521,080                      03/05/13
8,389,406                          12/656,629                      03/05/13
8,389,413                          12/929,897                      03/05/13
8,389,419                          13/311,926                      03/05/13
8,389,427                          12/447,397                      03/05/13
8,389,435                          12/295,454                      03/05/13
8,389,442                          10/549,486                      03/05/13
8,389,445                          13/288,786                      03/05/13
8,389,448                          13/507,908                      03/05/13
8,389,453                          12/291,285                      03/05/13
8,389,455                          13/346,877                      03/05/13
8,389,456                          12/635,241                      03/05/13
8,389,461                          12/903,773                      03/05/13
8,389,473                          12/750,575                      03/05/13
8,389,474                          12/803,920                      03/05/13
8,389,476                          12/645,991                      03/05/13
8,389,477                          13/112,290                      03/05/13
8,389,483                          10/460,170                      03/05/13
8,389,484                          10/999,171                      03/05/13
8,389,489                          12/758,565                      03/05/13
8,389,502                          13/155,493                      03/05/13
8,389,507                          12/176,456                      03/05/13
8,389,508                          13/096,641                      03/05/13
8,389,510                          12/726,619                      03/05/13
8,389,511                          12/809,489                      03/05/13
8,389,513                          12/959,412                      03/05/13
8,389,521                          12/451,040                      03/05/13
8,389,530                          13/142,333                      03/05/13
8,389,534                          12/579,278                      03/05/13
8,389,551                          12/706,171                      03/05/13
8,389,552                          13/453,292                      03/05/13
8,389,554                          13/056,331                      03/05/13
8,389,558                          12/838,928                      03/05/13
8,389,561                          12/612,452                      03/05/13
8,389,564                          13/470,627                      03/05/13
8,389,567                          12/747,604                      03/05/13
8,389,569                          12/681,485                      03/05/13
8,389,571                          13/186,297                      03/05/13
8,389,575                          13/354,486                      03/05/13
8,389,586                          13/298,849                      03/05/13
8,389,589                          12/338,692                      03/05/13
8,389,590                          11/295,269                      03/05/13
8,389,601                          12/636,378                      03/05/13
8,389,608                          12/878,124                      03/05/13
8,389,610                          12/834,487                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 217 

8,389,612                          12/500,318                      03/05/13
8,389,614                          13/103,178                      03/05/13
8,389,627                          13/006,677                      03/05/13
8,389,632                          13/024,053                      03/05/13
8,389,637                          11/722,199                      03/05/13
8,389,643                          12/520,672                      03/05/13
8,389,656                          13/071,754                      03/05/13
8,389,657                          13/446,537                      03/05/13
8,389,659                          12/678,160                      03/05/13
8,389,665                          13/501,356                      03/05/13
8,389,675                          12/778,169                      03/05/13
8,389,677                          13/008,211                      03/05/13
8,389,682                          12/523,425                      03/05/13
8,389,686                          12/990,897                      03/05/13
8,389,687                          11/932,958                      03/05/13
8,389,692                          13/095,098                      03/05/13
8,389,696                          12/750,424                      03/05/13
8,389,698                          12/492,229                      03/05/13
8,389,711                          13/139,280                      03/05/13
8,389,722                          12/671,556                      03/05/13
8,389,732                          12/879,109                      03/05/13
8,389,737                          12/853,005                      03/05/13
8,389,740                          12/682,876                      03/05/13
8,389,743                          13/415,944                      03/05/13
8,389,752                          12/577,845                      03/05/13
8,389,756                          12/671,809                      03/05/13
8,389,757                          12/996,273                      03/05/13
8,389,767                          12/676,078                      03/05/13
8,389,771                          13/197,659                      03/05/13
8,389,777                          11/915,053                      03/05/13
8,389,781                          12/491,006                      03/05/13
8,389,782                          12/873,113                      03/05/13
8,389,783                          12/597,260                      03/05/13
8,389,802                          11/284,877                      03/05/13
8,389,806                          12/205,329                      03/05/13
8,389,807                          12/649,673                      03/05/13
8,389,825                          12/792,792                      03/05/13
8,389,827                          12/792,804                      03/05/13
8,389,837                          12/803,230                      03/05/13
8,389,846                          12/168,794                      03/05/13
8,389,847                          13/420,098                      03/05/13
8,389,848                          13/400,152                      03/05/13
8,389,854                          12/602,385                      03/05/13
8,389,855                          12/772,974                      03/05/13
8,389,871                          13/034,792                      03/05/13
8,389,890                          12/545,216                      03/05/13
8,389,894                          11/916,047                      03/05/13
8,389,904                          12/853,819                      03/05/13
8,389,917                          12/078,793                      03/05/13
8,389,918                          12/692,328                      03/05/13
8,389,963                          13/338,319                      03/05/13
8,389,975                          12/680,705                      03/05/13
8,389,976                          11/648,209                      03/05/13
8,389,984                          12/926,518                      03/05/13
8,389,992                          13/164,906                      03/05/13
8,389,994                          13/182,625                      03/05/13
8,390,005                          12/243,105                      03/05/13
8,390,018                          11/448,831                      03/05/13
8,390,053                          12/188,412                      03/05/13
8,390,076                          12/420,363                      03/05/13
8,390,090                          13/130,676                      03/05/13
8,390,094                          13/241,026                      03/05/13
8,390,114                          12/835,921                      03/05/13
8,390,133                          13/534,078                      03/05/13
8,390,136                          12/802,522                      03/05/13
8,390,141                          12/918,379                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 218 

8,390,147                          12/704,300                      03/05/13
8,390,158                          12/819,569                      03/05/13
8,390,173                          12/935,282                      03/05/13
8,390,176                          12/806,968                      03/05/13
8,390,185                          13/062,926                      03/05/13
8,390,202                          12/981,442                      03/05/13
8,390,203                          12/602,779                      03/05/13
8,390,209                          12/702,391                      03/05/13
8,390,237                          12/226,920                      03/05/13
8,390,247                          12/979,262                      03/05/13
8,390,258                          13/402,301                      03/05/13
8,390,262                          12/620,589                      03/05/13
8,390,268                          12/642,676                      03/05/13
8,390,275                          12/062,992                      03/05/13
8,390,289                          12/601,959                      03/05/13
8,390,291                          13/065,924                      03/05/13
8,390,307                          12/281,903                      03/05/13
8,390,313                          13/052,400                      03/05/13
8,390,316                          12/206,982                      03/05/13
8,390,325                          13/216,212                      03/05/13
8,390,336                          12/875,643                      03/05/13
8,390,338                          12/909,327                      03/05/13
8,390,341                          12/834,924                      03/05/13
8,390,344                          13/076,996                      03/05/13
8,390,345                          13/049,149                      03/05/13
8,390,357                          13/118,208                      03/05/13
8,390,364                          12/843,995                      03/05/13
8,390,370                          12/614,684                      03/05/13
8,390,373                          12/838,268                      03/05/13
8,390,375                          13/018,741                      03/05/13
8,390,389                          13/118,810                      03/05/13
8,390,394                          12/746,288                      03/05/13
8,390,409                          12/681,902                      03/05/13
8,390,428                          12/120,865                      03/05/13
8,390,433                          12/757,094                      03/05/13
8,390,434                          12/752,146                      03/05/13
8,390,435                          12/537,476                      03/05/13
8,390,437                          12/413,609                      03/05/13
8,390,443                          12/574,682                      03/05/13
8,390,449                          12/851,961                      03/05/13
8,390,453                          12/241,992                      03/05/13
8,390,460                          12/520,429                      03/05/13
8,390,465                          12/483,486                      03/05/13
8,390,473                          12/581,750                      03/05/13
8,390,482                          12/849,178                      03/05/13
8,390,483                          13/097,547                      03/05/13
8,390,498                          13/207,121                      03/05/13
8,390,499                          13/207,114                      03/05/13
8,390,503                          12/717,353                      03/05/13
8,390,506                          12/733,605                      03/05/13
8,390,518                          12/676,371                      03/05/13
8,390,521                          12/808,079                      03/05/13
8,390,522                          13/215,021                      03/05/13
8,390,528                          13/179,946                      03/05/13
8,390,530                          12/367,196                      03/05/13
8,390,536                          11/608,881                      03/05/13
8,390,539                          12/235,052                      03/05/13
8,390,546                          12/984,471                      03/05/13
8,390,547                          13/155,264                      03/05/13
8,390,549                          12/647,025                      03/05/13
8,390,557                          13/071,326                      03/05/13
8,390,561                          11/217,006                      03/05/13
8,390,578                          12/368,729                      03/05/13
8,390,586                          12/702,595                      03/05/13
8,390,601                          12/869,886                      03/05/13
8,390,602                          12/869,888                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 219 

8,390,608                          12/487,692                      03/05/13
8,390,609                          12/382,170                      03/05/13
8,390,610                          12/493,560                      03/05/13
8,390,615                          11/889,354                      03/05/13
8,390,625                          12/608,830                      03/05/13
8,390,627                          12/567,809                      03/05/13
8,390,660                          12/717,307                      03/05/13
8,390,671                          12/302,313                      03/05/13
8,390,676                          12/440,080                      03/05/13
8,390,678                          13/204,388                      03/05/13
8,390,683                          12/522,861                      03/05/13
8,390,685                          12/026,698                      03/05/13
8,390,707                          12/869,799                      03/05/13
8,390,708                          13/153,695                      03/05/13
8,390,724                          12/917,934                      03/05/13
8,390,727                          12/844,984                      03/05/13
8,390,729                          11/850,185                      03/05/13
8,390,731                          13/587,874                      03/05/13
8,390,732                          12/764,916                      03/05/13
8,390,738                          12/001,384                      03/05/13
8,390,743                          13/222,111                      03/05/13
8,390,745                          12/452,311                      03/05/13
8,390,746                          12/378,908                      03/05/13
8,390,764                          12/729,780                      03/05/13
8,390,777                          12/558,482                      03/05/13
8,390,788                          12/500,198                      03/05/13
8,390,791                          12/627,442                      03/05/13
8,390,800                          12/864,234                      03/05/13
8,390,812                          13/153,228                      03/05/13
8,390,815                          12/667,184                      03/05/13
8,390,816                          12/921,066                      03/05/13
8,390,830                          12/510,356                      03/05/13
8,390,848                          12/370,388                      03/05/13
8,390,852                          12/494,597                      03/05/13
8,390,854                          12/543,314                      03/05/13
8,390,859                          12/654,225                      03/05/13
8,390,863                          13/117,012                      03/05/13
8,390,866                          12/073,905                      03/05/13
8,390,884                          12/551,626                      03/05/13
8,390,887                          12/732,983                      03/05/13
8,390,890                          12/899,245                      03/05/13
8,390,900                          12/792,879                      03/05/13
8,390,902                          12/711,620                      03/05/13
8,390,908                          12/219,529                      03/05/13
8,390,916                          12/826,494                      03/05/13
8,390,919                          12/963,116                      03/05/13
8,390,920                          12/697,023                      03/05/13
8,390,929                          12/591,991                      03/05/13
8,390,934                          13/262,337                      03/05/13
8,390,953                          13/426,514                      03/05/13
8,390,962                          11/238,786                      03/05/13
8,390,965                          12/873,306                      03/05/13
8,390,977                          12/759,652                      03/05/13
8,390,978                          13/007,605                      03/05/13
8,390,981                          12/607,855                      03/05/13
8,390,983                          12/766,161                      03/05/13
8,390,988                          12/894,976                      03/05/13
8,390,992                          13/095,519                      03/05/13
8,390,994                          13/020,608                      03/05/13
8,390,997                          12/899,160                      03/05/13
8,390,999                          11/584,126                      03/05/13
8,391,007                          12/536,996                      03/05/13
8,391,011                          13/070,088                      03/05/13
8,391,023                          12/897,319                      03/05/13
8,391,024                          12/969,479                      03/05/13
8,391,034                          12/727,239                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 220 

8,391,038                          12/309,748                      03/05/13
8,391,046                          12/644,628                      03/05/13
8,391,065                          12/877,563                      03/05/13
8,391,085                          12/605,755                      03/05/13
8,391,086                          13/040,766                      03/05/13
8,391,090                          13/137,928                      03/05/13
8,391,093                          13/064,537                      03/05/13
8,391,096                          13/302,940                      03/05/13
8,391,104                          12/463,257                      03/05/13
8,391,111                          13/154,779                      03/05/13
8,391,112                          12/244,365                      03/05/13
8,391,113                          12/371,443                      03/05/13
8,391,114                          13/231,699                      03/05/13
8,391,116                          13/326,948                      03/05/13
8,391,118                          13/173,162                      03/05/13
8,391,123                          13/350,165                      03/05/13
8,391,132                          12/415,648                      03/05/13
8,391,146                          11/909,673                      03/05/13
8,391,148                          12/182,968                      03/05/13
8,391,150                          12/823,493                      03/05/13
8,391,156                          11/562,029                      03/05/13
8,391,162                          12/975,254                      03/05/13
8,391,170                          12/645,024                      03/05/13
8,391,172                          12/761,794                      03/05/13
8,391,174                          12/834,951                      03/05/13
8,391,184                          12/846,175                      03/05/13
8,391,186                          12/696,700                      03/05/13
8,391,214                          13/311,202                      03/05/13
8,391,217                          11/805,114                      03/05/13
8,391,222                          12/628,830                      03/05/13
8,391,236                          12/134,329                      03/05/13
8,391,244                          12/191,604                      03/05/13
8,391,265                          13/417,355                      03/05/13
8,391,271                          12/727,899                      03/05/13
8,391,278                          12/559,123                      03/05/13
8,391,282                          12/247,198                      03/05/13
8,391,283                          12/499,934                      03/05/13
8,391,289                          12/915,509                      03/05/13
8,391,305                          12/650,080                      03/05/13
8,391,308                          12/565,646                      03/05/13
8,391,310                          12/299,257                      03/05/13
8,391,324                          12/687,451                      03/05/13
8,391,356                          12/372,931                      03/05/13
8,391,369                          12/016,457                      03/05/13
8,391,379                          12/322,204                      03/05/13
8,391,384                          13/085,525                      03/05/13
8,391,418                          12/533,768                      03/05/13
8,391,425                          12/779,253                      03/05/13
8,391,428                          12/543,815                      03/05/13
8,391,430                          12/626,053                      03/05/13
8,391,436                          13/067,368                      03/05/13
8,391,437                          12/482,521                      03/05/13
8,391,454                          12/349,135                      03/05/13
8,391,465                          13/016,714                      03/05/13
8,391,470                          12/141,600                      03/05/13
8,391,484                          12/626,719                      03/05/13
8,391,485                          13/470,341                      03/05/13
8,391,486                          13/068,466                      03/05/13
8,391,500                          12/253,753                      03/05/13
8,391,511                          12/664,959                      03/05/13
8,391,516                          12/733,238                      03/05/13
8,391,525                          12/719,581                      03/05/13
8,391,532                          12/986,695                      03/05/13
8,391,538                          12/973,876                      03/05/13
8,391,540                          12/087,754                      03/05/13
8,391,544                          12/791,779                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 221 

8,391,555                          12/378,509                      03/05/13
8,391,563                          12/786,962                      03/05/13
8,391,577                          12/580,439                      03/05/13
8,391,586                          12/293,908                      03/05/13
8,391,593                          10/863,963                      03/05/13
8,391,605                          13/358,497                      03/05/13
8,391,611                          12/603,068                      03/05/13
8,391,619                          12/447,813                      03/05/13
8,391,626                          12/331,930                      03/05/13
8,391,630                          11/317,421                      03/05/13
8,391,636                          12/481,145                      03/05/13
8,391,637                          12/544,530                      03/05/13
8,391,643                          12/598,552                      03/05/13
8,391,648                          12/412,552                      03/05/13
8,391,657                          12/663,711                      03/05/13
8,391,670                          11/247,259                      03/05/13
8,391,676                          12/609,109                      03/05/13
8,391,681                          11/666,112                      03/05/13
8,391,683                          11/563,175                      03/05/13
8,391,684                          11/563,187                      03/05/13
8,391,685                          11/563,188                      03/05/13
8,391,699                          12/705,371                      03/05/13
8,391,701                          13/337,162                      03/05/13
8,391,711                          13/153,785                      03/05/13
8,391,714                          12/999,620                      03/05/13
8,391,715                          13/072,112                      03/05/13
8,391,722                          12/673,084                      03/05/13
8,391,739                          12/822,273                      03/05/13
8,391,742                          12/827,987                      03/05/13
8,391,743                          12/876,589                      03/05/13
8,391,749                          12/725,765                      03/05/13
8,391,750                          13/616,742                      03/05/13
8,391,755                          12/205,314                      03/05/13
8,391,756                          12/778,848                      03/05/13
8,391,763                          12/844,019                      03/05/13
8,391,790                          12/845,147                      03/05/13
8,391,799                          12/724,643                      03/05/13
8,391,801                          12/836,756                      03/05/13
8,391,808                          12/038,996                      03/05/13
8,391,816                          12/631,186                      03/05/13
8,391,821                          11/444,398                      03/05/13
8,391,835                          12/351,854                      03/05/13
8,391,856                          12/829,888                      03/05/13
8,391,861                          12/866,282                      03/05/13
8,391,866                          13/478,584                      03/05/13
8,391,867                          12/320,255                      03/05/13
8,391,883                          12/311,343                      03/05/13
8,391,908                          11/791,315                      03/05/13
8,391,914                          12/300,360                      03/05/13
8,391,918                          13/170,552                      03/05/13
8,391,930                          12/345,867                      03/05/13
8,391,936                          11/815,081                      03/05/13
8,391,938                          13/161,181                      03/05/13
8,391,962                          12/454,242                      03/05/13
8,391,968                          11/892,609                      03/05/13
8,391,986                          12/992,265                      03/05/13
8,391,996                          12/542,479                      03/05/13
8,392,002                          12/904,619                      03/05/13
8,392,010                          12/912,935                      03/05/13
8,392,014                          12/520,186                      03/05/13
8,392,016                          12/803,358                      03/05/13
8,392,019                          12/806,862                      03/05/13
8,392,025                          12/951,418                      03/05/13
8,392,047                          11/809,969                      03/05/13
8,392,056                          12/800,882                      03/05/13
8,392,067                          12/935,211                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 222 

8,392,076                          12/652,782                      03/05/13
8,392,079                          13/259,759                      03/05/13
8,392,090                          12/669,387                      03/05/13
8,392,127                          12/933,936                      03/05/13
8,392,134                          12/713,267                      03/05/13
8,392,135                          12/855,576                      03/05/13
8,392,138                          12/537,003                      03/05/13
8,392,142                          12/386,180                      03/05/13
8,392,144                          12/788,093                      03/05/13
8,392,145                          13/409,030                      03/05/13
8,392,153                          12/204,670                      03/05/13
8,392,163                          12/132,525                      03/05/13
8,392,167                          12/681,120                      03/05/13
8,392,174                          11/834,396                      03/05/13
8,392,192                          12/563,110                      03/05/13
8,392,195                          13/484,323                      03/05/13
8,392,203                          12/650,416                      03/05/13
8,392,225                          10/421,630                      03/05/13
8,392,234                          12/852,550                      03/05/13
8,392,239                          13/357,099                      03/05/13
8,392,273                          13/399,633                      03/05/13
8,392,285                          11/315,591                      03/05/13
8,392,287                          13/186,376                      03/05/13
8,392,296                          12/825,205                      03/05/13
8,392,313                          12/378,170                      03/05/13
8,392,318                          12/983,862                      03/05/13
8,392,329                          13/042,249                      03/05/13
8,392,333                          13/310,219                      03/05/13
8,392,338                          13/198,897                      03/05/13
8,392,339                          13/017,413                      03/05/13
8,392,344                          13/215,179                      03/05/13
8,392,347                          12/663,364                      03/05/13
8,392,348                          12/868,756                      03/05/13
8,392,349                          12/710,498                      03/05/13
8,392,374                          12/871,113                      03/05/13
8,392,385                          13/166,013                      03/05/13
8,392,387                          13/437,198                      03/05/13
8,392,402                          12/327,214                      03/05/13
8,392,414                          11/690,553                      03/05/13
8,392,416                          11/737,789                      03/05/13
8,392,417                          11/752,152                      03/05/13
8,392,423                          12/829,893                      03/05/13
8,392,434                          13/234,420                      03/05/13
8,392,444                          13/471,503                      03/05/13
8,392,447                          12/314,928                      03/05/13
8,392,448                          12/646,129                      03/05/13
8,392,463                          12/765,459                      03/05/13
8,392,466                          12/869,936                      03/05/13
8,392,468                          10/963,642                      03/05/13
8,392,477                          12/117,928                      03/05/13
8,392,481                          12/428,414                      03/05/13
8,392,489                          12/031,706                      03/05/13
8,392,491                          12/827,569                      03/05/13
8,392,499                          10/146,988                      03/05/13
8,392,507                          12/506,923                      03/05/13
8,392,508                          12/813,644                      03/05/13
8,392,510                          11/771,616                      03/05/13
8,392,511                          12/015,585                      03/05/13
8,392,513                          12/348,501                      03/05/13
8,392,520                          12/563,448                      03/05/13
8,392,531                          12/558,191                      03/05/13
8,392,540                          12/391,728                      03/05/13
8,392,547                          11/532,121                      03/05/13
8,392,553                          10/554,670                      03/05/13
8,392,555                          12/475,959                      03/05/13
8,392,567                          12/404,401                      03/05/13
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 223 

8,392,568                          12/577,593                      03/05/13
8,392,571                          12/771,059                      03/05/13
8,392,587                          11/426,954                      03/05/13
8,392,594                          11/699,908                      03/05/13
8,392,595                          12/440,622                      03/05/13
8,392,618                          10/566,001                      03/05/13
8,392,621                          12/820,589                      03/05/13
8,392,636                          12/546,852                      03/05/13
8,392,638                          12/722,551                      03/05/13
8,392,645                          12/728,667                      03/05/13
8,392,652                          12/503,530                      03/05/13
8,392,654                          12/425,386                      03/05/13
8,392,678                          11/968,211                      03/05/13
8,392,681                          13/440,083                      03/05/13
8,392,688                          13/350,113                      03/05/13
8,392,701                          12/672,178                      03/05/13
8,392,703                          12/485,158                      03/05/13
8,392,707                          11/220,781                      03/05/13
8,392,729                          13/451,181                      03/05/13
8,392,737                          12/817,907                      03/05/13
8,392,759                          12/789,800                      03/05/13
8,392,763                          12/625,355                      03/05/13
8,392,765                          12/792,268                      03/05/13
8,392,776                          12/761,335                      03/05/13
8,392,783                          12/746,306                      03/05/13
8,392,785                          13/460,628                      03/05/13
8,392,803                          12/697,925                      03/05/13
8,392,830                          12/167,065                      03/05/13
8,392,832                          12/701,182                      03/05/13
8,392,848                          12/248,931                      03/05/13
8,392,849                          12/482,274                      03/05/13
8,392,852                          10/730,138                      03/05/13
8,392,860                          13/223,423                      03/05/13
8,392,872                          11/282,793                      03/05/13
8,392,892                          12/656,091                      03/05/13
8,392,898                          13/367,092                      03/05/13
8,392,906                          13/443,506                      03/05/13
8,392,909                          11/534,551                      03/05/13
8,392,916                          12/347,524                      03/05/13
8,392,923                          11/864,432                      03/05/13
8,392,927                          11/134,681                      03/05/13
8,392,937                          12/221,895                      03/05/13
8,392,938                          11/022,151                      03/05/13
8,392,939                          10/602,779                      03/05/13
8,392,941                          12/335,027                      03/05/13
8,392,943                          12/698,530                      03/05/13
8,392,946                          12/774,984                      03/05/13
8,392,949                          09/866,245                      03/05/13
8,392,955                          12/674,108                      03/05/13
8,392,961                          12/137,147                      03/05/13
8,392,973                          12/473,754                      03/05/13
8,392,999                          12/785,620                      03/05/13
8,393,006                          13/089,580                      03/05/13
8,393,007                          13/585,408                      03/05/13
8,393,011                          12/465,625                      03/05/13
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Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a Late Maintenance Fee from 03/27/2017
                 Patents Reinstated Due to the Acceptance of a
                     Late Maintenance Fee from 03/27/2017

Patent         Application     Filing          Issue           Granted
Number         Number          Date            Date            Date

6,202,789      09/537,736      03/29/2000      03/20/2001      03/27/2017
6,471,020      09/541,273      04/01/2000      10/29/2002      03/27/2017
6,743,113      10/177,686      06/21/2002      06/01/2004      03/30/2017
6,749,482      10/663,254      09/16/2003      06/15/2004      03/27/2017
6,792,686      10/753,456      01/09/2004      09/21/2004      03/29/2017
6,808,268      10/223,119      08/19/2002      10/26/2004      03/29/2017
6,817,743      10/352,411      01/28/2003      11/16/2004      03/31/2017
6,856,271      10/340,016      01/09/2003      02/15/2005      03/27/2017
6,866,007      10/320,973      12/17/2002      03/15/2005      03/29/2017
7,243,868      11/281,628      11/17/2005      07/17/2007      03/31/2017
7,287,364      11/166,664      06/24/2005      10/30/2007      03/29/2017
7,298,534      11/104,637      04/13/2005      11/20/2007      03/29/2017
7,302,028      10/899,922      07/26/2004      11/27/2007      03/30/2017
7,341,056      11/136,856      05/25/2005      03/11/2008      03/29/2017
7,387,802      10/269,224      10/11/2002      06/17/2008      03/31/2017
7,429,965      09/860,916      05/18/2001      09/30/2008      03/28/2017
7,449,998      11/033,252      01/07/2005      11/11/2008      03/29/2017
7,455,070      11/338,563      01/23/2006      11/25/2008      03/29/2017
7,484,111      11/364,133      02/28/2006      01/27/2009      03/29/2017
7,493,667      11/444,533      06/01/2006      02/24/2009      03/31/2017
7,517,090      11/843,134      08/22/2007      04/14/2009      03/28/2017
7,568,803      11/843,144      08/22/2007      08/04/2009      03/28/2017
7,612,805      11/825,521      07/06/2007      11/03/2009      03/28/2017
7,614,749      11/843,125      08/22/2007      11/10/2009      03/28/2017
7,707,700      12/462,028      07/28/2009      05/04/2010      03/29/2017
7,914,350      12/758,931      04/13/2010      03/29/2011      03/28/2017
8,015,942      11/398,920      04/06/2006      09/13/2011      03/29/2017
8,021,342      11/592,401      11/03/2006      09/20/2011      03/29/2017
8,028,721      12/321,969      01/28/2009      10/04/2011      03/29/2017
8,129,401      13/087,826      04/15/2011      03/06/2012      03/29/2017
8,166,570      12/214,622      06/20/2008      05/01/2012      03/30/2017
8,221,394      12/112,233      04/30/2008      07/17/2012      03/27/2017
8,236,552      12/510,041      07/27/2009      08/07/2012      03/31/2017
8,327,891      12/790,963      05/31/2010      12/11/2012      03/30/2017
8,330,335      12/803,644      07/01/2010      12/11/2012      03/31/2017
8,356,662      12/423,802      04/14/2009      01/22/2013      03/30/2017
8,360,376      12/851,294      08/05/2010      01/29/2013      03/31/2017
8,361,490      10/941,942      09/16/2004      01/29/2013      03/31/2017
8,366,300      12/284,973      09/26/2008      02/05/2013      03/29/2017
8,383,919      13/011,881      01/22/2011      02/26/2013      04/01/2017
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 225 

Reissue Applications Filed
                          Reissue Applications Filed

   Notice under 37 CFR 1.11(b). The reissue applications listed below
are open to public inspection by the general public through the Image
File Wrapper (IFW) system (
on the USPTO internet web site (, and copies may be obtained
by paying the fee therefor (37 CFR 1.19).

   7,463,142, Re. S.N.: 14/659,489, Mar. 16, 2015, Cl.: 340/539, RFID
Owner of Record: Binforma Group Limited Liability Company, Dover, DE,
Attorney or Agent: Jadran Adrian Mahailovic, Ex. Gp.: 3992

   8,079,095, Re. S.N.: 15/203,629, Jul. 06, 2016, Cl.: 004/395, LIMITED
Agent: Brian C. McCormack, Ex. Gp.: 3751

   8,790,468, Re. S.N.: 15/222,425, Jul. 28, 2016, Cl.: 134/056.00R,
Pachanga Holdings, LLC, Little Canada, MN, Attorney or Agent: Alpaslan
Sapmaz, Ex. Gp.: 1714

   8,856,897, Re. S.N.: 15/289,000, Oct. 07, 2016, Cl.: 726/004, METHOD AND
Foley, et al, Owner of Record: Tamiras Per Pte. Ltd., LLC, Dover, DE,
Attorney or Agent: David P. Sheldon, Ex. Gp.: 2431

   8,968,742, Re. S.N.: 15/448,507, Mar. 2, 2017, Cl.: 424/181, ANTIBODY
Morrison, et al., Owner of Record: Agensys, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, Seattle
Genetics, Inc., Bothell, WA, Attorney or Agent: Wanli Tang, Ex. Gp.: 1645

   8,970,012, Re. S.N.: 15/448,368, Mar. 2, 2017, Cl.: 257/621,
Nagata, Owner of Record: Sony Corporation, Tokyo, JP, Attorney or Agent:
Eric Bomkamp, Ex. Gp.: 2811

   8,971,796, Re. S.N.: 15/449,577, Mar. 2, 2017, Cl.: 455/011, REPEATERS
FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, Mano D. Judd, et al., Owner of Record:
CommScope Technologies LLC, Hickory, NC, Attorney or Agent: Jon M. Powers,
Ex. Gp.: 2649

   9,120,341, Re. S.N.: 15/471,850, Mar. 28, 2017, Cl. 347/008, INKJET
Attorney or Agent: Paul J. Esatto, Jr., Ex. Gp.: 2853
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 226 

Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed
                Requests for Ex Parte Reexamination Filed

   6,217,325, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,917, Requested Date: Mar. 2, 2017, Cl.
Muhammad Chishti et al., Owners of Record: Align Technology, Inc., Santa
Clara, CA, Attorney or Agent: WSGR/Align Technology, Inc., Palo Alto, CA,
Ex. Gp.: 3993, Requester: ClearCorrect Operating, LLC., Scott A. McKeown,
Oblon McClelland Maier & Neustadt, LLP., Alexandria, VA

   6,722,880, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,918, Requested Date: Mar. 2, 2017, Cl.
Muhammad Chishti et al., Owners of Record: Align Technology, Inc., Santa
Clara, CA, Attorney or Agent: WSGR/Align Technology, Inc., Palo Alto, CA,
Ex. Gp.: 3993, Requester: ClearCorrect Operating, LLC., Scott A. McKeown,
Oblon McClelland Maier & Neustadt, LLP., Alexandria, VA

   9,310,024, Reexam. C.N. 90/013,919, Requested Date: Mar. 3, 2017, Cl.
Darrill Plummer et al., Owners of Record: Scott Technologies, Inc., Monroe,
NC, Attorney or Agent: Johnson Controls, Monroe, NC, Ex. Gp.: 3993,
Requester: Charles F. Wieland III, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC.,
Alexandria, VA
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 227 

Service by Publication
                          Service by Publication

   A notice of opposition to the registration of the mark in the
application identified below having been filed, and the notice of such
proceeding sent to applicant at the last known address having been returned
by the Postal Service as undeliverable, notice is hereby given that unless
the applicant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall
enter an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the opposition
will proceed as in the case of default.

   Shenzhen Ruiyuxin Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Zhejiang, China,
Application Serial No. 86919065 for the mark "LR", Opposition No. 91231431.

   Sun Peng, Miami, FL, Application Serial No. 86797495 for the mark
"P PROGENERICA", Opposition No. 91232231.

                                                      VICTORIA VON VISTAUXX
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to Registrant at the last
known address or email address having been returned to the Office
undelivered, including by way of notification to the Office of non-delivery
in paper or electronic form, notice is hereby given that unless the
Registrant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall enter
an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the cancellation will
proceed as in the case of default. See Trademark Rule 2.118., LLC, York, PA, Registration No. 4676321 for the mark "NOW
WE'RE TALKING", Cancellation No. 92064884.

                                                             VERONICA WHITE
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks

                          Service by Publication

   A petition to cancel the registration identified below having been
filed, and the notice of such proceeding sent to Registrant at the last
known address or email address having been returned to the Office
undelivered, including by way of notification to the Office of non-delivery
in paper or electronic form, notice is hereby given that unless the
Registrant listed herein, its assigns or legal representatives, shall enter
an appearance within thirty days of this publication, the cancellation will
proceed as in the case of default. See Trademark Rule 2.118.

   Madbrook Publishing LLC, Brooklyn, NY, Registration No. 4106265 for the
mark "EVERYTHING BUTT ART", Cancellation No. 92065452.

                                                               AMY MATELSKI
                                                       Paralegal Specialist
                                      Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, for
                                                         MARY BONEY DENISON
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 228 

Registration to Practice
                         Registration to Practice

   The following list contains the names of persons seeking for
registration to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark
Office. Final approval for registration is subject to establishing to the
satisfaction of the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline
that the person seeking registration is of good moral character and repute.
37 CFR § 11.7 Accordingly, any information tending to affect the
eligibility of any of the following persons on moral ethical or other
grounds should be furnished to the Director of Enrollment and Discipline on
or before May 12, 2017 at the following address: Mail Stop OED United
States Patent and Trademark Office P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria VA 22314

Anderson, Carson Dean, 10824 Lindbrook Drive, Apt. 305, Los Angeles, CA

Carter, Thomas Bence, Baker Botts LLP, 910 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX

Cook, Brandon Taylor, Gunn, Lee & Cave, P.C., 300 Convent, Suite 1080, San
Antonio, TX 78205

Gordnia, Talin, Irell & Manella LLP, 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900,
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Harlacher, Christel Emily, 4857 NW 2nd Place, Gainesville, FL 32607

Kashiwada, Erin Lucinda, 46 Hill Creek Road, Horseshoe Bend, ID 83629

McGeorge, Joshua Paul, 1175 Lake Boulevard, Apt. #213, Davis, CA 95616

Morters, Elizabeth Mary, 34 Mayhew Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538

Ni, Inzer Chen, 33 West End Avenue, Apt. 22D, New York, NY 10023

Peng, Yong, 2253 Magic Mantle Drive, Lewisville, TX 75056

Sano, Eleanor Shoko, 7405 Charmant Drive, Unit 1907, San Diego, CA 92122

Saraswat, Anant Kumar, Latham & Watkins LLP, John Hancock Tower, 27th
Floor, 200 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116

Simson, David Lance, Goodwin Procter LLP, Three Embarcadero Center, San
Francisco, CA 94111

Sommers, Sean Keith, 12101 Dessau Road, #2213, Austin, TX 78754

Todd, Jonathan David, 528 Lakeshore Drive, Chapin, SC 29036

Trombetta, Michael Francis, 540 Thompson Street, 2162 Munger Graduate
Residences, Ann Harbor, MI 48104

Wang, Eric Terfeng, K&L Gates LLP, 210 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA

Wiens, Mayim Elizabeth, 5644 University Way NE, Apt 207, Seattle, WA 98105

Wojkowski, Margaret Anne, 1582 Tuppeny Court, Roselle, IL 60172

Zarouri, Brooke Shanelle, 1511 Corinth Avenue, Apt. 8, Los Angeles, CA

March 29, 2017                                             WILLIAM R. COVEY
                   Deputy General Counsel for Enrollment and Discipline and
                        Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 229 

Notice of Exclusion on Consent
                      Notice of Exclusion on Consent

   This notice concerns Drew Alia, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a
registered patent attorney (Registration No. 64,631). The Director of the
United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO" or "Office") has
accepted Mr. Alia's affidavit of resignation and ordered his exclusion on
consent from practice before the Office in patent, trademark, and
non-patent law.

   Mr. Alia voluntarily submitted his affidavit at a time when a
disciplinary complaint was pending against him. The complaint alleged that
Mr. Alia engaged in the unauthorized practice in trademark matters before
the office during his suspension from the practice of law by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in both 2013 and 2015. He failed to
personally provide patent and trademark legal advice to clients by failing
to counsel clients directly and explain basic patent and/or trademark
concepts to them. Mr. Alia allowed/or directed a non-lawyer assistant to
draft, forge his signature, and file trademark documents with the office.
Similarly he allowed the non-lawyer assistant to prepare patent documents
without supervision. Mr. Alia allowed or directed the non-lawyer assistant
to provide trademark legal advice and guidance directly to clients. He
allowed non-lawyer assistants to provide patent legal advice and guidance
directly to clients. Mr. Alia also allowed his non-lawyer assistants to
provide mortgage modification legal advice directly to clients. He took
advanced fees from clients for mortgage modification services in violation
of state and federal laws and charged clearly excessive fees by repeatedly
taking these advanced unearned fees. Mr. Alia neglected to perform the
mortgage modification services for which he was paid, resulting in
foreclosure on his clients' homes and made false and misleading statements
to his clients regarding the status of their matters. Mr. Alia did not
return mortgage modification services unearned fees when requested to do so
and in some instances threatened the clients when they requested the return
of their fees. He falsely stated to clients that he was licensed to
practice in jurisdictions outside of Pennsylvania. Despite not being
properly licensed to do so, Mr. Alia provided mortgage modification
services to clients in at least Connecticut, Washington, and Indiana. All
three of these states imposed penalties and fees for his practice in the
states without being properly licensed and Mr. Alia has not paid any of the
more than $100,000 in penalties and fees assessed by those jurisdictions.
Mr. Alia provided false information to the USPTO Office of Enrollment and
Discipline ("OED") when reporting his 2015 suspension from practice by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Also, he failed to fully respond to OED's
first request for information and evidence and did not respond at all to a
second request.

   Mr. Alia acknowledged that the Complaint alleged that his conduct
violated the following provisions of the USPTO Code of Professional
Responsibility: 37 C.F.R. §§ 10.23(a) (engaging in disreputable or gross
misconduct); 10.23(b)(4) (engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud,
deceit, or misrepresentation); 10.23(b)(5) (engaging in conduct that is
prejudicial to the administration of justice); 10.23(b)(6) (engaging in
other acts that adversely reflect on a practitioner's fitness to practice);
10.36 (entering into an agreement for, charging, and collecting an illegal
or clearly excessive fee); 10.47(c) (aiding a non-lawyer in the
unauthorized practice of law); 10.77(b) (handling a legal matter without
preparation adequate in the circumstances; 10.77(c) (neglecting legal
matters entrusted to the practitioner); 10.84(a) (1), (2), and (3) (failing
to represent a client zealously); 10.85(a)(5) (in representing a client,
knowingly making a false statement of law or fact); and 10.112 (a) and
(c)(4) (failing to preserve the identity of funds and property of a

   Mr. Alia also acknowledged that the Complaint alleged that his conduct
violated the following provisions of the  USPTO Rules of Professional
Conduct: 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.101 (failing to provide competent representation
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 230 

to a client); 11.103 (failing to act with reasonable diligence and
promptness in representing a client); 11.104(a)(3)-(5) (failing to keep
clients reasonably informed about the status of a matter, failing to
promptly comply with reasonable requests for information from the client,
and failing to consult with the client about any relevant limitation on the
practitioner's conduct when the practitioner knows that the client expects
assistance not permitted by the USPTO Rules of Professional Conduct or
other law); 11.105(a) (making an agreement for, and collecting an
unreasonable fee); 11.115(a) (failing to hold property of clients in a
practitioner's possession in connection with a representation separate from
the practitioner's own property); 11.115(c) (failing to deposit in a client
trust account funds received to secure payment of legal fees paid in
advance, to be withdrawn by the practitioner only as fees are incurred);
11.304(c) (knowingly disobeying an obligation under the rules of a tribunal
by violating multiple court and state agency orders); 11.503 (failing, as a
partner in a law firm, to make reasonable efforts to ensure that the firm
has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that the conduct of
non-attorney assistants is compatible with the professional obligations of
the practitioner and failing to make reasonable efforts to ensure that a
non-practitioner's conduct is compatible with the professional obligations
of the practitioner); 11.505 (aiding in the unauthorized practice of law);
11.701 (making a false or misleading communication about the practitioner
or the practitioner's services); 11.801(b) (failing to cooperate with the
Office of Enrollment and Discipline in an investigation and knowingly
failing to respond to a lawful demand for information); 11.804(c) (engaging
in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation);
11.804(d) (engaging in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of
justice); and 11.804(i) (engaging in other acts that adversely reflect on a
practitioner's fitness to practice).

   While Mr. Alia did not admit to violating any of the Disciplinary Rules
of the USPTO Code of Professional Responsibility or the USPTO Rules of
Professional Conduct as alleged in the Complaint, he acknowledged that, if
and when he applies for reinstatement, the OED Director will conclusively
presume, for the limited purpose of determining the application for
reinstatement, that (i) the allegations set forth in the OED Complaint
against him are true and (ii) he could not have successfully defended
himself against such allegations.

   This action is taken pursuant to the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §§ 2(b)
(2)(D) and 32, and 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.27 and 11.59. Disciplinary decisions
involving practitioners are posted for public reading at the Office of
Enrollment and Discipline Reading Room, available at:

March 3, 2017                                                DAVID SHEWCHUK
                                     Deputy General Counsel for General Law
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                                               on behalf of

                                                            MICHELLE K. LEE
                  Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and
                  Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

                     Notice of Exclusion on Consent

   This notice concerns Robert W. Gray, Sr. of Sarasota, Florida, a patent
attorney registered to practice in patent matters before the United States
Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO" or "Office), Registration No. 72,248.
The Director of the USPTO has accepted Mr. Gray's Affidavit Declaring
Consent to Exclusion from practice before the Office in patent, trademark,
and other non-patent matters.

   Mr. Gray voluntarily submitted his affidavit at a time when a
disciplinary complaint was pending against him. The complaint alleged that
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 231 

Mr. Gray is the president and incorporator of the Gray Law Group, Ltd.
("TGLG). In 2011, Mr. Gray launched the "Independent Inventor's Program."
He hired a Patent Practitioner Employee newly registered to practice before
the Office in patent matters. Mr. Gray entered into an agreement with
company 1, IWC, and then its successor company 2, USPC, to provide patent
legal services to IWC-referred clients and later USPC-referred clients.
USPC worked with inventors to help them develop, legally protect, and
present their ideas to market. Mr. Gray engaged in numerous conflicts of
interest with regard to accepting USPC-referred clients. Respondent, inter
alia, did not inform his USPC-referred clients of the fee arrangement
between USPC and TGLG and the amount received from USPC to perform the
client's patent legal services, nor did he gain informed consent from the
USPC-referred client to accept payment from a third party for the client's
patent legal services. Respondent also did not counsel the USPC-referred
client to determine the type of patent protection that was appropriate for
each client individually, rather he accepted USPC's direction to prepare
and file a provisional patent application. Respondent did not supervise his
Patent Practitioner Employee to ensure he complied with the rules governing
conflicts of interest; to ensure he obtained consent to accept third party
payment; and/or to ensure he counseled the client as to the client's proper
patent protection. Certain USPC contracts with clients required the payment
of $125 processing fee. USPC required the payment of this fee prior to TGLG
filing the client's patent application. Respondent directed his
subordinate, Patent Practitioner Employee, to withhold filing of the
USPC-referred clients' patent applications until USPC informed TGLG that he
$125 fees had been paid. TGLG also provided patent searches to
USPC-referred clients. Respondent allowed USPC to use TGLG's implied name
and imprimatur to induce the potential client to purchase USPC's patent
services, ultimately providing TGLG with USPC-referred clients.

   While Mr. Gray did not admit to violating any of the Disciplinary Rules
of the USPTO Rules of Professional Conduct as alleged in the pending
disciplinary complaint, he acknowledged that, if and when he applies for
reinstatement, the OED Director will conclusively presume, for the limited
purpose of determining whether to grant the application for reinstatement,
that (i) the allegations set forth in the OED investigation against him are
true, and (ii) he could not have successfully defended himself against such

   This action is taken pursuant to the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §§ 2(b)
(2)(D) and 32, and 37 C.F.R. §§ 11.27 and 11.59. Disciplinary decisions
involving practitioners are posted for public reading at the Office of
Enrollment and Discipline Reading Room, available at:

February 22, 2017                                            DAVID SHEWCHUK
                                     Deputy General Counsel for General Law
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                                               on behalf of

                                                            MICHELLE K. LEE
                  Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and
                  Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 232 

Notice of Suspension
                           Notice of Suspension

   This notice concerns Gregory J. Reed of Detroit, Michigan, who is
authorized to practice before the Office in trademark and non-patent
matters. In a reciprocal disciplinary proceeding, the Director of the
United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") has ordered that Mr.
Reed be suspended for a period of 90 days from practice before the USPTO in
trademark and other non-patent matters for violating 37 C.F.R. § 11.804(h),
predicated upon being suspended from the practice of law by a duly
constituted authority of a State. Mr. Reed is not authorized to practice
before the Office in patent matters.

   On October 16, 2014, the Attorney Discipline Board of the State of
Michigan suspended Mr. Reed from the practice of law in Michigan for a
period of 90 days for conduct that violated the Michigan Rules of
Professional Conduct ("MRPC"). Specifically, the Attorney Discipline Board
found that Mr. Reed failed to seek the lawful objectives of his client
through reasonably available means permitted by law, in violation of MRPC
1.2(a); brought or defended a proceeding or asserted or controverted an
issue without basis for doing so that is not frivolous, in violation of
MRPC 3.1; failed to make reasonable efforts to expedite litigation
consistent with the interests of his client, in violation of MRPC 3.2;
violated or attempted to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct,
knowingly assisted or induced another to do so, or did so through the acts
of another, in violation of MRPC 8.4(a); and engaged in conduct that is
prejudicial to the administration of justice, in violation of MRPC 8.4(c).
The Attorney Discipline Board also found that Gregory J. Reed violated
Michigan Court Rules ("MCR") 9.104(1), (2) and (4).

   This action is taken pursuant to the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 32 and 37
C.F.R. § 11.24. Disciplinary decisions are available for public review at
the Office of Enrollment and Discipline's FOIA Reading Room, located at:

February 15, 2017                                           SARAH T. HARRIS
                                            General Counsel for General Law
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                                               on behalf of

                                                            MICHELLE K. LEE
                  Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and
                  Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 233 


   8,266,432 B2 - Nader Asghari-Kamrani, Centreville, VA (US); Kamran
AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD. Patent dated September 11, 2012.
Disclaimer filed December 1, 2016, by the inventors.

   Hereby disclaim complete claims 11, 46, 49, and 53 of said patent.
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 234 


   "All references to Patent No. 9,596,882 to YASUO TANAKA of Tokyo, JP for
ARTICLE COMPRISING THE SAME appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,134 to LUTZ BIEDERMANN of
VS-Villingen, DE for BONE SCREW appearing in the Official Gazette of March
21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,139 to CAVALLAZZI, CESARE of
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,177 to SANJAY ARGAL of Vadodara, IN
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,216 to KENICHIRO NAGASAKA of Tokyo,
PROGRAM RECORDING MEDIUM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,373 to ELIZABETH SANGUINETTI of Salt
CONTINUITY appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,446 to KETAN MEHTA of Santa Rosa, CA
for NASAL RINSE TIP appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,682 to MASATO MITSUHASHI of Irvine,
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,753 to MOTOKI KOROKI of Tokyo, JP
for SOLDER PASTE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should
be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,868 to BENZION LANDA of Nes Ziona,
IL for PRINTING SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,597,982 to HIROTAKA TAKEI of Shioya-gun,
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,109 to LEVIN, GORAN et al of
TO A VEHICLE FRAME BEAM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,155 to BRIAN LE GETTE of Baltimore,
MD for COLLAPSIBLE FLOTATION DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,267 to TOSHIYUKI FUKUTANI of
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 235 

no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,303 to STRAUVEN, HANS of LUMMEN,
MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,650 to YOSHIYUKI NAGAYASU of Tokyo,
FOR PRODUCING LUBE BASE OIL appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,702 to JUSTIN MASON of Granger, IA
BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,840 to MENG (RACHEL) WANG of EDEN
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,881 to THUAN NGUYEN of ALISO VIEJO,
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,888 to GREGORY HEADER of Richland,
PA for SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLY appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,598,989 to KEVIN BONDE of Keil, WI for
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,105 to YOUNGCHUL KIM of
Gwangmyeong-si, KR for OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette
of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,309 to HYE-JUNG PARK of Yongin-City,
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,329 to CHENG-CHUN ZHANG of Shenzhen
the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,332 to KEIGO MATSUMOTO of Tokyo, JP
BOILER appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,708 to THOMPSON, ROGER LEE et al of
APPLICATIONS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,783 to OLA BLOMSTER of Molndal, SE
for OPTOELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 236 

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,899 to JUNICHI ITOU of Haibara-gun,
IMAGE SENSOR AND IMAGE DISPLAY DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,599,900 to SHUHEI YAMAGUCHI of SHIZUOKA,
ELECTRONIC DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,008 to MOHAMMAD HOQUE of Chandler,
AZ for MULTIPLE INPUT REGULATOR CIRCUIT appearing in the Official Gazette
of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,020 to TAKAHIRO SHIRAI of
in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,032 to DALE MEMERING of San
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,061 to JIANJUN ZHOU of Beijing, CN
ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION BASED ON LOAD appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,157 to HO-GIL GWAK of Gyeonggi-do,
TOUCH IN A PORTABLE EQUIPMENT appearing in the Official Gazette of March
21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,506 to WILLIAM PAGE of Larkspur, CO
for UNIVERSAL DELTA SET MANAGEMENT appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,600,646 to YUMI AHN of Seoul, KR for
VOICE RECOGNITION appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,023 to YUN YU of Shenzhen City, CN
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,055 to JUNICHI YAMASHITA of Tokyo,
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,105 to HIRAKU KAYAMA of
PROCESSING PERIODS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,129 to BRADLEY, DAVID C. et al of
the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 237 

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,166 to TIWARI, SANJAY of MERIDIAN,
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,213 to KALYAN KAVALIPURAPU of Santa
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,263 to NICHOLAS KEELING of Auckland,
the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,276 to YOICHI KURODA of
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,287 to WU, QIANKUN of MORENO VALLEY,
the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,309 to MICHAEL PHANEUF of Ottawa, CA
for MICROSCOPY IMAGING METHOD AND SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette
of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

  "All references to Patent No. 9,601,522 to HAJIME KIMURA of Atsugi, JP
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,537 to TAKAFUMI KISHI of
APPARATUS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,548 to MI-NA KIM of Seoul, KR for
the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent
was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,549 to KASHIWABARA, MITSUHIRO of
KANAGAWA for DISPLAY UNIT appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,562 to SHUNPEI YAMAZAKI of Tokyo, JP
for OXIDE SEMICONDUCTOR FILM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,563 to MASAAKI TOMITA of Hanno-shi,
JP for SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,637 to YUTA ENDO of Atsugi, JP for
SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,728 to KYOUNG-HWAN NOH of Yongin-si,
KR for BATTERY PACK HAVING END PLATES appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,776 to TOMOHIRO TAKAHASHI of Tokyo,
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 238 

JP for RESIN COMPOSITION appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,798 to CHANG-BUM AHN of Yongin-si,
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,601,939 to PENG CONG of Plymouth, MN for
Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,075 to GOHKI NISHIMURA of Tokyo, JP
ELECTRONIC DEVICE THEREIN appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,353 to YOSHIKO AONO of Kanagawa, JP
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,361 to LEWIS VARNEY of Oak Park, CA
SERVICES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,475 to HENRIK BERNHEIM of Denver, CO
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,564 to LEWIS VARNEY of Oak Park, CA
SERVICES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,724 to TOMOHIRO SUGAYA of
appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since
no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,847 to KIM, JONGSEOK et al of
DEVICE ACCORDING TO USAGE AUTHORITY appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,865 to LOCKETT, DAVID et al of LOS
Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,911 to PHILLIP QIAN of San Jose, CA
for EARBUDS WITH BIOMETRIC SENSING appearing in the Official Gazette of
March 21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,939 to ANTONIO MILLER of Austin, TX
for SPEAKER IMPEDANCE MONITORING appearing in the Official Gazette of March
21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,602,989 to EDWARD SCHMIT of Seattle, WA
for CLOUD-BASED DEVICE TWINNING appearing in the Official Gazette of March
21, 2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,603,045 to RICHARD XU of Wakefield, MA
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 239 

AN INTER-NETWORK SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,603,071 to SURESH GANAPATHY of Tokyo, JP
for COMMUNICATION SYSTEM appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21,
2017 should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,603,108 to HOSSEIN BAGHERI of Urbana, IL
TRANSMISSIONS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017 should be
deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,603,131 to KENNETH STANWOOD of Vista, CA
WIRELESS NETWORKS appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."

   "All references to Patent No. 9,603,134 to ARIS PAPASAKELLARIOU of
IN RESPECTIVE RESOURCES appearing in the Official Gazette of March 21, 2017
should be deleted since no patent was granted."
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 240 

Certificates of Correction
                        Certificates of Correction
                            for April 4, 2017

6,245,282             9,225,232             9,478,929            9,525,667
6,444,530             9,235,203             9,480,473            9,526,600
6,850,899             9,244,066             9,480,688            9,526,897
7,333,821             9,244,147             9,480,721            9,527,505
7,651,639             9,256,555             9,480,797            9,527,663
7,873,376             9,262,894             9,481,119            9,528,309
7,879,001             9,271,167             9,481,331            9,529,734
8,015,754             9,271,547             9,481,643            9,529,930
8,025,539             9,288,531             9,481,937            9,530,102
8,086,599             9,290,514             9,483,108            9,530,513
8,089,795             9,299,635             9,483,609            9,530,764
8,106,166             9,302,423             9,483,982            9,530,774
8,129,383             9,302,581             9,484,136            9,531,340
8,170,030             9,304,136             9,484,328            9,531,832
8,201,608             9,304,307             9,485,424            9,532,310
8,207,120             9,307,144             9,486,835            9,532,681
8,296,748             9,308,498             9,487,540            9,532,729
8,324,242             9,310,521             9,487,611            9,532,795
8,358,138             9,311,470             9,487,701            9,532,885
8,380,240             9,312,499             9,487,865            9,532,935
8,461,677             9,314,838             9,488,452            9,533,062
8,462,756             9,316,637             9,488,895            9,533,063
8,471,857             9,319,051             9,490,115            9,533,074
8,481,575             9,320,028             9,491,207            9,533,535
8,524,682             9,322,763             9,491,384            9,533,610
8,531,312             9,330,124             9,491,925            9,534,295
8,572,922             9,336,397             9,492,035            9,534,467
8,576,390             9,343,034             9,492,497            9,535,870
8,597,886             9,345,749             9,493,351            9,536,940
8,619,147             9,345,931             9,493,413            9,537,662
8,633,027             9,346,496             9,493,526            9,538,246
8,650,937             9,352,400             9,493,670            9,538,794
8,672,028             9,353,068             9,493,774            9,539,214
8,685,411             9,359,172             9,494,150            9,539,757
8,693,000             9,366,036             9,494,382            9,540,367
8,739,430             9,372,315             9,494,576            9,541,229
8,790,310             9,373,310             9,494,600            9,541,487
8,790,647             9,373,935             9,494,952            9,542,081
8,822,164             9,388,130             9,495,811            9,543,695
8,828,950             9,390,421             9,496,285            9,543,913
8,863,201             9,392,569             9,499,497            9,544,359
8,889,714             9,394,258             9,499,740            9,544,668
8,895,535             9,395,313             9,499,772            9,544,806
8,906,374             9,401,963             9,500,752            9,545,660
8,909,967             9,403,893             9,502,265            9,546,010
8,917,384             9,404,278             9,502,943            9,546,968
8,936,782             9,406,716             9,503,516            9,547,031
8,962,921             9,408,837             9,505,334            9,547,438
8,968,840             9,408,879             9,505,769            9,547,647
8,980,923             9,410,483             9,505,938            9,547,859
8,985,944             9,415,767             9,506,102            9,548,458
8,987,320             9,417,810             9,507,014            9,548,735
8,994,261             9,419,527             9,507,271            9,549,580
8,999,092             9,419,570             9,507,709            9,550,027
9,008,653             9,419,615             9,508,053            9,550,394
9,012,489             9,419,714             9,508,085            9,550,608
9,038,414             9,419,876             9,508,341            9,550,688
9,040,622             9,420,724             9,508,584            9,550,765
9,044,504             9,421,557             9,508,685            9,550,829
9,046,271             9,422,373             9,508,873            9,550,987
9,051,748             9,424,015             9,508,953            9,551,011
9,055,999             9,424,236             9,509,556            9,551,354
 April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE 1437 OG 241 

9,062,078             9,425,032             9,509,818            9,551,497
9,076,902             9,425,217             9,510,137            9,551,741
9,078,234             9,426,783             9,510,782            9,551,939
9,098,536             9,429,301             9,511,033            9,552,067
9,101,269             9,429,527             9,511,314            9,552,131
9,105,105             9,430,718             9,511,377            9,552,295
9,109,020             9,431,210             9,511,392            9,552,338
9,110,737             9,433,015             9,512,353            9,554,293
9,114,342             9,434,078             9,512,597            9,554,856
9,131,700             9,434,869             9,513,049            9,555,221
9,133,462             9,436,793             9,513,233            9,555,354
9,140,373             9,437,348             9,513,299            9,555,478
9,142,809             9,440,950             9,513,799            9,555,681
9,144,596             9,441,743             9,513,912            9,556,134
9,149,111             9,444,417             9,513,992            9,556,286
9,152,684             9,444,492             9,514,322            9,556,500
9,155,184             9,446,059             9,514,589            9,558,051
9,159,948             9,447,243             9,514,969            9,558,122
9,160,884             9,447,822             9,517,260            9,558,125
9,162,994             9,448,569             9,517,584            9,558,361
9,163,258             9,457,321             9,517,794            9,559,741
9,168,256             9,459,253             9,517,869            9,559,884
9,169,890             9,460,127             9,518,101            9,560,394
9,172,320             9,460,759             9,518,518            9,560,865
9,179,328             9,461,186             9,518,609            9,561,177
9,184,855             9,463,507             9,518,789            9,561,786
9,192,740             9,464,779             9,518,947            9,562,029
9,193,880             9,465,888             9,519,038            9,565,847
9,198,716             9,466,449             9,519,284            9,567,038
9,199,024             9,467,921             9,521,252            9,571,148
9,200,088             9,470,694             9,521,338            D.663,091
9,203,362             9,470,838             9,522,096            D. 741,794
9,203,747             9,470,883             9,522,117            D. 755,791
9,210,113             9,472,126             9,522,941            D. 768,823
9,210,690             9,472,682             9,523,035            D. 768,851
9,217,002             9,472,909             9,523,183            D. 772,537
9,221,875             9,476,689             9,523,303            D. 773,866
9,221,963             9,478,360             9,523,637            D. 775,483
9,222,816             9,478,535             9,525,661            D. 778,904
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 242 

AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

AIA Trial Proceedings Filed before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

Inter Partes Review
Patent No. Trial Number Requested Date Petitioner Patent Owner
8,469,082IPR2017-009762/27/2017Controls Southeast, Inc. and
QMax Industries, LLC
7,739,487IPR2017-009782/27/2017SanDisk LLC,
Western Digital Corporation,
Western Digital Technologies, Inc.,
SanDisk, Limited,
SanDisk Storage Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.,
SanDisk Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and
SanDisk Israel (Tefen) Ltd.
Memory Technologies, LLC and
Pendrell Corporation
7,565,469IPR2017-009792/27/2017SanDisk LLC,
Western Digital Corporation,
Western Digital Technologies, Inc.,
SanDisk, Limited,
SanDisk Storage Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.,
SanDisk Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and
SanDisk Israel (Tefen) Ltd.
Memory Technologies, LLC and
Pendrell Corporation
SkyBitz, Inc,
SkyBitz Petroleum Logistics, LLC f/k/a SmartLogix, LLC,
SkyBitz Tank Monitoring Corporation f/k/a TankLink Corporation,
TV Management d/b/a GPS North America, and
Wayupay LLC d/b/a Reltima
PerdiemCo LLC
SkyBitz, Inc,
SkyBitz Petroleum Logistics, LLC f/k/a SmartLogix, LLC,
SkyBitz Tank Monitoring Corporation f/k/a TankLink Corporation,
TV Management d/b/a GPS North America, and
Wayupay LLC d/b/a Reltima
PerdiemCo LLC
SkyBitz, Inc,
SkyBitz Petroleum Logistics, LLC f/k/a SmartLogix, LLC,
SkyBitz Tank Monitoring Corporation f/k/a TankLink Corporation,
TV Management d/b/a GPS North America, and
Wayupay LLC d/b/a Reltima
PerdiemCo LLC
8,867,472IPR2017-009822/28/2017HTC Corporation,
HTC America, Inc.,
ZTE Corporation, and
ZTE (USA), Inc.
Cellular Communications Equipment LLC
6,151,493IPR2017-010173/6/2017Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and
Huawei Device USA Inc..
Ryujin Fujinomaki
7,635,966IPR2017-010403/9/2017One World Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Techtronic Industries Power Equipment and
Techtronic Industries North America, Inc.
The Chamberlain Group, Inc.
7,635,966IPR2017-010423/9/2017One World Technologies, Inc. d/b/a Techtronic Industries Power Equipment and
Techtronic Industries North America, Inc.
The Chamberlain Group, Inc.
6,885,055IPR2017-010463/9/2017Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Samsung Electronics America, Inc.,
Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC,
Samsung Semiconductor, Inc.,
Globalfoundries Inc.,
Globalfoundries U.S. Inc., and
QUALCOMM Incorporated
8,268,299IPR2017-010533/10/2017Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC;
Intelligent Pharma Research LLC;
APS GP Investors LLC; and
Alcon Research, Ltd.
9,006,224IPR2017-010633/10/2017Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC;
Intelligent Pharma Research LLC;
APS GP Investors LLC; and
Novartis AG
5,859,601IPR2017-010683/10/2017Broadcom, Ltd.,
LSI Corporation, and
Avago Technologies U.S. Inc.
Regents of the University of Minnesota
7,275,186IPR2017-010693/10/2017SanDisk LLC,
Western Digital Corporation,
Western Digital Technologies, Inc.,
SanDisk, Limited,
SanDisk Storage Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.,
SanDisk Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and
SanDisk Israel (Tefen) Ltd
Memory Technologies, LLC and
Pendrell Corporation
7,076,533IPR2017-010713/10/2017SalesLoft,, Inc.
RE45482IPR2017-010733/10/2017Panduit Corp.CCS Technology, Inc.
7,022,100IPR2017-010253/11/2017Abiomed, Inc.,
Abiomed R&D, Inc., and
Abiomed Europe GmbH
Maquet Cardiovascular, LLC
8,888,728IPR2017-010263/11/2017Abiomed, Inc.,
Abiomed R&D, Inc., and
Abiomed Europe GmbH
Maquet Cardiovascular, LLC
8,888,728IPR2017-010273/11/2017Abiomed, Inc.,
Abiomed R&D, Inc., and
Abiomed Europe GmbH
Maquet Cardiovascular, LLC
9,327,068IPR2017-010283/11/2017Abiomed, Inc.,
Abiomed R&D, Inc., and
Abiomed Europe GmbH
Maquet Cardiovascular, LLC
9,327,068IPR2017-010293/11/2017Abiomed, Inc.,
Abiomed R&D, Inc., and
Abiomed Europe GmbH
Maquet Cardiovascular, LLC
RE39818IPR2017-009023/13/2017FanDuel, Inc.,
FanDuel Limited,
DraftKings, Inc., digital entertainment PLC, (USA), Inc., entertainment (NJ), LLC, and
GVC Holdings PLC
CG Technology Development, LLC
8,755,666IPR2017-009533/15/2017Comcast Corporation,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Comcast Shared Service and
Comcast STB Software I, LLC
Rovi Guides, Inc.
8,755,666IPR2017-009543/15/2017Comcast Corporation,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Comcast Shared Service and
Comcast STB Software I, LLC
Rovi Guides, Inc.
8,755,666IPR2017-009553/15/2017Comcast Corporation,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Comcast Shared Service and
Comcast STB Software I, LLC
Rovi Guides, Inc.
8,755,666IPR2017-009563/15/2017Comcast Corporation,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Comcast Shared Service and
Comcast STB Software I, LLC
Rovi Guides, Inc.
8,755,666IPR2017-009573/16/2017Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Rovi Guides, Inc.
8,006,263IPR2017-009523/24/2017Comcast Corporation,
Comcast Business Communications, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC,
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,
Comcast Financial Agency Corporation,
Comcast Holdings Corporation,
Comcast of Houston, LLC,
Comcast Shared Service and
Comcast STB Software I, LLC
Rovi Guides, Inc.
Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1437 OG 243 

Summary of Final Decisions Issued by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

March 13, 2017 – March 17, 2017

Date Issued Type of Case(1) Proceeding or Appn. Number Party or Parties TTAB Panel (2) Issue(s) TTAB Decision Opposer’s or Petitioner’s mark and goods or services Applicant’s or Respondent’s mark and goods or services Mark and goods or services cited by Examining Attorney Examining Attorney Issued as Precedent of TTAB
3-14 EX 86297335 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Mermelstein
2(d) Refusal
  BOLD [paper, namely coated and uncoated cut sheet paper (Class 16)] IQ BOLD [Notebook covers; Notebook dividers; Notebook paper; Notebooks; School supply kits containing various combinations of selected school supplies, including paper (Class16)] J. Falk No
3-14 EX 86709923 Family Emergency Room LLC Quinn*
2(b) Refusal
  CEDAR PARK FAMILY EMERGENCY ROOM (and cross design; CEDAR PARK FAMILY EMERGENCY ROOM disclaimed) [hospitals (Class 44)]   H. Thompson Yes
3-14 OPP 91222206 Rubicon Communications LLC
Netigate AB
2(d) Opposition Dismissed in Part, as to Class 35 services; Sustained in Part, as to Class 42 services NETGATE [computer hardware … for communications; computer software for … wireless communications systems; computer hardware and software enabling wireless access to a computer-based information network; computer network security software (Class 9)] [telecommunications products, namely, encryption devices (Class 9] NETIGATE N (stylized) and NETIGATE, both for: [business inquiries; market research services; opinion polling; computerized database management; compiling, input and systematic ordering of information in databases (Class 35)] and stylized mark for: [design and development of computer software; design, development, and implementation of software for conducting online surveys (Class 42)]     No
3-14 EX 86257453 Tri Vin Imports, Inc. Ritchie
1(d); Rule 2.72(b)(2) (Material alteration) Refusal
  VINA DEL PASO (VINA disclaimed) [wines (Class 33)]   S. Khouri No
3-14 OPP 91184047 Farmaco-Logica B.V.
The TriZetto Group, Inc.
Misuse of Registration Symbol Opposition
Dismissed With Prejudice
PHACET (now cancelled) [CPUs, computers and peripherals for the health care field (Class 9)] [computer programming for, and design and development of systems for the health care field (Class 42)] FACETS [computer software for health care plan management and administration; computer software for claims and benefits administration for Medicare and Medicaid managed care (Class 9)]     No
3-14 CANC 92059500 Tequila Cuervo La Rojena, S.A. de C.V.
Mush, Inc. d/b/a Igloo’s Frozen Drinks
Nonuse; Not the Mark Owner; Abandon-ment; Fraud Cancellation
ROYALE MARGARITA (MARGARITA disclaimed) [prepared alcoholic cocktails (Class 33)] ROYAL RITA (prepared frozen and non-frozen alcoholic cocktails; frozen and non-frozen alcoholic cocktail mixes (Class 33)]     No
3-14 EX 86078062 Selig Sealing Products, Inc. Zervas
1, 2 & 45
  Configuration of a three-dimensional pull-tab for containers [inner seals for containers (Class 17)]   C. French No
3-14 EX 86618200 Amogreen-tech Co., Ltd. Quinn
2(d) Refusal
  SNOWMASK [cosmetics; mask pack for cosmetic purposes (Class 3)] ICE MASK (MASK disclaimed) [Facial beauty masks; facial cleansers; facial emulsions; facial lotion; facial masks (Class 3)] J. Malashevich No
3-14 EX 86572769 Rainbow Light Nutritional Systems, LLC Taylor
2(d) Refusal
  NUTRISTART [dietary and nutritional supplements (Class 5)] NUTRASTART [dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, and concentrated dietary supplements for nutritional drinks, all sold to independent distributors outside of retail store channels (Class 5)] J. Parker No
3-16 OPP
91213057 Hybrid Athletics, LLC
Hylete LLC
2(d) Opposition Sustained (Request for Reconsideration Denied) H (stylized) [Various fitness instruction and training services; athletic apparel, including shirts, hats, shorts and socks (Class 41)] H (stylized) [Athletic apparel, namely, shirts, pants, shorts, jackets, footwear, hats and caps (Class 25)]     No
3-16 EX 76715490 Klickitat Valley Chianina, LLC Kuhlke
  CERTIFIED CHIANINA BEEF (CHIANINA BEEF disclaimed) [meat and processed foods, namely, dressed beef (Class 29)]   E. Chuo No
3-16 EX 87000714
Rescue One Air Zervas
2(d) Refusal
Affirmed in each case
  RESCUE ONE AIR and RESCUE ONE AIR HEATING COOLING (with design; HEATING and COOLING disclaimed) [HVAC contractor services; installation, maintenance and repair of HVAC units and systems (Class 37)] AIR RESCUE and Air Rescue Air Conditioning (with design; AIR CONDITION-ING disclaimed) [air conditioning contractor services (Class 37)] R. McCray No
3-16 OPP
Margaritaville Enterprises, LLC
Rachel A. Bevis
2(d) Opposition
MARGARITAVILLE (multiple registrations) [clothing (Class 25)] [nightclub services; retail clothing, gift and souvenir store services; mail order services in the field of clothing, gifts and souvenirs (Class 42)] MARIJUANAVILLE [T-shirts, hats, sweat shirts, sweat pants, jackets, socks (Class 25)] [drive-through retail store services featuring coffee and related goods; retail apparel stores; retail clothing stores (Class 35)]     No
3-17 EX 85677459 Nomi Network, Inc. Wellington
2(d) Refusal
  NOMI MADE FOR A BETTER LIFE [on-line retail store services featuring clothing items, excluding footwear, that are specifically identified as made by survivors of sex slavery and human trafficking and sold to consumers who wish to support victims of sex slavery and human trafficking (Class 35)] NOMI [footwear (Class 25)] P. Moreno No

(1) EX=Ex Parte Appeal; OPP=Opposition; CANC=Cancellation; CU=Concurrent Use; (SJ)=Summary Judgment; (MD)=Motion to Dismiss; (ACR)=Accelerated Case Resolution Proceeding; (R) =Request for Reconsideration; (REM)=Decision on Remand (2) *=Opinion Writer; (D)=Dissenting Panel Member

Top of Notices Top of Notices April 25, 2017 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print Appendix 1437 OG 

Mailing and Hand Carry Addresses for Mail to the United States Patent and Trademark Office


   For most correspondence (e.g., new patent applications) no mail stop
is required because the processing of the correspondence is routine.
If NO mail stop is included on the list below, no mail stop is required
for the correspondence. See the listing under "Mail to be Directed to the
Director of the Patent And Trademark Office" for additional mail stops
for patent-related correspondence. Only the specified type of document
should be placed in an envelope addressed to one of these special mail
stops. If any documents other than the specified type identified for each
special mail stop are addressed to that mail stop, they will be
significantly delayed in reaching the appropriate area for which they are
intended. The mail stop should generally appear as the first line in
the address.

   Most correspondence may be submitted electronically. See the Office's
Internet Website for additional information.

   Please address mail to be delivered by the United States Postal Service
(USPS) as follows:

        Mail Stop _____
        Commissioner for Patents
        P.O. Box 1450
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

   If no Mail Stop is indicated below, the line beginning Mail Stop should
be omitted from the address.

   Except correspondence for Maintenance Fee payments, Deposit Account
Replenishments (see 37 CFR 1.25(c)(4)), and Licensing and Review (see 37 CFR
5.1(c) and 5.2(c)), please address patent-related correspondence to be
delivered by other delivery services (Federal Express (Fed Ex), UPS, DHL,
Laser, Action, Purolator, etc.) as follows:

        United States Patent and Trademark Office
        Customer Service Window, Mail Stop _____
        Randolph Building
        401 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop
Designations            Explanation

Mail Stop 12            Contributions to the Examiner Education Program.

Mail Stop 313(c)        Petitions under 37 CFR 1.313(c) to withdraw a
                        patent application from issue after payment of
                        the issue fee and any papers associated with the
                        petition, including papers necessary for a
                        continuing application or a request for
                        continued examination (RCE).

Mail Stop AF            Amendments and other responses after final
                        rejection (e.g., a notice of appeal (and any
                        request for pre-appeal brief conference)),
                        other than an appeal brief.

Mail Stop Amendment     Information disclosure statements, drawings, and
                        replies to Office actions in patent applications
                        with or without an amendment to the application or
                        a terminal disclaimer. (Use Mail Stop AF for
                        replies after final rejection.)

Mail Stop Appeal        For appeal briefs or other briefs under
 Brief-Patents          part 41 of title 37 of the Code of Federal
                        Regulations (e.g., former 37 CFR 1.192).

Mail Stop               Public comments regarding patent-related
 Comments-Patents       regulations and procedures.

Mail Stop Conversion    Requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(2) to convert a
                        nonprovisional application to a provisional
                        application and requests under 37 CFR 1.53(c)(3)
                        to convert a provisional application to a
                        nonprovisional application.

Mail Stop EBC           Mail for the Electronic Business Center including:
                        Certificate Action Forms, Requests for Customer
                        Number, and Requests for Customer Number Data
                        Change (USPTO Forms PTO-2042, PTO/SB/124A and 125A,
                        respectively) and Customer Number Upload
                        Spreadsheets and Cover Letters.

Mail Stop Expedited     Only to be used for the initial filing of
 Design                 design applications accompanied by a
                        request for expedited examination under
                        37 CFR 1.155.

Mail Stop Express       Requests for abandonment of a patent
 Abandonment            application pursuant to 37 CFR 1.138,
                        including any petitions under 37 CFR
                        1.138(c) to expressly abandon an
                        application to avoid publication of the

Mail Stop               Applications under 35 U.S.C. 156 for patent term
 Hatch-Waxman PTE       extension based on regulatory review of a product
                        subject to pre-market review by a regulating
                        agency. This mail stop is also to be used for
                        additional correspondence regarding the
                        application for patent term extension under
                        35 U.S.C. 156. It is preferred that such initial
                        requests be hand-carried to:

                        Office of Patent Legal Administration
                        Room MDW 7B85
                        600 Dulany Street (Madison Building)
                        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop ILS           Correspondence relating to international patent
                        classification, exchanges and standards.

Mail Stop Issue Fee     All communications following the receipt of a
                        PTOL-85, "Notice of Allowance and Fee(s)
                        Due," and prior to the issuance of a patent
                        should be addressed to Mail Stop Issue Fee,
                        unless advised to the contrary.

                        Assignments are the exception. Assignments
                        (with cover sheets) should be faxed to
                        571-273-0140, electronically submitted
                        (, or submitted in a
                        separate envelope and sent to Mail Stop
                        Assignment Recordation Services,
                        Director of the United States Patent and Trademark
                        Office as shown below.

Mail Stop L&R           All documents pertaining to applications subject
                        to secrecy order pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 181, or
                        national-security classified and required to be
                        processed accordingly. Such papers, petitions for
                        foreign filing license pursuant to 37 CFR 5.12(b)
                        for which expedited handling is requested, and
                        petitions for retroactive license under 37 CFR
                        5.25 may also be hand carried to Licensing and

                        Technology Center 3600, Office of the Director
                        Room 4B41
                        501 Dulany Street (Knox Building)
                        Alexandria, VA 22314

Mail Stop Missing       Requests for a corrected filing receipt and
 Parts                  replies to OPAP notices such as the Notice
                        of Omitted Items, Notice to File Corrected
                        Application Papers, Notice of Incomplete
                        Application, Notice to Comply with Nucleotide
                        Sequence Requirements, and Notice to File Missing
                        Parts of Application, and associated papers and

Mail Stop MPEP          Submissions concerning the Manual of Patent
                        Examining Procedure.

Mail Stop Patent Ext.   Applications for patent term extension or
                        adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 and any
                        communications relating thereto. This mail stop
                        is limited to petitions for patent term extension
                        under 35 U.S.C. 154 for applications filed
                        between June 8, 1995 and May 29, 2000, and patent
                        term adjustment (PTA) under 35 U.S.C. 154 for
                        applications filed on or after May 29, 2000.
                        For applications for patent term extension under
                        35 U.S.C. 156, use Mail Stop Hatch-Waxman PTE.
                        For applications for patent term extension or
                        adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 that are mailed
                        together with the payment of the issue fee, use
                        Mail Stop Issue Fee.

Mail Stop Patent        Submission of comments regarding search templates.
 Search Template

Mail Stop PCT           Mail related to international applications filed
                        under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in the
                        international phase and in the national phase
                        under 35 U.S.C. 371 prior to mailing of a
                        Notification of Acceptance of Application Under
                        35 U.S.C. 371 and 37 CFR 1.495 (Form

Mail Stop Petition      Petitions to be decided by the Office of Petitions,
                        including petitions to revive and petitions to
                        accept late payment of issue fees or maintenance

Mail Stop PGPUB         Correspondence regarding publication of patent
                        applications not otherwise provided, including:
                        requests for early publication made after filing,
                        rescission of a non-publication request, request
                        for corrected patent application publication, and
                        refund of publication fee.

Mail Stop Post          In patented files: requests for changes of
 Issue                  correspondence address, powers as attorney or
                        agent, revocations of powers of attorney,
                        withdrawal of attorney and submissions under
                        37 CFR 1.501. Designation of, or changes to, a fee
                        address should be addressed to Mail Stop M
                        Correspondence. Requests for Certificate of
                        Correction need no special mail stop, but should be
                        mailed to the attention of Certificate of
                        Correction Branch.

Mail Stop RCE           Requests for continued examination under
                        37 CFR 1.114.

Mail Stop               Correspondence pertaining to the reconstruction
 Reconstruction         of lost patent files.

Mail Stop Ex Parte      Original requests for Ex Parte Reexamination
 Reexam                 and all subsequent correspondence other
                        than correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
                        (see 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)). Effective
                        September 16, 2012, this mail stop is also to be
                        used for any papers to be filed in an ex parte
                        reexamination proceeding ordered as a result of
                        a supplemental examination proceeding.

Mail Stop Inter         Requests for Inter Partes Reexamination,
 Partes Reexam          and all subsequent correspondence other than
                        correspondence to the Office of the Solicitor
                        (see 37 CFR 1.1(a)(3) and 1.302(c)).

Mail Stop Reissue       All new and continuing reissue application filings.

Mail Stop Sequence      Submission of the computer readable form (CRF) for
                        applications with sequence listings, when the CRF
                        is not being filed with the patent application.

Mail Stop Supplemental  (Effective September 16, 2012). Requests for
 Examination            Supplemental Examination, including original
                        request papers and any other correspondence, other
                        than correspondence to the Office of the
                        Solicitor (see 37 CFR Secs. 1.1(a)(3) AND 1.302(c)).
                        This mail stop is limited to original request papers
                        and any other papers that are to be filed in a
                        supplemental examination proceeding. For any papers
                        to be filed in an ex parte reexamination proceeding
                        ordered as a result of a supplemental examination
                        proceeding, use "Mail Stop Ex Parte Reexam".

Information for addressing patent-related correspondence may also be found
on the USPTO's web site at


   Please address trademark-related mail to be delivered by the United
States Postal Service (USPS), except documents sent to the Assignment
Services Division for recordation, requests for copies of trademark
documents, and documents directed to the Madrid Processing Unit, as

        Commissioner for Trademarks
        P.O. Box 1451
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1451

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Madrid Processing Unit,
must be mailed to:

        Madrid Processing Unit
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Office's Deputy Commissioner for
Trademark Examination Policy regarding Letters of Protest must be mailed to:

        Letter of Protest
        ATTN: Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5796

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Director regarding the Fastener
Quality Act (FQA) must be mailed to:

        Director, USPTO
        ATTN: FQA
        600 Dulany Street, MDE-10A71
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

   Mail to be delivered by the USPS to the Commissioner regarding the
recordal of a Native American Tribal Insignia (NATI) must be mailed to:

        Native American Tribal Insignia
        ATTN: Commissioner for Trademarks
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314-5793

Do NOT send any of the following via USPS certified mail or with a
"signature required" option: submissions to the Madrid Processing Unit,
Letters of Protest, applications for recordal of insignia under the
Fastener Quality Act, notifications of Native American Tribal Insignia.

   Trademark-related mail to be delivered by other delivery services
(Federal Express (Fed Ex), UPS, DHL, Laser, Action, Purolator, etc.), by
courier or by hand to the Trademark Operation, the Trademark Trial and
Appeal Board, the Office's Madrid Processing Unit, Letters of Protest, FQA
or NATI, must be delivered to:

        Trademark Assistance Center
        Madison East, Concourse Level Room C 55
        600 Dulany Street
        Alexandria, VA 22314

                          PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE

   Please address mail to be directed to a mail stop identified below
to be delivered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as follows
(unless otherwise instructed):

        Mail Stop _____
        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        P.O. Box 1450
        Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Mail Stop
Designations            Explanation

Mail Stop 3             Mail for the Office of Personnel from NFC.

Mail Stop 6             Mail for the Office of Procurement.

Mail Stop 8             All papers for the Office of the Solicitor except
                        communications relating to pending litigation and
                        disciplinary proceedings; papers relating to pending
                        litigation in court cases shall be mailed only to
                        Office of the Solicitor, P.O. Box 15667, Arlington,
                        VA 22215 and papers related to pending disciplinary
                        proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge or
                        the Director shall be mailed only to the Office of
                        the Solicitor, P.O. Box 16116, Arlington, VA 22215.

Mail Stop 11            Mail for the Electronic Ordering Service (EOS).

Mail Stop 13            Mail for the Employee and Labor Relations Division.

Mail Stop 16            Mail related to refund requests, other than
                        requests for refund of a patent application
                        publication fee. Such requests should be directed
                        to Mail Stop PGPub.

Mail Stop 17            Invoices directed to the Office of Finance.

Mail Stop 24            Mail for the Inventor's Assistance Program,
                        including complaints about Invention Promoters.

Mail Stop 171           Vacancy Announcement Applications.

Mail Stop Assignment    All assignment documents, security interests,
 Recordation Services   and other documents to be recorded in the
                        Assignment records. Note that documents with
                        cover sheets that are faxed to 571-273-0140 or
                        submitted electronically (
                        are processed much more quickly than those
                        submitted by mail.

Mail Stop Document      All requests for certified or uncertified
 Services               copies of patent or trademark documents.

Mail Stop EEO           Mail for the Office of Civil Rights.

Mail Stop Governmental  Mail for the Office of Governmental Affairs.

Mail Stop Interference  Communications relating to interferences and
                        applications and patents involved in interference.

Mail Stop M             Mail to designate or change a fee
 Correspondence         address, or other correspondence related to
                        maintenance fees, except payments of
                        maintenance fees in patents. See below for
                        the address for maintenance fee payments.

Mail Stop OED           Mail for the Office of Enrollment and Discipline.

Mail Stop               Mail for the Office of Policy and International
 OPIA                   Affairs.

                        Maintenance Fee Payments

   Unless submitted electronically over the Internet at,
payments of maintenance fees in patents using the United States Postal
Service, hand-delivery and delivery by private courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS,
etc.) should be made to:

        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        Attn: Maintenance Fees
        2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
        Alexandria, Virginia 22314

                     Deposit Account Replenishments

   Payments to replenish deposit accounts using the United States Postal
Service, hand-delivery and delivery by private courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS,
etc.) should be made to:

        Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
        Attn: Deposit Accounts
        2051 Jamieson Avenue, Suite 300
        Alexandria, Virginia 22314

   Information about deposit account replenishments may also be found on
the USPTO's website at
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
             Reference Collections of U.S. Patents Available for
             Public Use in Patent and Trademark Resource Centers

The following libraries, designated as Patent and Trademark Resource Centers
(PTRCs), provide public access to patent and trademark information received
from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This
information includes all issued patents, all registered trademarks, the
Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, search tools such
as the Cassis CD-ROM suite of products and supplemental information in a
variety of formats including online, optical disc, microfilm and paper.
Each PTRC also offers access to USPTO resources on the Internet and to
PubWEST (Web based examiner search tool), a system used by patent examiners
that is not available on the Internet.

Staff assistance and training is provided in the use of this information.
All information is available free of charge. However, there may be charges
associated with the use of photocopying and related services. Hours of
service to the public vary, and anyone contemplating use of these
collections at a particular library is urged to contact that library in
advance about its services and hours to avoid inconvenience.

State                   Name of Library                  Telephone Contact

Alabama                 Auburn University Libraries         (334) 844-1737
                        Birmingham Public Library           (205) 226-3620
Alaska                  Fairbanks: Keith B. Mather Library,
                        Geophysical Institute,
                        University of Alaska, Fairbanks     (907) 474-2636
Arizona                 Phoenix, Arizona
                        State Library of Arizona
                        Arizona State Library Archives
                        and Public Records                  (602) 926-3870
Arkansas                Little Rock: Arkansas State
                        Library                             (501) 682-2053
California              Los Angeles Public Library          (213) 228-7220
                        Riverside: University of
                        California, Riverside, Orbach
                        Science Library                     (951) 827-3316
                        Sacramento: California State
                        Library                             (916) 654-0261
                        San Diego Public Library            (619) 236-5800
                        San Francisco Public Library        (415) 557-4400
                        Sunnyvale Public Library            (408) 730-7300
                        San Jose: San Jose Public Library,
                        Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library (408) 808-2000
Colorado                Denver Public Library               (720) 865-1363
Connecticut             Fairfield: Ryan-Matura Library
                        Sacred Heart University             (203) 371-7726
Delaware                Newark: University of Delaware
                        Library                             (302) 831-2965
Dist. of Columbia       Washington: Howard University
                        Libraries                           (202) 806-7252
Florida                 Fort Lauderdale: Broward County
                        Main Library                        (954) 357-7444
                        Miami-Dade Public Library           (305) 375-2665
                        Orlando: University of Central
                        Florida Libraries                   (407) 823-2562
Georgia                 Atlanta: Library and Information
                        Center, Georgia Institute of
                        Technology                          (404) 385-7185
Hawaii                  Honolulu: Hawaii State Library      (808) 586-3477
Illinois                Chicago Public Library              (312) 747-4450
                        Macomb:  Western Illinois
                        University Libraries                (309) 298-2722
Indiana                 Indianapolis-Marion County Public
                        Library                             (317) 269-1741
                        West Lafayette Siegesmund
                        Engineering Library,
                        Purdue University                   (765) 494-2872
Iowa                    Davenport: Davenport Public Library (563) 326-7832
Kansas                  Wichita: Ablah Library, Wichita
                        State University                  1 (800) 572-8368
Kentucky                Louisville Free Public Library      (502) 574-1611
                        W. Frank Steely Library
                        Northern Kentucky University
                        Highland Heights, Kentucky          (859) 572-5457
Louisiana               Baton Rouge: Troy H. Middleton
                        Library, Louisiana State University (225) 388-8875
Maine                   Orono: Raymond H. Fogler Library,
                        University of Maine                 (207) 581-1678
Maryland                College Park: Engineering and
                        Physical Sciences Library,
                        University of Maryland              (301) 405-9157
Massachusetts           Amherst: Physical Sciences Library,
                        University of Massachusetts         (413) 545-2765
                        Boston Public Library               (617) 536-5400
                                                                 Ext. 4256
Michigan                Ann Arbor: Art, Architecture &
                        Engineering Library,
                        University of Michigan              (734) 647-5735
                        Big Rapids: Ferris Library for
                        Information, Technology &
                        Education, Ferris State
                        University                          (231) 592-3602
                        Detroit: Public Library             (313) 481-1391
                        Michigan Technological
                        University, Van Pelt and
                        Opie Library, Houghton              (906) 487-2500
Minnesota               Hennepin County Library
                        Minneapolis Central Library         (612) 543-8000
Mississippi             Jackson: Mississippi Library
                        Commission                          (601) 432-4111
Missouri                Kansas City: Linda Hall Library     (816) 363-4600
                                                                  Ext. 724
                        St. Louis Public Library            (314) 352-2900
Montana                 Butte: Montana Tech Library of
                        the University of Montana           (406) 496-4281
Nebraska                Lincoln: Engineering Library,
                        University of Nebraska-Lincoln      (402) 472-3411
New Hampshire           Concord: University of New
                        Hampshire School of Law             (603) 513-5130
Nevada                  Reno: University of Nevada, Reno,
                        Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center      (775) 784-6500
                                                                  Ext. 257
New Jersey              Newark Public Library               (973) 733-7779
                        Piscataway: Library of Science and
                        Medicine, Rutgers University        (732) 445-2895
New Mexico              Las Cruces: New Mexico State
                        University                          (575) 646-5792
New York                Albany: New York State Library      (518) 474-5355
                        Buffalo and Erie County Public
                        Library                             (716) 858-7101
                        Rochester Public Library            (716) 428-8110
                        New York: New York Public Library,
                        Science Industry & Business Library (212) 592-7000
North Carolina          J. Murrey Atkins Library, University
                        of North Carolina at Charlotte      (704) 687-0494
North Dakota            Grand Forks: Chester Fritz Library,
                        University of North Dakota          (701) 777-4629
Ohio                    Akron - Summit County Public        (330) 643-9075
                        Cincinnati and Hamilton County,
                        Public Library of                   (513) 369-6932
                        Cleveland Public Library            (216) 623-2870
                        Dayton: Paul Laurence Dunbar
                        Library, Wright State University    (937) 775-3521
                        Toledo/Lucas County Public Library  (419) 259-5209
Oklahoma                Stillwater: Oklahoma State
                        University Edmon Low Library        (405) 744-6546
Pennsylvania            Philadelphia, The Free Library of   (215) 686-5394
                        Pittsburgh, Carnegie Library of     (412) 622-3138
                        University Park: PAMS Library,
                        Pennsylvania State University       (814) 865-7617
Puerto Rico             Bayamon: Learning Resources Center,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 993-0000
                                                                 Ext. 3222
                        Mayaquez General Library,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 832-4040
                                                                 Ext. 2023
                        Bayamon, Learning Resources Center,
                        University of Puerto Rico           (787) 786-5225
Rhode Island            Providence Public Library           (401) 455-8027
South Carolina          Clemson University Libraries        (864) 656-5168
South Dakota            Rapid City: Devereaux Library,
                        South Dakota School of Mines and
                        Technology                          (605) 394-1275
Tennessee               Nashville: Stevenson Science and
                        Engineering Library, Vanderbilt
                        University                          (615) 322-2717
Texas                   Austin: McKinney Engineering
                        Library, University of Texas at
                        Austin                              (512) 495-4511
                        College Station: West Campus
                        Library, Texas A & M University     (979) 845-2111
                        Dallas Public Library               (214) 670-1468
                        Houston: The Fondren Library, Rice
                        University                          (713) 348-5483
                        Lubbock: Texas Tech University      (806) 742-2282
                        San Antonio Public Library          (210) 207-2500
Utah                    Salt Lake City: Marriott Library,
                        University of Utah                  (801) 581-8394
Vermont                 Burlington: Bailey/Howe Library,
                        University of Vermont               (802) 656-2542
Washington              Seattle: Engineering Library,
                        University of Washington            (206) 543-0740
West Virginia           Morgantown: Evansdale Library,
                        West Virginia University            (304) 293-4695
Wisconsin               Wendt Commons Library,
                        University of Wisconsin-Madison     (608) 262-0696
                        Milwaukee Public Library            (414) 286-3051
Wyoming                 Cheyenne: Wyoming State Library     (307) 777-7281
Top of Notices Top of Notices
Patent Technology Centers
GAU Avg Filing Date
  1610 09/09/2015
  1620 11/12/2015
  1630 02/20/2015
  1640 06/28/2015
  1650 03/04/2015
  1660 05/01/2015
  1670 09/12/2015
  TOTAL 07/19/2015
  1710 02/23/2015
  1720 02/08/2015
  1730 01/24/2015
  1740 10/31/2014
  1750 10/22/2014
  1760 06/10/2015
  1770 12/28/2014
  1780 11/30/2014
  1790 02/23/2015
  TOTAL 01/27/2015
  2110 02/26/2015
  2120 07/04/2014
  2130 04/22/2015
  2140 09/03/2014
  2150 11/09/2014
  2160 11/06/2014
  2170 08/16/2014
  2180 12/18/2014
  2190 01/24/2015
  TOTAL 11/27/2014
  2410 02/26/2015
  2420 09/24/2015
  2430 05/04/2015
  2440 11/18/2014
  2450 11/12/2014
  2460 03/23/2015
  2470 02/11/2015
  2480 12/15/2014
  2490 05/07/2015
  TOTAL 02/23/2015
  2610 04/16/2015
  2620 03/20/2015
  2630 09/21/2015
  2640 09/21/2015
  2650 09/03/2015
  2660 06/07/2015
  2670 09/24/2015
  2680 08/22/2015
  2690 04/07/2015
  TOTAL 07/19/2015
  2810 11/12/2015
  2820 12/09/2015
  2830 04/22/2015
  2840 07/13/2015
  2850 03/01/2015
  2860 07/13/2014
  2870 04/07/2015
  2880 07/16/2015
  2890 11/09/2015
  TOTAL 06/13/2015
  2910 07/04/2015
  2920 07/10/2015
  TOTAL 07/04/2015
  3610 08/04/2015
  3620 05/13/2014
  3630 09/21/2015
  3640 01/15/2015
  3650 05/13/2015
  3660 06/13/2015
  3670 03/20/2015
  3680 05/04/2014
  3690 07/25/2014
  TOTAL 03/08/2015
  3710 04/04/2015
  3720 11/09/2014
  3730 12/28/2014
  3740 09/27/2014
  3750 03/17/2015
  3760 02/02/2015
  3770 12/03/2014
  3780 04/19/2015
  TOTAL 12/18/2014
  1 Report last updated on 03-31-2017.
Top of Notices Top of Notices