EMERGENCY IN LOS ANGELES

  The January 17, 1994, Los Angeles earthquake has caused a service 
interruption in United States Postal Service (USPS) in the 
greater Los Angeles area. Normal postal
delivery and collection operations of the USPS were impacted by the
earthquake throughout the greater Los Angeles area to varying degrees from
January 17, 1994, through January 21, 1994.
  The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) is designating the interruption in
the service of the USPS in the greater Los Angeles area and the overall
destruction caused by the earthquake as a postal service interruption and
an emergency within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. 21(a). Any request to accept
a paper or fee delayed by this emergency should be directed to Jeffrey V.
Nase, Director, Office of Petitions, (703) 305-9285, PK3-704, for
patent-related matters, and to Lynne G. Beresford, Trademark Legal
Administrator, (703) 305-9464, PK2-910, for trademark-related matters.
February 9, 1994                                           BRUCE A. LEHMAN
                                       Assistant Secretary of Commerce and
                                    Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

                              [1160 OG 39]