(56) Partial Payment of Patent Fees During Period of October 10, 1998 through October 20, 1998 pursuant to Continuing Resolutions Further continuing resolutions have been signed by the President maintaining patent fees for the period from October 10, 1998 through October 20, 1998 at the amounts charged by the PTO on September 30, 1998. See H.J. Res. 133, 134, 135, 136 and 137. These continuing resolutions provided the Commissioner with the special authority to recognize a partial payment of a fee. In view of these continuing resolutions, the PTO's temporary policy on partial payments, which was published in the October 27, 1998 Official Gazette, has been extended to the time period (October 10, 1998 through October 20, 1998) covered by H.J. Res. 133, 134, 135, 136 and 137. See "Partial Payment of Patent Fees During Period of October 1, 1998 through no later than October 9, 1998 pursuant to Continuing Resolution," 1215 Off Gaz. Pat. Office 117 (October 27, 1998). The special authority of the Commissioner to recognize a partial payment of a fee has not been extended beyond October 20, 1998. Questions or comments concerning this notice should be forwarded to John F. Gonzales, Senior Legal Advisor, by facsimile at (703) 308-6916, by telephone at (703) 305-9285, or by e-mail at john.gonzales@uspto.gov. November 6, 1998 BRUCE A. LEHMAN Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks [1217 OG 18]