(65)                       DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                        Patent and Trademark Office
                               37 CFR Part 2

              Patent and Trademark Automated Search System Fees

Agency: Patent and Trademark Office, Commerce
Action: Listing of suspension of final rule
Summary: The Patent and Trademark Office (Office), on December 11, 1989,
amended the rules of practice in patent and trademark cases, Parts 1 and
2 of Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations, setting forth the fees for
public access to the Office's text data bases: the Automated Patent
System (APS) and the automated trademark search system (T-Search). 54 FR
50942. That final rule became effective on February 12, 1990. On that
date, 37 CFR 2.6(w), dealing with T-Search fees, took effect, but was
immediately suspended by the Commissioner.
   The collection of the fee was initially suspended to permit users to
become familiar with the T-Search system. The T-Search system has been
available to the public since April 1989, a sufficient time for users to
become familiar with the system. Therefore, as provided in the final
rule, the Office now gives notice that the suspension is lifted. The
Office will begin to collect the fees set forth in 37 CFR 2.6(w) sixty
(60) days from the date of this notice. Cost estimates based on usage
and actual costs are available for inspection in the Office of
Long-Range Planning and Evaluation, Room 507, Crystal Park 1, Crystal
Drive, Arlington, Virginia.
Dates: The suspension of 37 CFR 2.6(w) is lifted as of Nov. 13, 1990.
The collection of fees under 37 CFR 2.6(w) will begin on November 13,
For Further Information Contact: Frances Michalkewicz by telephone at
(703) 557-1610 or by mail to her attention and addressed to the
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, Washington, D.C. 20231.

September 4, 1990                                  HARRY F. MANBECK, Jr.
                                    Assistant Secretary and Commissioner
                                               of Patents and Trademarks

                                 [1119 O.G.6]