Top of Notices Top of Notices   (502)  December 31, 2024 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1529 CNOG  3517 

Trademark Publications 2011 Referenced Items (499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505)
(502)              Notice of Inclusion of Trademark Registration
                    Certificate Maintenance Requirements Page in
                        Trademark Document Retrieval Database

   The practice of the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("Office")
has been to provide notice of trademark maintenance requirements with
trademark registration certificates sent to registrants, but not to upload
this information as part of the record into the Trademark Document
Retrieval ("TDR") database.  As of July 5, 2011, the Office will upload the
maintenance requirements page of new trademark registration certificates
and updated registration certificates in the TDR database so that the
database will reflect the maintenance requirement information provided to
the registrant.

   Although, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1057(a), 37 CFR 2.151, 2.162, and 7.38,
maintenance requirement information has previously accompanied trademark
registration certificates, the information was not uploaded to the TDR
database.  To include in the record the trademark registration maintenance
requirement information now provided as part of the trademark registration
certificate and to ensure that registration maintenance information is
readily available to trademark owners when viewing their registrations
electronically, the Office will be including the maintenance requirements
page of trademark registration certificates and updated registration
certificates in the TDR database.  The Office intends to include the
maintenance requirement page in TDR for new and updated trademark
registration certificates uploaded on or after July 5, 2011.

   The Office prefers that any inquiries on this notice be made via
electronic mail message to, or to Cynthia C. Lynch,
Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy, by
telephone at (571) 272-8742.

June 30, 2011                                               DEBORAH S. COHN
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                                  [1369 TMOG]