Top of Notices Top of Notices   (514)  December 31, 2024 US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Print This Notice 1529 CNOG  3572 

Trademark Publications 2012 Referenced Items (506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515)
(514)           Additional Courtesy Electronic Mail Addresses
                  Now Permitted for Trademark Correspondence

   As part of efforts by the United States Patent and Trademark Office
("USPTO") to improve the experience of trademark applicants and registrants
and to benefit from the advantages of increased electronic processing,
effective November 19, 2011, the USPTO began permitting the submission of
more than one electronic mail (e-mail) address for receipt of duplicate
courtesy copies of trademark-related correspondence sent from the USPTO by
e-mail, in addition to the single official correspondence address. Providing
the additional addresses is entirely optional, available to those who find
it helps them to manage more effectively their communications with the USPTO.
For example, these courtesy copies will improve communication for
correspondents in trademark cases who would like additional points of contact
(such as law firm docketing staff) immediately notified about the USPTO's

   Trademark applicants must provide an address to which correspondence can
be mailed in order to receive a filing date (37 CFR § 2.21(a)(2)). Applicants
may submit an e-mail address and authorize the USPTO to use that address for
Office actions, notices, or other correspondence concerning an application or
registration (37 CFR § 2.18; Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure, 8th
edition, October 2011 ("TMEP") § 304.03). Such e-mail correspondence provides
convenience for applicants and registrants, as well as efficiencies for the
USPTO. Previously, because Trademark Rule 2.18(a)(6) provides that the USPTO
will officially correspond with only one address in an ex parte matter, and
because of information technology limitations, the USPTO limited e-mail
communication with an applicant or registrant to a single e-mail address.

   In response to requests from trademark applicants and registrants, the
USPTO has made the necessary changes in its electronic systems and now allows
the designation of one primary e-mail address for trademark-related
correspondence and up to four secondary e-mail addresses for duplicate
courtesy copies of the correspondence. Although the USPTO will send e-mail
correspondence to all of the addresses listed, the primary address will
differ from the secondary addresses in how the USPTO will treat undelivered
e-mail. If an e-mail sent to the primary address is returned as undeliverable,
the USPTO will send a paper copy to the correspondence address of record
(TMEP § 403). The USPTO will not attempt to resend correspondence when a
duplicate courtesy e-mail sent to a secondary address is returned as

   The USPTO prefers that any inquiries or comments on this notice be made
via e-mail message to, or to Cynthia C. Lynch, Office
of the Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy, by telephone at
(571) 272-8742.

December 1, 2011                                            DEBORAH S. COHN
                                                Commissioner for Trademarks
                                  United States Patent and Trademark Office

                               [1373 TMOG 224]