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1129 Request for Early Publication [R-01.2024]

37 CFR 1.219  Early publication.

Applications that will be published under § 1.211 may be published earlier than as set forth in §  1.211(a) at the request of the applicant. Any request for early publication must be accompanied by the publication fee set forth in § 1.18(d). If the applicant does not submit a copy of the application in compliance with the USPTO patent electronic filing system requirements pursuant to § 1.215(c), the Office will publish the application as provided in § 1.215(a). No consideration will be given to requests for publication on a certain date, and such requests will be treated as a request for publication as soon as possible.

If an applicant wishes to have an application published earlier than the date that is eighteen months after the earliest filing date for which benefit is claimed, applicant may submit a request in compliance with 37 CFR 1.219 and the publication fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.18(d). The Office will publish the application as soon as possible if the application is otherwise ready for publication. The publication process takes approximately 14 weeks and does not begin until the application is complete and ready for publication (e.g., an executed oath or declaration has been filed and the filing fee has been paid). See MPEP § 1120. The Office will not give any consideration to requests for publication on a certain date. Note that if early publication is requested, and the publication fee paid, applicant will not be required to pay the publication fee at allowance.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/30/2024 08:50:22