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1809 Access to the USPTO patent electronic filing system [R-01.2024]

Status information relating to patent applications is available through the USPTO patent electronic filing system, which has a public view and a private view. The public view provides access to all issued patents and published patent applications. Private view allows registered Patent Center users to access information for applications associated with the user that has not been made public, in addition to what is also available through the public view. To have access to the private view, the applicant must be a registered user in Patent Center. Further information can be found at

To associate a new international application that is being filed via the USPTO patent electronic filing system with an existing customer number, enter the customer number in the appropriate field when filling in the application data. The customer number will allow access to the application in the USPTO patent electronic filing system but may not be used to establish or change the correspondence address.

To associate a previously filed international application to a customer number, a request must be made. Applicant must provide the customer number, international application number, registration number and signature of applicant or attorney of record. Form PTO-2248 may be obtained from the USPTO website ( international-protection/patent-cooperation-treaty/ pct-chapter-i-forms). The form can be mailed or transmitted by facsimile to Mail Stop EBC, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. The fax number is 571-273-0177.

The ability to view the status of the international application on the USPTO patent electronic filing system does not allow an applicant to change the correspondence address or appoint or change an agent with the customer number. See MPEP § 1807. Such a change must be made under PCT Rule 92bis through the submission of a written request to the U.S. receiving Office or the International Bureau.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/30/2024 08:50:23