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2264 Mailing of Office Action [R-07.2022]

Ex parte reexamination forms are structured so that the identifying information for the reexamination file and the correspondence address for the patent owner, which is the official correspondence address of record in the file of the patent requested to be reexamined, can be printed on the forms. Usually, the official correspondence address of the patent owner, which is of record in the file of the patent, is the mailing address of the patent owner's legal representative. If there is no official correspondence address of record in the patent file, the Office may treat the mailing address of the patent owner as the correspondence address. Where there are multiple patent owners, the Office may treat the mailing address of the first named patent owner of record as the correspondence address of the patent owner. The Office will not engage in double correspondence with more than one patent owner. See 37 CFR 1.33(a). Copies of Office actions may be obtained by accessing Patent Center at the Office's website

All actions in a third party requester ex parte reexamination will have a copy mailed to the third party requester. A transmittal form PTOL-465 must be used in providing the third party requester with a copy of each Office action. If there are more than one third party requester for a single request, and if a third party requester has not designated the mailing address of a registered patent practitioner as the correspondence address for the requester, the Office may treat the mailing address of the first named third party requester as the correspondence address for the third party requester.

A completed transmittal form PTOL-465 will be provided as needed for any third party requester, and the appropriate address will be entered on it. The number of transmittal forms provides a ready reference for the number of copies of each Office action to be made, and the transmittal form permits use of the window envelopes in mailing the copies of the action to parties other than the patent owner.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/30/2024 08:50:24