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2602 Citation of Prior Art [R-01.2024]

Citations of prior art continue to be allowed under 37 CFR 1.501. See MPEP §§ 2202 through 2206 and 2208 for the manner of making such citations and Office handling of the same. However, the Office does not accept requests for inter partes reexamination filed on or after September 16, 2012, and therefore any filed citation of prior art under 37 CFR 1.501 will only be processed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.902 in an inter partes reexamination request filed prior to September 16, 2012. See 37 CFR 1.913(b). Guidance on the former practice is available in revision 07.2022 of the 9th Edition of the MPEP.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/30/2024 08:50:24