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2764 Express Withdrawal of Application for Extension of Patent Term [R-01.2024]

37 CFR 1.770  Express withdrawal of application for extension of patent term.

An application for extension of patent term may be expressly withdrawn before a determination is made pursuant to § 1.750 by filing in the Office a written declaration of withdrawal signed by the owner of record of the patent or its agent. An application may not be expressly withdrawn after the date permitted for reply to the final determination on the application. An express withdrawal pursuant to this section is effective when acknowledged in writing by the Office. The filing of an express withdrawal pursuant to this section and its acceptance by the Office does not entitle applicant to a refund of the filing fee (§ 1.20(j)) or any portion thereof.

Except for a request for withdrawal filed in response to a requirement for election, a request for withdrawal of an application for extension of patent term after a determination has been made pursuant to 37 CFR 1.750 must be submitted on or before the date permitted for reply to the final determination, and be accompanied by a petition under 37 CFR 1.182 with the appropriate petition filing fee.



United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/30/2024 08:50:25