Status of Director Review requests

Director Review requests are uploaded into the corresponding case as Exhibit 3100 and are available on the Patent Trial and Appeal Case Tracking System (P-TACTS) for processing America Invents Act (AIA) reviews typically within a week of the receipt of the request. Director Review requests are also compiled in the spreadsheet below. The spreadsheet includes the date the Director Review request was received or sua sponte was granted, the case number of the proceeding, the requesting party, the involved parties, the status of the request, and the date of the most recent status. This spreadsheet will be updated monthly.

Director Review granted – proceedings

Below are the proceedings in which Director Review has been granted, either based on a party's request or sua sponte. Director Review decisions are, by default, routine decisions as set forth in Standard Operating Procedure 2 (SOP 2), unless otherwise indicated.

Recent decisions

PLR Worldwide Sales Ltd. v. Flip Phone Games Inc., IPR2024-00133 (see Claim construction)

  • Decision vacating decision denying institution, and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 12 (Vidal August 22, 2024)

Luminex International Co., Ltd. v. Signify Holdings B.V., IPR2024-00101 (see Bar due to patent owner’s action and Bar due to petitioner’s action)

  • Order vacating decision denying institution, and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 12 (Vidal August 20, 2024)

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Slyde Analytics, LLC, IPR2024-00040 (see Claim construction)

  • Decision vacating decision denying institution, and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 14 (Vidal August 2, 2024)

Spectrum Solutions LLC v. Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics, LLCIPR2021-00847, IPR2021-00850, IPR2021-00854, IPR2021-00857 & IPR2021-00860 (see Abuse of process and/or sanctions and Duty of candor)

  • Order granting Director Review – Paper 126 (Vidal June 12, 2023)
  • Order authorizing party briefing and amicus briefing, setting schedule, and granting motions for withdrawal and substitution of counsel and pro hac vice admission - Paper 133 (Vidal October 27, 2023)
  • Decision modifying-in-part order granting petitioner's motion for sanctions - Paper 143 (public version of confidential Paper 142) (Vidal July 26, 2024)

Hesai Technology Co. Ltd. v. Ouster, Inc., IPR2023-01458 (see Obviousness)

  • Decision vacating decision on institution and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 14 (Vidal July 25, 2024)

Shenzhen Xinzexing E-Commerce Co., Ltd. v. Shenzhen Carku Technology Co., Ltd., IPR2024-00222 (see Adverse judgement)

  • Decision vacating adverse judgment, and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 7 (Vidal July 10, 2024)

Prime Time Toys LLC v. Spin Master, Inc., IPR2023-01339, IPR2023-01348 & IPR2023-01461 (see Obviousness, Rationales and Secondary considerations)

  • Decision reversing decision denying institution, and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 12 (Vidal July 9, 2024)

Videndum Production Solutions, Inc. v. Rotolight Limited, IPR2023-01218 (see Institution, Multiple petitions)

  • Decision vacating decision on institution and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 12 (Vidal April 19, 2024)

MAHLE Behr Charleston Inc. v. Frank Amidio Catalano, IPR2023-00861 (see Expert testimony)

  • Decision vacating decision on institution and remanding for further proceedings – Paper 15 (Vidal April 5, 2024)


For more information on the Director Review process, visit the Revised Interim Director Review Process page.