Biotechnology, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Partnership (BCP) Meeting

The BCP meeting is for all stakeholders to share insights and experiences to improve patent prosecution in these areas.  The meeting is informal and includes participants from across the industry.  Some of the topics to be discussed by USPTO staff and stakeholders include:

Email USPTOBCP1600@USPTO.GOV by Nov. 3 to register.  Include the following information: 

  • Subject: BCP Nov 6 Meeting - RSVP
  • Your name, title and organization
  • Contact information (e-mail, phone, etc.)
  • Your attending location (Alexandria or webcast)

Directions and parking
USPTO Headquarters, Alexandria VA

BCP Meeting Agenda
10–10:10 a.m.                 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Directors, TC1600, USPTO

Daniel Sullivan 
Wanda Walker
Andrew Wang

10:10 –10:40 a.m.                                             Application Readiness

Martin Rater, Senior Statistician USPTO

10:40 – 11:40 a.m.                              112(b)- Practitioners' PerspectiveMelissa Brand, IP Policy Director, BIO: Rachel Elsby, Counsel, Akin Gump
11:40 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.BREAK/LUNCH


12:10–1:30 p.m.  112(b) Discussion Panel

Moderator: Bennett Celsa, QAS, TC1600

Melissa Brand, IP Policy Director, BIO 
Jessica Marks, Associate, Finnegan
Jeffrey Fredman, APJ, PTAB
Jean Witz, SPE, CRU
Mary Till, Senior Legal Advisor, OPLA
Janet Andres, SPE, TC1600
Zachariah Lucas, QAS, TC1600

1:30–1:40 p.m. BREAK 
1:40–2:40 p.m.Personalized MedicineBruce Kisliuk, Senior Patent Counselor, Patent & Innovation Strategies Group
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
2:40-3:30 p.m.Prosecution Tips and Traps for Patent Applications Examined Under the AIAKathleen Fonda, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA), USPTO
3:30 - 3:40 p.m..


3:40–4:40 p.m.Tips on Filing Reissue Applications

Jean Witz, SPE, CRU

4:40–5:00 p.m. Closing RemarksDirectors, TC1600, USPTO

Current and previous BCP meetings


This event is part of a series: Patents Customer Partnership