The patent electronic filing system is a web-based system accessible through the Electronic Business Center (EBC). The patent electronic filing system allows for filing a petition either electronically or through an ePetition option. Petitions that are filed electronically, but not through the ePetition option, will not benefit from ePetition's immediate petition decision or instant feedback on requirements.
To file an ePetition, the radio button next to “ePetition (for automatic processing and immediate grant, if all petitions requirements are met)” needs to be selected as a Type of Submission for Existing Application/Processing. A web-based ePetition will be completely fillable online through screens in the patent electronic filing system. Please see Web-based ePetition Quick Start Guide [PDF] for reference.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding filing in the patent electronic filing system, please contact the Patent EBC Monday ‐ Friday, from 6:00 a.m. to midnight Eastern Time, by email or telephone 866‐217‐9197.