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Calendar Year Patent Statistics (January 1 to December 31)
General Patent Statistics Reports Available For Viewing

The Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT) periodically issues general statistics and miscellaneous reports that profile patenting activity at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). For a detailed description of available PTMT products and services, please consult the PTMT Products and Services Brochure.

Notes for Users

Table of Contents



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

General Overview Reports
By Type of Patent Document

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


U.S. Patent Statistics Report :
This chart shows the yearly number of applications and grants for utility, design, plant, and reissue patents granted since 1963. Utility patent counts are divided into U.S. and foreign origin. (updated annually).


2020 Patent Counts, Single Year Reports, 1992 to Present
U.S. states and countries from which U.S. patent grants originated during a calendar year; a separate report is provided for each calendar year starting with 1992; separate counts are provided for each state, country, and patent type


2020 All Technologies ( Utility Patents ) Report :
This report counts only utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report show the number of utility patents granted during the last 25 years. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes patent grants by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes patent grants by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 1,000 or more patents during the last 25 years. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.



2020 Extended Year Set - All Technologies ( Utility Patents ) Report


2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).


2020 Plant Patents Report :
This report counts only plant patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office during the last 25 years.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for patents granted during the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes the patents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the patents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 5 or more plant patents during the last 25 years. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.



2015 Extended Year Set - Plant Patents Report :


2020 Reissue Patents Report :
This report counts only reissue patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1977.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for patents granted during the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes the patents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the patents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 5 or more reissue patents since 1977. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.




2015 Statutory Invention Registrations and Defensive Publications Report :
This report counts only statutory invention registrations and defensive publications granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1977.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for the patent documents granted during the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes the documents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the documents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. documents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 1 or more statutory invention registrations or defensive publications since 1977. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual activity for the most recent 14 year period. Documents are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.




2015 All Patents, All Types Report :
This report counts utility patents as well as other types of U.S. documents (i.e., design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office during the last 25 years. About 90% of all patent documents granted by USPTO are utility patent grants, also known as "patents for inventions".

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for patents granted during the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes the patents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the patents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 1,000 or more patent documents during the last 25 years. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.




2015 Number of Utility Patent Applications Filed in the United States By Country of Origin, Calendar Years 1965 to Present :
This report consists of a series of tables that show the yearly number of utility patent applications filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1965. Application counts are separated by country of origin based on the residence of the first-named inventor



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Geographic Origin

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2020 Patent Counts, Single Year Reports, 1992 to Present
U.S. states and countries from which U.S. patent grants originated during a calendar year; a separate report is provided for each calendar year starting with 1992; separate counts are provided for each state, country, and patent type


2015 Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Utility Patents Report :
This report shows the number of U.S. utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted since 1963, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years.


2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Utility Patents Report


2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).


2015 Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Plant Patents Report :
This report shows the number of U.S. plant patents granted since 1977, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years.


2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Plant Patents Report


2015 Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, All Patents, All Types Report :
This report shows the number of U.S. patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted since 1977, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). About 90% of all patent documents granted by USPTO are utility patent grants, also known as "patents for inventions". Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years.


2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, All Patents, All Types Report


2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Organization :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country during the last 5 years, this series of reports displays the major organizations receiving those patents. Organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period are listed with annual totals provided for each year. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available. Also, please note that the "drill-down" reports listed under the Table of Contents subheading, "By Patented Technology", may be of interest.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Organization :



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Technology Class :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country during the last 5 years, this series of reports displays the technology classes of those patent grants. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Technology class is determined by the primary classification within the US Patent Classification System. Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Technology Class :



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Geographic Origin :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued during the last 5 years and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the U.S. state/territory or country from which those patents originated. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Geographic Origin :



2015 (*) U.S. Metropolitan Area, Micropolitan Area, and County Patent Activity Reports :
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile utility patenting activity by U.S. metropolitan area, micropolitan area, and county. Drill-down reports profiling patenting by geographic origin, technology class, and organization are included among these reports.


2013 (*) State and Country Technology Emphasis Report, Corporate Utility Patents :
Patent activity is presented in terms of a technology emphasis (activity) index. Drill-down tables present technology emphasis profiles based on U.S. Patent Classification System technology class. A technology emphasis profile is presented for each state and country of patent origin and for selected combinations of the states and countries of origin. This PTMT report profiles utility patents that have been granted to organizations but excludes patents granted to Federal and national government organizations. Most of the patents profiled in this report have been granted to corporate entities.



2015 Number of Utility Patent Applications Filed in the United States By Country of Origin, Calendar Years 1965 to Present :
This report consists of a series of tables that show the yearly number of utility patent applications filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1965. Application counts are separated by country of origin based on the residence of the first-named inventor



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Patenting Organization

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report"). Also see PART B of several of the reports listed under General Overview Reports - By Type of Patent Document
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2020 Final Tabulation - Patenting by Organizations Report, Single Year Reports, 1995 to Present
Part A1 of this report provides the total count for utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted during the calendar year (or half year, in the case of mid-year reports). The total is broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. A count is shown for each of the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the year. The total is also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B1 of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies, and other organizations that have received 40 or more patents during the year (for pre-1998 reports, listed organizations include those that have received 30 or more patents during the year). It ranks these organizations in terms of patent receipts for the year.



2005 Preliminary List of Top Patenting Organizations During the Calendar Year, Single Year Reports, 1991 to Present
A list of the top 10 or 11 organizations receiving U.S. utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") is presented for each calendar year starting with 1991. For the final tabulation of top patenting organizations during a year, please see the "Patenting by Organizations Report" for that year . (updating of this preliminary list has been discontinued)


2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).


2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Organization :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country during the last 5 years, this series of reports displays the major organizations receiving those patents. Organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period are listed with annual totals provided for each year. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available. Also, please note that the "drill-down" reports listed under the Table of Contents subheading, "By Patented Technology", may be of interest.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Organization :



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Organization :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued during the last 5 years and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available. Also, please note that the "drill-down" reports listed under the Table of Contents subheading, "By Geographic Origin", may be of interest.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Organization :



2015 (*) U.S. Metropolitan Area, Micropolitan Area, and County Patent Activity Reports :
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile utility patenting activity by U.S. metropolitan area, micropolitan area, and county. Drill-down reports profiling patenting by geographic origin, technology class, and by organization are included among these reports.



2015 U.S. (Federal) Government Patenting Report :
This report counts all patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1977 for which ownership was assigned to the U.S. Government at the time of grant.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for patents granted during the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes the patents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the patents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period.

Part B of this report shows the Federal organizations that have received 1 or more patent documents since 1977. It ranks these Federal organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application.



2012 US Colleges and Universities- Utility Patent Grants, 1969-Present :
This report profiles the patent activity of U.S. colleges and universities since 1969. The number of utility patents awarded annually to each U.S. college and university is presented. Separate tables show the numbers of patents awarded within each technology class of the U.S. Patent Classification System. Institutions that are ranked in the top 250 based on total research and development expenditures are separately identified. The patent activity of these institutions is also summarized apart from the patent activity of all colleges and universities. (updated irregularly)


2005 Preliminary List of Top Patenting U.S. Universities During the Calendar Year, Single Year Reports, 2002 to Present
A preliminary list of the top 10 U.S. universities receiving U.S. utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") is presented for each calendar year starting with 2002. (updating of this preliminary list has been discontinued)


2008 US Government Patents, 2008 :
This report profiles the patent activity of U.S. Government organizations in a variety of tables. Numbers of patents awarded annually to identified U.S. Government organizations are presented. Also included are tables showing the number of utility patents awarded within each technology class of the U.S. Patent Classification System for each identified U.S. Government organization and for all such organizations, taken together. (timing for the next update is uncertain at this time)



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Patented Technology

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description



2015 Patent Counts by Class by Year Report :
This report shows the number of patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted since 1977 in each of the approximately 475 U.S. patent classes, the primary divisions of technology within the U.S. Patent Classification System. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years. The report consists of two parts, one which lists patent counts by "original" classification only and one which lists counts by "original" and "cross-reference" classifications with duplicate patent counts eliminated. A list of the U.S. patent class titles is included in this report.



2015 Patent Counts by Class by Year, Independent Inventors :
This report counts only documents granted to independent inventors. Independent inventor patents are those for which ownership is either unassigned or assigned to an individual (i.e., not an organization) at the time of grant.

This report shows the number of patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted since 1977 in each of the approximately 475 U.S. patent classes, the primary divisions of technology within the U.S. Patent Classification System. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years. The report consists of two parts, one which lists patent counts by "original" classification only and one which lists counts by "original" and "cross-reference" classifications with duplicate patent counts eliminated. A list of the U.S. patent class titles is included in this report. (updated annually)



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Organization :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued during the last 5 years and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available. Also, please note that the "drill-down" reports listed under the Table of Contents subheading, "By Geographic Origin", may be of interest.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Organization :



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Geographic Origin :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued during the last 5 years and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the U.S. state/territory or country from which those patents originated. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Geographic Origin :



2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Technology Class :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country during the last 5 years, this series of reports displays the technology classes of those patent grants. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. Yearly totals are provided for each of the 5 years.

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Technology Class :



2015 (*) U.S. Metropolitan Area, Micropolitan Area, and County Patent Activity Reports :
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile utility patenting activity by U.S. metropolitan area, micropolitan area, and county. Drill-down reports profiling patenting by geographic origin, technology class, and by organization are included among these reports.


2013 (*) State and Country Technology Emphasis Report, Corporate Utility Patents :
Patent activity is presented in terms of a technology emphasis (activity) index. Drill-down tables present technology emphasis profiles based on U.S. Patent Classification System technology class. A technology emphasis profile is presented for each state and country of patent origin and for selected combinations of the states and countries of origin. This PTMT report profiles utility patents that have been granted to organizations but excludes patents granted to Federal and national government organizations. Most of the patents profiled in this report have been granted to corporate entities.


2015 Selected Technology Reports and Technology Workload Reports:

Selected Technology Reports profile patent activity in several selected technology areas. Areas covered include technologies such as telecommunications, semiconductors, medical devices, computers, and patents including nucleotide and amino acid sequences.

Technology Workload Reports profile the characteristics of patents that have been identified based on the "primary" patent classification assigned to each patent - each patent receives one, and only one, primary patent classification. Chemical, Electrical, and Mechanical Technology Workload reports are useful for displaying overall utility patenting activity, as divided between the three categories.

Parts A1 and A2 of each technology report show the number of patents granted in the technology during a recent period. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 14 years. Part A1 distributes patent grants by the year of grant and Part A2 distributes patent grants by the year of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin, either U.S. or foreign. For Selected Technology Reports, yearly counts are shown for each U.S. state and each foreign country. For Technology Workload Reports, yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals also are divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of each report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received the most patents during the period. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity for the most recent 14 year period. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application. (reports are updated periodically)



2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Ownership Location and Domestic Inventor Share

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2015 Utility Patent Counts By Ownership Location (State/Country) and Year
Counts of utility patents (i.e., patents for inventions) as distributed by the location of the owner and the year of grant. Coverage is for patents granted from 1975 to the present. (updated irregularly).


2015 (*) DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting By Ownership Location (State and Country), Breakout By Organization and Domestic (U.S.) Inventor Share

The domestic inventor share consists of a calculated percentage of the patents that are attributed to U.S. resident inventors. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") having an owner located in a selected state or country at the time of grant, this series of reports displays the major organizations receiving those patents and the calculated domestic inventor share associated with each of the listed owners. Organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the most recent 5 year period are listed for each region with annual totals provided for each year. Patent ownership generally corresponds to the first-named owner at the time of patent grant. (updated irregularly).


2015 Design Patent Counts By Ownership Location (State/Country) and Year
Counts of design patents (i.e., patents for ornamental designs for articles of manufacture) as distributed by the location of the owner and the year of grant. Coverage is for patents granted from 1977 to the present. (updated irregularly).



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Industry-Based Category or Product Field (NAICS)

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report"). To view the 2008 report listed below, the compressed file (e.g., should be downloaded to a PC and the files contained in the compressed file then should be extracted and placed in an empty directory on the PC. A link to directory that contains the compressed file is provided below (see the table column labeled 'links'). For more detailed instructions for viewing this 2008 report, please read the "info_ptrends2008.txt" file, available at the same directory location.
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2012 U.S. Patenting Trends By NAICS Industry Category, 1963-2012
This report consists of a series of (*) drill-down tables that display U.S. patenting activity in 30 categories that are based on the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). These categories consist of 26 unique NAICS categories and several categories that are combinations or roll-ups of the 26 unique categories. Patents have been associated with the NAICS industry categories using a U.S. Patent Classification System to NAICS concordance maintained by PTMT. This 2012 report update presents data in a slightly different way but should include most of the data presented in the 2008 report that is listed below.

directory containing report file for downloading

2008 Patenting Trends in the U.S. By Industry Category :
This report profiles U.S. patenting in 30 product fields (26 unique fields, and several fields that are combinations or roll-ups of the 26 unique fields) that are based on the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). For each product field, the report lists patent counts in a format similar to Parts A1 and A2 of the PTMT "All Technologies Report". Presented are patent activity by country of origin (for the most active countries) and by ownership category, with activity distributed by the year of patent grant and by the year of patent application. The report counts patents in two ways, using a "fractional count" method and a "whole count" method. For viewing patent activity, the preferred patent counting method will depend on the intended usage of the information.

A separate portion of the report presents patent activity in the identified product fields by state and country of origin for all states and countries. Separate counts are provided using the "fractional count" method and the "whole count" method.

For more detailed instructions for viewing this report, please read the "info_ptrends2008.txt" file, available at the same directory location. Please note that this report is not available for direct viewing on the USPTO Web Site. (updated periodically)



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing

Report Breakouts
By Inventor

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).


2013 (*) DRILL-DOWN Inventor Report,
U.S. Resident Inventors and Their Utility Patents, Breakout By State Regional Component (e.g., County), 2000 - 2013:

This report applies to U.S. resident inventors who have received a utility patent (i.e., "patent for invention") granted by USPTO since 2000. The report includes a series of tables that display U.S. states and the regional components (e.g., counties) in which the inventors resided. Counts of the inventors and their patents are provided for each of the regional components. (updated irregularly)

Please note that paper copies of this report are not available.



2018 Independent Inventors By State By Year, Utility Patents Report :
This report shows the number of "independent inventors" by state (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor) for all U.S. utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted from 1975 to the present. Independent inventors are the inventors of those patents for which ownership was either unassigned or assigned to individuals at the time of patent grant. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 17 years. (updated annually)



2015 Independent Inventors by State by Year, All Patents, All Types Report :
This report shows the number of "independent inventors" by state (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor) for all U.S. patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted from 1977 to the present. Independent inventors are the inventors of those patents for which ownership was either unassigned or assigned to individuals at the time of patent grant. About 90% of all patent documents granted by USPTO are utility patent grants, also known as "patents for inventions". Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 17 years.


2018 Independent Inventor Utility Patents By Country, State, and Year :
This report shows the number of utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted to "independent inventors" with a breakout by state and country of origin where origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Patents granted from 1975 to the present are included in the report. Independent inventors are the inventors of those patents for which ownership was either unassigned or assigned to individuals at the time of patent grant. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent 14 years. Annual totals for all years in the period can be seen in the Extended Year Set version of this report.


2015 Extended Year Set - Independent Inventor Utility Patents By Country, State, and Year :


1997 Prolific Inventors Receiving Utility Patents, 1988-1997 :
This report identifies prolific inventors who received a large number of utility patents during the 1988 to 1997 period.(updated irregularly - at this time, there is no planned schedule for updating this report)



2015 Patent Counts by Class by Year, Independent Inventors :
This report counts only documents granted to independent inventors. Independent inventor patents are those for which ownership was either unassigned or assigned to an individual (i.e., not an organization) at the time of grant.

This report shows the number of patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted since 1977 in each of the approximately 475 U.S. patent classes, the primary divisions of technology within the U.S. Patent Classification System. Yearly totals are provided for the most recent years. The report consists of two parts, one which lists patent counts by "original" classification only and one which lists counts by "original" and "cross-reference" classifications with duplicate patent counts eliminated. A list of the U.S. patent class titles is included in this report. (updated annually)



1998 Buttons to Biotech, U.S. Patenting By Women, 1977 to 1996- includes update through 1998 :
This report examines US patenting by US-resident women. For more recent updates, please contact PTMT. (updated irregularly)



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing,

Historical and Extended-Year Statistics

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports and tables that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports and tables are provided in the listing (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description


2020 U.S. Patent Activity, 1790-Present :
This report presents annual counts of utility (invention), design, and plant patents and applications received and issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1790.


1977 U.S. Patenting By State, 1883-1976 (TAF Seventh Report extract) :
This legacy report consists of images of an extract from the paper report. It presents annual counts of patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office between 1883 and 1976, as broken out by U.S. state and year of grant.


1977 U.S. Patenting By Foreign Country, 1883-1976 (TAF Seventh Report extract) :
This legacy report consists of images of an extract from the paper report. It presents annual counts of patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office between 1883 and 1976, as broken out by Foreign Country and year of grant.


1960, 1962, 1965 U.S. Patent Applications Filed and Patents Issued, by Type and by Patentee, 1790-1957 (Extract from the U.S. Bureau of the Census report, The Statistical History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present) :
This legacy report consists of images of an extract from the paper report. It presents U.S. patent applications filed and patents issued, by type and by patentee for the 1790 to 1957 period.


(05/2021 update)
U.S. Patent Statistics Report :
This chart shows the yearly number of applications and grants for utility, design, plant, and reissue patents granted since 1963. Utility patent counts are divided into U.S. and foreign origin.


2020 Extended Year Set - All Technologies ( Utility Patents ) Report :
This report counts only utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report show the number of utility patents granted since 1963. Yearly totals are provided for each year. Part A1 distributes patent grants by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes patent grants by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 1,000 or more patents since 1969. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application. (updated irregularly)



2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Utility Patents Report :
This report shows the number of U.S. utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") granted since 1963, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). Yearly totals are provided. (updated irregularly)


2020 Patenting of Ornamental Designs (Design Patents):
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile the patenting activity of ornamental designs (i.e., design patents).


2015 Extended Year Set - Plant Patents Report :
This report counts only plant patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1977.

Parts A1 and A2 of this report provide yearly totals for patents granted. Part A1 distributes the patents by their dates of grant and Part A2 distributes the patents by their dates of patent application. The totals are broken down by origin (origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor), either U.S. or foreign. Yearly counts are shown for the 36 foreign countries receiving the most U.S. patents during the period. Totals are also divided according to general category of ownership, e.g., corporate-owned, government-owned, or individual-owned.

Part B of this report shows the national and international corporations, government agencies and other organizations that have received 5 or more plant patents since 1977. It ranks these organizations in terms of total patent receipts and profiles their annual patenting activity. Patent grants are distributed in two ways, by year of grant and by year of patent application. (updated irregularly)



2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, Plant Patents Report
This report shows the number of U.S. plant patents granted since 1977, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). Yearly totals are provided. (updated irregularly)


2015 Extended Year Set - Patent Counts by Country/State and Year, All Patents, All Types Report :
This report shows the number of U.S. patent documents (i.e., utility patents, design patents, plant patents, reissue patents, defensive publications, and statutory invention registrations) granted since 1977, broken down by the state or country of origin (patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor). About 90% of all patent documents granted by USPTO are utility patent grants, also known as "patents for inventions". Yearly totals are provided. (updated irregularly)


2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Organization :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country and issued beginning in 1969, this series of reports displays the major organizations receiving those patents. Organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period are listed with annual totals provided for each year. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. (updated irregularly)

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting by Geographic Origin (State and Country)- Breakout By Technology Class :

For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") originating from a selected state or country and issued since 1963, this series of reports displays the technology classes of those patent grants. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. Yearly totals are provided for each of the years. (updated irregularly)

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Organization :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued since 1969 and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the organizations receiving 5 or more patents during the period. Patent ownership information corresponds to the first-named owner listed on the patent and reflects ownership at the time of patent grant. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor.Yearly totals are provided for each of the years. (updated irregularly)

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) Extended-Year Set - DRILL-DOWN Utility Patent Report,
Patenting in Technology Classes - Breakout By Geographic Origin :

Technology class is determined by the primary classification (often referred to as the ORIGINAL classification, in Patent Office specific terminology), within the US Patent Classification System, that has been assigned to each patent. For utility patents (i.e., "patents for invention") issued since 1963 and having primary classification in a technology class, this series of reports displays the U.S. state/territory or country from which those patents originated. Patent origin is determined by the residence of the first-named inventor. Yearly totals are provided for each of the years. (updated irregularly)

Please note that paper copies of these reports are not available.



2015 (*) U.S. Metropolitan Area, Micropolitan Area, and County Patent Activity Reports :
This page contains links to PTMT reports that profile patenting activity by U.S. metropolitan area, micropolitan area, and county. Drill-down reports profiling patenting by geographic origin, technology class, and by organization are included among these reports.



2015 Number of Utility Patent Applications Filed in the United States By Country of Origin, Calendar Years 1965 to Present :
This report consists of a series of tables that show the yearly number of utility patent applications filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since 1965. Application counts are separated by country of origin based on the residence of the first-named inventor



General Patent Statistics Reports Available for Viewing,

Miscellaneous Tables, Reports, and Other Materials

This table lists PTMT patent statistics reports, tables, and other materials that are available for viewing. Links to access the reports, tables, and materials are provided in the listings (see the table column labeled "Links to Report").
Links to
Year of
Title and Description
pat_trYY html 2015 Patenting Trends, Single Year Reports, 1991 to the Present :
For each calendar year, a brief discussion of the patenting trends is presented.


2020 Issue Years and Patent Numbers Since 1836 :
For utility, design, plant, and reissue patents and statutory invention registrations granted from 1836 to the present, this report enables a user to identify the issue year from the patent number.


2001 Issue Dates and Patent Numbers Since 1836 :
For patent documents granted since 1963, this report enables a user to identify the issue date from the patent number. For utility, design, and plant patents granted from 1836 to 1962, this report enables a user to identify the issue year from the patent number. (updated irregularly)



2020 Filing Years and Application Serial Numbers Since 1882 :
For patents applied for since 1882, this report enables a user to identify the approximate filing year from the application serial number.


1998 Buttons to Biotech, U.S. Patenting By Women, 1977 to 1996- includes update through 1998 :
This report examines US patenting by US-resident women. For more recent updates, please contact PTMT. (updated irregularly)


Concordance Between the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System and
(i) the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and (ii) the Standard Industrial Code Classification System (SIC):

These are very high level concordances between the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) System and (i) 26 unique NAICS-based product fields and (ii) 41 unique SIC-based product fields. The concordances have been used to produce PTMT report breakouts by industry that are available for viewing and/or download. Updated irregularly.


2015 PTMT Custom Bibliographic Patent Data Extract DVD-ROM :
This DVD-ROM is available for purchase (price has been reduced to $50) and contains selected bibliographic patent data for utility patents granted since 1963 and for other patent documents granted since 1977. The bibliographic data are extracted from the USPTO's TAF database and are presented in a form that facilitates loading into database software (e.g., for analysis). Data contained on the DVD incorporate USPTO data cleaning efforts associated with the production of general PTMT patent statistics reports. This DVD does not contain bibliographic data for published patent applications. Use of database software such as SAS, Oracle, STATA, SPSS, etc. is suggested for use with the contents of the DVD-ROM. Although most files are very large and, therefore, are not suitable for use in their entirety in spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, small subsets of some files can be handled successfully in such spreadsheet software.

For further information about the contents of this DVD, please see the "_read_me_customx_dvdxx" file at the linked web page. Updated irregularly, although efforts are made to update this disc annually.

NOTE: PTMT is making the data contained on the PREVIOUS YEAR'S DVD, 2014 PTMT Custom Bibliographic Patent Data Extract DVD-ROM, available for download from the USPTO Web Site at no charge. The previous year's DVD data can be accessed from the USPTO Web Site at .
Under the ADDITIONAL PATENT INFORMATION section of the web page, go to the entry labeled "Patent Technology Monitoring Team (PTMT) - Custom Bibliographic Patent Data Extract DVD-ROM Available for Download" and click on the link.

Due to the large uncompressed sizes of many of the bibliographic data files, the user may want to consider purchasing the current year DVD since it contains the most up-to-date bibliographic files in an uncompressed format that facilitates easier and direct access to the data.



2006 PTMT Products and Services Brochure :
This brochure provides general information about Patent Technology Monitoring Team reports, products, and services. (updated irregularly)



Miscellaneous Information

Link with Technological Activity

Most analyses of technological activity that incorporate patent data will focus on the activity of utility patents, also known as "patents for inventions." Since design patents are granted for ornamental designs for articles of manufacture and not for inventions, they are usually perceived to have a lesser relationship with technological activity. Similarly, statutory invention registrations and defensive publications do not convey patent protection to disclosed inventions and may have a lesser relationship with technological activity. Plant patents may or may not disclose an invention resulting from technological activity; however, plant patents are numerically small relative to utility patents and are usually handled and analyzed separately.

Other PTMT Reports

For a description of other available PTMT reports, please view the PTMT Products and Services Brochure.

Additional Sources of USPTO Statistical Data- Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports

Additional statistical data relating to patents may be found in the Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports as well as in other documents available at the USPTO Web Site.

Please note that data contained in the Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports are predominantly fiscal year data covering annual periods that extend from October 1 to September 30.

The Commissioner's Annual Reports / Annual Performance and Accountability Reports as well as other patent data on the USPTO Web Site may be accessed from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Home Page (

See, also, the Table of Contents at the top of this web page for "Links to USPTO Patent Statistics and Data Resources".

Statistical Data From Other Intellectual Property Offices

For statistical data profiling patenting activity at intellectual property offices outside the United States, the web sites of those offices should be consulted. Please note that patents granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office provide patent protection only within the United States.

File Formats For Viewable and Downloadable PTMT Reports

PTMT reports that are available for downloading are either in Adobe ® Acrobat ® format (".pdf" file extension), in ASCII text format (".txt" file extension), in Microsoft ® Excel ® format (".xl_" file extension), or in HTML Hypertext format (".htm" or ".html" file extensions). Links to free software for viewing and printing PDF files may be obtained at the USPTO Web Site's PlugIns and Viewers page.

Please note that table data in many of the PTMT HTML Hypertext format files can be imported directly into software programs such as Microsoft ® Excel ® for further data manipulation, processing, and formatting for printing.

Frequency of Updating of PTMT Reports

Updates to PTMT General Statistical Reports are usually generated in March/April of each year to incorporate data through December of the previous year. Midyear updates may be generated for some PTMT reports with the update reports containing data through June. These update reports, if generated, are generally available in late July to early August. One exception is the "U.S. Patent Statistics Report", which is fully updated in May/June of each year.


Contact Information

Questions regarding these reports should be directed to:

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Electronic Information Products Division - PTMT (formerly TAF Branch)
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


address of PTMT Reports :
selected PTMT materials available for download at :

Some content, accessed via links on this page, may require a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Reader , Microsoft PowerPoint and ZIP files.


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