2023 Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship, part three: Learning from leading Black innovators

USPTO Black innovation and entrepreneurship program


In the third session of the 2023 Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program:  

  • Learn how HBCUs function as regional centers of excellence for inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs. 
  • Hear from special guests about intellectual property (IP) innovation in the hair care industry. 
  • Learn from business experts how you can build a successful brand. 

Watch the world premiere of the documentary short "America’s Ingenuity," created in partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF). The film focuses on Richard F. America, one of the youngest Black inventors on “Baker's list,” the first repository of African American patent holders compiled by lawyer, assistant patent examiner, and civil rights activist Henry E. Baker (1857 – 1928). The documentary features an interview with America’s son, the only known living child of an inventor on Baker’s list. Read our Journeys of Innovation story about Henry Baker's important work.

Access recordings of individual program segments below.


(Subject to change. All times ET)

2-2:02 p.m. Welcome and overview

2:02-2:04 p.m. Welcome address, Morgan State University

  • Dr. Fikremariam Boghossian, Dean, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management, Morgan State University

2:04-2:08 p.m. Greeting from Department of Commerce leadership; Introduction to "America’s Ingenuity" (prerecorded remarks)

  • Don Graves, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Department of Commerce

2:08-2:16 p.m. World premiere of "America’s Ingenuity"

2:16-2:56 p.m. HBCUs: Regional centers of excellence

Access the recording of this discussion.

  • Kayla Austin, Founder and CEO, My Gun's Been Moved; Student, Howard University
  • Dr. Mary K. Foster, Professor of Management, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management, Morgan State University
  • Dr. Johnny Graham, Associate and Regional Director, Howard University and PNC National Center for Entrepreneurship
  • Adia Coleman, Manager, Howard University Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC); Head of the Howard University School of Business Library

2:56-3 p.m. Building a successful brand (prerecorded remarks)

Access this video recording.

3-3:35 p.m. IP innovation in the hair care industry

Access the recording of this discussion.

3:35-3:39 p.m. Building a successful brand (prerecorded remarks)

Access this video recording.

3:39-4:18 p.m. Access to capital: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), America's Seed Fund

Access a recording of this discussion.

  • Tiffany House, SBIR Program Commercialization Analyst, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

4:18-4:21 p.m. Building a successful brand (prerecorded remarks)

Access this video recording.

4:21-4:28 p.m. Remarks by Lonnie Johnson, President and Founder of Johnson Research & Development Co., Inc.; National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) Inductee (prerecorded)

Access this video recording.

4:28-4:30 p.m. Building a successful brand (prerecorded remarks)

Access this video recording.

  • John Hope Bryant, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Operation HOPE

4:30 p.m. Wrap-up and closing

4:30-5:30 p.m. (In person only) Networking reception hosted by the National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF)


Speaker biographies 

(Provided by participants)


To see recordings of previous Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, visit the event series page and select the event you want to watch.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) offers inspirational and educational events, open to all, that feature successful innovators from a wide variety of backgrounds. Come learn about IP, innovation, and valuable resources available to independent inventors, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and underrepresented or underserved populations. Find out more at www.uspto.gov/innovationforall.

The Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program is presented by the Office of Innovation Outreach. For more information, please contact BlackInnovation@uspto.gov.

The content and opinions shared by our guest speakers during this program are not those of the USPTO, nor an endorsement of any persons, products, programs, or policies mentioned therein.

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This event is part of a series: Advancing Equity, Black Innovation and Entrepreneurship