Attend the 13th Annual Design Day

Join a lively and thought-provoking discussion about various aspects of design 
patents, from conception through enforcement, at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Get insights from USPTO design examiners and managers, design patent practitioners, and industrial designers from across the country.

No CLE credit is offered for attendance.

The event features:

  • Welcome and Kick-off from Commissioner for Patents for the USPTO, Drew Hirshfeld
  • An update from the director of Technology Center 2900
  • Presentations from major corporations on strategic protection and enforcement of designs
  • An update on recent international developments in design law and practice from the USPTO’s Office of Policy and International Affairs
  • A view from the bench presented by a current PTAB judge
  • Case law summaries on important design patent decisions over the past year from the federal circuit, district courts, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board

For more information, contact or call 571-270-7145.