If you are an engineer, hobbyist, tinkerer, crafter, artist, or entrepreneur, attend the 2019 Capitol Hill Maker Faire. Learn about the movement that is revolutionizing education, breathing new life and innovation into U.S. manufacturing, and strengthening American communities and their economies.
- Register for the daytime panels (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET) with leaders of the Maker movement who will talk about its impact on the economy, education, and community development.
- Register for the evening Maker Faire (5 – 8 p.m. ET)
The USPTO is an invited participant the Capitol Hill Maker Faire, along with 45 other Maker groups. The USPTO provides support for Maker startups, small businesses, and creators of all ages as part of its commitment to encouraging and supporting future generations of inventors and entrepreneurs.
Nation of Makers, in collaboration with the Institute of Library and Museum Services and the Congressional Maker Caucus, is hosting this event.