Copyright basics and considerations for entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur, you can't afford to ignore copyrights. Join experts from the USPTO's Office of Policy and International Affairs for an overview of copyrights and insights into registration and enforcement.  This event is free and open to the public.  Seating is limited, so register early

Through the USPTO’s Global Intellectual Property Academy, the Office of Policy and International Affairs’ Copyright Team advises the administration and other federal government departments and agencies on domestic and international copyright legal and policy issues. The office also provides technical assistance and training on copyright-related matters to both U.S. and foreign government officials.

For more information, please contact the Rocky Mountain U.S. Patent & Trademark Office 

**Please note that if you are attending at the Rocky Mountain Regional Office of the USPTO, it is located in a federal facility.  Visitors are required to present a valid form of government-issued identification (driver license or passport) and will be subject to security screening to gain access.**

Remote broadcast nodes

You can also join us at one of the remote broadcast nodes listed below:

Wyoming State Library
2800 Central Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002 
For more information, please contact Karen Kitchens 

University of Utah
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 S 1500 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
For more information, please contact Alfred Mowdood

University of North Dakota 
Chester Fritz Library 
3051 University Ave Room 217d 
Grand Forks, ND 58202 
For more information, please contact Holly Gabriel

Wichita State University
Ablah Library, Room 217 
1845 Fairmount St. 
Wichita, KS 67260
For more information, please contact Sara Butts

University of Nebraska College of Law
Schmid Law Library

1875 N. 42nd Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
For more information, please contact Rich Leiter


 Register now

This event is part of a series: Trademark Tuesday