Mandatory trademark identity verification: new options and choosing user roles

This is an expired event listing. A video recording of the event is posted above. You can also download a pdf of the slides.

Earlier this year, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) launched identity verification for trademark filers to better protect our customers from scams and fraudulent activities related to the trademark register.

Starting August 6, 2022, identity verification will become mandatory for all trademark filers. Read our latest Director's blog for more information.

We’ll also take an in-depth look at how user roles help regulate unauthorized trademark submissions and how you can determine the right role for your filing situation. Whether you’re a small business owner or seasoned trademark practitioner, this webinar is a great opportunity to learn about our expanded options for verifying your identity while protecting your privacy.

Other topics include:

  • Online verification and privacy options
  • Selection of a user role
  • Parties authorized to make submissions through verified accounts
  • Obligations of attorneys sponsoring support staff

This webinar is suited for a general audience, though there will be detailed discussion of attorney obligations in the second half. Trademark filers of all experience levels are encouraged to watch.


  • Amy Cotton, Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy, USPTO
  • Matthew Schwab, Staff Attorney, Electronic Filing and Public Web Services, USPTO

Accessibility and contact

This webinar is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Captioning will be provided, and other reasonable accommodations may be available upon request. For any questions, please contact