Provide comments at the first public hearing on the SUCCESS Act

This hearing has now concluded. All scheduled and unscheduled testimony have taken place. If you wish to provide comments for the public record, please request to provide oral testimony at the upcoming hearings listed below or submit a written comment by June 30, 2019. 

Are you interested in providing comments on the participation of women, minorities, and veterans in entrepreneurship activities and the patent system? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is preparing a study on this subject, as required by the 2018 Study of Underrepresented Classes Chasing Engineering and Science (SUCCESS) Act. To assist in gathering information prior to compiling the report, the USPTO invites the public to provide written comments or oral testimony at one of three public hearings. 

Register to speak

Requests to testify in person at the Alexandria, Virginia, hearing should be submitted via email by May 3, 2019, to Speakers may also submit a written copy of their testimony no later than June 30, 2019, for inclusion in the official record of the proceedings. The Federal Register Notice provides detailed information regarding how to participate in the public hearings or submit written comments.

Submit a written comment

Written comments (in lieu of oral testimony at one of the three public meetings) will also be accepted. They should be submitted no later than June 30, 2019. For details, see the USPTO's SUCCESS Act webpage.

Hearing materials

Additional information

The SUCCESS Act page and the Federal Register Notice provides additional information. For non-press inquiries, please call 571-272-9880, or email

Future hearings

This hearing in Alexandria, Virginia, is one of three hearings. Subsequent ones will be held:

June 3, 2019, in San Jose, California 

June 18, 2019, in Detroit, Michigan (NEW DATE)