Izzy Mokotoff is a senior at Northwestern University and the Co-founder of SteadyScrib, an innovative med-tech startup that developed the world's first writing utensil designed specifically for individuals with Parkinson's Disease. Under her leadership, SteadyScrib obtained essential IP protections, including a provisional utility patent, trademark, and a tech transfer agreement. Mokotoff's dedication to making a positive impact on the Parkinson's community led to the acquisition of a waitlist of over 2,300 individuals through grassroots campaigns and partnerships with national hospitals, medical schools, and support groups. She and her team received recognition from various media outlets, including WGN9, NBC5, ABC7, Fox 32, WebMD, and Parkinson's News Today. Mokotoff also managed a team of more than ten student-entrepreneurs and played a pivotal role in designing and manufacturing a fully-functional product, conducting extensive user testing to validate its efficacy, which ultimately earned SteadyScrib an impressive 88% preference rate among Parkinson's patients compared to existing market technology.