Registration exam results and statistics

Exam results by fiscal year

A commercial test delivery provider administers the computer-based registration examination year round. After an applicant has been admitted to take the exam, they are able to schedule an examination appointment using a date of their choice within their examination window, and may select the appointment location from a number of testing centers.           

Exam Results by Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year

Number of Exams

Percent Pass


Unofficial examination results

Registration candidates taking the morning and afternoon sessions of the computer-delivered examination in a single day will receive an unofficial result at the end of the examination on the computer on which they take the examination.

Candidates achieving an unofficial score of 70% or more will be informed that they passed. The information they receive at that point in time is unofficial. No score will be provided to passing candidates. Candidates with scores below 70% will be notified of the percent of their correct answers. The Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) will mail official results to each candidate about a week after the candidate takes the examination.

Candidates taking the computer-delivered examination over a period of two days will not receive unofficial results at the end of either day. Official results will be mailed by OED.