Comments on Request for Comments and Extension of Comment Period on Examination Instruction and Guidance Pertaining to Patent-Eligible Subject Matter

The following comments have been submitted in response to Request for Comments and Extension of Comment Period on Examination Instruction and Guidance Pertaining to Patent-Eligible Subject Matter, published in the Federal Register at 79. Fed. Reg. 38854 (June 30, 2014).

The United States Supreme Court (Supreme Court) recently issued a decision in Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (Alice Corp.) which dealt with claims in a computerized scheme for mitigating settlement risk. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued preliminary instructions on Alice Corp. to the patent examining corps and these instructions are available on the USPTO's Internet Web site here: The USPTO is inviting public comment on the Alice Corp. preliminary instructions before providing more comprehensive guidance to the patent examining corps.

Please submit your written comments on the preliminary instructions by July 31, 2014, to the mailbox (


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F. Individuals

Received after August 1, 2014