The following comments have been submitted in response to Changes to Implement Micro Entity Status for Paying Patent Fees, published in the Federal Register at 77 Fed. Reg. 31806 (May 30, 2012) and in the Official Gazette at 1379 OG 234 (June 26, 2012).
Please note that the following documents are posted as originally received but may contain artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion.
A. Intellectual Property Organizations
AIPLA (30Jul2012)
BPLA (27Jul2012
MIPLA (30Jul2012)
SBOT (30Jul2012)
B. Government Agencies
Interagency Working Group on Technology Transfer (IAWGTT) (25Jul2012)
C. Academic and Research Institutions
The Rockefeller University (03Jul2012)
The Scripps Institute (21Jun2012)
D. Law Firms
Oliff & Berridge, PLC (17Jul2012)
E. Companies
North Dakota State University Research Foundation (27Jul2012)
F. Individuals
Bonner, Jeff (15Jun2012)
Drapeau, Raoul (17Jun2012)
Fasanello, John (31May2012)
Franklin (17Jul2012)
Goozner, Robert (30Jul2012)
Harvey, Gene (27Jun2012)
Hoeptner, Herb (31May2012)
Hoffberg, Steven (24Jul2012)
Leggett, Nickolaus (25Jun2012)
Moore, Sid (30May2012)
Neifeld, Richard (19Jun2012)
Protsik, Mark (30May2012)
Ruffner, Bryan (17Jun2012)
Sharma, Arvind (15Jun2012)
Yamada, Jeni (17Jun2012)
Yamada, Jeni (2) (17Jun2012)
Yamada-Hanff, Adam (15Jun2012)