Comments on Request for Comments on Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Practice

The following comments have been submitted either (i) by e-mail to or (ii) by postal mail in response to the notice Request for Comments on Request for Continued Examination (RCE) Practice, published in the Federal Register at 77 Fed. Reg. 78230 (Dec. 6, 2012).

Submitters may review this list to ensure their submission has been received. If a comment has not been posted, please submit it by e-mail to

Please note that the following documents are posted as originally received but may contain artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion. All files require a PDF viewer.

A. Intellectual Property Organizations

American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law (2013Feb01)

American Intellectual Property Law Association (2013Feb04)

Intellectual Property Owners Association (2013Feb04)

International Association for the Protection of the Intellectual Property of Japan (2013Mar11)

Japan Patent Attorneys Association (2013Feb03)

B. Government Agencies

C. Academic and Research Institutions

D.Law Firms

E. Companies

Honeywell International Inc. (2013Mar12)

IBM (2013Feb04)

IEEE-USA (2013Feb04)

Microsoft Corporation (2013Mar11)

F. Individuals

Adenike Adebiyi (2013Feb16)

Dan Aleksynas (2013Feb13)

Anonymous (2013Jan31)

Anonymous (2013Feb12)

Anonymous (2013Mar07)

Alice Bonnen (2013Feb12)

Joseph Drodge (2013Feb20)

Kenneth Fagin (2013Mar11)

Marianne Fuierer (2013Jan31)

Stuart Goldstein (2013Feb22)

William Grecia (2012Dec13)

Bruce Hayden (2013Mar08)

Alan Heimlich (2012Dec07)

Susanne M. Hopkins (2013Jan25)

Greg Howison (2013Mar05)

Todd Juneau (2013Mar07)

Simon Kahn (2013Feb04)

Shann Kerner (2013Feb22)

Mark Levine (2013Feb12)

Gordon Lindeen (2013Feb12)

Deepak Malhotra (2013Feb23)

Harold Nissen (2013Feb15)

James Pemrick (2013Mar07)

Linda Perry (2013Feb13)

James K. Poole (2013Mar09)

Mark Protsik (2012Dec06)

Cecil Quillen (2013Feb26)

Cecil Quillen (2013Mar10)

Mark Reichel (2013Feb17)

Lester Rules (2012Dec12)

John G. Smith (2013Feb01)

John Sopp (2013Feb05)

Thomas Steinberg (2012Dec11)

Annette Thompson (2013Feb01)

Raymond Van Dyke (2013Mar07)

Harold C. Wegner (2013Feb13)

Sinai Yarus (2012Dec16)

Joseph Zucchero (2013Feb04)