Who May Sign Forms PTO/SB/15A and 15B?

The certification of micro entity status forms (Forms PTO/SB/15A and PTO/SB/15B) may only be signed by an authorized party as set forth in 37 CFR 1.33(b).  This means that the only parties who may sign a certification of micro entity status form are:

  1. A registered patent practitioner, meaning a registered attorney or agent who is either of record or acting in a representative capacity under 37 CFR 1.34;
  2. An inventor who is named as the sole inventor and identified as the applicant; or
  3. All of the joint inventors who are identified as the applicant.  If qualified for micro entity status, joint inventor applicants should sign separate copies of the relevant micro entity certification form(s).

An officer of an assignee corporation or organization is not authorized to sign a certification of micro entity status form.

An exception applies to international (PCT) applications filed outside the United States and to international design applications. In an international (PCT) application filed in a Receiving Office other than the United States Receiving Office, the certification may also be signed by a person authorized to represent the applicant under 37 CFR 1.455. In an international design application, the certification may also be signed by a person authorized to represent the applicant under 37 CFR 1.1041 before the International Bureau where the micro entity certification is filed with the International Bureau.

For additional information, see the Micro Entity Fee FAQs.