Patent Term Adjustment Petitions

OPET – Office of Petitions
OPLA – Office of Patent Legal Administration

Generally Available

Petition Type

Average Days Pending of Decided Petitions

Median Days Pending of Decided Petitions

Grant Rate Percentage

Deciding Office

ePetition Option

551 - Correction of Patent Term Adjustment Value After Issue1206471%OPET 
552 - Reinstatement of Reduced Term (Rule 705 (c ))NoneNoneNoneOPET 
553 - Filed for Patent Term Extension, Rule 701NoneNoneNoneOPLA 
554 - Correction of Patent Term Adjustment Value After Issue for IDS Submissions with Safe Harbor Statement8959.588%*OPET 

*Infrequently Filed Petition

Displayed are 12 month rolling average and median values. When the median value is significantly different than the average value the median value will provide a better representation of when a particular category of petition has been decided. This is because a small number of outliers can disproportionately impact the average value. The values exclude ePetitions.

The data is current as of January 2, 2025, and is updated quarterly.