Reexamination Related Petitions

CRU – Central Reexamination Unit
OPLA – Office of Patent Legal Administration

Generally Available

Petition Type

Avg. Days Pending of Decided Petitions

Grant Rate Percentage

Deciding Office

ePetition Option

Extension of time in Ex Parte reexamination under 37 CFR 1.55010586%CRU 
Extension of time in Inter Partes reexamination under 37 CFR 1.956NONENONECRU 
To expunge under 1.59319100%CRU
To review denial in Ex Parte reexamination under 1.51573100%CRU 
To the Director under 1.181796%CRU
Under 1.182644%CRU
For suspension of the rules under 1.183556%CRU

*Infrequently Filed Petition

This is a 12 Month Rolling Average.

The data is current as of February 13, 2018 and will be updated when more data is available.