Comments on Setting Adjusting Patent Fees

The following comments have been submitted in response to Setting and Adjusting Patent Fees, published in the Federal Register at 77 Fed. Reg. 55028 (September 6, 2012).

Please note that the following documents are posted as originally received but may contain artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion.

Intellectual Property Organizations

Coalition for Patent and Trademark Information Dissemination (CPTID) (2012Sep18)

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (2012Oct19)

Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) (2012Oct31)

Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (2012Nov1)

American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Section (ABA IP) (2012Nov1)

Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) (2012Nov5)

Public Knowledge (2012Nov5)

American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) (2012Nov5)

Not-for-Profit or Academic or Research Institution

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) (2012Nov5)

National Asian American Coalition (NAAC) (2012Nov5)

Law Firms

Oliff Berridge PLC (2012Nov5)


Rules, Lester (2012Sep5)

Singh, Sanjeev (2012Sep5)

Wolfeld, Warren (2012Sep13)

Swanson, Dan (2012Sep18)

Moulton, Lyman (2012Sep28)

Paffett, Kevin (2012Sep30)

Unnamed (2012Oct1)

Palmer, Alun (2012Oct4)

Murphy, Kent (2012Oct15)

Villamar, Carlos (2012Oct22)

Wasserman, Melissa (2012Oct30)

Shewmaker, Ansley (2012Oct30)

Ebert, Kelsey (2012Oct30)

Cahill, Steven (2012Nov5)

Katznelson, Ron (2) (2012Nov5)

Katznelson, Ron (2012Nov5)

Trzyna, Peter (2012Nov6)